WSM Reference Guide - WatchGuard Technologies

WSM Reference Guide - WatchGuard Technologies WSM Reference Guide - WatchGuard Technologies
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Internet Protocol HeaderProperty Size DescriptionCheck 16 bits Checksum for the IP headerSour_Addr 32 bits Source IP addressDest_Addr 32 bits Destination IP addressOptions 24 bits IP Options (Present if IHL is 6)IP header number listThe IP Protocol header contains an 8-bit field that identifies the protocol for the transport layer for thedatagram.Keyword Number Protocol0 ReservedICMP 1 Internet Control MessageIGMP 2 Internet Group ManagementGGP 3 Gateway-to-GatewayIP 4 IP-within-IP (encapsulation)ST 5 StreamTCP 6 Transmission Control ProtocolUCL 7 UCLEGP 8 Exterior Gateway ProtocolIGP 9 Any private interior gatewayBBN-RCC-MON 10 BBN RCC MonitoringNVP-II 11 Network Voice ProtocolPUP 12 PUPARGUS 13 ARGUSEMCON 14 EMCONXNET 15 Cross Net DebuggerCHAOS 16 ChaosUDP 17 User Datagram ProtocolMUX 18 MultiplexingDCN-MEAS 19 DCN Measurement SubsystemsHMP 20 Host MonitoringPRM 21 Packet Radio MeasurementXNS-IDP 22 XEROX NS IDPTRUNK-1 23 Trunk-1TRUNK-2 24 Trunk-2LEAF-1 25 Leaf-1LEAF-2 26 Leaf-2RDP 27 Reliable Data ProtocolIRTP 28 Internet Reliable TransactionISO-TP4 29 ISO Transport Protocol Class 4NETBLT 30 Bulk Data Transfer Protocol2 WatchGuard System Manager

Internet Protocol HeaderKeyword Number ProtocolMFE-NSP 31 MFE Network Services ProtocolMERIT-INP 32 MERIT Internodal ProtocolSEP 33 Sequential Exchange Protocol3PC 34 Third Party Connect ProtocolIDPR 35 Inter-Domain Policy Routing ProtocolXTP 36 XTPDDP 37 Datagram Delivery ProtocolIDPR-CMTP 38 IDPR Control Message Transport ProtocolTP++ 39 TP++ Transport ProtocolIL 40 IL Transport ProtocolSIP 41 Simple Internet ProtocolSDRP 42 Source Demand Routing ProtocolSIP-SR 43 SIP Source RouteSIP-FRAG 44 SIP FragmentIDRP 45 Inter-Domain Routing ProtocolRSVP 46 Reservation ProtocolGRE 47 General Routing EncapsulationMHRP 48 Mobile Host Routing ProtocolBNA 49 BNAESP 50 Encapsulated Security PayloadAH 51 Authentication HeaderI-NLSP 52 Integrated Net Layer Security TUBASWIPE 53 IP with EncryptionNHRP 54 NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol55-60 Unassigned61 Any host internal protocolCFTP 62 CFTP63 Any local networkSAT-EXPAK 64 SATNET and Backroom EXPAKKRYPTOLAN 65 KryptolanRVD 66 MIT Remote Virtual Disk ProtocolIPPC 67 Internet Pluribus Packet Core68 Any distributed file systemSAT-MON 69 SATNET MonitoringVISA 70 VISA ProtocolIPCV 71 Internet Packet Core UtilityCPNX 72 Computer Protocol Network ExecutiveCPHB 73 Computer Protocol Heart BeatWSN 74 Wang Span NetworkPVP 75 Packet Video ProtocolBR-SAT-MON 76 Backroom SATNET MonitoringReference Guide 3

Internet Protocol HeaderProperty Size DescriptionCheck 16 bits Checksum for the IP headerSour_Addr 32 bits Source IP addressDest_Addr 32 bits Destination IP addressOptions 24 bits IP Options (Present if IHL is 6)IP header number listThe IP Protocol header contains an 8-bit field that identifies the protocol for the transport layer for thedatagram.Keyword Number Protocol0 ReservedICMP 1 Internet Control MessageIGMP 2 Internet Group ManagementGGP 3 Gateway-to-GatewayIP 4 IP-within-IP (encapsulation)ST 5 StreamTCP 6 Transmission Control ProtocolUCL 7 UCLEGP 8 Exterior Gateway ProtocolIGP 9 Any private interior gatewayBBN-RCC-MON 10 BBN RCC MonitoringNVP-II 11 Network Voice ProtocolPUP 12 PUPARGUS 13 ARGUSEMCON 14 EMCONXNET 15 Cross Net DebuggerCHAOS 16 ChaosUDP 17 User Datagram ProtocolMUX 18 MultiplexingDCN-MEAS 19 DCN Measurement SubsystemsHMP 20 Host MonitoringPRM 21 Packet Radio MeasurementXNS-IDP 22 XEROX NS IDPTRUNK-1 23 Trunk-1TRUNK-2 24 Trunk-2LEAF-1 25 Leaf-1LEAF-2 26 Leaf-2RDP 27 Reliable Data ProtocolIRTP 28 Internet Reliable TransactionISO-TP4 29 ISO Transport Protocol Class 4NETBLT 30 Bulk Data Transfer Protocol2 <strong>WatchGuard</strong> System Manager

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