Study of the Mount Diablo Unified School District - Mt. Diablo Unified ...

Study of the Mount Diablo Unified School District - Mt. Diablo Unified ...

Study of the Mount Diablo Unified School District - Mt. Diablo Unified ...

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<strong>District</strong> Operations and Associated Financial EffectivenessEXHIBIT 2‐5COMPARISON OF SURVEY RESPONSES REGARDING FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTWITHIN MT. DIABLO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT(%A + SA) / (%D + SD) 1SPECIALEDUCATIONTEACHERSGENERALEDUCATIONTEACHERSFINANCIAL MANAGEMENTCENTRAL OFFICEADMINISTRATORSSCHOOLPRINCIPALSSUPPORTSTAFF1. The school division adequatelyimplements policies and proceduresfor <strong>the</strong> administration and38/26 43/6 20/19 15/11 37/4coordination <strong>of</strong> special educationfunds.2. There is generally cooperation andcollaboration between <strong>the</strong> schooldivision and schools regarding fiscal34/25 33/26 20/22 13/14 24/6management and budget issues.3. The school division appropriatelymonitors its spending practices forcompliance and quality assurance <strong>of</strong>37/30 33/12 18/19 13/12 28/4special education services.4. Channels <strong>of</strong> communication amongdepartments and schools promotecollaboration regarding fiscal4/42 26/27 16/26 8/15 19/8management and budgetary issues <strong>of</strong>special education services.5. The school division efficiently andeffectively spends special education 33/34 30/17 14/27 8/22 27/10funds.6. Most schools spend allotted specialeducation funds efficiently and33/12 41/7 27/14 13/11 35/2effectively.7. The process for reimbursement isstructured in a way that results in atimely reimbursement from federal21/8 14/5 21/7 5/4 23/2and state agencies.8. The interim financial reportingprocess provides easily understoodand useful financial information to17/34 10/18 9/13 4/6 19/2support <strong>the</strong> activities associated withspecial education.9. The budget process includesconsistent formulas to identify <strong>the</strong>staff required to support special33/21 21/8 12/15 10/8 21/0education students in <strong>the</strong> schools.10. The budget development processprovides an effective format for21/34 17/11 10/15 8/8 15/2addressing special education needs.1 Percent responding Agree or Strongly Agree/Percent responding Disagree or Strongly Disagree. The neutral and don’t know responses are omitted.Source: Responses to MGT Survey, 2009.MGT <strong>of</strong> America, Inc. Page 2‐8

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