it's a customer's World - Syniverse Technologies

it's a customer's World - Syniverse Technologies

it's a customer's World - Syniverse Technologies

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inside synergyvolume 5 / number 36the customer IS in chargeExploring opportunities within thecustomer-centric mobile world345910Regional UpdateLatest global highlightsOPINION: THE MOBILESOCIAL NETWORKSharing experiences anytime,anywhereBRIDGING THE DIVIDEExceeding consumer demandswith ASPXTHE PROMISE OF MOBILITYRealizing the value of real-timeintelligencewi-FI ROAMINGThree considerations for mobileoperators to prepareUPFRONT with the CEOI am pleased to address the readers of Synergy for the first time since my appointmentas <strong>Syniverse</strong> President and CEO. Under my leadership our top priority continuesto be making mobile work for our customers, enabling them to consistently exceedthe expectations of their customers, who wield more power than ever.One of the most important ways we demonstrate customer commitment isthrough outstanding quality and reliability of our services as evidenced by uninterruptedservice availability. To ensure seamless connections, we have implementedcarrier-grade georedundancy for our infrastructure and all applications, operatingglobal command centers in the United States and India. We also have in placecomprehensive business continuity plans for every department within <strong>Syniverse</strong>,ensuring we are well prepared for any unforeseen situations.Our preparation was recently tested during the earthquake that shook parts ofthe Eastern United States as well as Hurricane Irene, which struck along the U.S.East Coast. I’m pleased to report we continued to deliver with no interruptions duringboth instances. In fact, as mobile subscribers around the world reached out viaSMS following the recent 5.8-magnitude earthquake, we were able to support animmediate 15 percent spike in traffic—including 220 million messages in the twohours following the quake.This consistency of service is essential as end users have become the driversof the mobile industry, and their expectations have never been greater. That’s whythis issue of Synergy focuses on the end user, starting with industry editor and journalistGeorge Malim’s view of the mobile ecosystem and the expanded role of thesubscriber on page 6.As a mobile service provider, this subscriber-centric viewpoint and demand foralways-on connectivity highlights the importance of providers having a real-time,360-degree view of their networks, as discussed on page 9. Other topics in thisedition include the explosion of social networking, particularly into the mobile space,as well as the importance of ensuring a seamless bridge to Wi-Fi on the path to 4G.In mobile, we are fortunate to be at the center of one of the most dynamic,fastest-growing industries in the world. The key to success is to consistently exceedmarketplace demands. At <strong>Syniverse</strong>, our focus is on helping our customers surpasstheir customers’ expectations, and this issue of Synergy is ultimately all aboutenhancing the mobile end users’ quality of experience.Enjoy!11Employee SpotlightMeet Paolo TeotinoNeed SignatureJeff Gordon / President & CEO

5A S P XBy B.J. NealChief Network ArchitectBridging the Divide toExceeding Consumer DemandsToday’s consumers expect towatch, record and stream video,download and access a myriadof applications, and browse the mobileweb quickly, easily and seamlessly. Tokeep up, technologies are converging,and communication types are merging,creating a new world for mobile usersand an expanded mobile ecosystem forproviders. As GSM and CDMA standardscollide with fixed and mobile landscapes,IP technology brings new opportunitiesand capabilities to the hands of end users.Mobile users are increasingly accessingrich data content via a wide rangeof smart devices while expecting theirexperiences to resemble the quality andspeeds they have grown accustomedto in their home, wired computingenvironments.IP technology makes the rich mobileexperience possible, enabling heightenedquality, seamless access to new typesof content, reliable connections andfaster speeds. In essence, IP allows thehigh-bandwidth capabilities of smartphones to be fully realized.Before subscribers can experiencethe benefits of IP, mobile operators mustmigrate their existing CRX or GRX networksto IPX networks, which offer asecure alternative to the public Internetas a means of exchanging subscriberdata. Many mobile operators are alreadyusing IPX or have migration plans inplace. However, the move to an IP worldmeans new entrants to the mobileecosystem, such as application serviceproviders (ASPs), also can adopt thistechnology to reap its benefits and betterconnect to end users.That’s where an Application ServiceProvider eXchange (ASPX) comes intoplay. With ASPX, ASPs can use an IPXnetwork to connect to a central point(an ASPX) and gain direct global reachto the mobile operators that are pluggedinto that central point. Through a single,high-capacity managed IP connection,ASPs and mobile operators can providea quality, reliable bridge between contentrichapplications and end users at alow cost.With billions of mobile apps downloadedacross mobile phones, tabletsand other types of mobile devices, it’svital that end users can access this contentseamlessly and consistently. AnASPX enables ASPs and mobile operatorsto work together to ensure high-quality,low-latency end-user experiences whensubscribers are using valuable and oftenheavy-bandwidth applications.We are on the brink of an all-IP worldthat will allow end users to gain optimalaccess to the content they demandwhile enabling mobile operators andASPs to efficiently deliver these capabilities.Although a multitude of complexitiesare sure to arise from the convergenceof so many diverse technologies, IPXand ASPX solutions simplify this for allplayers in the mobile ecosystem.

