arc considered optional. They can be o

arc considered optional. They can be o

arc considered optional. They can be o

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EXERCISE A The area of a reetangle ~.5 em by 3.25 em is correctly given byI (a) 1~ . 62jem' : (b) 1~ . 63cm' ; ( c ) 1 ~ . 6cm':(") IScm'.When adding or subtracting nUmb~fs. the final result is no more acc uratethan th e least accurate num<strong>be</strong>r used. For examp le. the result of subtract ing 0.57from 3.6 is 3.0 (and not J.OJ).Keep in mind when you usc a c:llculator th;lt all the d i git~ it produce~ maynot I:>e ~ignific;lnt. When you divide 2.0 by 3.0. the proper ~nswer is 0.67. ;md nolsome such th ing

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