NOVEMBER 8-12, 2013 - 61st Annual Scientific Meeting

NOVEMBER 8-12, 2013 - 61st Annual Scientific Meeting

NOVEMBER 8-12, 2013 - 61st Annual Scientific Meeting

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<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 8-<strong>12</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>Hilton Bonnet Creek Orlando • Orlando, FLDON’T MISS THE 61 ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING!Look inside to see how you can:• Earn up to 59.75 CME/CMLE/SAM credits• Gain valuable clinical insight from expert presenters• Contribute to the ASC Foundation “ ”draisers: 5K Run/Walk & Art Auction• Engage in exciting sessions: Thyroid Ultrasound FNA, Challenges inCytomorphology, Career Planning and Growth, Hot Topic: HPV Testing, etc.• And much more!Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMCOMMITTEEChairDina R. Mody, MDHouston, TexasKristen A. Atkins, MDCharlottesville, VirginiaBeverly Haigler-Daly,BS, CT(ASCP)Matthews, North CarolinaLiron Pantanowitz, MDWexford, PennsylvaniaSandra Giroux, MS,SCT(ASCP) cm , CFIACBurlington, VermontDonna K. Russell, MS,CT(ASCP)Rochester, New YorkMomin T. Siddiqui,MD, FIACAtlanta, GeorgiaAngela M. Wright, MDHouston, TexasDEAR COLLEAGUES,Join more than 700 of your colleagues in Orlando!On behalf of the American Society of Cytopathology, we’d like to invite you to attend the61 st <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> to be held November 8-<strong>12</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>, at the Hilton Bonnet Creek Orlandoin Orlando, Florida.Carefully designed by the <strong>Scientific</strong> Program Committee, this year’s meeting offers attendeesthe opportunity to network with peers, learn new trends and hear cutting-edge scientificadvancements in cytopathology from the experts. Join us this year and discover why the <strong>Annual</strong><strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> is a unique and engaging educational experience you won’t find anywhere else.This year’s program highlights include:• Discoverer of numerous U.S. patents, recipient of several prominent research awards,Dr. James G. Fujimoto, principal investigator at MIT presents the Leopold Koss Lecture on“Biomedical Imaging”.• “CSI in the Cytology Laboratory” will be presented as the New Frontiers Lecture,by Dr. Bryan K. Knight of Queensland, Australia.• “CLIA ’88 and Cytopathology: How Was Our Practice Affected?” will be the title of ourCurrent Issues in Cytology session this year. Dr. Diane Davey will moderate panelists, includingDrs. Austin, Birdsong, and Ms. Sue Zaleski.• In celebration of the 25 th anniversary of CLIA ‘88, investigative journalist, Walt Bogdanich, willpresent the Guest Lecture on his work at the Wall Street Journal on workload recommendations,immediately following Current Issues in Cytology.• “HPV Testing” is the topic of our Hot Topic session, moderated by Dr. George G. Birdsong,with panelists including Drs. Austin, Stoler, Flowers, Gibson, and Wilbur.• Dr. Kristen A. Atkins moderates the State of the Art Symposium on “Lung Carcinomas andMesotheliomas,” with panelists including Drs. Zakowski, Kipp, and Dacic.• “Molecular Diagnostics in Cytology” will be the topic of Innovations and Trends in Medicine,with Dr. Jane S. Gibson moderating a panel including Drs. Arundhati Rao and Stephen Young.• Diagnostic Cytology Seminar co-moderated by Dr. Mary R. Schwartz and Ms. Donna K. Russell,with panelists Dr. Yener Erozan, Dr. Rodolfo Laucirica, Dr. Savitri Krishnamurthy, andMs. Maria A. Friedlander.• Strategies in Cytopathology Education will contain the new ACGME accreditationrequirements affecting cytopathology program directors, in one session, as two parts.• Strategies in Cytotechnology Education discusses the hot topic of “Entry-levelCompetencies,” along with “Digital Strategies in Teaching GYN.”We welcome both members and non-members to the <strong>Meeting</strong> and look forward to seeingeveryone in Orlando!Sincerely,Andrew A. Renshaw, MD, ASC PresidentDina R. Mody, MD, ASC <strong>Scientific</strong> Program Committee, Chair2 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

MEETING OVERVIEWThe American Society of Cytopathology presents an <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> consistingof scientific lectures, Workshops, Challenges in Diagnostic Cytomorphology Sessions,Diagnostic Seminar, Strategies in Cytology Education Sessions, Poster and Platform Sessions,Panel Luncheon Seminars, Video Microscopy Tutorials, Roundtable Discussions,President Rounds, two Thyroid Ultrasound FNA Courses, and Technical Exhibits.Target AudienceThis meeting is designed for pathologists, cytopathologists, cytotechnologists,students, and other members of the cytopathology community.TABLE OFCONTENTSIn this brochureyou will find:Foundation 5K Run/Walkand Art Auction .................... 4FoundationTravel Scholarships .............. 5Educational ObjectivesThe American Society of Cytopathology’s 61 st <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> will:• Update cytopathologists, cytotechnologists and anatomic pathologists on the currentpractice of cytopathology, review the latest techniques and guidelines, and update diseaseclassification to achieve better diagnostic accuracy.• Encourage and promote greater knowledge of Cytopathology, small biopsiesand ancillary testing to set the highest standards for quality patient care.• Foster research in the early diagnosis and effective treatment of human cancerand other diseases.• Provide a forum for advocacy on behalf of cytopathologists and their patients.Schedule at a Glance ............ 6<strong>Meeting</strong> Program ............7-15Exhibit Hall/PosterInformation .......................17Faculty .......................... 18-19Hotel and Travel ................ 20Registration Information ....21Member-Get-A-MemberProgram .............................22Earn up to 59.75 CME and CMLE Credits (26.5 with Basic Registration)Credits by day: Friday 9.5 | Saturday 15.25 | Sunday 17.25 | Monday 14.75 | Tuesday 4Continuing Medical Education (CME): The American Society of Cytopathology is accredited by the AccreditationCouncil for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.The American Society of Cytopathology designates this educational activity for a maximum of 59.75 AMA PRA Category1 Credits. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.Continuing Medical Laboratory Education (CMLE): The ASC designates this activity for a maximum of 59.75Continuing Medical Laboratory Education (CMLE) credit hours for non-physicians. The CMLE credit hours meet thecontinuing education requirements for the ASCP Board of Registry Certification Maintenance Program. Participantsshould claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.American Board of Pathology Maintenance of Certification (MOC): The 61 st <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> willhave up to 110 courses available to help fulfill the CME requirements mandated by the American Board of PathologyMaintenance of Certification (MOC) process. Each session will show one or more of the following icons to provewhat competency areas are satisfied:Celebrate YourMentoring Experience ........23MembershipApplication ....................24-25NOW YOU CANREGISTER FOR AONE DAY PASS!Earn up to 31.75 SAM Credits (8.5 with Basic Registration)Self-Assessment Modules (SAMs): The 61 st <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> will offer 56 additional sessions (maximum of 31.75credits) requiring completion of (SAM) to test knowledge. The two “Challenges in Diagnostic Cytomorphology” sessions,all Video Microscopy Tutorials, Workshops, Panel Luncheon Seminars, and select scientific sessions qualify for SAMs.The ASC will provide ONLINE session evaluations for all attendees to complete in order to receive a certificatefor CME/CMLE/SAM credits. This activity is approved for continuing education credits in the State of Florida and theState of California.Participate in the discussionLinked| Follow #ASC<strong>2013</strong>Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org3

GET ACTIVE AND INVOLVED!The ASC is committed to promoting our Foundation and its key missions.*Your participation in the following activities will help raise money to supporteducational initiatives, research and continuous improvement in the standardsand quality of patient care.You’re invited to participate in theASC FOUNDATION 5K RUN/WALKThe ASC welcomes both runners and walkers at every fitnesslevel to participate in our early morning 5K Run/Walk.Non-attendees are also welcome.You’re invited to participate in theASC ART AUCTIONVery talented ASC members have submitted theirone-of-a-kind works of art to the ASC Art Auction.Don’t miss the chance to purchase quality artworkwhile supporting a great cause.Held during the Wine & Cheese ReceptionLocation:Hilton Bonnet Creek OrlandoSaturday, November 9, <strong>2013</strong>Check-in starts at 6:00 am5K Run/Walk begins at 6:30 amRegistration: $25 on or before October 20, <strong>2013</strong>$35 after October 20, <strong>2013</strong>T-shirts:Prizes:Participants who register byOctober 1 st receive an event t-shirt(Supply is limited and not guaranteed forregistrations received after October 1 st )1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd place medals will beawarded to both males and femalesMonday, November 11, <strong>2013</strong>6:00 pm – 8:00 pmSignature Island(Bidding concludes at 7:30 pm)Winning bidders will be announced at the conclusion of theWine and Cheese Reception and will be notified via email. The ASCwill ship the artwork to the winning bidder for an additional $25 fee.*Key missions of the ASC Foundation are supporting educational initiatives, research and patient advocacy. Educational enhancement is given by honoring residents, fellows andcytotechnologists with educational travel scholarships to attend the ASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>, where participants obtain professional development through lectures, workshops,seminars, poster sessions, and diagnostic challenges. Research initiatives are presented as research grants to promote research in the field of cytopathology. Patient Advocacy isdemonstrated by several grants the ASC has provided to those who have helped the underprivileged in the United States and abroad.THE ASC FOUNDATIONTHANKS YOU FORGETTING INVOLVEDAND STAYING ACTIVEVISIT THE ASC WEB SITE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER:CYTOPATHOLOGY.ORGFor questions or additional information:ASC National Office | (302) 543-6583 or asc@cytopathology.org4

