BJE520 Froojie™ Juice Fountain® Instructions and Recipes

BJE520 Froojie™ Juice Fountain® Instructions and Recipes

BJE520 Froojie™ Juice Fountain® Instructions and Recipes

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ContentsPAGEBreville recommends safety first 4Know your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® 6Assembling your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® 8Operating your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® 12Disassembling your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® 15Care, cleaning <strong>and</strong> guarantee 17Trouble shooting guide 19Tips on juicing 20Fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetable facts 21<strong>Recipes</strong>R1

Congratulationson the purchase of your new Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®

Know your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®continuedFroojie Insertfor processing softer fruits such as bananas, mangoes <strong>and</strong>strawberries. Integrated h<strong>and</strong>le for left <strong>and</strong> right h<strong>and</strong>ed useFroojie Discfor processing softer fruits such as bananas,mangoes <strong>and</strong> strawberries<strong>Juice</strong> DiscAllows you to extract only the juice fromfruit <strong>and</strong> vegetablesBuilt in froth separatorEnsures juice froth is separated from juice when pouredinto a glass (if preferred)<strong>Juice</strong> jug lidAllows juicer to operate with the lid on, therefore eliminatingany splatter during operation. Place lid onto juice jug to storejuice in refrigeratorTo retain froth in the juice jug simply remove thelid before pouring the juice.Note

Assembling your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®Before first useBefore using your ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® for the first time, remove any packaging material <strong>and</strong>promotional stickers <strong>and</strong> labels. Ensure the appliance is switched off at the power outlet <strong>and</strong> the power cord isunplugged.Wash the filter bowl surround, juice disc, juicer cover, Froojie Disc, Froojie insert, food pusher, pulpcontainer <strong>and</strong> juice jug <strong>and</strong> lid in warm, soapy water with a soft cloth. Rinse <strong>and</strong> dry thoroughly. The motor basecan be wiped with a damp cloth. Dry thoroughly.For use with JUICE ExtractorStep 1Place the motor base on a flat, dry surface such asa bench top. Ensure that the motor base is switched‘Off’ at the control panel, then switch the appliance offat the power outlet <strong>and</strong> unplug the cord.Step 2Place the filter bowl surround on top of the motorbase.Step 3Align the arrows at the base of the juice disc with thearrows on the motor drive coupling <strong>and</strong> push downuntil it clicks into place. Ensure the juice disc is fittedsecurely inside the filter bowl surround <strong>and</strong> onto themotor base.Step 4Place the juicer cover over the filter bowl surround,positioning the feed chute over the juice disc <strong>and</strong>lower into position.

®Assembling your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®continuedStep 5Raise the safety locking arm up <strong>and</strong> locate it into thetwo grooves on either side of the juicer cover. Thesafety locking arm should now be in a vertical position<strong>and</strong> locked into place on top of the juicer cover.Step 7Place the pulp container into position by tilting thebase of the pulp container away from the motor base<strong>and</strong> slide the top of the pulp container over the bottomof the juice cover. Tilt the base of the pulp containerback into the motor base ensuring it is supported bythe container support extending from under the motorbase.Step 6Slide the food pusher down the feed chute byaligning the groove of the food pusher, with thesmall protrusion on the inside top of the feed chute.Continue to slide the food pusher down into the feedchute.To minimise cleaning, line the pulp containerwith a plastic freezer bag to collect the pulp.Pulp can then be used in other dishes, or ascompost for the garden or discarded.NoteStep 8Place the juice jug provided under the spout onthe right-h<strong>and</strong> side of the ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong>Fountain ® . The juice jug lid can be used to avoid anysplatter.Alternatively you can fit the custom-designedjuice nozzle over the juice spout <strong>and</strong> place a glassunderneath. The juice nozzle will prevent splatter,ensuring mess free juicing.

Assembling your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®continuedFor use with FROOJIE ExtractorStep 1Place the Filter Bowl Surround on the top of the MotorBase.Step 3Place the Froojie Insert into the Filter BowlSurround, making sure the warning label on theh<strong>and</strong>le is facing upwards.Step 2Place the Froojie Disc into the Filter Bowl Surround<strong>and</strong> onto the Motor Drive Coupling Push down until itclicks into place. Ensure the Froojie Disc is fittedsecurely inside the Filter Bowl Surround <strong>and</strong> onto theMotor Base.Step 4Place the <strong>Juice</strong>r Cover over the Froojie Insert <strong>and</strong>Filter Bowl Surround <strong>and</strong> lower into position.Never use Froojie Disc without Froojieinsert. They must always be used together.Note10

®Assembling your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®continuedStep 5Raise the safety locking arm up <strong>and</strong> lock into the twogrooves on either side of the juicer cover. The safetylocking arm should now be in a vertical position <strong>and</strong>locked into place on top of the juicer cover.Step 6Slide the food pusher down the feed chute byaligning the groove in the food pusher with the smallprotrusion on the inside of the top of the feed chute.There is no need to use pulp container whenusing Froojie Extractor.Step 7NotePlace the juice jug provided under the spout onthe right-h<strong>and</strong> side of the ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong>Fountain ® . The juice jug lid can be used to avoid anysplatter.11

Operating your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®continuedThe LCD display will illuminate continuously for 3minutes before going into a sleep mode, where itwill switch off automatically to conserve power.The screen will come back on after activatingthe ‘On/Off’ switch, the speed control dial, or thesafety locking arm.When the safety locking arm is not locked intoplace on top of the juicer cover, the LCD displaywill illuminate <strong>and</strong> flash with an “L”, indicatingthat the safety locking arm should be lockedinto place.When the safety locking arm is locked intoplace on top of the juicer cover, the LCD displaywill illuminate <strong>and</strong> display the selected speedsetting. The speed can be changed by adjustingthe variable speed control dial. For a quickjuicing speed reference, use the speed guidedisplayed on the LCD screen, the speed selectortable located on the pulp container, or refer tothe speed selector table on page 13.Hard fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetables will put excess strainonto the motor if a low speed is selected. Pleaserefer to the speed selector table to determinethe correct speed for the fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetablesbeing juicedNotePREPARATION OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLESFOR JUICE EXTRACTORSpeed selector tableFruit / VegetablesSuggestedSpeedApples 5Apricots (stone removed) 2Beetroot (cleaned, trimmed) 5Blueberries 1Broccoli 4Brussel Sprouts (trimmed) 5Cabbage 4Carrots (cleaned) 5Cauliflower 4Celery 5Cucumber (peeled) 2Cucumber - soft skinned 4Fennel 5Grapes (seedless) 1Kiwi fruit (peeled) 2Mangoes (peeled, stone removed) 2Melons (peeled) 1Nectarines (stone removed) 2Oranges (peeled) 3Peaches (stone removed 2Pears - hard (stalks removed) 5Pears - soft (stalks removed) 2Pineapple (peeled) 5Plums (stone removed) 2Raspberries 1Tomatoes 1Watermelon 113

