1 Uncorrected/ Not for publication- 08.12.2009 SSS-AKG/11.00/1A ...

1 Uncorrected/ Not for publication- 08.12.2009 SSS-AKG/11.00/1A ...

1 Uncorrected/ Not for publication- 08.12.2009 SSS-AKG/11.00/1A ...

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174<strong>Uncorrected</strong>/ <strong>Not</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>publication</strong>- <strong>08.12.2009</strong>THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (PROF. P.J. KURIEN): Okay, thank you. Shri M.V. Mysura Reddy. Reddyji, you have only five minutes.SHRI M.V. MYSURA REDDY (ANDHRA PRADESH): Thank you, Sir.Sir, this year, if my remembrance goes correct, this is the third timewhen we are discussing the price rise of essential commodities. Sir,every time the stereotype reply from the Government is that they aretaking measures like export ban, zero import duty, imposition of ban onfuture trading, stock limit on hoarding, imports at substantial rates,bringing commodities under PDS, etc. But in spite of all thesemeasures, the prices of essential commodities are skyrocketing. It hasnever come down. That means these ad hoc measures have neitherprotected farmers, nor have they helped the consumers.(continued by 3s/ysr)-SK/YSR-VNK/4.45/3JSHRI M.V. MYSURA REDDY (CONTD.): Sir, recently, while replying to aquestion, the hon. Finance Minister said that it was because ofmismatch between supply and demand, and also due to less production.If so, I want to ask this question. Why is it that only consumer price isskyrocketing whereas the price at which a farmer sells his product is notincreasing, if not skyrocketing?I want to bring this issue to the notice of this august House. Forrice, the farmer's sale price is Rs.18 per kg. But its retail price is Rs.40per kg. For wheat, the farmer's sale price is Rs.15 per kg. But its retailprice is Rs.39 per kg. For moong dal (green gram), the farmer's saleprice is Rs.40 per kg. But its retail price is Rs.100 per kg. For arhar(yellow gram), the farmer's sale price is Rs.47 per kg. But its retail

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