7c o v e r s t o r yWho ownsthe customer?No one.thecustomeris incharge.Mobile operators, in partnershipwith OTTs and MVNOs, can reasserttheir role in the communicationsvalue chain by becoming smartenablers of real-time experiencesand by shifting their focus awayfrom owning the customer.By George MalimTelecoms JournalistAsmall group of companies built the mobile market upfrom nothing and in 25 years brought universal voiceservices, SMS, MMS, the mobile Internet, and a rangeof content and applications to their users. However, their paceof innovation started to lag behind that of Web companiesover the last decade, which brought a series of applicationsto market that users wanted to mobilize their lives.Internet search, social networking, user-generated content,file sharing, digital music, video content and the surge in availabilityof mobile applications, led by Apple and the Androidecosystem, all came to market in a period of five years.Now that users have an abundance of choices from whichto buy music, video, games and apps, they don’t want to betold what to buy, and they don’t feel owned by their operators.Instead, they will go to whoever meets their content and serviceneeds best. Moreover, they expect their operators to supporttheir needs with connectivity and access to acquire the contentthey desire.This shifting consumer attitude cuts both ways. They arenow in charge of their experiences, and all players in theecosystem must adapt. Consumers have become accustomed(continued on p. 8)

8c o v e r s t o r y ( c o n t . )“Operator-focused real-timeintelligence has the capability todeliver a 360-degree view of thesubscriber experience.”to being in control and will switch service providers immediatelyif a better experience is available.Social networks like Twitter and Facebook are primeexamples of how the landscape has changed. Operators arethe enablers of immersive, effortless and immediate sharingof experiences across languages, cultures, borders and technologiesalongside the social networking application providers.That’s not without challenges for operators to overcome.Tighter integration of social networking and interoperabilitybetween operators and social networks is required to providethe rich, ubiquitous experiences customers demand. Thisdemand requires operators to integrate applications seamlesslythrough application exchanges or by tackling the arduoustask of managing the handover across numerous operatorsand networks.Operators are no longer attempting to be the gatekeepersand controllers of the content value chain. Their attitudes mustshift from viewing third-party over-the-top (OTT) providers asthreats to being more of valued partners in the service deliverychain, co-operating amicably to benefit customers.Whether in the traditional Western European markets whereoperators face the erosion of voice revenues and roaming,the newly broadband North American wireless markets, thesurging and predominantly prepaid Latin American market,the advanced customer bases of the Asia Pacific region, orareas of explosive subscriber growth such as India and China,operators have tremendous advantages to bring to the marketplace—stemmingfrom their ability to do things at great scalein real-time, handle billing and charging relationships—to providehigh-quality network connectivity and access to customers.Those advantages are as relevant to a regional wirelessprovider serving the rural Midwest of the United States asthey are to a European teenager or a creator of user-generatedvideo content in South Korea.The trusted relationship operators have with their customersand their ability to empower them by supporting delivery ofthe services they choose gives them an even more critical rolein the service delivery ecosystem.That role is something they must protect.As more suppliers enter the ecosystem, the line of qualitycontrol becomes fragmented, and operators have to protecttheir brand values while providing high quality of service totheir customers. Operator-focused real-time intelligence hasthe capability to deliver a 360-degree view of the subscriberexperience. If operators can receive alerts when compromisesoccur, the operators can quickly identify and solve any problemsbefore a significant impact is felt by the end user.They need to become the smart pipe that enables the portfolioof connectivity and supporting services that customersand partners demand. That means being as innovative aspossible with the core competencies they already have.Doing so solidifies their position and protects their brandwhether that involves using accurate billing, using alternativetechnologies like Wi-Fi roaming to ensure high-quality wirelessexperiences, or understanding the need to engage with andenable an entire ecosystem of partners.Subscribers want to access the content they choose,interact with the services they select, and enjoy a high-qualityexperience across the multiple service providers and technologies—ontheir terms. Learning how to get along is the realchallenge, and opportunity for operators lies at the heart ofthe real-time exchanges that customers seek.The potential is massive, and vast swathes of the marketremain unaddressed. There is profit to be generated by all inembracing the reality that the customer is now in charge.The author, George Malim, is a telecoms journalist. George has covered the telecoms market since 1999 and focuses on thetechnologies and strategies that enable operators to generate profits as the market transforms. George is based in London andserves as Associate Editor of Global Telecoms Business. www.whitelabelglobal.com

