FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

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10 Systems10.5.1. Configuring system parametersContinuedSaving, loading system parameter configurationsThis section describes how to save and load system parameter configurations, and how to addparameters from a file.It is recommended to save the parameter configurations before making larger changes to therobot system. The parameters are saved automatically when performing backups.StepAction1. In the list of types, tap the File menu and tap:• Load saved parameters• Add new parameters• Add or replace parameters• Save As to save the selected topic’s parameter configurations.• Save All As to save all topics’ parameter configurations.2. Select directory and/or file where you want to save or load the parameters.3. Tap OK.2723HAC 16590-1 Revision: B

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