Format of Forwarding Letter

Format of Forwarding Letter

Format of Forwarding Letter

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the said firm will render itself liable for punitive action, as deemed fit. The present tender in which theyhave quoted would be summarily rejected besides being debarred from participation in future opentenders for a period <strong>of</strong> two consecutive years.16.(i) In case <strong>of</strong> antibiotics, injections, biological preparations containing vitamins, enzymes and hormones,the supplies should not be beyond the expiry <strong>of</strong> 1/6 th shelf life at the time <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the store.(ii) The stores tendered should strictly conform to the specifications mentioned, i.e. strength, formulae,quality, packing, etc.(iii) Pertaining to Blood Products, a certificate from an accredited laboratory, indicating that theformulation is free from HIV, HBV and HCV viruses must be furnished for each batch <strong>of</strong> productsupplied.17. Payment will be made only after the full and final supply <strong>of</strong> the stores, Lab. Analysis Report and theGuarantee/Warrantee Certificate for each batch. No payment on part supply will be made.18. Labels <strong>of</strong> all containers, cartons, wrappers, vials, strips etc. should invariably be marked in block letters“CENTRAL GOVT. SUPPLY NOT TO BE SOLD” with the indelible ink in RED COLOUR.19. (i) Quotations should be strictly according to the required specifications and in case <strong>of</strong> formulations,detailed formula along with the concerned literature be furnished with the name <strong>of</strong> manufacturer andthe brand under which the product is marketed should also be stated.(ii) All containers, i.e. bottles, tins, cartons, tubes etc. are required to be secured with pilfer pro<strong>of</strong> packingso as to ensure genuineness <strong>of</strong> the product packed and correctness <strong>of</strong> its contents and shall be neatlylabelled.(iii) Unutilized items will be notified by this hospital three months in advance to its expiry, and the sameshould be replaced free <strong>of</strong> cost by the tenderer / firm.20. All certificates as specified in the tender document should be in English language. Alternatively, atranslated copy in English (by an authorised translator), along with the original copy will be accepted.The translated copy should be duly certified / attested by the competent authority.21. (i) Canvassing <strong>of</strong> any sort or influencing the members <strong>of</strong> any committee involved in the purchase processat any stage shall be considered for disqualification <strong>of</strong> bid.(ii) All court cases will be settled in Delhi jurisdiction only.22. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE ATTACHED WITH TENDER DOCUMENT:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)Earnest Money Deposit for Rs.1,00,000/-A valid drug license / import License from the drug controller for the manufacture /Import <strong>of</strong> themedicine/drug quoted. If revalidation <strong>of</strong> drug license has been applied for the copy <strong>of</strong> application toState Drug / Licensing authority may be attached with a certificate that application for renewal wasmade within time frame as per Drug and Cosmetic Act as amended up to date and that has not beendeleted by licensing authorityValid DGQA certificates/Revised Schedule ‘M’/WHO-GMP certificates (item quoted to be highlightedclearly).Two years <strong>of</strong> manufacturing and marketing experience certificate for the specified product except incase <strong>of</strong> new drugsA copy <strong>of</strong> up-to-date returns/acknowledgement from the Department <strong>of</strong> Trade and Taxes with TIN NO.(vi) Certificate to the effect that all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document areacceptable.(vii) Latest Audited Balance Sheet <strong>of</strong> manufacturing firm (annual turnover for the last year).(viii) Latest certificate <strong>of</strong> authorisation from the manufacturer for the quoted drugs/medicines valid at leastfor one year.

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