Format of Forwarding Letter

Format of Forwarding Letter

Format of Forwarding Letter

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5. TECHNO-COMMERCIAL AND PRICE EVALUATIONi. The constituted Joint Purchase Committee (JPC), on behalf <strong>of</strong> the purchaser shall determinethe substantial responsiveness <strong>of</strong> each bid in accordance with the terms & conditions <strong>of</strong> thebidding documents. For purposes <strong>of</strong> these clauses, a substantially responsive bid is one,which conforms to all the terms and conditions <strong>of</strong> the bidding documents without materialdeviations.ii. The Committee may waive any minor informality or non-conformity or irregularity in a bid,which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice oraffect the relative ranking <strong>of</strong> any bidder.iii. The Committee’s determination as to the substantial responsiveness or otherwise on each bidiv.or consideration <strong>of</strong> a minor informality or non-conformity or regularity is final and conclusive.The Price bid <strong>of</strong> only techno-commercially responsive bids/items shall be evaluated by theJPC after opening <strong>of</strong> the price bids.v. Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy betweenthe unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. Ifthe supplier does not accept the correction <strong>of</strong> the errors, its bids will be rejected. If there is adiscrepancy between the words and <strong>of</strong> figures the amount in words shall prevail.6. The stores <strong>of</strong>fered should comply with the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Drug Control Act 1940 and the rulesamended from time to time.7. (i) The manufacturer should preferably participate in the tenders directly. If the bids are submitted throughan authorised distributor, a valid certificate <strong>of</strong> authorisation, valid for at least one year, should beobtained from the manufacturer. In case the authorised distributor is quoting, all the certificates asrequired in the terms and conditions <strong>of</strong> tender should be from the manufacturer with their responsibilityand liability. In case the name <strong>of</strong> the authorised distributor is changed by the manufacturer, acceptance<strong>of</strong> the new authorised distributor for supply <strong>of</strong> drugs shall be at sole discretion <strong>of</strong> the hospital authorityand the onus <strong>of</strong> the responsibility would lie with the manufacturer.(ii) The authorised distributor, quoting for a specific item / drug, shall quote the rates <strong>of</strong> only onemanufacturer in one tender.8. (i) It will be a condition on the approval <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fer that the price charged for the stores supplied to thehospital shall in no event exceed the lowest at which the tenderer sells the stores <strong>of</strong> identicaldescription to any other individual / Govt or private institution. Violation <strong>of</strong> this clause will entaildebarring the erring firm from participating in the tender for two consecutive years.(ii) If at any stage during the tenure <strong>of</strong> the tender, the tenderer reduces the sales price lower than the pricecharged under the agreement, the tenderer will forthwith notify such reductions <strong>of</strong> the sale price to theMedical Superintendents <strong>of</strong> Safdarjang Hospital and Dr. R. M. L. Hospital, New Delhi.(iii) The quoted prices should not be in excess <strong>of</strong> Drug Control Order 1970, and the rules made thereafter asamended from time to time.9 (i) The rates should be quoted strictly as per our specification and per unit as mentioned in the list <strong>of</strong>drugs and supplied accordingly, e.g. in strips <strong>of</strong> 10 etc.(ii) The pack size and pack size rates should be specifically mentioned and adhered to while supplying thematerial.(iii) The rates <strong>of</strong> Tablets / Capsules should be quoted in strip pack only, mentioning pack size.(iv) Drug inserts/product inserts which are invariably supplied by the manufacturer/distributor with theproduct at the sale counter/or product brochure must be attached as enclosures with this tender.10. The quantity shown in the schedule is an estimated requirement and it cannot be guaranteed that thesame will be ordered.11. Excise duty(ED), Central Tax(CT), Sales Tax(ST) and other taxes, if chargeable extra, where legallylevied and intended to be claimed, should be distinctly shown along with the quoted price and no suchclaim if any, will be admitted at any later stage on any grounds. However, in the event <strong>of</strong> any revisionin the existing rates <strong>of</strong> duties or introduction <strong>of</strong> any statutory duty and taxes imposed by the Govt., thesame will be paid extra on production <strong>of</strong> satisfactory documentary pro<strong>of</strong>.

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