ASC FOUNDATION TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPSApplication Deadline: August 1, <strong>2013</strong> | Award Notification: September <strong>2013</strong>SCHOLARSHIP WINNERSFROM LAST YEAR HADTHIS TO SAY…“The American Society of Cytopathology meetingreinforces why we each of us has chosen our profession/field… We are all ‘saving lives, one cell at a time.’ I’mvery grateful for being chosen for the Cytotechnologistscholarship award this year in Las Vegas.”Julie DeLuca, BS, CT(ASCP)Roswell Park Cancer Institute“It was an amazing experience. There is nothingquite like walking into a room with hundreds ofpeople and without saying a word knowing you havesomething in common with every one of them.”Courtney Robinson BS, CT(ASCP)University of Kansas Medical Center“Being a first time attendee, the meeting definitelygave me a platform to meet the recognizedexperts in my field, interact with the peers andlearn the latest trends in cytology throughinteractive scientific sessions.”Gitika Aggarwal, MDMemorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center“I feel that the meeting was an important steppingstone on my career path as a cytopathologist.Presenting my poster gave me the opportunity togive something back to the field of cytopathologywhile meeting new colleagues in the process.”Kim Berg, MDNorthwestern Memorial Hospitalr“I had a fantastic experience at the 60 th <strong>Annual</strong><strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> in Las Vegas. The large talksavailable to all attendees were very educationaland it was a privilege to hear renowned pathologistssuch as Dr. Pitman, Dr. Westra and Dr. Austin(to highlight just a few) speak.”Benjamin Cho, MDUniversity of Virginia Health SystemThe ASC Foundation is now accepting applications for <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong><strong>Meeting</strong> Travel Scholarships. Applications will only be accepted onthe ASC Web site: www.cytopathology.org. For questions regardingsubmission of your application, please contact the ASC National Officeat (302) 543–6583 or asc@cytopathology.org.ASC FOUNDATION ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETINGTRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPSCytotechnologist – ASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> Travel ScholarshipThe ASC Foundation awards $2,000 each to five qualified cytotechnologists, who are ASCmembers and in their first two years of practice, to attend the ASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>.This scholarship, based on need and merit, defrays registration, travel and hotel costs, andincludes funding for one workshop, one panel luncheon, and per diem allowance.Fellow/Resident – ASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> Travel ScholarshipThe ASC Foundation awards $2,000 each to five qualified Pathology Residents orCytopathology Fellows, who are ASC members to attend the ASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>.This scholarship, based on need and merit, defrays registration, travel and hotel costs, andwill include funding for one workshop, one panel luncheon, and per diem allowance.For more information, please contact the ASC National Office at (302) 543–6583or asc@cytopathology.orgINTERSOCIETY COUNCIL FORPATHOLOGY INFORMATION, INC.<strong>2013</strong> Trainee Travel Award ApplicationIntersociety Council for Pathology Information, Inc. (ICPI) has launched a program tosupport trainee participation in scientific meetings organized by its sponsoring andassociate member societies. A limited number of ICPI Trainee Travel Awards are availablein <strong>2013</strong>. There are 2 types of Travel Awards:1) Trainee Travel Award: $500.00 for trainees who do not submit an abstract2) Trainee Travel Award with Abstract: $750.00 for trainees who are an author/co-author onan accepted abstract at the meeting they are attending.The award is a stipend intended to offset the travel costs for attending one of ICPI’smember societies’ meetings. Awardees must currently be a trainee (medical student,graduate student, resident, fellow) member of one of the American Society of Cytopathology.To apply for this award, visit ICPI web site (pathologytraining.org)for more information.For more information, please contact the ASC National Office:American Society of Cytopathology • 100 West 10 th Street, Suite 605 • Wilmington, DE 19801Phone: (302)543-6583 • Fax: (302)543-6597 • Email: bjenkins@cytopathology.orgWeb site: cytopathology.orgRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org5

SCHEDULE AT A GLANCEThursday, November 74:00 pm – 7:00 pm Registration Open*Friday, November 87:00 am – 7:00 pm Registration Open*7:30 am – 8:00 am Challenges and Strategies Breakfast8:00 am – 10:00 am Strategies in Cytotechnology Education 18:00 am – 10:00 am Strategies in Cytopathology Education8:00 am – <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Challenges in Diagnostic Cytomorphology 110:30 am – <strong>12</strong>:30 pm Strategies in Cytotechnology Education 210:30 am – <strong>12</strong>:30 pm Strategies in Cytopathology Education (continued)1:15 pm – 4:00 pm Challenges in Diagnostic Cytomorphology 22:00 pm – 3:30 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 1–34:30 pm – 6:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 4–66:00 pm – 8:30 pm Hot Topic7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 7–9Saturday, November 96:00 am Foundation 5K Run/Walk Check-in6:30 am Race Begins7:00 am – 7:30 am Continental Breakfast7:00 am – 6:00 pm Registration Open*7:30 am – 9:00 am Presidents’ Rounds 1-38:30 am – 9:00 am Gathering for First-Time Attendees9:00 am – 10:00 am Cytotechnologist Business <strong>Meeting</strong>10:00 am – 11:00 am State of the Society10:00 am – 11:30 am Workshops 1-211:00 am – 11:30 am CLIA ’88 Introduction11:30 am – <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Papanicolaou Address<strong>12</strong>:00 pm – 1:45 pm Panel Luncheon 1<strong>12</strong>:00 pm – 1:45 pm Roundtable Discussions 1-132:00 pm – 3:00 pm Leopold Koss Lectureship3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Current Issues in Cytology3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 10-113:30 pm – 5:00 pm Workshop 34:30 pm – 5:00 pm Poster Presentation Break5:00 pm – 5:45 pm Guest Lecture5:45 pm – 7:45 pm Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials <strong>12</strong>-137:00 pm – 8:30 pm Workshop 4Sunday, November 107:00 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors7:00 am – 5:30 pm Registration Open*7:30 am – 9:00 am Video Microscopy Tutorial 147:30 am – 9:00 am Workshops 5-68:00 am – 9:30 am Platforms Presentations 1-6Sunday, November 10 (continued)9:30 am – 10:00 am Poster Presentation and Exhibitor Refreshment Break10:00 am – <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Platform Presentations 7-1410:30 am – <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 15-1610:30 am – <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Workshop 7<strong>12</strong>:00 pm – 1:45 pm Panel Luncheon 2<strong>12</strong>:00 pm – 1:45 pm Roundtable Discussions 14-262:00 pm – 3:30 pm State of the Art Symposium3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Poster Presentation and Exhibitor Refreshment Break3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 17-184:30 pm – 5:30 pm State of the Art Symposium (continued)5:35 pm – 6:05 pm <strong>Annual</strong> Business <strong>Meeting</strong>7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 19-207:00 pm – 8:30 pm Workshop 87:00 pm – 8:30 pm Career SessionMonday, November 117:00 am – 6:00 pm Registration Open*7:00 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors7:30 am – 9:00 am Video Microscopy Tutorials 21-238:00 am – 9:00 am Innovations & Trends in Medicine9:00 am – 10:00 am Poster Presentation and Exhibitor Refreshment Break(Exhibit Hall permanently closes at 10:00 am)10:00 am – 11:00 am Innovations & Trends in Medicine (continued)11:00 am – <strong>12</strong>:00 pm New Frontiers Lecture<strong>12</strong>:00 pm – 1:45 pm Panel Luncheon 3<strong>12</strong>:00 pm – 1:45 pm Roundtable Discussions 27-392:00 pm – 3:30 pm Diagnostic Cytology Seminar3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Refreshment Break4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Diagnostic Cytology Seminar (continued)5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Award Presentations6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Wine and Cheese Reception & Foundation Art Auction7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Workshops 10-117:00 pm – 9:30 pm Thyroid Ultrasound-Guided FNA CourseTuesday, November <strong>12</strong>7:00 am – 10:30 am Registration Open*7:00 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast8:00 am – 9:30 am Video Microscopy Tutorials 24-258:00 am – 9:30 am Workshops <strong>12</strong>-1610:00 am – <strong>12</strong>:30 pm Thyroid Ultrasound-Guided FNA Course10:30 am – <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 26-2710:30 am – <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Workshops 17-20*Please Note: Pre-registration is recommended. If you register onsite,handouts will not be available until after the <strong>Meeting</strong>Included with Basic Registration | Extra Fee Required6 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