Operating your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®continuedUse the speed selector table located on the pulpcontainer for a quick <strong>and</strong> convenient juicingreference.Step 5NotePress the ‘On/Off’ switch on the control panel to ‘On’.The juicer will start to operate at the selected speed.The speed can be changed at any time during thejuicing process by adjusting the variable speed controldial.After 3 minutes, the LCD display willautomatically turn off if the ‘On/Off’ switch is notturned ‘On’, or a speed is not selected.Step 6NoteWith the motor running, place food into the feed chute<strong>and</strong> use the food pusher to gently guide food down.To extract the maximum amount of juice, always pushthe food pusher down slowly.The ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® willautomatically stop operating if the motor isstalled for more than 10 seconds. This is a safetyfeature. Either too much food is being processedat one time or the pieces are not small enough.Try trimming food, cutting food into smallerpieces of even size <strong>and</strong>/or processing a smalleramount per batch.To continue juicing, reset the <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain Plusby pressing the ‘On/Off’ switch on the controlpanel to ‘Off’, switch off at power outlet <strong>and</strong>remove power cord from power outlet, then clearthe feed chute, finally plug power cord back intopower point <strong>and</strong> switch on at power outlet. Turnthe appliance back on by pressing the ‘On/Off’switch to ‘On’.NoteStep 7 - Using the <strong>Juice</strong> ExtractorAs fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetables are processed, juice willflow into the juice jug <strong>and</strong> the separated pulp willaccumulate in the pulp container.The pulp container can be emptied during juicing byturning the ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® ‘Off’at the control panel <strong>and</strong> then carefully removing thepulp container. Replace the empty pulp container intoposition before continuing to juice.Do not allow the pulp container to overfill as thismay affect the operation of the appliance.To minimise cleaning, line the pulp containerwith a plastic freezer bag to collect the pulp.Pulp can then be used in other dishes (see pageR12), or as compost for the garden or discarded(see page 17).To include the froth in with your juice, simplyremove the lid of the juice jug when pouringjuice into the glass.Step 8 - Using the Froojie ExtractorNoteWhen using the Froojie Extractor Froojie will flowinto the juice jug. There will be no pulp extracted intoPulp Container.Some fruit Froojie may be left in the juicecollector. This is normal. The amount left overwill vary depending on ripeness <strong>and</strong> hardness offruit.Warning: NEVER USE FINGERS,HANDS OR OTHER UTENSILS TO PUSHFOOD DOWN THE FEED CHUTE ORTO CLEAR THE FEED CHUTE DURINGOPERATION. ALWAYS USE THE FOODPUSHER PROVIDED.Note14

Disassembling your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®JUICE EXTRACTORStep 1Ensure the ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® is turnedoff by pressing the ‘On/Off’ switch on the controlpanel to ‘Off’. Then switch the appliance off at thepower outlet <strong>and</strong> unplug the cord.Step 4Lift the juicer cover off the ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong>Fountain ® .Step 2Remove the pulp container by tilting the base awayfrom the motor base, then un-latch it from under thejuicer cover <strong>and</strong> the container support extending fromunder the motor base.Step 5Remove the filter bowl surround with the juice discstill in place.Step 3Use the grip h<strong>and</strong>le located on the safety locking armto lift the locking arm from the juicer cover <strong>and</strong> lowerdown out of position.Step 6To remove the juice disc from the filter bowl surround,insert fingers under the grooves market ‘LIFT BASKET’<strong>and</strong> lift the juice disc up. For easy cleaning, it isrecommended to remove the juice disc over the sink.Warning: THE JUICE DISCCONTAINS SMALL SHARP BLADESTO CUT AND PROCESS FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES. AVOID TOUCHING BLADESWHEN HANDLING THE FILTER BASKET.15

Disassembling your Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®continuedFROOJIE EXTRACTORStep 1Switch the on/off button on the control panel of theBreville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain to turn off.Then switch the appliance OFF at the power outlet<strong>and</strong> unplug the cord.Step 3Lift the Froojie insert from the Filter Bowl surround.Step 4Lift the Froojie Disc out of the Filter Bowl Surround.(Be careful not to touch the sharp cutting teeth).Step 2Place both h<strong>and</strong>s on either side of the Locking Arm<strong>and</strong> pull back <strong>and</strong> lift over the grooves on either sideof the <strong>Juice</strong>r Cover.CAUTION: ULTRA SHARP STAINLESSSTEEL CUTTING DISC AND TEETH.WARNING: THE Froojie CUTTINGDISC HAS SUPER SHARP BLADES ANDTEETH. DO NOT TOUCH TEETH AND BLADEWHEN HANDLING THE Froojie Disc.16

tain ®Care, cleaning <strong>and</strong> guaranteeEnsure the ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® is turnedoff by pressing the ‘On/Off’ button on the control panelto ‘Off’. Then switch the appliance off at the poweroutlet <strong>and</strong> unplug the cord.Ensure the ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® iscorrectly disassembled. Refer to Disassembling yourBreville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® (page 15).FOR EASIER CLEANING:Clean as you go <strong>and</strong> avoid dried on juice or pulpresidue.Immediately after each use, rinse removableparts in hot water to remove wet pulp. Allowparts to air dry.To minimise cleaning, line the pulp containerwith a plastic freezer bag to collect the pulp.Pulp can then be used in other dishes (seerecipes section R1-R17) or as compost for thegarden or discarded.Cleaning the motor baseNoteCleaning the juice discFor consistent juicing results always ensure that thejuice disc is thoroughly cleaned using the suppliedcleaning brush.1. Soak the juice disc in hot soapy water forapproximately 10 minutes immediately afterjuicing is completed. If pulp is left to dry on thefilter it may clog the fine pores of the filter meshthereby lessening the effectiveness ofthe juicer.2. Using the cleaning brush, hold the juice disc underrunning water <strong>and</strong> brush from the insideof the basket to the outer rim. Avoid touchingthe small sharp blades in the centre of the juicedisc. After cleaning the juice disc, hold it uptowards a light to ensure the fine mesh holes arenot blocked. If the holes are blocked, soak thejuice disc in hot water with 10% lemon juiceto loosen the blocked holes. Alternatively, washthe juice disc in the dishwasher.1.2.Wipe the motor base with a soft, damp cloth thendry thoroughly.Wipe any excess food particles from the power cord.Do not use abrasive scouring pads or cleanerswhen cleaning the parts or motor base as theymay scratch the surface.NoteCleaning the filter bowl surround, juicercover, Froojie insert, food pusher, pulpcontainer1.Wash all parts in warm soapy water with a softcloth. Rinse <strong>and</strong> dry thoroughly.The filter bowl surround, juicer cover <strong>and</strong> pulpcontainer are dishwasher safe (top shelf only).The Froojie insert is not dishwasher safe.Please wash in warm water.NoteThe juice disc is dishwasher safe (top shelf only).• Do not soak the juice disc in bleach or otherabrasive cleansers.• Always treat the juice disc with care as it canbe easily damaged.Note17

