2275 - Tribunal Arbitral du Sport / TAS

2275 - Tribunal Arbitral du Sport / TAS

2275 - Tribunal Arbitral du Sport / TAS

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CAS 2010/A/<strong>2275</strong>CGF v. EGA,award of 20 June 20112been the same in any event; i.e. that there was nothing that the victim of the decisioncould have said to persuade a reasonable decision maker to change his mind. But thelaw has always recognized that such cases are rare […]”. The Panel would only beable to cure the violation of the Appellant’s right to be heard if it could exclude thepossibility that this violation had a bearing on the outcome of the case.The Croatian Golf Federation (the “Appellant”) is the federation of Croatian golf clubs and has itsseat in Zagreb, Croatia.The European Golf Federation (EGA or the “Respondent”) is an association of national golffederations in Europe and has its seat in Höhenhof, Senningerberg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg,Luxembourg.The Appellant has been the EGA’s member federation for the Republic of Croatia since October1992. By resolution adopted at the EGA Annual General Meeting held in Luxembourg on 17October 2010 (the “AGM 2010”) the Appellant was expelled as a member of the EGA (the“Resolution”). The Resolution is the subject-matter of the present appeal (the “Appeal”).The present dispute finds its starting point on 26 February 2009. On this date, the Zagreb CityOffice of General Administration pronounced, according to the certified translation provided by theAppellant, that the Appellant must be deemed to have “ceased its activities” <strong>du</strong>e to the opening ofbankruptcy proceedings against it. According to the certified translation provided by theRespondent, it ordered the “dissolution” of the Appellant.On 2 April 2009, the Appellant filed an appeal against the 26 February 2009 decision. This appealwas dismissed by the Croatian Central State Bureau for Administration on 4 May 2010. TheAppellant’s appeal against the latter decision before the Administrative Court of the Republic ofCroatia, which was filed on 28 May 2010, is still pending according to the Appellant’s submissions.In September 2009, the EGA sent to its member federations the official agenda for the EGAAnnual General Meeting 2009 (the “AGM 2009”). This agenda included the following item:“5. Decision on the exclusion of the Croatian Golf Federation in bankruptcy (see enclosed)”.Enclosed was a proposed resolution by the Executive Committee which reads, in relevant part, asfollows:“Considering that in accordance with article 3 of its Constitution, only a federation representing golf activites inits country is eligible for membership,[…]Considering that Croatia is currently represented by the Croatian Federation in Bankruptcy,Considering that according to general principles of law, the only activity allowed associations in bankruptcy isthe realization of assets in view of paying creditors,

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