MEETING PROGRAMPODCASTS AVAILABLEIndividual sessions will berecorded and available forpurchase. Use Live <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong><strong>Meeting</strong> sessions as education andgain credit for it at home or in theoffice as a group.Registrants get reduced rates. Look for this iconnext to titles.8:00 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Challenges in Diagnostic Cytomorphology I3.75 CME/CMLE/SAMModerator: Dina R. Mody, MDEdmund S. Cibas, MDSyed Z. Ali, MDMary R. Schwartz, MDKristen A. Atkins, MD10:30 am - <strong>12</strong>:30 pm Strategies in Cytotechnology Education 21.5 CME/CMLEDigital Teaching Strategies in GYN CytologyMarilee Means, PhD, SCT(ASCP)Jacqueline Cuda, BS, SCT (ASCP)Walid E. Khalbuss, MD, PhD FIAC10:30 am - <strong>12</strong>:30 pm Strategies in Cytopathology Education(continued)THURSDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 74:00 pm - 7:00 pm Registration OpenFRIDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 87:00 am - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast for Registrants ofStrategies in Education and Challenges inDiagnostic Cytomorphology8:00 am - 10:00 am Strategies in Cytotechnology Education <strong>12</strong>.0 CME/CMLEThe Next Steps Forward, Moving OurCytotechnology Training Programs Towards aMore Modern Practice ModelDonald Schnitzler, BS, CT(ASCP)Stephanie A. Hamilton, EdD, SCT, MB(ASCP)8:00 am - 10:00 am Strategies in Cytopathology Education4.0 CME/CMLEThe NAS, Milestones, and What CytopathologyFellowship Program Directors Need to KnowWesley Y. Naritoku, MD, PhDDeborah J. Chute, MD1:15 pm - 4:00 pm Challenges in Diagnostic Cytomorphology II3.75 CME/CMLE/SAMModerator: Dina R. Mody, MDEva M. Wojcik, MDRichard M. DeMay, MDDavid C. Wilbur, MD2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 1 – 31.5 CME/CMLE/SAM1. Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumors:An Algorithmic Approach to Diagnosisand Sub-ClassificationMomin T. Siddiqui, MD2. Diagnosing Renal and Adrenal FNA’s:Approach and PitfallsGüliz A. Barkan, MD, FIAC3. Liquid-Based Methods for Thyroid FNAEdmund S. Cibas, MD4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 4 – 61.5 CME/CMLE/SAM4. Pancreatic FNA CytopathologyEdward B. Stelow, MD5. Navigating EBUS-Guided AspirationsKristen A. Atkins, MD6. Atypical Epithelial Cells, ASC and AGC:Difficult Interpretations withChallenging DifferentialsChristine N. Booth, MDFadi W. Abdul-Karim, MDSAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee RequiredRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org7

MEETING PROGRAMFRIDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 8 (continued)6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Hot Topic: HPV Testing in Cervical CancerScreening: Why? How? Are There Pitfalls?2.5 CME/CMLEIncluded in the Basic Registration Fee,but Pre-Registration is required.Moderator: George G. Birdsong, MDPanelists: R. Marshall Austin, MD, PhDMark H. Stoler, MDLisa Flowers, MDJane S. Gibson, PhDCheryl Wiseman, MPH, CT(ASCP)David C. Wilbur, MD7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 7 – 91.5 CME/CMLE/SAMSATURDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 97. Urine Cytology Made EasyEva M. Wojcik, MD8. Thyroid, Focus on Smear Based DifficultCases and Minimizing Atypical, Suspiciousand FLUS DiagnosisBritt-Marie Ljung, MD9. Diagnostic Difficulties in Pulmonary Cytologyand Proper Use of Ancillary TestsHormoz Ehya, MD6:00am ASC Foundation draiser5K Run/Walk Check-in6:30am5K Run/Walk Begins7:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration Open7:30 am - 9:00 am Presidents’ Rounds 1 - 31.5 CME/CMLE1. Follow-up of Abnormal and Limited CervicalCancer Screening Results: An Update from the20<strong>12</strong> ASCCP Consensus ConferenceDiane D. Davey, MD2. Perturbed by Pee? Let’s Try a DifferentApproach! Urinary Cytology Diagnosisand ReportingDorothy Rosenthal, MD3. One Health: Lessons from VeterinaryCytopathology to Enhance HumanDiagnostic Cytopathology1.5 CME/CMLELydia Pleotis Howell, MDWilliam Vernau, BVMS, DVSc, PhDMary Meighan Tomic, MD8:30 am - 9:00 am Gathering for First-Time AttendeesThe ASC would like to welcome participants ofthe <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> who are attendingfor the first time. The <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>can be quite large and impersonal if you arealone. The ASC would like to extend a welcominghand and provide a familiar face in the crowd tothose “first-timers.”9:00 am - 10:00 am ASC Cytotechnologist Business <strong>Meeting</strong>Members and Non-members can join in thisdiscussion on current issues in Cytotechnology.We hope to see all Cytotechnologists, CytologyState and Regional Organization leaders (SRO),and anyone interested in subjects that focus onCytotechnologists and Cytotechnology.10:00 am - 11:00 am State of the SocietyAndrew A. Renshaw, MD, ASC PresidentWilliam N. Crabtree, PhD, SCT(ASCP),ASC Foundation Co-ChairJill L. Caudill MEd , SCT(ASCP) CMCytotechnologist Executive Board MemberRitu Nayar, MD, MIAC, ASC President Elect7:00 am – 7:30 am Continental BreakfastSUBMIT AN ARTICLE TO THE JASC!SEE PAGE 16 FOR MORE DETAILSSAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee Required8 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

MEETING PROGRAMSATURDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 9 (continued)10:00 am - 11:30 am Workshops 1 – 21.5 CME/CMLE/SAM1. “You Reap What You Sow:” AddressingPre-analytical Issues in Molecular CytopathologyGilda da Cunha Santos, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FIACMauro Saieg, MD, PhD2. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided FineNeedle Aspiration: Patient CenteredPersonalized MedicineNirag Jhala, MD, MIACDarshana Jhala, MD, BMusRamesh Shah, DMD11:00 am - 11:30 am 25 Years Ago, CLIA’88 Happened.5 CMLE/CMLEDiane D. Davey, MD11:30 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Papanicolaou Address.5 CME/CMLEAwardee: George G. Birdsong, MDThe Papanicolaou Award, established in 1958,is the highest Award given by the Societyand is presented annually to a physician orPhD member. Recipients are in recognitionof meritorious contributions in the fieldof Cytopathology.<strong>12</strong>:00 pm - 1:45 pm Panel Luncheon 11.75 CME/CMLE/SAMPersonalized Genomic Medicine &Bioinformatics Changing Today’s Practice ofCytopathology Sponsored by the PapanicolaouSociety of CytopathologyLiron Pantanowitz, MDSara E. Monaco, MDAnna B. Berry, MDMatthew Zarka, MD<strong>12</strong>:00 pm - 1:45 pm Roundtable Discussions 1 - 131.75 CME/CMLE1. ICD-10 Transition: Are You Ready?Michele A. Smith, MS, SCT(ASCP)2. Employee Empowerment: The Good,The Bad and The UglyDonna K. Russell, MS, CT(ASCP)HT3. HPV Results as a Quality MonitorEdmund S. Cibas, MD4. International Cytology ConsultationThrough Telepathology – Our ExperienceAfter One Year in PracticeJianyu Rao, MD5. The ABC’s of CHC: What’s the Use ofGynecologic Cytologic-HistologicCorrelation?Ann T. Moriarty, MD6. Don’t Leave Your Laboratory’s Future to DumbLuck! Build a Stronger Laboratory Through theScience of Project ManagementKalyani Naik, MS, SCT(ASCT)7. Circulating Tumor Cells in Cytology (CTCs)Malini Harigopal, MD8. Everything You Want to Know About HPVTesting: Validation, Uses, Abuses and MisusesMark H. Stoler, MD9. Advancing Leadership Skills to FacilitateEffective Change in CytologyDeborah A. Hillsdon-Smith, MBA, SCT(ASCP)10. NO TEXTING WHILE SCREENING - WhyMulti-tasking is a Myth and Other Realitiesthat Lead to MistakesJill L. Caudill MEd , SCT(ASCP)11. Cell Blocks for Molecular Tests andImmunocytochemistry Applications—Frustrations & Triumphs!Vinod B. Shidham, MD, FRCPath, FIAC<strong>12</strong>. Beating the Odds: Challenges in theManagement of Cytology Services andCytopreparatory TechniquesDebora A. Smith, CT(ASCP)13. Cytotechnology in the 21 st CenturyRachel E. Jacobs, SCT(ASCP)SAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee RequiredRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org9