Care, cleaning <strong>and</strong> guarantee continuedCleaning the juice jug1.2.Rinse the juice jug <strong>and</strong> lid with froth attachmentunder running water.Wash both parts in warm soapy water with a softcloth. Rinse <strong>and</strong> dry thoroughly.The juice jug <strong>and</strong> lid are dishwasher safe (topshelf only).Removing stubborn or strong foodstains <strong>and</strong> odoursNoteDiscolouration of the plastic may occur with stronglycoloured fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetables. To help prevent this,wash parts immediately after use. If discolourationdoes occur, the plastic parts can be soaked in waterwith 10% lemon juice or they can be cleaned with anon abrasive cleaner.Breville 5 year motor guaranteeThe Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® isconstructed with a heavy duty motor. So heavy duty,we have given the motor a 5 year guarantee againstfaulty materials or manufacture. This warranty is anextension of the 12 month replacement guarantee <strong>and</strong>covers the motor only. The warranty does not coverdamage caused by accident, misuse, or being used ina manner not stated in the instruction book.The 5 year guarantee is additional to the conditions<strong>and</strong> warranties m<strong>and</strong>atory implied by the laws <strong>and</strong>regulations of the individual States <strong>and</strong> Territories ofAustralia <strong>and</strong> the Trade Practices Act, 1974.12 month replacement guaranteeThe Breville ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® istotally covered for the first 12 months againstfaulty material or manufacture by the Breville 12month replacement guarantee (see Guarantee Cardenclosed). DO NOT IMMERSE THE MOTORBASE IN WATER OR ANY OTHER LIQUID.THE CENTRE OF THE JUICE DISC ANDFEED CHUTE CONTAINS SMALL SHARPBLADES TO PROCESS FRUIT ANDVEGETABLES DURING THE JUICINGFUNCTION. DO NOT TOUCH BLADES WHENHANDLING THE JUICE DISC OR FEEDCHUTE.18

Trouble shooting guideMachine will not work when switched‘ON’The safety locking arm may not be correctly engagedin the vertical operating position with the locking armlocated into the two grooves on either side of thejuicer cover (page 8 step 5).Motor appears to stall when juicing1.2.3.Wet pulp can build up under the juicer cover if thejuicing action is too vigorous. Try slower juicingaction by pushing the food pusher down moreslowly (page 10 step 4). Follow Disassembling<strong>and</strong> Cleaning instructions <strong>and</strong> clean the filter bowlsurround, the juice disc <strong>and</strong> the juicer cover.The ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® willautomatically stop operating if the motor is stalledfor more than 10 seconds. Either too much foodis being processed at one time or the pieces arenot small enough. Try trimming the food or cuttinginto smaller pieces of even size <strong>and</strong> processinga smaller amount per batch. To continue juicing,reset the ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® bypressing the ‘On/Off’ switch on the control panel to‘Off’ then turn the appliance back on by pressing‘On/Off’ switch to ‘On’.Hard fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetables will put excess strainonto the motor if a low speed is selected. Pleaserefer to the juicing guide on Page 9 to determinethe correct speed for the fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetablesselected for juicing.Excess pulp building up in the stainlesssteel filter basketStop the juicing process <strong>and</strong> follow Disassembling<strong>Instructions</strong>. Remove the juicer cover, scrape off pulp,reassemble <strong>and</strong> begin juicing again. Try alternating(soft <strong>and</strong> hard) vegetable <strong>and</strong> fruit varieties.Pulp too wet <strong>and</strong> reducedextracted juiceTry a slower juicing action.Remove juice disc <strong>and</strong> thoroughly clean mesh wallswith a cleaning brush. Rinse the juice disc under hotwater. If the fine mesh holes are blocked, soak thebasket in a solution of hot water with 10% lemonjuice to unblock the holes or wash in the dishwasher.This will remove excess fibre build up (from fruit orvegetables) which could be inhibiting the juice flow.<strong>Juice</strong> leaks between the rim of the <strong>Juice</strong>r<strong>and</strong> the juicer coverTry a slower juicing speed <strong>and</strong> push the food pusherdown the feed chute more slowly (page 10, step 6).<strong>Juice</strong> sprays out from spoutUse juice jug <strong>and</strong> lid provided, or if juicing intoa glass use the custom designed juice nozzle.Try using fruits with more water content to helpflush through the contents. Additionally, try a slowerjuicing action by feeding one piece in at a time <strong>and</strong> bypushing the food pusher down more slowly.When using the Froojie Extractor, thefilter bowl surround becomes full <strong>and</strong>clogs its spout.Try using fruits with more water content to helpflush through the contents. Additionally, try a slowerjuicing action by feeding one piece in at a time <strong>and</strong> bypushing the food pusher down more slowly.19

Tips on juicingThe inside information on juicingAlthough the juice drinks contained in this bookletwere developed with flavour, texture <strong>and</strong> aroma atthe forefront, the health benefits certainly add to thepleasurable taste experience.95% of the nutrient content of fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetablesis found in the juice. Liquids extracted from freshfruits <strong>and</strong> vegetables form an important part of a wellbalancedhealthy diet. Fresh fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetable juicesare an easy source of vitamins <strong>and</strong> minerals. <strong>Juice</strong>sare rapidly absorbed into the blood stream thereforebeing the quickest way in which the body can digestnutrients.When you make your own fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetable juices,you have complete control over what is included.Select the ingredients <strong>and</strong> decide if you need toadd sugar, salt or other flavouring agents afterjuicing. Freshly extracted juices should be consumedimmediately after they have been processed toavoid a loss of vitamin content.Purchasing <strong>and</strong> storage of fruit <strong>and</strong>vegetables•••••Always wash fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetables before juicing.Always use fresh fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetables for juicing.To save money <strong>and</strong> obtain fresher produce,purchase fruit or vegetables that are in season.Refer to the Fruit <strong>and</strong> Vegetable Facts chart(page 21-22).Keep your fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetables ready for juicing bywashing <strong>and</strong> drying them before storing.Most fruits <strong>and</strong> hardier type vegetables can bestored at room temperature. The more delicate<strong>and</strong> perishable items such as tomatoes, berries,leafy greens, celery, cucumbers <strong>and</strong> herbs shouldbe stored in the refrigerator until required.Preparation of fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetables for<strong>Juice</strong>r attachment• If using fruits with hard or inedible skins such asmangoes, guava, melons or pineapple, always peelbefore juicing.• Some vegetables, such as cucumbers, can beprocessed un-peeled depending on the softness ofthe skin <strong>and</strong> the juicing requirements.• All fruits with large pits, hard seeds or stones suchas nectarines, peaches, mangoes, apricots, plums<strong>and</strong> cherries must be pitted before juicing.• Ensure vegetables such as beetroot, carrots,etc. have all soil removed, are well washed <strong>and</strong>trimmed of leaves before juicing.• Ensure fruits such as strawberries are hulledbefore juicing <strong>and</strong> pears have their stalks removed.• Citrus fruit can be juiced in the ikon Froojie<strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® but remove the skin <strong>and</strong> excesspith before juicing.• A small amount of lemon juice can be added toapple juice to reduce discolouration.Your ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® makesinvigorating, frothy orange juice. Simply peelthe oranges <strong>and</strong> remove any excess pith beforejuicing. It is best to refrigerate oranges beforejuicing.NotePreparation of fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetables forFroojie extractor• Only soft fruits should be used with the FroojieExtractor.• When using fruits with hard inedible skins, suchas mangoes, pineapple or kiwi fruit, always peelbefore juicing.• When using fruits with a hard core such aspineapple, always remove this before juicing.• All fruits with pits, hard seeds or stones such asnectarines, peaches, mangoes <strong>and</strong> apricots mustbe pitted or deseeded before juicing.• Passionfruit pulp, peeled kiwi fruit <strong>and</strong> berries canbe processed without removing seeds.When using the Froojie Extractor, use lowerspeeds (speed 1 or 2). Always ensure motor isrunning before adding fruit <strong>and</strong>/or vegetables tofeed tube.Note20

Fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetable factsFruit <strong>and</strong>vegetablesBest seasonto buyStorageNutritional valueKilojoule /Calorie countApplesApricotsAutumnWinterSummerVented plasticbags inrefrigeratorUnwrappedin crisper ofrefrigeratorHigh in Dietary Fibre, Vitamin CHigh in Dietary Fibre, PotassiumBanana Spring Cool, dry place Dietary Fibre, Potassium, Vitamin C, B6BeetrootBlueberriesBroccoliWinterSummerAutumnWinterBrussel Sprouts AutumnWinterCabbageCarrotsCauliflowerCeleryCucumberFennelGrapes(seedless)Kiwi FruitWinterWinterAutumnWinterAutumnWinterSummerWinterSpringSummerWinterSpringCut off tops,then refrigerateunwrappedCover in therefrigeratorPlastic bag inrefrigeratorUnwrappedin crisper ofrefrigeratorWrapped,trimmed in therefrigeratorUncovered inrefrigeratorRemove outerleaves, store inplastic bag inrefrigeratorRefrigerate inplastic bagCrisper inrefrigeratorCrisper inrefrigeratorPlastic bag inrefrigeratorCrisper inrefrigeratorGood source of Folate, Dietary Fibre,Vitamin C, PotassiumVitamin CVitamin C, B2, B5, B6, E, Folate,Dietary FibreVitamin C, B2, B6, E, Folate,Dietary FibreVitamin C, B6, Folate, PotassiumDietary FibreVitamin A, C, B6, Dietary FibreVitamin C, B5, B6, K, Folate, PotassiumVitamin C, PotassiumVitamin CVitamin C, Dietary FibreVitamin C, B6, PotassiumVitamin C, Potassium200g Apple= 300Kj (72 cals)30g Apricot= 84Kj (20 cals)250g Bananas= 836Kj160g Beetroot= 188Kj (45 cals)125g Blueberries= 293Kj (70 cals)100g Broccoli= 196Kj (23 cals)100g BrusselSprouts= 109Kj (26 cals)100g Cabbage= 109Kj (26 cals)120g Carrots= 125Kj (30 cals)100g Cauliflower= 55Kj (13 cals)80g stick= 29Kj (7 cals)280g Cucumber= 121Kj (29 cals)300g Fennel= 146Kj (35 cals)125g Grapes= 355Kj (85 cals)100g Kiwi Fruit= 167Kj (40 cals)21

Fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetable facts continuedFruit <strong>and</strong>vegetablesBest seasonto buyStorageNutritional valueKilojoule /Calorie countMangoesSummerCovered inrefrigeratorVitamin A, C, B1, B6, Potassium240g Mango= 426Kj (102 cals)Melons(includingWatermelon)SummerAutumnCrisper inrefrigeratorVitamin C, A, Folate, Dietary Fibre200g Melon= 209Kj (50 cals)NectarinesSummerCrisper inrefrigeratorVitamin C, B3, Potassium, Dietary Fibre180g Nectarines= 355Kj (85 cals)OrangesWinterAutumnSpringCool, dry placefor 1 week,transfer torefrigerator tokeep longerVitamin C 35mg / 100g130g Orange= 259Kj (62 cals)PeachesSummerRefrigerateuncoveredVitamin C, B3, Potassium, Dietary Fibre150g peach= 205Kj (49 cals)PearsAutumnRefrigerateuncoveredDietary Fibre150g Pear= 350Kj (60 cals)PineapplesSummerRefrigerateuncoveredVitamin C150g Pineapple= 245Kj (59 cals)PlumsSummerRefrigerateuncoveredDietary Fibre70g Plums= 110Kj (26 cals)RaspberriesSummerCovered inrefrigeratorVitamin C, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium125g Raspberries= 130Kj (31 cals)StrawberriesSpringCover in therefrigeratorVitamin C, Folate, Calcium, Potassium,Phosphorus144g Strawberries= 65Kj (46 cals)TomatoesSummerUncoveredin crisper ofrefrigeratorVitamin C, E, A, Dietary Fibre, Folate100g Tomatoes= 92Kj (22 cals)Your ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® makesinvigorating frothy orange juice. Simply peel theoranges <strong>and</strong> juice (best to refrigerate orangesbefore juicing).Note22


RECIPE - ContentspAGEpAGEUSING JUICE EXTRACTORUSING FROOJIE EXTRACTORFresh StartsVitamin ReplacersLiquid LunchesIcy CoolersSpirited <strong>Juice</strong>sEnergy FuelFibre FavouritesR3R5R6R8R9R10R11Salsa, Fresh Relishes, Sauces, DipsSoupDesserts <strong>and</strong> Fruit SaucesDrinks <strong>and</strong> FroojiesR14R15R16R17R

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Fresh StartsApple, carrot <strong>and</strong> celery juiceAlter the amounts of either the carrots or apple tomake the juice sweeter or savoury to suit your tastebuds:4 small Granny Smith apples3 medium sized carrots4 sticks celery1.2.Process apples, carrots <strong>and</strong> celery through ikonFroojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speed 5.Mix well <strong>and</strong> serve immediately.Tomato, carrot, celery <strong>and</strong> lime juice2 medium tomatoes1 lime, peeled1 large carrot2 celery stalks1.2.Process tomatoes, lime, carrot <strong>and</strong> celery throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 1,3 <strong>and</strong> 5.Serve immediately.Orange, carrot <strong>and</strong> beetroot juice4 oranges, peeled2 medium carrots3 medium beetroot1.Process oranges, carrots <strong>and</strong> beetroot throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 3<strong>and</strong> 5.Peach, grapefruit <strong>and</strong> apple juice2 large peaches, halved <strong>and</strong> seeds removed2 grapefruits, peeled1 small Delicious apple1.2.Process peaches, grapefruit <strong>and</strong> apple, throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 2,3 <strong>and</strong> 5.Serve immediately.Strawberry, apple <strong>and</strong> pear juice1 cup strawberries, hulled1 small Granny Smith apple3 small ripe pears, stalks removed1.2.Process strawberries, apple <strong>and</strong> pears throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 1<strong>and</strong> 5.Serve immediately.Rockmelon, mint <strong>and</strong> mango juice1⁄2 small rockmelon, peeled, seeded <strong>and</strong> halved3 sprigs fresh mint leaves1 mango, halved, seeded <strong>and</strong> peeled1.Process rockmelon, mint <strong>and</strong> mango throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 1<strong>and</strong> 2.2. Serve immediately.2.Serve immediately.R

