SBN-1045 - Senate

SBN-1045 - Senate SBN-1045 - Senate
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i SEC. 130. ~ ~ ~ ~ - C Decisions ~ of @ the ~ PSLMC ~ are ~ final ~ and o ~ . executory unless a motion for reconsideration is filed by the aggrieved party within fifteen (1 5) calendar days from receipt of the decision and only on the basis of palpable or patent errors. The PSLMC shall not entertain any second motion for reconsideration. Decisions of the PSLMC may be elevated to the Court of Appeals. Chapter 5. The Right to Strike SEC. 131. Right to Engage in Strike. - The right of the duly accredited employee organization to strike, consistent with national interest and public service, shall be recognized and respected: Provided, the striking organization shall ensure an effective skeletal workforce whose movement and services shall not be hampered or restricted as are necessary to guarantee the proper and adequate delivery of public service. In view of the peculiar character of public service and considering that public office is a public trust, the right of employees to strike may be allowed only as a last resort and subject to the limitations herein provided. SEC. 132. Who Can Strike. - Rank and file employees of the agency where the accredited employee organization belongs may join the strike subject to the provisions of this code. Employees will join the strike not be entitled to to payment of salary for the period that they are on strike. SEC. 133. Government Employees Who are Prohibited to Strike. - The following are not allowed to strike due to exigency in public service, public safety and national interest: (a) Defense and security services including officers and employees belonging to the Armed Forces of the Phlippines (AFP), police, fire protection, jail management and thbse engaged in the custody of prisoners and detainees; (b) Medical and allied services including doctors, nurses, medical therapists and medics; (c) Public utility services such as power and water supply, transportation, air traffic controllers, radar and radio controllers, lighthouse keepers and harbor pilots, and (d) Other analogous services to be determined by the Commission taking into consideration public service and national interest. SEC. 134. Grounds for Strike. - A strike may be declared on the following grounds . (a) Unfair public sector labor and management practices committed by management as provided for in this Code; (b) Mismanagement or abuse of the management of the agency; and (c) Graft and corruption.

SEC. q35. Nofice ofDirpuQe. - The existence of a dispute which may be the ground of an impending strike must first be brought to the Commission in the form of a notice of of dispute must he in accordance “with the requirements and procedures as maybe prescribed by the Commission which shall settle the dispute within sixty (60). days from date of receipt of the said notice. In cases when the parties opt for voluntary arbitration, the agreement thereof shall be final and executory between the parties concerned. SEC. 136. Certification to fhe PSLMC. - In the event the dispute is not settled within the sixty (60)-day period prescribed in the preceding Section or in case of failure to arrive at a resolution of the dispute through conciliation or mediation, the Commission shall certify the dispute to the PSLMC for settlement and resolution. SEC. 137. Requirement of Sfrike Vote and Notice to Strike. - Immediately upon certification of the dispute to PSLMC as provided in the preceding section, the accredited employee organization may call a vote in order to declare a strike. The decision to declare a strike must be approved a majority vote of the total rank and file employees of the agency where the duly accredited employee organization belongs, The same shall be obtained through secret ballot in a meeting called for the results of the strike vote and notice to strike, copy furnish the head of agency at least thirty (30) days before the date of intended strike and during the said 30-day period no strike shall be held. Only disputes or issues raised in the said notice shall be the subject of the strike, SEC. 138. Remedial Acfions by the PSLMC. - When a dispute has been referred to the PSLMC, it shall exert all I efforts to settle the saime through various modes of dispute settlement in order to prevent the impending strike. When there is a strike in a government agency, which affects national interest or public service, the PSLMC may issue a return-to-work order andlor certify the same for compulsory arbitration. A return-to-work order shall have the effect of automatically stopping the strike. For this purpose, the contending parties are strictly enjoined to comply with such order as are issued by the PSLMC, under pain of disciplinary action. SEC. 139. Prohibited Activifies - (a) No dispute which occurred prior to the notice to strike, which was not raised in the said notice, may be the subject of succeeding strikes. (b) No person engaged in the strike shall commit any act of violence, coercion or intimidation or obstruct the free ingress to or egress from the agency’s premises for lawful purposes or obstruct public thoroughfares. (c) No person shall obstruct, impede, or interfere with, by force, violence, coercion, threats, or intimidation any peaceful strike, or shall aid or abet such obstruction or interference. (d) No employee organization may declare a strike without first having, filed the notice required under Sec. 137 and the necessary strike vote first having been obtained and filed with the PSLMC. (e) No employee organization may go on strike without ensuring and maintaining an effective skeletal force.

i<br />

SEC. 130. ~ ~ ~ ~ - C Decisions ~ of @ the ~ PSLMC ~ are ~ final ~ and o ~ .<br />

executory unless a motion for reconsideration is filed by the aggrieved party within<br />

fifteen (1 5) calendar days from receipt of the decision and only on the basis of palpable<br />

or patent errors. The PSLMC shall not entertain any second motion for reconsideration.<br />

Decisions of the PSLMC may be elevated to the Court of Appeals.<br />

Chapter 5. The Right to Strike<br />

SEC. 131. Right to Engage in Strike. - The right of the duly accredited<br />

employee organization to strike, consistent with national interest and public service,<br />

shall be recognized and respected: Provided, the striking organization shall ensure an<br />

effective skeletal workforce whose movement and services shall not be hampered or<br />

restricted as are necessary to guarantee the proper and adequate delivery of public<br />

service.<br />

In view of the peculiar character of public service and considering that public<br />

office is a public trust, the right of employees to strike may be allowed only as a last<br />

resort and subject to the limitations herein provided.<br />

SEC. 132. Who Can Strike. - Rank and file employees of the agency where the<br />

accredited employee organization belongs may join the strike subject to the provisions<br />

of this code. Employees will join the strike not be entitled to to payment of salary for the<br />

period that they are on strike.<br />

SEC. 133. Government Employees Who are Prohibited to Strike. - The<br />

following are not allowed to strike due to exigency in public service, public safety and<br />

national interest:<br />

(a) Defense and security services including officers and employees belonging to<br />

the Armed Forces of the Phlippines (AFP), police, fire protection, jail<br />

management and thbse engaged in the custody of prisoners and detainees;<br />

(b) Medical and allied services including doctors, nurses, medical therapists and<br />

medics;<br />

(c) Public utility services such as power and water supply, transportation, air<br />

traffic controllers, radar and radio controllers, lighthouse keepers and harbor<br />

pilots, and<br />

(d) Other analogous services to be determined by the Commission taking into<br />

consideration public service and national interest.<br />

SEC. 134. Grounds for Strike. - A strike may be declared on the following<br />

grounds .<br />

(a) Unfair public sector labor and management practices committed by<br />

management as provided for in this Code;<br />

(b) Mismanagement or abuse of the management of the agency; and<br />

(c) Graft and corruption.

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