CARGO BUSINESS 2-10.indd - ZSSK Cargo

CARGO BUSINESS 2-10.indd - ZSSK Cargo

CARGO BUSINESS 2-10.indd - ZSSK Cargo

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Železničná spoločnosť <strong>Cargo</strong> Slovakia, a.s., commenced theoperation of a rotary tippler of bulk substrates in the workplace ofEastern Slovak Transhipment Yards in Čierna nad Tisou on 29.March.This workplace serves as unique technological equipment for thepurposes of goods transhipment from broad-gauge wagons tonormal-gauge wagons. Substrates are transhipped in a way thatthe entire wagon is turned around and its content is then simplydumped.Modern technology of transhipment is completed by a reconstructedthawing plant, which provides continuous all-year transhipmentof bulk substrates. Due to this technology, current transhipmentcapacity of the Eastern Slovak Transhipment Yards in Čierna nad Tisouhave increased by 50 per cent and thawing plant capacity by up to135 per cent.Transhipment of bulk substrates is from a process and technologicalpoint of view a modern workplace, which enables to increase theflows of goods through the Slovak territory and is also a competitivealternative to the transhipment capacities in the neighbouringcountries. Rotary tippler technology is located in a new building at thebeginning of a reconstructed III. high platform, which also includes theIII. thawing plant reconstructed in 2008.Goods from broad-gauge (BG) wagons can be transhipped directly tonormal-gauge (NG) wagons, with possibility of substrate stock transferbelow the III. high platform along its entire length. Rotary tipplerdumps the BG wagons, turning them by 175° around their longitudinalaxis, while dumping the substrate into four containers. The conveyoris then used to move the substrate eighter to the dump below theplatform or directly to NG wagons. During loading, the NG wagons areejšiu technológiulocated on weighbridge with official weighing of wagon tare, net weightof the substrate and final gross weight of the wagon.The operation of the rotary transhipment centre with the rotary tippleris provided by the operator responsible for unloading, loading andtwo employees directly at the tippler, who have wireless contact withthe crew shunting with loaded BG wagon group moving towardsthe tippler. Managing workplace of the unloading and transhipmentcrew is located in control room directly above the rotary tippler.This workplace is equipped with modern computer and audiovisualtechnology, which enables to monitor the activities of rotary tipplerand all relevant nodes of the loading complex.Annual performance of the transhipment in continuous operation is3.0 to 3.5 million tonnes. The rotary tippler performance, includinghandling of BG wagons is 68.5 tonnes per 5 minutes. Maximum lengthcapacity of the track for BG wagons per single transhipment is 27wagons; maximum length capacity of the track for NG wagons persingle transhipment is 33 wagons.Čierna nad Tisou is a key point for transit transport in Slovakia. Andwhile in the previous period, the older technologies were used, we arenow finally experiencing the revival of this location due to investmentsinto modern technologies. This may be proved by the commencementof rotary tippler operation, which will increase the transhipmentcapacities in this workplace as well as reconstruction of re-pumpingcomplex completed last year.Monika SCHMIDTOVÁHead of Communication Departmentsubstrates transhipmentPohľad na budovu, v ktorej sa nachádza technológia rotačného výklopníka.Z budovy vychádza na vysokú rampu vyložený vozeň širokého rozchodu.V pozadí sa nachádzajú vozne normálneho rozchodu a dopravník.A look at the building, where the rotary tippler is located. The unloaded broadgaugewagon is moving from the building to high platforms. In the backgroundyou can see the normal-gauge wagons and a conveyor.Pracovník obsluhy sleduje posun vyloženého vozňa (vpravo) na vysokú rampua umiestnenie loženého vozňa vo výklopníku.The operator is monitoring the shunting of unloaded wagon (on the right) ontothe high platform and positioning of the loaded wagon in the rotary tippler.Pomocou dopravníkov je substrát dopravený do násypníka a odtiaľrovnomerne umiestnený do vozňa NR, ktorý stojí na koľajovej váhe.By means of conveyors, substrate is transported to the hopper and from thereevenly dumped into a normal-gauge wagon located on the wagon weighbridge.Ložený vozeň ŠR je v rotačnom výklopníku otočený o 175°, substrát jevyklopený na rošt, cez ktorý sa dostane až na dopravníky.Loaded broad-gauge wagon is turned by 175° in the rotary tippler; thesubstrate is dumped onto the grid and then transported to the conveyors.36/37

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