58th National Film Awards, 2010 - Directorate of Film Festivals

58th National Film Awards, 2010 - Directorate of Film Festivals

58th National Film Awards, 2010 - Directorate of Film Festivals

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58 th NATIONAL FILM AWARDS FOR <strong>2010</strong>S. No. Name <strong>of</strong> Award Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>Film</strong> Awardee45BESTBIOGRAPHICALFILMBEST ARTS &CULTURE FILMNilamadhaba(English)Leaving Home(English & Hindi)Producer:<strong>Film</strong>s DivisionDirector :Dilip PatnaikProducer:Jaideep VarmaD RamakrishnaDirector :Jaideep VarmaMedal& Cash PrizeRAJATKAMALRS 50,000/-EACHRAJATKAMALRS 50,000/-EACHCitationAn intimate portrayal <strong>of</strong> the inimitableSunanda Pattanaik, whose life isinseparable from contemporary Indianclassical music. The film explores the innerspirit <strong>of</strong> the artist through evocativemoments, pregnant with visual passages.It is an emotive and enthralling exposition <strong>of</strong>the passion and dedication <strong>of</strong> a group, bound bythe spirit <strong>of</strong> music, who transcend thecommercial boundary to embrace their originalcreative flair. Without compromising, the groupled to the adventure with courage and guts. Thefilm maker has journeyed through thisadventure with dramatic sensibility andcompassion.6 BEST SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY FILMHeart to Heart(Manipuri &English)Producer:Rotary Club <strong>of</strong> ImphalDirector :BachaspatimayumSunzuRAJATKAMALRS 50,000/-EACHA very well constructed reality with an engagingdramatic sensibility, that depicts the grimness <strong>of</strong>natural health maladies. It guides the viewerthrough emotions and playful spirit <strong>of</strong> the child.With the help <strong>of</strong> medical science, it enlightensthe viewer with awareness <strong>of</strong> Congenital HeartDefect and its promising treatment.7 BESTPROMOTIONALFILMEk Ropa Dhan(Hindi)Producer:MeghnathBhattacharjeeDirector :Biju Toppo andMeghnathBhattacharjeeRAJATKAMALRS 50,000/-EACHA succinct and well researched film lookingclosely at an innovation applied effectivelyin the farming <strong>of</strong> rice. The film engagessuccessfully with the issue and makes astrong case for the promotion <strong>of</strong> the practicecalled Ek Ropa Dhan.

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