Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

Council Minutes - Town of Cambridge

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COUNCIL MINUTESTUESDAY 26 JUNE 2012Table 1:2011/2012 Competitive AnalysisAgencyDomesticAssistanceDay CentreCity <strong>of</strong>Wanneroo$8 per hour $8 day$6 mealCity <strong>of</strong> Subiaco $8 per hour $8 day$9 mealCity <strong>of</strong> Stirling $8 per hour $8 day$7.50 mealMercy Aged $8 $8 dayCare$6 meal<strong>Cambridge</strong> $8 per hour $8 daySenior Services$8.50 mealSocialSupport -ShoppingRespite-PersonalCareAllied Health$8 per hour $8 per hour No service$8 per hour $8 per hour No service$8 $8 per hour $25 (Centre)$32 (Domiciliary)$8 $8 No Service$8 $8 perservice$23 (Centre)$27 (Domiciliary)Under HACC guidelines, the <strong>Cambridge</strong> Senior Services must adhere to their NationalSafeguard Fee Policy and Principles. These policies and principles seek a contribution fromclients towards the costs <strong>of</strong> the HACC Services(s) they receive at a level that is fair andaffordable, but sufficiently flexible to adapt to individual circumstances. Furthermore, HACChave notified all service providers that from 1 July 2012, some <strong>of</strong> the services are to be cappedin line with the HACC Fees Schedule Guide which mean that CPI increase cannot be applied tothese fees if they have already reached the capped level.Following a review <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Cambridge</strong> Senior Services fees, it is recommended that, whereappropriate, fees are increased in line with CPI (Perth) movements (usually range from 3.4+%). Although the CPI (Perth) movements for the period March 2011 to March 2012 was only1.9%, it is recommended to increase the fees and charges in relation to the <strong>Cambridge</strong> SeniorServices by approximately 4%. This can be justified as it takes into consideration the increasesin staff wages, utilities and building costs. Table 2 below highlights the proposed fees andcharges for the range <strong>of</strong> services provided for the 2012/2013 financial year.Table 2:2012/2013 Proposed <strong>Cambridge</strong> Senior Service Fees and ChargesSenior Programs – HACC 2011/12 2012/13 IncreaseCentre Based program - activities *$8 *$8 NilCentre program - meals and refreshments *$8.50 *$8.50 NilHome based programs*$8 per hour *$8 per hour Nil- Home Respite, Domestic AssistanceAllied Health – Podiatry (per session) $23 Centre$27 Dom$20 Centre$30 Dom$3 (decrease)$3Home based programs$8 per service $8 per hour per hour- Personal Care, shoppingHome Maintenance $8 per hour $8 per hour NilTransport $6.20 one way $8 one way $1.80Transport - Centre Based Program $2.50 round $2.50 each $2.50 per triptripwayOutings – within the parameters <strong>of</strong> Day $5 - $20 Full cost variesprogramrecoveryVisiting group-per person $5 $6 $1Extended excursions – overnight trips, Up to $300 Up to $300 NilNote: * GST not applicableH:\CEO\GOV\COUNCIL MINUTES\12 MINUTES\JUNE 2012\C CR.DOCX 130

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