Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

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COUNCIL MINUTESTUESDAY 26 JUNE 2012Performance criteria assessmentBuildings on boundaryProposedAcceptable development provisionBoundary wall to garage Nil 1.0 metre from wall to garage tothe left (west) side boundary.Performance criteria:Buildings built up to boundaries other than the street boundary where it is desirable to do so inorder to:• make effective use <strong>of</strong> space; or• enhance privacy; or• otherwise enhance the amenity <strong>of</strong> the development;• not have any significant adverse effect on the amenity <strong>of</strong> the adjoining property; and• ensure that direct sun to major openings to habitable rooms and outdoor living areas <strong>of</strong> adjoiningproperties is not restricted.The subject wall located on the left (west) side boundary is 7.0 metres in length and 2.65metres in height and is not considered to have an undue impact on the amenity <strong>of</strong> the adjoiningproperty. The proposed boundary wall will be located adjacent to the wall <strong>of</strong> an adjoininggarage. All other setbacks <strong>of</strong> the proposed dwelling meet the relevant acceptable developmentstandards <strong>of</strong> the R Codes.Overall in view <strong>of</strong> the above comments, it is considered that the proposed boundary wall togarage on the left (west) side boundary is acceptable and satisfies the performance criteria forthe following reasons:-• no adverse effect on the amenity <strong>of</strong> the adjoining property;• ensures that direct sun to major openings to habitable rooms and outdoor living areas <strong>of</strong>adjoining properties is not restricted.POLICY/STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS:There are no policy or statutory implications related to this report. The proposal was assessedagainst the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Residential Design Codes (R Codes), <strong>Town</strong> Planning SchemeNo.1, and the <strong>Town</strong> Planning Scheme Policy Manual.FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS:There are no financial implications related to this report.STRATEGIC DIRECTION:Consideration <strong>of</strong> this application is consistent with the <strong>Town</strong>'s Strategic Plan 2009-2020 for thepriority area 'Planning for our Community'.H:\CEO\GOV\COUNCIL MINUTES\12 MINUTES\JUNE 2012\B DV.DOCX 34

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