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Fresh StartsTomato, cucumber, parsley <strong>and</strong> carrotjuice3 medium tomatoes1 large cucumber, peeled, if desired1 large bunch fresh parsley3 medium carrots1.Process tomatoes, cucumber, parsley <strong>and</strong> carrotsthrough ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® usingspeeds 1, 4 <strong>and</strong> 5.2.Serve immediately.Orange, ginger, celery <strong>and</strong> kumara juice4 oranges, peeled2.5cm piece fresh ginger4 sticks celery1 small kumara (sweet potato), peeled <strong>and</strong> halved1.Process oranges, ginger, celery <strong>and</strong> kumarathrough ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® usingspeeds 3 <strong>and</strong> 5.2.Serve immediately.Parsnip, celery <strong>and</strong> pear juice2 parsnips4 sticks celery4 medium pears, stalks removed1.Process parsnips, celery <strong>and</strong> pears through ikonFroojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speed 5.2.Serve immediately.R

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Vitamin ReplacesTomato, red capsicum, parsley <strong>and</strong>carrot juice2 small red capsicums3 medium tomatoes4 sprigs parsley3 carrots1.2.3.Trim stem from capsicums <strong>and</strong> remove seeds.Process tomatoes, capsicums, parsley <strong>and</strong> carrotsthrough ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® usingspeeds 1, 4 <strong>and</strong> 5.Serve immediately.Blackberry, grapefruit <strong>and</strong> pear juice250g blackberries2 grapefruits, peeled3 ripe pears, stalks removed1.Process blackberries, grapefruit <strong>and</strong> pears throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 1,3 <strong>and</strong> 5.Cucumber, celery, bean sprout <strong>and</strong> fenneljuice1 large cucumber3 sticks celery2 cups bean sprouts1 bulb fennel1.2.Process cucumber, celery, bean sprouts <strong>and</strong>fennel through ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ®using speeds 4 <strong>and</strong> 5.Serve immediately.Frothy orange juiceRefrigerate oranges before juicing1kg oranges, peeled1.Process oranges through ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong>Fountain ® using speed 3.2. Serve immediately.2.Serve immediately.Beetroot, apple <strong>and</strong> celery juice4 medium sized beetroot, trimmed2 medium Granny Smith apples4 sticks celery1.Process beetroot, apples <strong>and</strong> celery throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speed 5.2.Serve immediately.R

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Liquid LunchesFresh vegetable soup with noodles1 small tomato1 green capsicum, base removed <strong>and</strong> seeded1 small onion, peeled <strong>and</strong> trimmed2 carrots1 tablespoon butter1 tablespoon wholemeal flour375ml vegetable stock1 x 425g canned baked beans1 packet 2 Minute NoodlesFreshly ground black pepper1. tomato, capsicum, onion <strong>and</strong> carrotsthrough ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® usingspeeds 1, 4 <strong>and</strong> 5.Melt butter in a large saucepan over amedium heat.Stir in flour, cook for one minute,stirring constantly.Stir in the extracted juice, vegetable stock<strong>and</strong> baked beans.Bring to the boil, then reduce heat <strong>and</strong> allowto simmer for 10 minutes.Add noodles, cook for 2 minutes or untilnoodles are tender.Pour soup into 4 serving bowls, sprinkle with blackpepper to taste <strong>and</strong> serve immediately.Gazpacho4 medium tomatoes4 sprigs fresh parsley1 red capsicum, base removed <strong>and</strong> seeded1 Lebanese cucumber1 large clove garlic, peeled1 small onion, peeled <strong>and</strong> trimmed2 carrots2 stalks celery2 tablespoons red wine vinegarFreshly ground black pepper1 cup crushed ice3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil1.2.3.4.Process tomatoes, parsley, red capsicum,cucumber, garlic, onion, carrots <strong>and</strong> celery throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 1,4 <strong>and</strong> 5.Stir in vinegar <strong>and</strong> black pepper.Arrange ice in four soup bowls.Pour soup over ice in bowls, sprinkle with basil<strong>and</strong> serve immediately.R

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Liquid LunchesMango, rockmelon <strong>and</strong> orange yoghurtdrink1 mango, halved, peeled <strong>and</strong> seeded1⁄2 small rockmelon, peeled, seeded <strong>and</strong> cut into twoequal portions5 oranges, peeled3 tablespoons natural yoghurt1.2.3.Process mango, rockmelon <strong>and</strong> oranges throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 1,2 <strong>and</strong> 3.Pour into a large bowl. Whisk in yoghurt.Pour into glasses <strong>and</strong> serve immediately.Pasta with Provencale style sauce4 tomatoes2 sprigs fresh parsley1 red capsicum, stem removed <strong>and</strong> seeded1 stick celery2 large cloves garlic1 small onion, peeled <strong>and</strong> trimmed1 tablespoon tomato paste1⁄2 cup red wine500g cooked pasta2 teaspoons dried oregano3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese1. tomatoes, parsley, red capsicum, celery,garlic <strong>and</strong> onion through ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong>Fountain ® using speeds 1, 4 <strong>and</strong> 5.Blend tomato paste with red wine, stir in theextracted juice.Pour into a saucepan <strong>and</strong> cook over medium heatfor 3-4 minutes.Add pasta <strong>and</strong> toss to coat pasta well. Dividemixture between 4 serving bowls.Sprinkle with oregano <strong>and</strong> Parmesan cheese.6. Serve immediately.R

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Icy CoolersSparkling pear <strong>and</strong> apricot cooler4 large apricots, halved <strong>and</strong> seeded3 large pears, stalks removed1 cup crushed ice250ml mineral water1. apricots <strong>and</strong> pears through ikonFroojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 2 <strong>and</strong> 5.RScoop ice into 4 tall glasses.Divide extracted juice between the glasses.Top with mineral water, stir well to blend.Serve immediately.Rockmelon, strawberry <strong>and</strong> passioncrush1⁄2 rockmelon, peeled, seeded <strong>and</strong> cut into chunks250g strawberries, hulledPulp of 2 passion fruit1 cup crushed ice1.2.3.4.Process rockmelon <strong>and</strong> strawberries throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speed 1.Stir in passion fruit pulp.Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour over juice, mix wellto combine.Serve immediately.Pear, radish <strong>and</strong> celery crush3 medium pears, stalks removed4 radishes, trimmed3 sticks celery1 cup crushed ice1.2.3.Process pears, radishes <strong>and</strong> celery through ikonFroojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speed 5.Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour in juice, mixwell to combine.Serve immediately.Tropical blend2 mangoes, halved, seeded <strong>and</strong> peeled3 kiwi fruit, peeled1⁄2 small pineapple, peeled <strong>and</strong> quartered1⁄2 cup fresh mint leaves1 cup crushed ice1.2.3.Process mangoes, kiwi fruit, pineapple <strong>and</strong> mintthrough ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® usingspeeds 2 <strong>and</strong> 5.Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour in juice, mix wellto combine.Serve immediately.Tomato, nectarine, passionfruit <strong>and</strong> minticY6 tomatoes2 nectarines, stones removed <strong>and</strong> halved1⁄2 cup fresh mint leavesPulp of 4 passion fruit1 cup crushed ice1.2.3.4.Process tomatoes, nectarines <strong>and</strong> mint leavesthrough ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® usingspeeds 1 <strong>and</strong> 2.Stir in passionfruit pulp.Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour in juice, mixwell to combine.Serve immediately.Cucumber, pineapple <strong>and</strong> cori<strong>and</strong>er icY2 cucumbers, peeled if desired1⁄2 cup fresh cori<strong>and</strong>er leaves1⁄2 small pineapple, peeled <strong>and</strong> quartered1 cup crushed ice1.2.Process cucumbers, cori<strong>and</strong>er <strong>and</strong> pineapplethrough ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® usingspeeds 4 <strong>and</strong> 5.Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour in juice, mix wellto combine.3. Serve immediately.

