Hema/Immuno X-Word Puzzle

Hema/Immuno X-Word Puzzle

Hema/Immuno X-Word Puzzle

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<strong>Hema</strong>/<strong>Immuno</strong> NAME____________________________ACROSS3. The protein molecules released by damaged tissues that are responsible for calling in leukocytes to the area arecalled __________________________.6. __________________________ is a clear, straw-colored liquid that makes up 55% of the blood.8. The medical procedure for drawing a sample of venous blood into a vacuum tube is known as__________________________.9. __________________________ anemia is a condition in which the bone marrow fails to produce erythrocytes.10. A white blood cell (WBC) is also known as a/an ______________________.DOWN1. Each blood group is named for its __________________________, the protein on the cell membrane of theerythrocyte.2. An inherited genetic abnormality that causes a lack or deficiency of a specific clotting factor is known as__________________________.4. A blood clot is referred to as a/an __________________________.5. The abbreviation HCT stands for __________________________.7. The combining form “__________________________” means red.

Underline the Accented SyllableRead the medical word. Then review the syllables in the pronunciation. Underline the primary(main) accented syllable in the pronunciation.1. agglutination (ah-gloo-tih-nay-shun)2. anisocytosis (an-eye-soh-sy-toh-sis)3. autoimmune (aw-toh-im-myoon)4. dyscrasia (dis-kray-zee-ah)5. ecchymosis (ek-ih-moh-sis)6. erythropoietin (eh-rith-roh-poy-eh-tin)7. hemolysis (hee-mawl-ih-sis)8. idiopathic (id-ee-oh-path-ik)9. lymphangiography (lim-fan-jee-awg-rah-fee)10. macrophage (mak-roh-fayj)11. myelogenous (my-eh-lawj-eh-nus)12. pancytopenia (pan-sy-toh-pee-nee-ah)13. phagocytosis (fag-oh-sy-toh-sis)14. phlebotomist (fleh-bawt-oh-mist)15. splenectomy (spleh-nek-toh-mee)

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