FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

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12 Changing <strong>FlexPendant</strong> settings12.7. Editing supervision settingsContinuedStep Action Info3. In the Path Supervision settings, tap ON or OFF toapply or remove path supervision.Tap the + or - buttons to set the sensitivity.Note: unless you have the option Collision Detectioninstalled, this only affects the robot in auto mode.4. In the Jog Supervision settings, tap ON or OFF toapply or remove jog supervision.Tap the + or - buttons to set the sensitivity.Note: this only affects the robot if you have the optionCollision Detection installed.5. Under the Execution Settings, Non motion exectutionmay be turned ON or OFF.TIP!The sensitivity may beadjusted from 0 to 300.Do not set the motionsensitivity lower than 80, orthe robot will stop due tointernal drag.TIP!The sensitivity may beadjusted from 0 to 300.Do not set the motionsensitivity lower than 80, orthe robot will stop due tointernal drag.Non motion execution isdescribed in section Nonmotion execution below.Non motion executionNon motion execution is a function that enables running a RAPID program without robotmotion. All other functions work normally; current cycle times, I/O, TCP speed calculationetc.This function is mainly used for program debugging, cycle time evaluation, and possibility tomeasure e.g. glue or paint consumption during a cycle.Non motion execution is set from the <strong>FlexPendant</strong>. The function can only be set if the systemis in Motors Off state.When non motion execution is turned on, it can be executed in:• <strong>Manual</strong> mode• <strong>Manual</strong> mode full speed• Auto modeCycle times will be simulated according to the selected mode.WARNING!Non-motion execution is reset after a reboot. Do not restart the program without checkingstatus of the Non-motion execution. Starting the program incorrectly may cause serious injuryor death, or damage the robot or other equipment.2943HAC 16590-1 Revision: B

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