MEETING PROGRAMSATURDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 9 (continued)2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Leopold Koss Lectureship1.0 CME/CMLEBiomedical Imaging Using OpticalCoherence Tomography (OCT)James G. Fujimoto, PhD3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Current Issues in Cytology1.5 CME/CMLE/SAMCLIA ’88 and Cytopathology: How Was OurPractice Affected?Moderator: Diane D. Davey, MDPanelists: M. Sue Zaleski, MA, SCT(ASCP)R. Marshall Austin, MD, PhDGeorge G. Birdsong, MD3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 10 – 111.5 CME/CMLE/SAM10. Practical Approaches to Head andNeck CytopathologyWilliam Faquin, MD, PhD11. Basics in Soft Tissue/Bone CytopathologyPaul E. Wakely, Jr., MD3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Workshop 31.5 CME/CMLE/SAMHeadaches and Highlights of Hepaticand Renal FNAGladwyn Leiman, MD4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Poster Presentation Break5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Guest Lecture1.0 CME/CMLECLIA ’88: First Person AccountWalt Bogdanich5:45 pm - 7:45 pm Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials <strong>12</strong> – 131.5 CME/CMLE/SAM<strong>12</strong> Breast FNAC: Splendors and MiseriesPhilippe R. Vielh, MD, PhD13 Pancreatic Cytology: Utilizing the ProposedNew Terminology of the PSC PancreatobiliaryGuidelinesMartha B. Pitman, MD7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Workshop 41.5 CME/CMLE/SAMSUNDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 10Urine Cytology - When to FISHOscar Lin, MDDorota E. Rudomina, CT(ASCP)7:00 am - 5:30 pm Registration Open7:00 am - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors7:30 am - 9:00 am Video Microscopy Tutorial 141.5 CME/CMLE/SAMDifficult Differential Diagnoses in GYNJamie L. Covell, BS, CT(ASCP)7:30 am - 9:00 am Workshops 5 – 61.5 CME/CMLE/SAM5. A Practical Approach to FNA Biopsy of Reactiveversus Lymphoproliferative Disorders withEmphasis on Ancillary/Molecular TechniquesSimon Bergman, MDMichael W. Beaty, MD6. The Challenge of Ensuring Adequacy in theNew Era of Targeted Lung Cancer TherapyMichael J. Thrall, MDJohn M. Stewart, MD, PhD8:00 am - 9:30 am Platform Presentations 1 - 61.5 CME/CMLE9:30 am - 10:00 am Poster Presentation and ExhibitorRefreshment BreakSAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee Required10 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

MEETING PROGRAMSUNDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 10 (continued)10:00 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Platform Presentations 7 - 142 CME/CMLE10:30 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 15 – 161.5 CME/CMLE/SAM15. Anal Cytology: An OverviewTeresa M. Darragh, MD16. Common and Uncommon Lesionsof the LiverNirag Jhala, MD, MIAC10:30 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Workshop 71.5 CME/CMLE/SAMThe ‘Elusive’ HSIL: Analyses of Liquid-BasedPap Test Immediately Preceding Histologically-Proven HSILRana S. Hoda, MD, FIACSusan Alperstein, MS, CT(ASCP)<strong>12</strong>:00 pm - 1:45 pm Panel Luncheon 21.75 CME/CMLE/SAMCervical Cancer Screening in Australia, The Past,Present and Future: The Baby in the Bath WaterModerator: Syed Z. Ali, MDAndrew Field, MB BS(Hons), FRCPA, FIAC,DipCytopath(RCPA)Annabelle Farnsworth, MB, BS, FRCPA, FIAC,DipCytopath(RCPA)Marion Saville, MB ChB AmBd,(AnatPath&Cytopath), FIAC Grad Dip Med(ClinEpi)<strong>12</strong>:00 pm - 1:45 pm Roundtable Discussions 14 - 261.75 CME/CMLE14. Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration: Strategy toMinimize Atypical Follicular Lesion of UncertainSignificance in Bethesda ClassificationGrace C. H. Yang, MD15. Dealing with Emotional Patients inThe FNA ClinicRonald Balassanian, MD16. HPV Results as a Quality MonitorEdmund S. Cibas, MDRoundtable Discussions 14 - 26 (continued)17. Practical Cytology InformaticsAnil Parwani, MD, PhD18. Diagnostic Errors in Cytology: Common Causesand Prevention StrategiesRana S. Hoda, MD, FIAC, MBBS19. Centralized Pap Track: Cytology DepartmentCollaboration in a System Approach to CervicalCancer ScreeningLynnette Savaloja, BS, SCT(ASCP)20. The Quest for the Perfect Pap Stain:How to Fix Your Problems andMake Slides InterpretableBarbara A. Crothers, DO21. Coding and Billing: Current Issuesand UpdatesMargaret H. Neal, MD22. The Utility of Cell-Blocks in Fine NeedleAspiration of ThyroidKamal Khurana, MD23. Biomarkers in Gynecologic Cytology andBiopsies: Use, Misuse and AbuseRosemary Tambouret, MD24. Implementation and Maintenance of anUltrasound-Guided Fine Needle AspirationService for Patients with Thyroid NodulesLuis De Las Casas, MD25. Cytopreparation: Still Crazy AfterAll These YearsGary Gill, BA, CT(ASCP)26. Telecytopathology Implementation:Challenges and OpportunitiesBrian T. Collins, MD2:00 pm - 3:30 pm State of the Art Symposium2.5 CME/CMLE/SAMGuiding the Cells - The Cytologist’s Role inProcurement, Diagnosis, and Molecular Studiesof Lung Carcinomas and MesotheliomasModerator:Panelists:Kristen A. Atkins, MDMaureen F. Zakowski, MDBenjamin R. Kipp, PhDSanja Dacic, MD, PhDSAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee RequiredRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org11

MEETING PROGRAMSUNDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 10 (continued)3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Poster Presentation and ExhibitorRefreshment Break3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 17 – 181.5 CME/CMLE/SAM17. Pediatric Cytopathology: Commonand Uncommon EntitiesSara E. Monaco, MD18. Cytology Scene Investigation (CSI):Identity CrisisKaren M. Atkison, MPA, CT(ASCP)4:30 pm – 5:30 pm State of the Art Symposium (Continued)5:35 pm - 6:05 pm <strong>Annual</strong> Business <strong>Meeting</strong>The agenda includes reports from theExecutive Board and ASC Standing and Ad HocCommittees. The results of the <strong>2013</strong> ExecutiveBoard Election will be announced. The <strong>2013</strong>-2014 ASC President will be inducted and thenew President will announce the <strong>2013</strong>-2014Committee Chair Appointments.7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Career SessionCareer Planning and Growth: Valuable forToday, Tomorrow and BeyondIncluded in the Basic Registration Fee,but Pre-Registration is Required.Residents, fellows, cytotechnologists and studentcytotechnologists are invited to participate inthis session, devoted to career developmentas you enter the field. The session offers tipsand suggestions on how to prepare foryour future and make the most of yourcareers in cytopathology.7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 19 – 201.5 CME/CMLE/SAM19. Thyroid Cytopathology: Coming to Termswith BethesdaSyed Z. Ali, MD20. Lessons to be Learned from Cytological-Histological Correlation for Interpretationof Fine Needle Aspiration Specimens ofBreast LesionsSavitri Krishnamurthy, MD7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Workshop 81.5 CME/CMLE/SAMMONDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 11Morphology and Molecular Update in Thoracicand Mediastinal CytopathologySara E. Monaco, MDLiron Pantanowitz, MD, MIAC7:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration Open7:00 am - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors7:30 am - 9:00 am Video Microscopy Tutorials 21 – 231.5 CME/CMLE/SAM21. Challenging Cases for the CytopathologyProfessional during Immediate Assessment:Are you Prepared?Maria Friedlander, MPA, CT(ASCP)22. Serous Effusions: Cytomorphology andInterpretation in Clinical ContextAshish Chandra, FRCPath, DipRCPath23. Detection of Biliary Tract Malignancy:Cytomorphology and FISH ApplicationsAmy C. Clayton, MD8:00 am - 9:00 am Innovations and Trends in Medicine2.0 CME/CMLE/SAMMolecular Diagnostics in Cytology – CurrentAspects and Future ConsiderationsModerator: Jane S. Gibson, PhD, FACMGPanelists: Arundhati Rao, MD, PhDStephen Young, PhD9:00 am – 10:00 am Poster Presentation and ExhibitorRefreshment Break10:00 am – 11:00 am Innovations and Trends in Medicine (Continued)11:00 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm New Frontiers Lecture1.0 CME/CMLECSI in the Cytology Laboratory:How the Humble Pap Smear Naileda Serial Killer in a Crime SceneInvestigationBryan K. Knight, MB ChB, M Med(Anat Path), PhD, FIACSAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee Required<strong>12</strong> Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

