SBN-1045 - Senate

SBN-1045 - Senate SBN-1045 - Senate
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Control, supervise and coordinate civil service examinations. Any entity or public officer in government may be called upon by the Commission to assist in the preparation and conduct of the said examinations. Such assistance includes, but it is not limited to, the provision of personnel and security, the use of buildings and facilities, as well as the transportation of examination materials. Grant civil service eligibility to qualified applicants based on civil service examinations results, performance, training, education, qualifications and other similar standards, subject to the guidelines it may prescribe; Prescribe all forms for civil service examinations, appointments, reports and such other forms as may be required by law and the rules and regulations of the Commission; Declare, when appropriate, positions in the civil service system as primarily confidential, highly technical or policy-determining; Formulate, administer and evaluate programs relative to the recruitment and selection, development and retention of qualified and competent work force in the public service, including administration, development and evaluation of training, scholarship and retirement programs; Resolve administrative cases and other civil matters brought before it directly or on appeal, including disciplinary matters, contested appointments or personnel actions. The decisions, orders or ruling of the Commission may be brought by the aggrieved party to the Supreme Court only on certiorari; Issue subpoena ad testificandum (process directing the attendance of witness) andlor subpoena duces tecum (process directing the production of documentary evidence); Deputize public officers and employees of the Commission and of other departments and agencies to investigate and hear cases and to submit their findings and recommendations to the Commission; In the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions, punish for contempt, direct and indirect, public officers, employees and other persons for refusal or failure to comply with the decisions, orders, rulings or processes and proceedings of the Commission; Delegate any power or function of the Commission to its regional or field offices. Review decisions and actions of its offices; Enforce and execute its decisions, orders and rulings, and for this urpose, deputize any national or local law-enforcement agency or instrumentality of the government which shall act under the direct and immediate supervision of the Commission; Act on all appointments and other personnel matters in the civil sewice system;

Inspect and audit the personnel actions and programs of the departments, agencies, bureaus, offices and instrumentalities of government, state universities and colleges, government-owned and controlled corporations with original charters or created under special laws, local government units; Prescribe rules and polices on employee organizations and regulate employee-management relations including the settlement of disputes; Prescribe and enforce rules and regulations to promote and ensure safe, healthy and proper working conditions for employees; Formulate and administer programs that will foster an honest, graft-free public service; Reorganize or effect changes in its organization, within the limits of its appropriations, including the creation, merger or consolidation, splitting or division and abolition of offices and positions; and Exercise all powers and perform the functions properly belonging to a central personnel agency. 20. Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairperson and the Commisioners. - (a) (b) The Chairperson and the two Commissioners shall be responsible for the effective exercise of the rule-making, policy-formulation and adjudicative functions of the Commission. They shall promote the development of a creative, productive and competitive workforce. The Chairperson shall be the chief executive officer and shall perform the following functions: (1 ) Execute and administer the internal policies, decisions, orders, and resolutions approved by the Commission; (2) Direct and supervise the operations and internal administration of the Commission; (3) (4) Sign appointments of subordinate public officers and employees made by the commission and enforce decisions on administrative discipline involving them; Submit the annual budget of the Commission to Congress for its approval; (5) Transmit to the President, rules and regulations adopted by the Commission which require presidential attention including annual and other periodic reports; (6) (7) Delegate authority, in whole or in part, to other public officers and employees of the Commission, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; and Perform such other functions as may be prescribed by law.

Control, supervise and coordinate civil service examinations. Any entity or<br />

public officer in government may be called upon by the Commission to<br />

assist in the preparation and conduct of the said examinations. Such<br />

assistance includes, but it is not limited to, the provision of personnel and<br />

security, the use of buildings and facilities, as well as the transportation of<br />

examination materials.<br />

Grant civil service eligibility to qualified applicants based on civil service<br />

examinations results, performance, training, education, qualifications and<br />

other similar standards, subject to the guidelines it may prescribe;<br />

Prescribe all forms for civil service examinations, appointments, reports<br />

and such other forms as may be required by law and the rules and<br />

regulations of the Commission;<br />

Declare, when appropriate, positions in the civil service system as<br />

primarily confidential, highly technical or policy-determining;<br />

Formulate, administer and evaluate programs relative to the recruitment<br />

and selection, development and retention of qualified and competent work<br />

force in the public service, including administration, development and<br />

evaluation of training, scholarship and retirement programs;<br />

Resolve administrative cases and other civil matters brought before it<br />

directly or on appeal, including disciplinary matters, contested<br />

appointments or personnel actions. The decisions, orders or ruling of the<br />

Commission may be brought by the aggrieved party to the Supreme Court<br />

only on certiorari;<br />

Issue subpoena ad testificandum (process directing the attendance of<br />

witness) andlor subpoena duces tecum (process directing the production<br />

of documentary evidence);<br />

Deputize public officers and employees of the Commission and of other<br />

departments and agencies to investigate and hear cases and to submit<br />

their findings and recommendations to the Commission;<br />

In the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions, punish for contempt, direct<br />

and indirect, public officers, employees and other persons for refusal or<br />

failure to comply with the decisions, orders, rulings or processes and<br />

proceedings of the Commission;<br />

Delegate any power or function of the Commission to its regional or field<br />

offices.<br />

Review decisions and actions of its offices;<br />

Enforce and execute its decisions, orders and rulings, and for this urpose,<br />

deputize any national or local law-enforcement agency or instrumentality<br />

of the government which shall act under the direct and immediate<br />

supervision of the Commission;<br />

Act on all appointments and other personnel matters in the civil sewice<br />


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