1 Uncorrected/ Not for publication- 08.12.2009 SSS-AKG/11.00/1A ...

1 Uncorrected/ Not for publication- 08.12.2009 SSS-AKG/11.00/1A ...

1 Uncorrected/ Not for publication- 08.12.2009 SSS-AKG/11.00/1A ...

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213<strong>Uncorrected</strong>/ <strong>Not</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>publication</strong>- <strong>08.12.2009</strong>world; we have three per cent water of the world, but we have to feed17 per cent population of the world! So, feeding 17 per cent populationof the world, with such limited resources, is not easy unless and until weare ready to make, we are prepared to make substantial investment inthe agriculture sector, whether it is irrigation, whether it is other facilitiesor whether it is cold chains, and save the post-harvest losses to reserveproviding sufficient market facilities.Some of the decisions were definitely taken in the last few years.When the UPA first took the responsibility to protect the interest of thiscountry, in our programme, it was announced that such and such stepswe are going to take in the area of agriculture and we would like tochange the overall approach in agriculture; balance of trade also wewould like to change. The overall investment pattern which was notgiving justice to this sector has also been changed and tried to improve.Credit system has been improved. I recollect that in the year 2005-06,the total agricultural credit which was provided in this country wasRs.86,000 crores, crop loan, has been enhanced to Rs.3,01,000 croresthis year. Interest - it has always been a normal discussion in thevillages that if anybody wants to buy a small car, the credit is availableor the money is available in some financial institution @ 8-9 per centwhereas the crop loan in this country is available @ 12 per cent. InIndian region, certain decision has been taken to reduce that from 12per cent to certain percentage. Similar programme has been taken inhand and the House is fully aware that in the last Budget, the hon.Finance Minister has announced reducing the rate of interest, <strong>for</strong> croploans, from eight to seven per cent, and those who were ready to pay

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