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Spirited <strong>Juice</strong>sCoconut pineapple colada1⁄2 large pineapple, peeled <strong>and</strong> quartered3 tablespoons Malibu liqueur2 tablespoons coconut cream500ml soda water1 cup crushed ice1.2.3.4.Process pineapple through ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong>Fountain ® using speed 5.Stir in liqueur, coconut cream <strong>and</strong> soda water.Scoop ice into 4 tall glasses, pour in juice mixture,mix well to combine.Serve immediately.Honeydew dream1 honeydew melon, peeled, seeded <strong>and</strong> quartered3 tablespoons Midori liqueur500ml soda water1 cup crushed ice1.2.3.4.Process honeydew melon through ikonFroojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speed 1.Stir in liqueur <strong>and</strong> soda water.Scoop ice into 4 tall glasses, pour in melonmixture, mix well to combine.Serve immediately.Bloody mary4 medium tomatoes2 sticks celery1 large red capsicum, stem removed <strong>and</strong> seeded1⁄2 cup Vodka1 cup crushed ice1.2.3.Process tomatoes, celery <strong>and</strong> red capsicumthrough ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® usingspeeds 1, 4 <strong>and</strong> 5.Stir in Vodka. Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour intomato mixture, mix well to combine.Serve immediately.Peach <strong>and</strong> mint julep6 peaches, halved <strong>and</strong> seeded1⁄2 cup fresh mint leaves2 tablespoons Crème de Menthe2 teaspoons sugar1⁄2 cup crushed ice500ml mineral water1.2.3.Process peaches <strong>and</strong> mint leaves through ikonFroojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speed 2.Stir in Crème de Menthe <strong>and</strong> sugar.Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour in peach mixture,top with mineral water, mix well to combine.4. Serve immediately.R

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Energy FuelGrape, kiwi fruit <strong>and</strong> berry boosterGrapes contain potassium <strong>and</strong> iron, providing a greatpick-me-up after a strenuous day.500g green seedless grapes, stems removed2 kiwi fruit, peeled250g strawberries, hulled500ml skim milk2 tablespoons powdered protein drink mix1⁄2 cup crushed ice1.Process grapes, kiwi fruit <strong>and</strong> strawberries throughikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speed 1.Orange, carrot, mint <strong>and</strong> beetrootquencher4 oranges, peeled8 carrots1⁄2 cup fresh mint leaves2 small beetroots, trimmed1.Process oranges, carrots, mint leaves <strong>and</strong>beetroots through ikon Froojie <strong>Juice</strong>Fountain ® using speeds 3 <strong>and</strong> 5.2. Serve immediately.2.3.Mix in milk, protein drink mix <strong>and</strong> crushed ice.Pour into chilled glasses <strong>and</strong> serve immediately.Apricot, apple <strong>and</strong> pear sparkle4 large apricots, halved <strong>and</strong> seeded4 small red apples3 medium pears, stalks removed250ml sparkling mineral water1⁄2 cup crushed ice1.Process apricots, apples <strong>and</strong> pears through ikonFroojie <strong>Juice</strong> Fountain ® using speeds 2 <strong>and</strong> 5.2.3.Stir in mineral water <strong>and</strong> ice.Pour into chilled glasses <strong>and</strong> serve immediately.R10

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Fibre FavouritesRather than waste the fibre from the fruit <strong>and</strong> vegetables that have been juiced, the following recipes have beendeveloped using the left over pulp.Carrot, pumpkin <strong>and</strong> feta flan8 sheets filo pastry60g butter, melted1 leek, finely sliced1 cup pumpkin pulp1 cup carrot pulp250g feta cheese, crumbled3 x 60g eggs1 egg white1⁄2 cup milk2 tablespoons orange rind3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley1.2.3.Layer the sheets of pastry, brushing between eachsheet with melted butter. Lift pastry into a 25cmflan tin, press over base <strong>and</strong> side. Trim pastryedge to about 1.5cm higher than side of tin.Combine leek, pumpkin, carrot, feta cheese, eggs,egg white, milk, orange rind <strong>and</strong> parsley.Pour into pastry case <strong>and</strong> bake at 180°C for25-30 minutes or until golden <strong>and</strong> set.Vegetable <strong>and</strong> bacon soup3 teaspoons butter1 onion, finely chopped1 ham bone350g beetroot pulp, strained <strong>and</strong> juice reserved50g potato pulp, strained <strong>and</strong> juice reserved50g carrot pulp, strained <strong>and</strong> juice reserved100g tomato pulp, strained <strong>and</strong> juice reserved50g cabbage pulp, strained <strong>and</strong> juice reservedReserved juices <strong>and</strong> enough water to make 2 litres4 bacon rashers, chopped1 tablespoon lemon juice1⁄2 cup sour cream, for serving1.2.Melt butter in a large saucepan, cook onion overa medium heat for 2-3 minutes or until golden.Add ham bone to pan, stir in beetroot pulp,potato pulp, carrot pulp, tomato pulp, cabbagepulp, reserved juices <strong>and</strong> water, bacon <strong>and</strong> lemonjuice. Bring to the boil, reduce heat <strong>and</strong> simmer for30-40 minutes.Remove ham bone, discard bone, finely chop meat<strong>and</strong> return to the pan.3. Serve topped with sour cream.R11