MEETING PROGRAMMONDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 11 (continued)<strong>12</strong>:00 pm - 1:45 pm Panel Luncheon 31.75 CME/CMLE/SAMQuality Indicators in Gynecologic Cytology:Recommendations for Best PracticesJennifer Brainard, MDTarik Elsheikh, MDBarbara A. Crothers, DO<strong>12</strong>:00 pm - 1:45 pm Roundtable Discussions 27 - 391.75 CME/CMLE27. Ethical Dilemmas in the Cytopathology Lab:A 50-year ExperienceIbrahim Ramzy, MD28. Use, Misuse and Pitfalls in Molecular TestingAjit S. Paintal, MD29. Competency Assessment for Cytotechnologistsand Cytoprep Staff Based on the SevenCategories Required by CLIA for LaboratoryPersonnel Competency AssessmentAmy Wendel Spiczka, MS, SCT, MP, HTL(ASCP) CM30. Overdiagnosis of Thyroid Cancer andHow We Can Use The Bethesda System forReporting Thyroid Cytopathology toImprove Patient OutcomesJeffrey F. Krane, MD, PhD31. Pre-screening of Papanicolaou Smears:Rapid Manual Pre-screening Can ImproveTAT and Computerized Pre-screeningCan Improve Detection of LesionsBryan K. Knight, MB ChB, M Med (Anat Path),PhD, FIAC32. Diagnosis of Intraduct Breast LesionsAndrew Field, MB BS(Hons), FRCPA, FIAC,DipCytopath(RCPA)33. Consolidation and Relocation of CytopathologyLaboratories: Challenges and SuccessesChiara Sugrue, MBA, MS, SCT(ASCP), CMIAC34. Critical Values in CytologyAndrew A. Renshaw, MD35. The Bumpy Road of Ultrasound-Guided FNAClinic Operated by PathologistsCecilia Gimenez, MDRoundtable Discussions 27 - 39 (continued)36. Metastatic Breast Cancer - DiagnosticChallenges and Role of Ancillary StudiesElena F. Brachtel, MD37. LSIL/HSIL - Not Just for Cytology Anymore:Consensus Recommendations for theNomenclature of Cervical/Vaginal BiopsiesMichael R. Henry, MD38. MOC and Recertification: How Does itAffect Cytopathology? An Update from theAmerican Board of PathologyDiane D. Davey, MD39. Controversy in the Molecular Testingof Thyroid FNADavid F. Chhieng, MD2:00 pm–3:30 pm Diagnostic Cytology Seminar2.5 CME/CMLE/SAMModerators: Mary R. Schwartz, MDDonna K. Russell, MS, CT(ASCP)HTPanelists: Yener S. Erozan, MDRodolfo Laucirica, MDSavitri Krishnamurthy, MDMaria A. Friedlander, MPA, CT(ASCP)3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Refreshment Break3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Workshop 91.5 CME/CMLE/SAMManagement of Thyroid Nodules in <strong>2013</strong>Helen Wang, MDPamela I. Hartzband, MD4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Diagnostic Cytology Seminar (continued)5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Award PresentationsThe ASC will present and honor ALL the ASChighest awards including the PapanicolaouAward, Cytotechnologist Award for OutstandingAchievement and Excellence in Education Award.In addition, the ASC provides awards to supportyoung investigators submitting abstracts to theASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>.SAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee RequiredRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org13

MEETING PROGRAMMONDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 11 (continued)TUESDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> <strong>12</strong>6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Wine and Cheese Reception/ASC Foundation draiser Art AuctionImmediately following the Awards Presentation,join us for our Wine and Cheese Receptionand Art Auction, toasting the professionalachievements of our Award Winners, Membersand Attendees who make the ASC what it istoday. Enjoy a complimentary beverage(cash bar will be available) while mingling anddancing to the DJ. All attendees are welcomeand guests can attend for an additional fee.7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Workshops 10 – 111.5 CME/CMLE/SAM10. Self-Assessment and a Review in GYN CytologyWalid E. Khalbuss, MD, PhD, FIACMarilee Means, PhD, SCT(ASCP)11. Art and Science of Thyroid Cytopathology:Utilizing Clinical, Cytopathologic and MolecularResources in Implementing the BethesdaSystemN. Paul Ohori, MDZubair Baloch, MD, PhD7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Ultrasound FNA Workshop2.5 CME/CMLEImproving FNA Technique with anIntroduction to Ultrasound-Guidance -A Practical Hands-on WorkshopRonald Balassanian, MDBritt-Marie E. Ljung, MDElham Khanafshar, MDAnna B. Berry, MDAnnemieke Van Zante, MD, PhD7:00 am - 10:30 am Registration Open7:30 am - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast8:00 am - 9:30 am Video Microscopy Tutorials 24 – 251.5 CME/CMLE/SAM24. Form Follows Function Follows DNA:Cytopathology of Thyroid Neoplasms andTheir Underlying Molecular AlterationsN. Paul Ohori, MD25. Diagnosing Lymphoproliferative Disorders byFNA Using a Multiparameter ApproachNancy Caraway, MD8:00 am - 9:30 am Workshops <strong>12</strong> – 161.5 CME/CMLE/SAM<strong>12</strong>. It Looks Like a Duck, It Talks Like a Duck,but Is It a Duck? Practical Review ofGynecologic Cytology with HistologicCorrelationKrisztina Z. Hanley, MDKristen A. Atkins, MD13. Integration of Molecular Ancillary Techniquesinto Routine Cytology Practice: Issuesin Current State of the Art and CriticalFuture TrendsMichael H. Roh, MD, PhDStewart M. Knoepp, MD, PhD14. Bridging the Gap Between Basic Histologyand CytopathologyLiron Pantanowitz, MD, MIACZubair W. Baloch, MD15. Cytopathology of Solid and Cystic Neoplasmsof the Pancreas: Everything You Need to Knowfor Daily PracticeMichelle D. Reid, MDMomin T. Siddiqui, MD, FIAC16. Traps and Tips in Daily FNA Cytology PracticeYun Gong, MDFang Fan, MD, PhDSAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee Required14 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

MEETING PROGRAMTUESDAY, <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> <strong>12</strong> (continued)10:00 am - <strong>12</strong>:30 pm Ultrasound FNA Workshop2.5 CME/CMLEImproving FNA Technique with anIntroduction to Ultrasound-Guidance -A Practical Hands-on WorkshopRonald Balassanian, MDBritt-Marie E. Ljung, MDElham Khanafshar, MDAnna B. Berry, MDAnnemieke Van Zante, MD, PhDGO PAPERLESSThe <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> ispaperless. Registered attendees willhave access to all available sessionhandouts online before, duringand after (for a short time) theASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>.10:30 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Video Microscopy Tutorials 26 – 271.5 CME/CMLE/SAM26. EUS-FNA of Pancreas: A Million Dollar,Easy to Follow Morphology Based PracticalAlgorithmic Approach to Different DiseasesDarshana N. Jhala, MD, BMus27. Perils and Pitfalls in Glandular Lesions of theCervix: Cytology and Histology CorrelatesDina R. Mody, MD10:30 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm Workshops 17 – 201.5 CME/CMLE/SAM17. Everyday Head and Neck Cytology:Diagnostic Challenges, Experiencesand SolutionsZubair Baloch, MD, PhDTarik Elshiekh, MDCHECK OUT THE LATESTEDUCATIONAL ANDMEMBERSHIP BENEFITSOF THE ASC!• New Web site Coming Soon!• Additional Marketplace items• FREE Case Studies and eJournals for members• Recorded <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> sessions,discounted for attendees• And more18. The Cytologic Origins of Cell BiologyAndrew H. Fischer, MDManon Auger, MD, FRCP19. Biopsies of Basiloid Neoplasms -Cytology and Small Biopsy ApproachJeffrey F. Krane, MD, PhD20. Electronic Image Enhancement: Update <strong>2013</strong>Daniel Kurtycz, MDGeorge Birdsong, MDCYTOPATHOLOGY.ORG<strong>12</strong>:00 pm <strong>Meeting</strong> ConcludesSAMPatientCareMedicalKnowledgePractice-Based Learningand ImprovementInterpersonal andCommunication SkillsProfessionalismSystems-BasedPracticePodcast Availableto PurchaseIncluded with Basic RegistrationExtra Fee RequiredRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org15

SUBMIT AN ARTICLE FOR THE JASCVolume 1Issue 1January 2014www.jascyto.orgWe invite you to submit youroriginal article to the Journalof the American Society ofCytopathology (JASC).Now that you have submitted your abstractsfor the ASC 61 st <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>,the time is right to complete your papersand submit to the Journal!For questions about article submission or any information regarding the Journal, please email:JASC@CYTOPATHOLOGY.ORGor visit the Web site: www.jascyto.org16 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

EXHIBIT HALL INFORMATIONBE A PART OF THE MEETING!PARTICIPATE IN POSTER PRESENTATIONSPoster Viewing Schedule:Saturday, November 9 I 3:30 pm - 9:00 pmRefreshment Break: 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm*Sunday, November 10 I 7:00 am - 9:00 pmRefreshment Breaks: 9:30 am - 10:00 am and 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm*Monday, November 11 I 7:00 am - 10:00 amRefreshment Break: 9:00 am - 10:00 am*WE’LL SEE YOU IN THE EXHIBIT HALLExhibit Hall Hours:Saturday, November 9 I Welcome Reception: 5:45 pm - 7:45 pmSunday, November 10 I 7:00 am - <strong>12</strong>:30 pmand 1:30 pm - 4:30 pmClosed for Lunch: <strong>12</strong>:30 pm - 1:30 pmMonday, November 11 I 7:00 am - 10:00 am*Presenters required to be at posters during refreshment breaks.Poster Set-up: Saturday, November 9, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. All posters must be in placeby 3:00 pm or they will not be considered for an award.Poster Dismantle: Monday, November 11, 10:00 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm. All posters must beremoved by <strong>12</strong>:00 pm or they may be discarded.WE WOULD LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE EXHIBITORS AND CORPORATE PARTNERSFROM THE 60 TH ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADACORPORATE PARTNERCORPORATE PARTNERBRONZE LEVELCORPORATE PARTNERFRIEND LEVELCORPORATE PARTNERSuccess ConceptMedical BooksFRIEND LEVELCORPORATE PARTNERCORPORATE PARTNERFRIEND LEVELSILVER LEVELGOLD LEVELRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org17

