USAID OIG Afghanistan and Pakistan Oversight Report, April-June ...

USAID OIG Afghanistan and Pakistan Oversight Report, April-June ...

USAID OIG Afghanistan and Pakistan Oversight Report, April-June ...

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U.S.-based nonprofit organizations that receive federal awards <strong>and</strong> expend $500,000 or moreannually under the awards are required to be audited under the provisions of the Single Audit Act,Public Law 98-502 (October 19, 1984), as amended, <strong>and</strong> Office of Management <strong>and</strong> Budget CircularA-133. These A-133 audits cover a sample of expenditures under federal awards.For-profit entities that receive awards are also subject to financial audits. <strong>USAID</strong> conducts annualrisk assessments of for-profit entities to decide when a for-profit entity should be audited.Financial audits of for-profit organizations examine the direct <strong>and</strong> indirect costs incurred underFraud <strong>Report</strong>ing<strong>USAID</strong> implementing partners are responsiblefor reporting allegations of fraud related to<strong>USAID</strong> projects pursuant to the Federal AcquisitionRegulation <strong>and</strong> <strong>USAID</strong> requirements.<strong>USAID</strong> award recipients can use this form on<strong>USAID</strong> <strong>OIG</strong>’s Web site to satisfy the requirementthat they notify <strong>OIG</strong> whenever they have credibleevidence that a principal, employee, agent,or subcontractor of <strong>USAID</strong> has violated the CivilFalse Claims Act or a federal criminal law involvingfraud, conflict of interest, bribery, orgratuity violations in connection with a federalaward or the performance or closeout of a contractor any related subcontract.Members of the public, <strong>USAID</strong> employees, <strong>and</strong>employees of <strong>USAID</strong> contractors <strong>and</strong> grantees areencouraged to use the <strong>OIG</strong> hotline to report fraud,waste, or abuse in <strong>USAID</strong> programs or activities:E-mail: IG.Hotline@usaid.govPhone: 1-800-230-6539 or202-712-1023Web form: transition.usaid.gov/oig/hotline/hotline.htmthe awards to determine the allowable directcosts <strong>and</strong> recommend indirect cost rates. Theseaudits are performed by the Defense ContractAudit Agency (DCAA) or a public accountingfirm.Audits often identify questioned costs <strong>and</strong>sometimes recommend that funds be put tobetter use. Auditors question as ineligible anycosts that are not reasonable, allowable underthe terms of the underlying contract or grant,or allocable to the program to which they werecharged. They question as unsupported anycosts that lack evidence, such as bidding documents,invoices, or receiving reports, that theauditors would need to examine to determinewhether the costs are reasonable, allowable,<strong>and</strong> allocable. <strong>USAID</strong> contracting or agreementofficers make final determinations on questionedcosts <strong>and</strong> seek reimbursement for anysustained questioned costs. Funds recommendedto be put to better use are funds thatcould be used more efficiently if managers takeaction to implement <strong>OIG</strong> recommendations.Unnecessary expenditures that can be avoidedin the future <strong>and</strong> costs that will not be incurredif operational changes are made in response to <strong>OIG</strong> recommendations are examples of funds put tobetter use.Investigations<strong>OIG</strong> conducts investigations into possible violations of federal laws, rules, <strong>and</strong> regulations topreserve <strong>and</strong> protect the integrity of the programs <strong>and</strong> activities we oversee. <strong>OIG</strong> investigations ofcriminal, civil, <strong>and</strong> administrative violations cover all facets of <strong>USAID</strong> programs <strong>and</strong> operations.<strong>USAID</strong> <strong>OIG</strong> <strong>Afghanistan</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pakistan</strong> <strong>Oversight</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 3

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