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Fibre FavouritesCarrot, apple <strong>and</strong> celery strudels30g butter1 small onion, finely chopped4 1 ⁄2 cups carrot, apple <strong>and</strong> celery pulp, strained (seejuice recipe on page R3)250g cottage cheese2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint1 x 60g egg, beaten12 sheets filo pastry60g butter, melted extra1 cup grated fresh Parmesan cheese1. butter in a saucepan, add onion, cook for 2-3minutes, or until soft, seasoning to taste.Combine onion, carrot, apple <strong>and</strong> celery pulp,cottage cheese, mint <strong>and</strong> egg in a bowl. Mix well.Cut filo sheets in half, place 3 sheets on bench,cover remaining pastry with greaseproof paper,then a damp cloth to prevent drying. Brush 1 sheetof pastry with extra butter, sprinkle withParmesan cheese, top with another sheet ofpastry, brush with butter, sprinkle with morecheese. Repeat with last sheet of pastry.Place tablespoons of carrot mixture on one end ofpastry, fold in sides <strong>and</strong> roll up like a Swiss roll.Repeat with remaining pastry <strong>and</strong> pulp mixture.Place on a greased oven tray <strong>and</strong> bake at 200°Cfor 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.Parsnip, herb <strong>and</strong> polenta hot cakes2 cups parsnip pulp, strained1⁄4 cup milk2 x 60g eggs, separated1⁄4 cup self-raising flour1⁄4 cup polenta (corn meal)1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary1 teaspoon Cajun seasoning1 small red capsicum, finely chopped3 tablespoons oil1.2.3.Combine parsnip pulp, milk, egg yolks, self-raisingflour, polenta, thyme, rosemary, Cajun seasoning<strong>and</strong> red capsicum in a large mixing bowl. In aseparate bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaksform, fold into parsnip mixture.Heat oil in a large frying pan, drop spoonfuls ofmixture into pan. Cook for about 1 minute on eachside or until golden brown.Serve immediately.Berry <strong>and</strong> white chocolate mousse200g white chocolate200g strawberry pulp200g raspberry pulp3 teaspoons gelatine dissolved in 3 tablespoons hotwater3 egg yolks300ml carton thickened cream1⁄4 cup icing sugar2 tablespoons Gr<strong>and</strong> Marnier1.2.Melt chocolate over hot water, cool, being carefulnot to let it set.Combine strawberry pulp <strong>and</strong> raspberry pulp,set aside.R123.4.Combine melted chocolate, gelatine mixture <strong>and</strong>egg yolks, whisk until pale <strong>and</strong> glossy.In a separate bowl, beat cream <strong>and</strong> icing sugartogether until soft peaks form, fold throughchocolate mixture with berry pulp <strong>and</strong> Gr<strong>and</strong>Marnier. Pour into a wetted 5 cup capacity mould.Refrigerate several hours or overnight.

USING JUICE EXTRACTOR - Fibre FavouritesCarrot cake1 3 ⁄4 cups plain flour2 teaspoons baking powder1⁄2 teaspoon ground nutmeg1⁄2 teaspoon ground cinnamon1⁄2 teaspoon ground cardamom1⁄2 cup peanuts, finely chopped1⁄2 cup sultanas1⁄2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed1 1 ⁄2 cups carrot pulp2 x 60g eggs, lightly beaten1⁄2 cup oil1⁄4 cup sour cream1. <strong>and</strong> line a 25cm x 15cm loaf pan.Sift flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon <strong>and</strong>cardamom into a large mixing bowl.Add, peanuts, sultanas, brown sugar <strong>and</strong> carrotpulp. Stir to combine.Add eggs, oil <strong>and</strong> sour cream. Beat with electricmixer, using medium speed until all ingredientsare well blended. Pour into loaf pan.Bake at 180°C for 1 hour or until cake is cookedwhen tested with a skewer. Remove from oven,st<strong>and</strong> in cake pan for 5 minutes before turning outonto a wire cake rack.Family meat loaf500g lean beef mince500g sausage mince2 onions, finely chopped1⁄2 cup carrot pulp, strained1⁄2 cup potato pulp, strained2 teaspoons curry powder1 teaspoon ground cumin1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley1 x 60g egg, lightly beaten1⁄2 cup evaporated milk1⁄2 cup beef stockFreshly ground black pepper2 tablespoons slivered almonds1.Tomato Glaze1⁄2 cup beef stock4 tablespoons tomato sauce1 teaspoon instant coffee powder3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce1 1 ⁄2 tablespoons vinegar1 1 ⁄2 tablespoons lemon juice3 tablespoons brown sugar1⁄4 cup butterPlace beef mince, sausage mince, onions, carrotpulp, potato pulp, curry powder, cumin, parsley,egg, evaporated milk, stock <strong>and</strong> black pepper in abowl, mix to combine.2.3.4.Press mixture into a lightly greased 11cm x 21cmloaf pan. Press almonds into top of mixture tomake a pattern.Make Tomato Glaze <strong>and</strong> pour over meat loaf <strong>and</strong>bake, for 40 minutes.To make glaze, place stock, tomato sauce, coffeepowder, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, lemonjuice, sugar <strong>and</strong> butter in a saucepan <strong>and</strong> bringto the boil over a medium heat. Reduce heat <strong>and</strong>simmer, stirring frequently, for 8-10 minutes oruntil glaze reduces <strong>and</strong> thickens slightly.R13

USING FROOJIE EXTRACTOR - Salsa, Fresh Relishes,Sauces, DipsFRESH NECTARINE SALSAMakes 5 1 ⁄2 cups500g nectarines, peeled <strong>and</strong> stones removed½ red capsicum, deseeded <strong>and</strong> finely chopped½ small red chilli, deseeded <strong>and</strong> finely chopped3 teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cori<strong>and</strong>er leaves1 teaspoon lemon juice1 teaspoon sugar1⁄4 teaspoon ground cumin seedsea salt to taste1.2.3.4.Process nectarines through Froojie Extractor.Pour nectarine mixture into a bowl, add allremaining ingredients <strong>and</strong> mix well.Season to taste with salt.Serve with Curry <strong>and</strong> rice or as an accompanimentto chicken or fish.BEET AND CHIVE DIPMakes approx 3 cups850g canned baby beets, well drained1⁄3 cup snipped chives1 clove garlic, crushed2⁄3 cup mascarpone cheese1 teaspoon lemon juiceSea saltFreshly ground black pepper1. beets using Froojie Extractor.Pour beet mixture into a bowl.Stir through chives, garlic, mascarpone cheese<strong>and</strong> lemon juice.Season well with salt <strong>and</strong> pepper.Serve with crackers <strong>and</strong> fresh vegetable pieces.TOMATO, CHILLI AND PANCETTA SAUCEServes 4125g sliced pancetta, chopped1 kg fresh ripe tomatoes, cored <strong>and</strong> quartered2 tablespoons olive oil2 medium onions, diced4 cloves garlic, finely chopped½ small green chilli, deseeded <strong>and</strong> finely chopped2 teaspoons sugarsea salt <strong>and</strong> freshly ground pepper1. pancetta in a heavy based frying pan untilwell browned <strong>and</strong> crisp.Drain on absorbent paper <strong>and</strong> set aside.Process tomatoes through juicer using FroojieExtractor.Heat oil in a large saucepan, add onions, garlic<strong>and</strong> chilli <strong>and</strong> fry over a low heat for about 10minutes.Add tomatoes <strong>and</strong> sugar <strong>and</strong> bring to the boil.Lower heat <strong>and</strong> simmer without a lid for about 35minutes or until sauce is thickened <strong>and</strong> tomatoesare cooked.Season to taste with salt <strong>and</strong> pepper.Stir through pancetta <strong>and</strong> serve over hot cookedpasta.R14

