Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

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COUNCIL MINUTESTUESDAY 26 JUNE 2012STRATEGIC DIRECTION:Further amendments proposed to the West Leederville Precinct Policy are consistent with thegoals identified for Key Focus Area 'Planning for the Community' <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>'s Strategic Plan2009-2020, and will assist with facilitating a choice <strong>of</strong> housing and the creation <strong>of</strong> attractive anddiverse shopping and business areas.COMMUNITY CONSULTATION:In accordance with clause 48 (7) <strong>of</strong> <strong>Town</strong> Planning Scheme No. 1, a planning policy adopted bythe <strong>Council</strong> may be altered or rescinded only by following the procedure for making andadopting a planning policy as set out in this clause.Draft Policy 6.5: Precinct P5: West Leederville was advertised earlier this year (during Januaryand February) in accordance with clause 48 (3) <strong>of</strong> the Scheme and at the close <strong>of</strong> advertisingnine written submissions were received.Generally, submissions received outlined the following themes for consideration:-• Impact <strong>of</strong> nil setbacks in terms <strong>of</strong> streetscape and safety• Building heights - Suggested maximum building heights include three and four storeys• Green areas for workers and ro<strong>of</strong> top gardens• Energy and water efficiency <strong>of</strong> buildings• Improved waste management, including recycling• Residential densities• Parking demands• Impact on surrounding residential amenity - increased traffic, overshadowing, overlookingIn accordance with clause 48 (4), the <strong>Council</strong> is to:-(a)(b)review the draft Planning Policy having regard to any written submissions; anddetermine, by resolution, to adopt the draft Planning Policy, with or without amendment,or not to proceed with it.Regard has still been given to previous written comments received on the former draft Policyduring the drafting <strong>of</strong> further amendments to the West Leederville Precinct Policy. Therefore, itis considered the amendments proposed do not require for the Policy to be readvertised prior to<strong>Council</strong>'s adoption <strong>of</strong> the proposed changes.Following a <strong>Council</strong> decision on any draft Policy, clause 48 (5) requires details <strong>of</strong> the decision:-(a)(b)(c)to be advertised once in a newspaper circulating in the Scheme Area;where practicable, to be given to those persons directly affected by the Planning Policy;andto be given to the Western Australian Planning Commission together with, where the<strong>Council</strong> has resolved to adopt the Planning Policy with one or more amendments, a copy<strong>of</strong> the amended Planning Policy, in the case <strong>of</strong> policies which have previously beensubmitted to the Commission for its consideration under subclause (3) (c).ATTACHMENTS:1. Revised (draft) West Leederville Precinct Policy (June 2012)H:\Ceo\Gov\<strong>Council</strong> <strong>Minutes</strong>\12 MINUTES\June 2012\D Item 10 Onwards.docx 197

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