9R E A L - T I M E I N T E L L I G E N C EFulfilling the Promise of Mobilityin real-TimeWhether it involves accessingcritical health information,checking up-to-the-minutesports scores or just connecting onFacebook, the mobile lifestyle hasbecome a reality for people around theglobe. Alongside this heightened levelof always-on engagement, emergingtechnologies have dramatically increasedconsumer expectations with zero tolerancefor delay. Any operator that doesnot meet service demands will losebusiness.Real-time intelligence (RTI) is mobileusage data collection combined withbusiness intelligence analysis and proactivemitigation for various roamingscenarios. Simply put, RTI is the key todelivering on the promise of mobility:simple, ubiquitous access to serviceanytime, anywhere.An operator-focused RTI servicereveals a 360-degree view of the subscriberroaming experience, proactivelyidentifying and solving problems beforethe user experience is affected. Thistype of solution then sends an alertnotifying the operator’s business oroperations team that a malfunctionoccurred and was resolved.This timely response allows operatorsto prevent interrupted service or toimprove issue-resolution times, therebyensuring a satisfying quality of experiencethat protects both their brands andsubscriber retention. Additional brandprotection is afforded to operators byusing RTI to monitor the quality of theirroaming partnerships, allowing them toaddress those that underperform andinvest only in reliable partners.Subscriber-focused RTI centers onproviding alerts directly to consumers,such as informing them when theyapproach previously determined usagethresholds. With this real-time information,users can confidently take advantageof data services without fear oflarge monthly bills. This enhanced experienceestablishes subscriber comfortboth at home and while roaming, andit strengthens brand satisfaction, all ofwhich can translate into more frequentBy ClaUde SehnertVice President,Real-Time Intelligence“Simply put, RTI is thekey to delivering on thepromise of mobility:simple, ubiquitousaccess to serviceanytime, anywhere.“use of services and increased revenuefor operators.From consumers to operators to newmobile entrants, real-time intelligenceoffers benefits throughout the mobileecosystem. By helping to deliver on thepromise of mobility, this capability resultsin an enhanced user experience thatenables operators both to retain loyalcustomers and to attract new ones.