FACULTYFadi W. Abdul-Karim, MDCleveland ClinicCleveland, OhioElena F. Brachtel, MDMassachusetts General HospitalBoston, MassachusettsLuis E. De Las Cases, MDUniversity of Toledo Medical CenterToledo, OhioShirley E. Greening, MS, JD, CFIACThomas Jefferson UniversityPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaSyed Z. Ali, MDThe Johns Hopkins HospitalBaltimore, MarylandSusan A. Alperstein, MS, CT(ASCP)New York Presbyterian HospitalFishkill, New YorkKristen A. Atkins, MDUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VirginiaKaren M. Atkison, MPA, CT(ASCP)BD DiagnosticsBurlington, North CarolinaManon Auger, MD, FRCP(C)McGill University Health CenterMcGill UniversityMontreal, CanadaR. Marshall Austin, MD, PhDMagee–Womens Hospital of Universityof Pittsburgh Medical CenterPittsburgh, PennsylvaniaRonald Balassanian, MDUniversity of California San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaZubair W. Baloch, MD, PhDUniversity of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaGüliz A. Barkan, MD, FIACLoyola University Medical CenterMaywood, IllinoisMichael W. Beaty, MDWake Forest UniversityWinston-Salem, North CarolinaSimon Bergman, MDWake Forest UniversityBaptist Medical CenterWinston-Salem, North CarolinaAnna B. Berry, MDUniversity of California San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaGeorge G. Birdsong, MDGrady Health SystemAtlanta, GeorgiaWalt BogdanichNew York TimesNew York, New YorkChristine N. Booth, MDCleveland ClinicCleveland, OhioJennifer A. Brainard, MDCleveland ClinicCleveland, OhioNancy P. Caraway, MDMD Anderson Cancer CenterHouston, TexasJill L. Caudill, MEd, SCT(ASCP) CMBrewster, MassachusettsAshish Chandra, FRCPath,DipRCPath (Cytol)St. Thomas’ HospitalLondon, United KingdomDavid F. Chhieng, MDYale UniversityNew Haven, ConnecticutDeborah J. Chute, MDCleveland ClinicCleveland, OhioEdmund S. Cibas, MDBrigham and Women’s HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolBoston, MassachusettsAmy C. Clayton, MDMayo Clinic and FoundationRochester, MinnesotaBrian T. Collins, MDWashington UniversitySt. Louis, MissouriJamie L. Covell, BS, CT(ASCP)University of Virginia Health SystemCharlottesville, VirginiaWilliam N. Crabtree, PhD, SCT(ASCP)Indiana University School of MedicineIndianapolis, IndianaBarbara A. Crothers, DOWalter Reed Army Medical CenterBethesda, MarylandJacqueline M. Cuda, SCT(ASCP)University of Pittsburgh Medical CenterShadysidePittsburgh, PennsylvaniaSanja Dacic, MD, PhDUniversity of PittsburghPittsburgh, PennsylvaniaTeresa M. Darragh, MDUniversity of California San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaDiane D. Davey, MDUniversity of Central FloridaOrlando, FloridaRichard M. DeMay, MDThe University of ChicagoChicago, IllinoisHormoz Ehya, MDFox Chase Cancer CenterPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaTarik M. Elsheikh, MDCleveland Clinic LaboratoriesCleveland, OhioYener S. Erozan, MDThe Johns Hopkins HospitalBaltimore, MarylandFang Fan, MD, PhDUniversity of Kansas Medical CenterKansas City, KansasWilliam C. Faquin, MD, PhDHarvard Medical SchoolBoston, MassachusettsAndrew Field, MDSt. Vincent’s HospitalSydney, AustraliaAndrew H. Fischer, MDUniversity of MassachusettsMemorial HospitalStow, MassachusettsLisa Flowers, MDEmory University School of MedicineAtlanta, GeorgiaMaria A. Friedlander, MPA, CT(ASCP)Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterNew York, New YorkJames G. Fujimoto, PhDMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, MassachusettsJane S. Gibson, PhD, FACMGUniversity of Central FloridaCollege of MedicineOrlando, FloridaGary W. Gill, BA, CT(ASCP)Independent ConsultantIndianapolis, IndianaCecilia E. Gimenez, MDNorth Shore-Long IslandJewish Health SystemNew Hyde Park, New YorkYun Gong, MDMD Anderson Cancer CenterHouston, TexasStephanie Hamilton, EdD, MB,SCT(ASCP)Cell Netix Pathology LaboratoriesSeattle, WashingtonKrisztina Z. Hanley, MDEmory University HospitalDecatur, GeorgiaMalini Harigopal, MDYale UniversityNew Haven, ConnecticutPamela I. Hartzband, MDBeth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterBoston, MassachusettsMichael R. Henry, MDMayo ClinicRochester, MinnesotaDeborah A. Hillsdon-Smith, MBA, SCT(ASCP) CT, LSSBBVentana Medical SystemsGranger, IndianaRana S. Hoda, MD, FIAC, MBBSWeill Cornell Medical CollegeNew York, New YorkLydia P. Howell, MDUniversity of CaliforniaDavis Medical DirectorSacramento, CaliforniaRachel E. Jacobs, SCT(ASCP)Walter Reed National MilitaryMedical CenterBethesda, MarylandDarshana N. Jhala, MD, BMusUniversity of PennsylvaniaVA Medical CenterPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaNirag C. Jhala, MD, MIACUniversity of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaWalid E. Khalbuss, MD, PhD, FIACUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical CenterPittsburgh, PennsylvaniaElham Khanafshar, MDUniversity of California San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaBryan K. Knight, MB ChB, M Med(Anat Path), PhD, FIACQueensland Medical LaboratoryQueensland, AustraliaKamal K. Khurana, MDSUNY Upstate Medical UniversitySyracuse, New York18 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

