FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

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4 Navigating and handling <strong>FlexPendant</strong>4.3.4. JoggingContinuedProperty/buttonJoystick lockIncrementPositionPosition formatJoystick directionsAlign...Go To...Activate...FunctionSelect locking joystick directions, described in section Locking thejoystick in specific directions on page 122.Select movement increments, described in section Incrementalmovement for precise positioning on page 124.Displays each axis position in relation to the selected coordinatesystem.Select position format, described in section How to read the exactposition on page 126.Displays current joystick directions, depending on setting in Motionmode. See section Selecting motion mode on page 110.Align the current tool to a coordinate system. See section Aligningtools on page 187.Move the robot to a selected position/target. See section Movingthe robot to a programmed position on page 186.Activate a mechanical unit. See section Activating mechanical unitson page 195.783HAC 16590-1 Revision: B

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