USING FROOJIE EXTRACTOR - SoupsITALIAN FENNEL AND BEAN SOUPServes 62 chorizo sausages, sliced1½ kg fresh ripe tomatoes, cored <strong>and</strong> quartered¼ cup olive oil2 large onions, diced4 cloves garlic, finely chopped1 small bulb fresh fennel, sliced <strong>and</strong> chopped2 sticks celery, diced2 large carrots, diced1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh rosemary leaves2 cups vegetable stock1 teaspoon sugar½ cup small pasta400g can borlotti or cannelloni beans, drained <strong>and</strong>rinsedSalt <strong>and</strong> pepper½ cup chopped fresh Italian parsley1. chorizo in a heavy based frying pan until wellbrowned <strong>and</strong> crisp.Drain on absorbent paper <strong>and</strong> set aside.Process tomatoes using Froojie Extractor.Heat oil in a large saucepan, add onions <strong>and</strong>garlic, fry over a low heat for about 10 minutes.Add fennel, celery <strong>and</strong> carrots <strong>and</strong> cook for 5minutes.Add tomatoes, chorizo slices, rosemary, stock <strong>and</strong>sugar, bring to the boil.Lower heat, simmer covered for 30 minutes.Add pasta, cook for 5 minutes.Stir in drained beans, cook a further 3 to 4minutes to heat through.10. Season soup to taste with salt <strong>and</strong> pepper.11. Sprinkle soup with chopped parsley. Serve withfresh crusty bread.If soup becomes too thick add a little extrastock.NoteR15

USING FROOJIE EXTRACTOR - Desserts <strong>and</strong> Fruit SaucesMANGO GELATOServes 4 to 6400g fresh mango pieces½ cup sugar½ cup cream2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1. mango pieces using Froojie Extractor.Add sugar, cream <strong>and</strong> lemon juice to processedmango <strong>and</strong> mix well.Pour into an ice cream maker <strong>and</strong> use as directedby manufacturer or pour into a freezer proofcontainer. Cover with a lid. Alternatively, placeinto freezer until mixture begins to freeze aroundedges.Remove from freezer <strong>and</strong> whisk mixture with afork to break up ice crystals.Cover with lid <strong>and</strong> return to freezer until frozenTIP: AN ICE-CREAM MAKER WILL PRODUCE ACREAMIER, SMOOTHER GELATO.TROPICAL ICE POPSMakes approximately 12 ice pops1 punnet strawberries, hulled¼ rockmelon, seeded <strong>and</strong> chopped2 bananas, peeled½ small pineapple, peeled <strong>and</strong> cored4 passionfruit1.2.3.4.Process strawberries using Froojie Extractor <strong>and</strong>pour into ice block containers.Process rockmelon using Froojie extractor <strong>and</strong>pour into ice block containers over strawberrymixture.Repeat this process with remaining fruit (banana,pineapple <strong>and</strong> passionfruit) can be processedtogether.Insert ice-cream sticks into ice blocks <strong>and</strong> freezeuntil firm, at least 6 hours.R16PINEAPPLE, PASSIONFRUIT SHERBETServes 61 medium pineapple, peeled8 passionfruit, pulp removed½ cup sugar syrup (see recipe below) peeled pineapple into quarters. Remove core<strong>and</strong> discard.Cut pineapple into chunks.Process pineapple <strong>and</strong> passionfruit pulp throughjuicer using Froojie Extractor.Stir sugar syrup into pineapple mixture.Pour into an ice-cream maker <strong>and</strong> use as directedby manufacturer or alternatively, pour into afreezer proof container. Cover with a lid. Placeinto freezer until mixture begins to freeze aroundedges.Remove from freezer <strong>and</strong> whisk mixture with afork to break up ice crystals.Cover with lid <strong>and</strong> return to freezer until frozen.SUGAR SYRUPMakes approximately 3 cups3 cups white sugar2 cups water1.2.3.4.Place sugar <strong>and</strong> water into a heavy base saucepan<strong>and</strong> cook stirring over a very low heat until sugarhas dissolvedIncrease to a medium low heat <strong>and</strong> boil mixture for5 minutes.Remove from heat <strong>and</strong> allow to cool completely.Store in an airtight container in a cool place.STRAWBERRY COULIMakes approximately 2 ⁄3 cup1 punnet strawberries, hulled2 tablespoons icing sugar1.2.3.Process strawberries using Froojie Extractor.Add icing sugar, to processed strawberries <strong>and</strong>mix well.Serve spooned over ice cream, meringue orchocolate cake.

sUSING FROOJIE EXTRACTOR - Drinks <strong>and</strong> FroojiesFULL FRUIT FROOJIESDairy free fruit smoothies made with 100% fruit.Combines soft fruits, such as bananas, with harder fruits to create exciting new drink combinations.RASPBERRY AND BANANA FRoojIEServes 21 large banana, peeled½ cup fresh or frozen raspberries, thawed1 tablespoon honey½ cup cold water1.2.Process bananas <strong>and</strong> raspberries through juicerusing Froojie Extractor, pour into 2 glasses, stirin honey <strong>and</strong> water <strong>and</strong> mix well.Serve immediately.PEAR AND BLUEBERRY FRoojIEServes 21 ripe pear, peeled <strong>and</strong> cored½ cup fresh blueberries1 banana, peeled1 tablespoon chopped mint leavesSparkling mineral water or soda water to serve1.2.3.4.Process pear, blueberries <strong>and</strong> banana usingFroojie Extractor.Stir in mint leaves, mix well.Pour into 2 large glasses, top with sparklingmineral water or soda water.Serve immediately.PINEapple AND ROCKMELON FRoojIEServes 21⁄2 small rockmelon, peeled, seeded <strong>and</strong> chopped1⁄4 small pineapple, peeled, cored <strong>and</strong> choppedChilled water to serve1.2.3.Process rockmelon <strong>and</strong> pineapple using FroojieExtractor.Pour into 2 large glasses <strong>and</strong> top up with chilledwater to desired thickness.Serve immediately.PEACH <strong>and</strong> BANANA, YOGIServes 21 large ripe peach, peeled, stone removed, chopped1 banana, peeled2 tablespoons pure maple syrup½ cup natural yoghurt½ cup milk1.2.Process peach <strong>and</strong> banana using FroojieExtractor.Stir in maple syrup, yoghurt <strong>and</strong> milk.3. Pour into 2 large glasses <strong>and</strong> serve immediately.R17

Breville Customer Service CentreAustralian Customers✉ Breville Customer Service CentrePO Box 22Botany NSW 2019AUSTRALIA☎ Customer Service: 1300 139 798Fax (02) 9384 9601Email Customer Service:askus@breville.com.auNew Zeal<strong>and</strong> Customers✉ Breville Customer Service CentrePrivate Bag 94411GreenmountAuckl<strong>and</strong>, New Zeal<strong>and</strong>☎ Customer Service: 0800 273 845Fax 0800 288 513Email Customer Service:askus@breville.com.auwww.breville.com.auBreville is a registered trademark of Breville Pty LtdABN 98 000 092 928© Copyright Breville Pty Ltd 2008ikon is a trademark of Breville Pty LtdDue to continual improvements in design or otherwise,the product you purchase may differ slightly from the oneillustrated in this booklet.Model <strong>BJE520</strong> Issue 1/09

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