FACULTYBenjamin R. Kipp, PhDMayo FoundationRochester, MinnesotaStewart M. Knoepp, MD, PhDUniversity of Michigan Health SystemAnn Arbor, MichiganJeffrey F. Krane, MD, PhDBrigham & Women’s HospitalBoston, MassachusettsSavitri Krishnamurthy, MDMD Anderson Cancer CenterHouston, TexasDaniel F. I. Kurtycz, MDWisconsin State Laboratory of HygieneUniversity of WisconsinMadison, WisconsinRodolfo Laucirica, MDBaylor College of MedicineHouston, TexasGladwyn Leiman, MBBCh,FIAC,FRCPathFletcher Allen Health CareUniversity of VermontBurlington, VermontOscar Lin, MD, PhDMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterNew York, New YorkBritt-Marie E. Ljung, MDUniversity of California San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaMarilee M. Means, PhD, SCT(ASCP)University of Kansas Medical CenterKansas City, KansasDina R. Mody, MDThe Methodist HospitalWeill Medical College ofCornell UniversityHouston, TexasSara E. Monaco, MDUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical CenterPittsburgh, PennsylvaniaAnn T. Moriarty, MDAmeriPathIndianapolis, IndianaKalyani Naik, MS, SCT(ASCP)University of Michigan HospitalAnn Arbor, MichiganWesley Y. Naritoku, MD, PhDLAC USC Medical CenterLos Angeles, CaliforniaRituNayar, MD, MIACNorthwestern University Feinberg Schoolof MedicineChicago, IllinoisMargaret H. Neal, MDPathology AssociatesTallahassee, FloridaN. Paul Ohori, MDUniversity of PittsburghMedical Center-PresbyterianPittsburgh, PennsylvaniaAjit S. Paintal, MDNorthwestern Memorial HospitalFeinberg School of MedicineChicago, IllinoisLiron Pantanowitz, MD, MIACUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical CenterPittsburgh, PennsylvaniaAnil V. Parwani, MD, PhDUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical CenterPittsburgh, PennsylvaniaMartha B. Pitman, MDHarvard Medical SchoolMassachusetts General HospitalBoston, MassachusettsIbrahim Ramzy, MDUniversity of CaliforniaIrvine, CaliforniaArundhati Rao, MDScott and White HospitalTemple, TexasJianyu J. Rao, MDUCLA Medical CenterLos Angeles, CaliforniaMichelle D. Reid, MDEmory University HospitalAtlanta, GeorgiaAndrew A. Renshaw, MDBaptist Hospital of MiamiMiami, FloridaMichael H. Roh, MD, PhDUniversity of Michigan Health SystemAnn Arbor, MichiganDorothy L. Rosenthal, MD, FIACThe Johns Hopkins HospitalBaltimore, MarylandDorota E. Rudomina, CT(ASCP)Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterNew York, New YorkDonna K. Russell, MS, CT(ASCP)HTUniversity of Rochester Medical CenterRochester, New YorkMauro A. Saieg, MD, PhDSanta Casa Medical SchoolSao Paulo, BrazilGilda Da Cunha Santos, MD, PhD,FRCPC, FIACUniversity Health NetworkToronto, CanadaLynnette C. Savaloja, BS, SCT(ASCP)Regions HospitalSaint Paul, MinnesotaDonald H. Schnitzler, BS, CT(ASCP)Marshfield ClinicMarshfield, WisconsinMary R. Schwartz, MDThe Methodist HospitalHouston, TexasRamesh Shah, DMDPhiladelphia DentistryPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaVinod B. Shidham, MD, FRCPath, FIACWayne State UniversitySchool of MedicineKarmanos Cancer CenterDetroit Medical CenterDetroit, MichiganMomin T. Siddiqui, MD, FIACEmory University HospitalAtlanta, GeorgiaDebora A. Smith, CT(ASCP)The Methodist HospitalHouston, TexasMichele A. Smith, MS, SCT(ASCP)Wisconsin State Laboratory of HygieneMadison, WisconsinEdward B. Stelow, MDUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VirginiaJohn M. Stewart, MD, PhDMD Anderson Cancer CenterHouston, TexasMark H. Stoler, MDUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VirginiaChiara F. Sugrue, MBA, MS,SCT(ASCP) CMIACNorth Shore-Long IslandJewish Health SystemNew Hyde Park, New YorkRosemary H. Tambouret, MDMassachusetts General HospitalBoston, MassachusettsMichael J. Thrall, MDThe Methodist HospitalHouston, TexasMary Meighan Tomic, MDUC Davis Medical CenterSacramento, CaliforniaWilliam Vernau, BVMS, DVSc, PhDUC Davis School of Veterinary MedicineSacramento, CaliforniaPhilippe R. Vielh, MD, PhDInstitut Gustave RoussyVillejuif, FrancePaul E. Wakely, Jr., MDOhio State University Medical CenterColumbus, OhioHelen H. Wang, MD, DrPHBeth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterCambridge, MassachusettsAmy J. Wendel Spiczka, MS, SCT, MP,HTL, (ASCP) CMMayo Clinic and FoundationMesa, ArizonaDavid C. Wilbur, MDMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolBoston, MassachusettsCheryl Wiseman, MPH, CT(ASCP)Office of Clinical Standards & QualityCenters for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesBaltimore, MarylandEva M. Wojcik, MDLoyola University Medical CenterMaywood, IllinoisGrace C. H. Yang, MDWeill Medical College ofCornell UniversityNew York, New YorkStephen Young, PhDTriCore Reference LaboratoriesUniversity of New MexicoAlbuquerque, New MexicoMaureen F. Zakowski, MDMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterNew York, New YorkM. Sue Zaleski, MA, SCT(ASCP)University of IowaIowa City, IowaAnnemieke Van Zante, MD, PhDUniversity of California Medical CenterSan Francisco, CaliforniaMatthew A. Zarka, MDMayo ClinicScottsdale, ArizonaRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org19

HOTEL & TRAVELHOTELHilton Bonnet Creek Orlando14100 Bonnet Creek Resort LaneOrlando, Florida 32821Tucked away within the pristine Bonnet Creek nature preserve,Hilton Bonnet Creek Orlando is Orlando’s newest AAA4-Diamond hotel. With nearly 9 decades of Hilton hospitality,experience and personalized service, this Orlando resort offersan experience that reaches above and beyond. Amenitiesinclude a 3-acre Florida-style lazy-river pool, award winningrestaurants, a championship golf club, and a premier spa. Andwith complimentary deluxe transportation to and from WaltDisney World®, you’ll be just minutes away from Disney’s themeparks, water parks and Downtown Disney®.Reservation deadline: October 10, <strong>2013</strong>Reserve your room online at cytopathologymeeting.orgor by calling (407) 597-3600 (online preferred).SPECIALLY DISCOUNTED RATESFOR ASC ATTENDEES!Single/Double: $199(plus applicable fees and taxes per room, per night)AIRPORTOrlando International Airport (MCO): 18 milesorlandoairports.netTRANSPORTATIONParking at Hilton Bonnet Creek:Hotel guests are offered 24 hour valet parking ($24 plus tax)and self parking ($16 plus tax)LYNX: LYNX is a bus system run by the Central Florida RegionalTransportation Authority serving the greater Orlando area. LYNXprovides regularly scheduled bus service 7 days a week from 4:30am to <strong>12</strong>:15 am. For more information, visit www.golynx.com.TRAVEL SERVICEFor our meeting attendees, UNIGLOBE will find the mostconvenient schedule and lowest applicable fare for any carrier.Phone: (800) 229-<strong>12</strong>20Fax: (302) 475-7350Web site: www.unigloberedcarpettravel.comHours: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm (EST), Monday through FridayPlease reference the following when contacting UNIGLOBE:American Society of Cytopathology61 st <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>, Orlando, FloridaGuest rooms at the Hilton Bonnet Creek have been reserved ata negotiated rate and are available on a first-come, first-servedbasis. Reservations after October 10 th will be accepted basedon room and rate availability.Get your DISCOUNTEDDisney & other theme parktickets on the ASC Web site!20 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

REGISTRATION INFORMATIONBASIC REGISTRATIONBenefit from an extensive basic registrationpackage enabling you to earn up to 26.5CME/CMLE and 8.5 SAM credits for attending<strong>Scientific</strong> Sessions and Poster and PlatformPresentations; plus it provides you free accessto 2 continental breakfasts, 5 refreshmentbreaks and 2 networking receptions.<strong>Scientific</strong> Sessions Include:• Poster and Platform Presentations• CLIA ‘88 Introduction• State of the Society Address• Papanicolaou Address• Current Issues in Cytology• Guest Lecture• State of the Art Symposium• Innovations & Trends in Medicine• Leopold Koss Lectureship• Diagnostic Cytology Seminar• New Frontiers Lecture• Hot Topic: HPV Testing*• Career Planning and Growth**Space is limited, therefore, pre-registration is requiredADDITIONAL FEE COURSES• Workshops – Enjoy short 1.5 hour discussions on specific topics – eithersurg/path, cyto/histo or cytology topics. These non-microscopic workshopsemphasize interaction in small groups.• Video Microscopy Tutorials – Interact with experts in the field during these small,informal slide reviews. Presenters project slides through a video microscope toreview interesting cases. Participants do not use individual microscopes.• Panel Luncheon Seminars – These interactive seminars focus on a single topicand are presented by nationally known expert(s). The seminars commence with alunch followed by the lecture. An opportunity for questions and answers is offeredat the end of the seminar.• Presidents’ Rounds – To recognize and honor ASC Past Presidents for their yearsof mentorship and education, interact with our nationally recognized leaders inan informal and intimate setting.• Strategies in Cytopathology Education will contain the new ACGME accreditationrequirements affecting cytopathology program directors, in one session, as two parts.• Strategies in Cytotechnology Education discusses the hot topic of“Entry-Level Competencies,” along with “Digital Strategies in Teaching GYN.”• Roundtable Discussions – These boxed lunch sessions encourage intimatediscussions on different topics. Each table will have one speaker facilitating upto 9 participants. Participants may register for one topic and are NOT PERMITTEDto switch tables.• Challenges in Diagnostic Cytomorphology – Sessions I and II provide an updateon the challenges encountered in select areas of fine needle aspiration, exfoliativecytology, and strategies to overcome pitfalls. Recent advances and managementstrategies where appropriate will also be discussed.• Thyroid Ultrasound-Guided FNA Workshop – NEW! Participate in one of twosmall 20 registrant, identical sessions. Experience a new hands-on workshop towrap up your ASC Orlando <strong>Meeting</strong> experience.Members save up to 30%!Registration is online only atcytopathologymeeting.orgMedicalScientistsNon-Medical ProfessionalsCytotechnologistsVoting CytotechnologistsAffiliatesNON-MEMBERSResidentsFellowsNON-MEMBERSStudentsMEMBERS NON-MEMBERS MEMBERSMEMBERSMEMBERSEarly Registration (Before 9/10/13) $450 $650 $375 $520 $200 $250 FREE $100Standard Registration (9/11/<strong>12</strong> - 10/<strong>12</strong>/13) $525 $735 $445 $600 $200 $250 FREE $100Onsite Registration (After 10/<strong>12</strong>/13) $570 $820 $510 $685 $250 $275 FREE $150One Day Registration $200 $300 $200 $300 $100 $200 FREE $100Additional Fee Courses:Workshop (each) $130 $250 $90 $180 $90 $180 $90 $180Video Microscopy Tutorial (each) $130 $250 $90 $180 $90 $180 $90 $180Panel Luncheon Seminar (each) $130 $250 $90 $180 $90 $180 $90 $180Presidents’ Round (each) $130 $250 $90 $180 $90 $180 $90 $180Strategies in Cytopathology Education $<strong>12</strong>5 $250 $100 $200 $100 $200 $100 $200Strategies in Cytotechnology Education (each) $75 $150 $55 $110 $55 $110 $55 $110Roundtable Discussion (each) $130 $250 $90 $180 $90 $180 $90 $180Challenges in Diagnostic Cytomorphology $200 $400 $140 $280 $140 $280 $140 $280(each)Ultrasound Guided FNA Workshop $200 $400 $140 $280 $140 $280 $140 $280NON-MEMBERSRegister today at cytopathologymeeting.org21

