Island Hopping Indonesia - Audley Travel

Island Hopping Indonesia - Audley Travel

Island Hopping Indonesia - Audley Travel

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General Information<strong>Travel</strong> insuranceIt is advisable to take out your travelinsurance at the time of booking yourtrip as cover will commence for predeparturecancellation from the policyissue date. This will, therefore, providecover should you have to cancel your tripfor an insured reason such as illness orserious accident.We strongly recommend that you and allmembers of your party are adequatelyinsured, protecting against unforeseencircumstances that could otherwise spoilyour travels. Cover should includemedical expenses and repatriation in theevent of accident or illness. In addition,we strongly recommend that you havecover for personal belongings, delay atyour outward or homeward point ofdeparture, personal liability, overseaslegal expenses and cancellation. If you areundertaking any sports or adventurousactivities, including trekking, on your tripyou should also make sure that yourpolicy covers these. Please also ensureyou read the policy conditions andexclusions.The type of trips we create and therequirements of <strong>Audley</strong> clients varygreatly. We have therefore listed below anumber of providers who offer policieswhich may suit these varyingrequirements. You can find a morecomprehensive list, including links to theproviders' websites, atwww.audleytravel.com. Other providersand policies are also available. We areunable to provide you with more detailedinformation and you should contact theprovider concerned directly for this.Please note, this is generalinformation only. We are notproviding any specific advice ontravel insurance or recommendingany particular policy or insurer.Trips of up to £5,000 ppA large number of companies offerinsurance policies which include cover forcancellation charges of up to the fullholiday cost. American Express (0800028 7573), Insure and Go (0844 8882787) and the Post Office (0800 2942292) all have policies that you may liketo consider. This information can alsobe found at www.audleytravel.com withlinks to the insurers’ websites.Trips over £5,000 ppIt can be more challenging to getinsurance which includes cover forcancellation charges of up to the fullholiday cost for higher value trips. Anumber of providers do, however, offersuch policies.Bowlin Insurance (01832 272 888) offersa totally bespoke service, tailoring apolicy to your specific requirements,American Express (0800 028 7573) offercancellation cover up to £12,500 perperson and Insure and Go (0844 8882787) offer cancellation cover up to£7,500 per person. This information canalso be found at www.audleytravel.comwith links to the insurers’ websites.Clients over 65 years of ageMany companies now offer cover topeople over 65 years of age. However, ifyou are finding it difficult to get coveryou could try Age UK (0845 600 3348)or Saga (0800 015 8055) both of whomcurrently have no upper age limit on theirpolicies. See also the companies referredto under pre-existing medical conditionsbelow. This information can also befound at www.audleytravel.com with linksto the insurers’ websites.Pre-existing medical conditionsIf you have a pre-existing medicalcondition, there are a number ofcompanies that may be able to help you.P J Hayman / Free Spirit (0845 230 5000)will consider most pre-existing medicalconditions and they have no upper agelimit on single trip policies. Age UK (0845600 3348) and Insure and Go (0844 8882787) will also consider a number of preexistingconditions and may be able tohelp. Cancer <strong>Travel</strong> Insurance Services(0845 880 0163) specialise in travelinsurance for people with non-terminalcancer and have no upper age limit ontheir policies. This information can alsobe found at www.audleytravel.com withlinks to the insurers’ websites.Non-UK residentsIf you are not a UK resident you willusually need to get insurance in yourcountry of residence. Some insurancecompanies, such as Colombus Direct(0870 033 9988), however, will considerpolicies for non-UK residents. Thisinformation can also be found on ourwebsite www.audleytravel.com with linksto the insurers’ websites.Once you have a travel insurance policyin place, please let your specialist knowwho your provider is and your policynumber.The above information is provided ingood faith and is correct to the best ofour knowledge as at July 2011. Noliability is, however, accepted for anyerrors and all information must bechecked directly with the insuranceprovider.Financial securityWe hold an Air <strong>Travel</strong>Organiser's Licence (ATOL)issued by the Civil AviationAuthority (ATOL number4817). When you buy an ATOLprotected air inclusive holiday* from us,you will receive a confirmation invoicefrom us (or via our authorised agentthrough which you booked) confirmingyour arrangements and your protectionunder our ATOL. In the unlikely event ofour insolvency the CAA will ensure thatyou are not left stranded abroad and willarrange to refund any money you havepaid to us for an advance booking.*The air inclusive holidays we arrange areATOL protected providing either theperson who pays for the booking ispresent in the UK when the booking ismade or the first leg of any flight orflights we arrange for you commences inthe UK. For further information, visit theATOL website at www.atol.org.ukNot all holiday or travel services offeredand sold by us will be protected by theATOL scheme. Those arrangementswhich are not protected by our ATOLare covered by insurance arranged byAmTrust Europe Ltd. This insurancemeans your money will be refunded oryou will be returned to the starting pointof your contracted arrangements ifalready abroad in the unlikely event ofour being unable to provide your holidaydue to our insolvency. Please ask us toconfirm what protection will apply toyour booking.HealthIt is essential that you see your GP or atravel clinic before booking your trip andbefore travelling to make sure that youhave taken all the necessary healthprecautions. Some vaccinations requiremore than one visit with a period ofweeks between injections. You shouldvisit your GP at least six weeks beforedeparture. For up to date medical adviceyou may wish to call the MedicalAdvisory Service for <strong>Travel</strong>lers Abroad(MASTA).MASTA <strong>Travel</strong>ler’s Health LineBefore travelling abroad, you cantelephone 0906 550 1402 (premium ratecall 60p/minute) to obtain a ‘Health Brief’specifically tailored to your journey. Yourbrief will give information aboutimmunisation and malaria as well as anyForeign Office advice and the latesthealth news. Their lines are open 24hours a day, 7 days a week. MASTA, 52Margaret Street, London W1W 8SQ.Internet: www.masta-travel-health.comGeneral Information 33

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