FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

FlexPendant Operators Manual 3HAC16590 ... - Technology

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6 Programming and testing6.10.5. LoadIdentify, load identifiction service routineContinuedWhen performing the load identification, cable 2 should be disconnected since it willotherwise put an extra force on load 2. When identifying load 2 with such a force present, theresult may differ considerably from the correct load. Ideally, cable 2 should be disconnectedfrom load 2 and fastened on the upper arm. If this is not possible, the cable can also bedisconnected at load 1 and fastened to the upper arm in such a way that the resulting force onload 2 in minimised.Prerequisites for tool loadsBefore running the LoadIdentify service routine for a tool load, make sure that:• the tool is selected in the jogging menu• the tool is correctly mounted• axis 6 is close to horizontal and that axis 4 is not too far away from 0 degrees• the upper arm load is known, if the mass is to be identified• the axes 3, 5, and 6 are not close to their corresponding working range limits• the speed is set to 100%• the system is in manual mode.Note that LoadIdentify cannot be used for tool0.Prerequisites for payloadsBefore running the LoadIdentify service routine for a payload, make sure that:• the tool and payload are correctly mounted• axis 6 is close to horizontal and that axis 4 is not too far away from 0 degrees• the tool load is known (run LoadIdentify for the tool first)• the upper arm load is known, if the mass is to be identified• when using a moving TCP, the tool must be calibrated (TCP)• when using a stationary TCP, the corresponding work object must be calibrated (userframe and object frame)• the axes 3, 5, and 6 are not close to their corresponding working range limits• the speed is set to 100%• the system is in manual mode.Running LoadIdentifyTo start the load identification service routine you must have an active program in manualmode and the tool and payload that you want to identify must be defined and active in thejogging window.Step Action Info1. Start LoadIdentify from the program editor. Press theenabling device and then the Start button on the<strong>FlexPendant</strong>.2. Tap Tool or Payload.How to start serviceroutines is described inRunning a service routineon page 209.216Continues on next page3HAC 16590-1 Revision: B

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