MEMBERSHIP DRIVEMEMBERGet-A-MemberP R O G R A MI AM A CYTOPATHOLOGISTAND THE ASC IS MY SOCIETYThe ASC has provided“me education andinformation on what is newin Cytology, in additionto great networkingopportunities. Most importantly, itenabled me to grow professionally.I encourage our residents and fellowsto become members of the ASCand part of the Cytology family.”Güliz A. Barkan, MDI AM A CYTOTECHNOLOGISTAND THE ASC IS MY SOCIETYI am a cytotechnologist“and I chose the ASCbecause it supports ourever changing field andprovides endless resourcesand networking capabilities. I havelearned so much from being a memberwith the resources ASC provides. Itreally has allowed me to keep abreastof current topics in our professionand meet many fabulous people.”Tracie Drew, SCT(ASCP) CM MBCMRECRUIT A NEW ASC MEMBER AND GET REWARDED!Help a colleague enjoy the same benefits you receive with your ASC membership.You will earn rewards for each new member you refer who completes theirapplication with supporting documentation and membership dues payment.Each new member you recruit by October 1, <strong>2013</strong> earns you:• $5 Amazon.com Gift Card• A chance to win a new iPad in a drawing to be held at the 61 st <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong><strong>Meeting</strong> among the new and sponsoring members in attendance• The opportunity to help strengthen the ASC, the profession and the futureMember benefits:• Interact with colleagues• Access to the ASC Listserv• The ASC Bulletin• Reduced subscriptions toprofessional journals• Professional enrichment• Free and reduced fees forEducational Activities• Access “Members Only” sectionsof the ASC Web site• Become a part of the ASC Leadershipby participating in committees• And many moreDON’T HAVE TIME TO DO THE LEGWORK?LET THE ASC DO THE WORK FOR YOU.Go to cytopathology.org and click on Refer a Member. Enter your referral’s contactinformation and we will send your recruit a prospective member packet indicatingyou referred him/her for membership.START EARNING YOUR REWARDS TODAY!VISIT CYTOPATHOLOGY.ORGFor more information, please contact the ASC National Office:(302)543-6583 or asc@cytopathology.org22 Register today at cytopathologymeeting.org

CELEBRATE YOUR MENTORING EXPERIENCE!Make a Starof Your MentorAs Mentors, you celebrate the legacy of thoseyou have trained, and those who make you proudwhen they give a lecture, or when you read anarticle they have written. With a gift of any size tothe Foundation, you can make a “DIAMOND” ofa special Mentee.One can never say thank you too much or toooften for the gift of mentorship. Make a Star of YourMentor to show your gratitude through a gift ofany size to the ASC Foundation. Give your Mentora special place in our galaxy as a Shining Star,Gold Star, or Center of the Universe.Your Mentee will:• Receive a thank you card with your name toindicate that you have recognized them.• Be publicly recognized in the Diamond Showcaseon display at the ASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>,published in The ASC Bulletin and posted on theASC Web site.• Know that you shared your professional valuesthrough your support of research, educationand advocacy programs sponsored by theASC Foundation.Your Mentor will:• Receive a personalized cardto indicate that you havehonored his/her contributionsto your education.• Be publicly recognized atthe ASC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>,published in The ASC Bulletin andposted on the ASC Web site.1-CARAT DIAMONDUp to $999 contribution in honor of your Mentee5-CARAT DIAMOND$1,000 to $4,999 contribution in honor of your Mentee10-CARAT DIAMOND$5,000 and higher contribution in honor of your MenteeShining StarA mentor honoredin two or moreconsecutive years.Gold StarA mentor honored byfive or more mentees.Center of the UniverseA mentor honored withdonations totaling$1,000 or more.Visit cytopathologymeeting.org for more information23

ASC MEMBERSHIP PAGE APPLICATIONHEADERADDITIONAL TRAINING OR EXPERIENCE IN CYTOPATHOLOGY________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________RESIDENT, FELLOW OR STUDENT CYTOTECHNOLOGISTSProgram Director _____________________________________________________________________________________________Training Completion Date ___________________________________________I certify that the information contained on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws of theSociety. I release from any liability all representatives of the Society for any statements made or actions taken in good faith and without malice in connection withevaluating my application and my credentials and qualifications, and in connection with any expulsion or deletion from the rolls of membership or reapplication. Ihereby release from any liability all individuals and organizations that provide information to the Society, in good faith and without malice, concerning my educationand training and other qualifications for membership, and I hereby consent to the release of such information.Applicant Signature _________________________________________________________________________________________Date ___________________________________________________________________SPONSORThis sponsor must be actively involved in cytopathology but does not need to be an ASC Member. A sponsor can be a supervisor, lab director, department chief, oran associate who can provide a reference on the applicant.Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Institution Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City ______________________________________________________________________ State _____________________________ Zip _______________________________ Country _________________________Phone ___________________________________________________________________ Fax _______________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________________________________Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUESAPPLICATION CHECKLIST❑ Medical ............................................. $299❑ International Medical .......................... $299❑ Cytopathology Fellow ......................... $100❑ Pathology Resident ............................... $30❑ Cytotechnologist ................................. $95CHECK OR CREDIT CARD❑ Student .............................................. Free❑ Scientist .............................................. $95❑ Affiliate ................................................ $95❑ International Affiliate ........................... $95❑ Completed Application❑ Copy of Curriculum Vitae or Bibliography❑ Copy of Medical License(s) or Registration Certificate(s)❑ Completed Sponsor Information❑ Dues PaymentPlease Note: Discounted registration fees ONLY apply to thosewho submit COMPLETED applications including supportingdocuments and dues payment.❑ American Express ❑ MasterCard ❑ Visa ❑ Discover Check #_______________________Card Number ___________________________________________________________________3-4 Digit Personal ID Number ________________ Exp. Date ___________________________(located on the front or back of credit card)Name on Card ___________________________________________________________________Signature ______________________________________________________________________Mail, fax or email your completed applicationand accompanying information to:100 West 10 th Street, Suite 605Wilmington, DE 19801Phone: (302) 543-6583Fax: (302) 543-6597Email: asc@cytopathology.orgcytopathology.orgPLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF THIS APPLICATION24

ASC MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONMEMBERS SAVE UP TO 30% ON MEETING REGISTRATIONFor a membership application to be considered complete, it must be filled out completely and beaccompanied by an updated curriculum vitae (CV) or bibliography, a copy of either your currentlicense(s) or registration certificate(s), sponsor information and your dues payment.Online application available at cytopathology.orgSAVEUP TO30%PLEASE PRINT OR TYPEMEMBERSHIP TYPE❑ Medical ❑ International Medical ❑ Cytopathology Fellow ❑ Pathology Resident ❑ Scientist❑ Cytotechnologist ❑ Student Cytotechnologist ❑ International Affiliate ❑ AffiliateAPPLICANT INFORMATIONGender ❑ Male ❑ FemaleName __________________________________________________________________________________________________________Credentials/Degrees (MD, PhD, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________Institution Name______________________________________________________________________________________________Date of Birth ________/________/_________Title _____________________________________________________________________Department ___________________________________________________________Institution Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City ______________________________________________________________________ State _____________________________ Zip _______________________________ Country _________________________Phone ___________________________________________________________________Fax _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Email _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Home Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City ______________________________________________________________________ State _____________________________ Zip _______________________________ Country _________________________Phone ___________________________________________________________________Fax _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Preferred Mailing Address ❑ Home ❑ InstitutionRELATED PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONSPlease check the related professional organizations in which you are currently an active member.❑ AMA ❑ ASCP ❑ ASCT ❑ CLMA ❑ CAP ❑ IAC ❑ PSC❑ USCAP ❑ State Pathology Association ❑ State/Regional Cytology OrganizationAPPLICANT’S EDUCATIONMedical School _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Degree _________________________________________________________________________________________________________Date Received _________________________________________________________Accredited Program ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Certification ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Dates of Attendance _________________________________________________25 PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF THIS APPLICATION

NON-PROFIT ORGUS POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT #1482WILMINGTON, DE100 West 10 th Street • Suite 605Wilmington, DE 19801Phone: (302) 543-6583Fax: (302) 543-6597Email: asc@cytopathology.orgWeb site: cytopathology.org<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 8-<strong>12</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>Hilton Bonnet Creek Orlando • Orlando, FLREGISTER NOW! CYTOPATHOLOGYMEETING.ORGET

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