1 1e m p l o y e e s p o t l i g h tQ&APaolo TeotinoProduct Management Director, RoamingTo know your customers, walk a mile in their shoes. Rome-basedPaolo Teotino understands this supremely well, having worked onboth sides of the operator-solutions provider business relationship.Keeping a pulse on subscriber demands and operator challengesin Europe and throughout the world, Paolo identifies opportunitiesto develop the cutting-edge services operators can implement toenhance subscribers’ quality of experience and leads the managementof <strong>Syniverse</strong>’s DataNet, RoamMonitor and Value-AddedServices. We recently sat down with Paolo to discuss his life andwork at <strong>Syniverse</strong>.Synergy: How has your background influenced your current role?Paolo: With more than 12 years of experience working for operators and solutionsproviders, such as Hutchison 3G Austria and Telecom Italia Sparkle, I can offer adistinct point of view from both perspectives to identify the main issues operatorsare facing and then distinguish how <strong>Syniverse</strong> can address the operators’ needs.This approach enables <strong>Syniverse</strong> to become a long-term partner instead of a shorttermvendor. I am currently utilizing both perspectives to develop another new realtimeintelligence solution that will substantially improve the way operators managetheir roaming business. Stay tuned.Synergy: How do you see the mobile ecosystem evolving?Paolo: Mobile devices and their increasing capabilities have transformed subscribers’ lifestyles in a way that has completelyredefined traditional marketing in the mobile industry. Marketing logistics based on target segmentation have now been replacedby marketing to understand the subscriber’s usage demands. Ongoing modification of subscriber needs will ultimately requireoperators to continuously monitor those needs and implement flexible approaches to services and pricing, radically shifting theoperator’s mindset and creating a demand for real-time management of the end-user experience.Synergy: What’s the best thing about working at <strong>Syniverse</strong>?Paolo: My favorite characteristic of <strong>Syniverse</strong> is its fast-paced work environment. I have not ever worked with such a motivatingand driven group of individuals, and being part of a team that constantly pushes you to provide your best has been an unbelievablelearning experience.Synergy: How do you spend your time away from the office?Paolo: I spend as much time with my family as I can—especially since my wife and I just had our second child, which requiresextra attention and care. Whenever I have free time, I head outdoors to mountain bike and explore the Seven Hills of Rome.

S y n e r g y M o b i l e g a l l e r yupcoming eventswireless influencers 2011October 16–18Rancho Palos Verde, California, USALTE north america 2011& SYNIVERSE LTE WORKSHOPNovember 8–10Dallas, Texas, USAMobILE ROAMING SUMMITNovember 16–17London, United KingdomGSMA MOBILE ASIA CONGRESSNovember 16–17Hong Kong, Chinasyniverse lte roamingworkshopNovember 18London, United Kingdom1:2:HeadquartersCORPORATE8125 Highwoods Palm WayTampa, FL, USA 33647-1176+1 813.637.5000AP18/F, One Landmark East100 How Ming StreetKwun Tong, KowloonHong Kong, China+852 2893.0737CALABartolomé Cruz 1818 Floor 8Vicente Lopez B1638BHRBuenos Aires, Argentina+54 11.5198.6100europe120 MoorgateLondon, EC2M 6URUnited Kingdom+44 020 7920.2200MEADubai Airport Free Zone (DAFZA)ABuilding 6WB Office G50P.O. Box 293760Dubai, UAE+971 4.6091.9603: 4:1: Photo of Moulton Barn in Grand Teton National Park taken by Cissy Wong in Wyoming, USA,using a BlackBerry 8520. 2: Photo of Mysore Palace taken by Girish Aradhya in Mysore, India, usingan HTC MyTouch 4G. 3: Photo of roadside home taken by Arun Honnadasappa in Chelavara Village,India, using a Samsung Galaxy S. 4: Photo of art exhibit taken by Basav Nagaraj at the SheratonHong Kong Hotel & Towers, using a BlackBerry 8520.Share Your Thoughts about SynergyFill out a brief survey at www.syniverse.com/synergysurveyWe make mobile work ®®www.syniverse.com© 2011 <strong>Syniverse</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>, Inc. All rights reserved. <strong>Syniverse</strong> and the <strong>Syniverse</strong> logo areregistered trademarks of <strong>Syniverse</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>, Inc. To subscribe to this magazine, emailsynergy@syniverse.com.

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