Natural gas storage - Snam

Natural gas storage - Snam

Natural gas storage - Snam

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<strong>Snam</strong> Annual Report 2011<strong>Natural</strong> <strong>gas</strong> <strong>storage</strong>

<strong>Snam</strong> Annual Report 2011 / <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>gas</strong> <strong>storage</strong>45Key performance indicators(€ million) 2009 (*) 2010 2011 Change Change %Core business revenue (**) 161 355 372 17 4.8- of which natural <strong>gas</strong> <strong>storage</strong> revenue 158 349 372 23 6.6Operating costs (**) 38 63 64 1 1.6EBIT 92 218 255 37 17.0Investments 282 252 296 44 17.5Net invested capital at 31 December 2,093 2,258 2,642 384 17.0Concessions (number) 10 10 10- of which operational (***) 8 8 8<strong>Natural</strong> <strong>gas</strong> moved through the <strong>storage</strong> system (billions of cubic metres) 16.52 15.59 15.31 (0.28) (1.8)- of which injected 7.81 8.00 7.78 (0.22) (2.8)- of which withdrawn 8.71 7.59 7.53 (0.06) (0.8)Available <strong>storage</strong> capacity (billions of cubic metres): 13.9 14.2 15.0 0.8 5.6- of which available (****) 8.9 9.2 10.0 0.8 8.7- of which strategic 5.0 5.0 5.0Employees in service at 31 December (number) 301 279 278 (1) (0.4)(*) The financial results for the year 2009 were disclosed from 30 June 2009, the date of completion of the operation to acquire Stogit from Eni.(**) Before consolidation adjustments.(***) Working <strong>gas</strong> capacity for modulation services.(****) Working <strong>gas</strong> capacity for modulation, mining and balancing services. The available capacity is that declared to the Electricity and Gas Authority at the start of thermal year 2011-2012,in compliance with Resolution ARG/<strong>gas</strong> 119/10.Financial resultsRevenue from <strong>storage</strong> of natural <strong>gas</strong> amounted to €372 million 7 , an increase of €23 million, equal to6.6%, compared with 2010. The increase is essentially due to the contribution of investments made in2009 (+€29 million) and the volumes of <strong>gas</strong> moved (+€6 million), whose effects were partly absorbedby the tariff updating (-€15 million). Storage revenue refers to modulation <strong>storage</strong> (€303 million;+7.4%) and strategic <strong>storage</strong> (€66 million; -1.5%).EBIT in 2010 amounted to €255 million, an increase of €37 million, equal to 17.0%, compared with2010. This increase was mainly due to increased <strong>storage</strong> revenue (+€23 million), the operating efficiency,and the reduction in depreciation and amortisation (+€20 million) on discounted estimated costs to beincurred when the <strong>storage</strong> sites are dismantled. These effects are partly absorbed by less income (-€3million, net of the cost of <strong>gas</strong> sold) from the sale, in 2010, of some strategic <strong>gas</strong> no longer required forthe provision of <strong>storage</strong> services.The reduction in depreciation and amortisation is related to the adjustment, as of 1 January 2011, ofthe future timing of expenditure relating to the estimated charges for <strong>storage</strong> site dismantling andrestoration, which increased by 20 years (corresponding to the duration of the two possible extensionsof 10 years each 8 ) in the estimated time required to extinguish the relevant obligations.7 Storage revenue for 2011 includes revenue from the User balance service – extra supply point fee – pursuant to the Electricityand Gas Authority Resolutions ARG/<strong>gas</strong> 165/09 and ARG/<strong>gas</strong> 119/10.8 Pursuant to Article 11, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 164/2000, the <strong>storage</strong> of natural <strong>gas</strong> in fields or deep geologicalstructures is carried out via concessions of no longer than 20 years. These concessions are granted by the Ministry ofEconomic Development, with the approval of the region concerned for onshore <strong>storage</strong> concessions. The concessionaire isentitled to a maximum of two ten-year extensions, provided it has carried out the <strong>storage</strong> programmes and fulfilled all otherobligations arising from the concession.<strong>Snam</strong> Annual Report 2011

46<strong>Snam</strong> Annual Report 2011 / <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>gas</strong> <strong>storage</strong>This adjustment is consistent with the remuneration paid for tariff purposes by the Electricity and GasAuthority, which, through Resolution ARG/<strong>gas</strong> 119/10, provided for a specific portion of revenue to bededicated to the payment of <strong>storage</strong> site restoration costs, taking into account the maximum durationof the concession (40 years from the date the concession was granted, including the two possibleextensions), so as to enable full recovery of costs.Operating reviewInvestments(€ million) 2009 2010 2011 Change Change %Development of new fields (4% incentive over 16 years) 221 144 193 49 34.0Upgrading of capacity (4% incentive over eight years) 36 74 65 (9) (12.2)Maintenance and other 25 34 38 4 11.8282 252 296 44 17.5Investments in 2011 amounted to €296 million, an increase of €44 million, or 17.5%, compared with2010.Investments were classified in accordance with Resolution ARG/<strong>gas</strong> 119/10 of the Electricity and GasAuthority, which identified various categories of projects with different incentive levels.A total of 87% of these investments are expected to benefit from incentive-based return. The breakdownof investments in 2011 by category will be submitted to the Authority when the respective tariffs areapproved for 2013.Investments with a 4% incentive over 16 years (€193 million) relate to development activities inprogress in the Fiume Treste <strong>storage</strong> fields, as well as at the Bordolano <strong>storage</strong> field to develop thecushion <strong>gas</strong> injection programme 9 .Investments with a 4% incentive over eight years (€65 million) refer to ongoing activities related toprojects to increase pressure, mainly at the Minerbio, Sabbioncello and Settala <strong>storage</strong> fields.Maintenance and other investments (€38 million) mainly refer to works for maintaining suitable safetyand quality levels for plants and projects relating to the implementation of new information systems andadjustments to existing ones.<strong>Natural</strong> <strong>gas</strong> moved through the <strong>storage</strong> systemThe volumes of <strong>gas</strong> moved in the Storage System in 2011 stood at 15.31 billion cubic metres, a slightreduction (-0.28 billion cubic metres; -1.8%) compared with the volumes moved in 2010 (15.59 billioncubic metres). The reduction is mainly due to lower injections of <strong>gas</strong> for the replenishment of stocks(-0.22 billion cubic metres; -2.75%).The available <strong>storage</strong> capacity at 31 December 2011 was around 15 billion cubic metres, an increase of5.6% compared with 2010. The increase is associated with the expansion and development investmentsrealised in the Fiume Treste, Minerbio and Settala concessions.9 Cushion <strong>gas</strong> is the minimum quantity of <strong>gas</strong> present in or injected into reservoirs during <strong>storage</strong>, which enables the extractionof the remaining volumes of <strong>gas</strong> without affecting, over time, the mineral characteristics of the reservoirs themselves.<strong>Snam</strong> Annual Report 2011

<strong>Snam</strong> Annual Report 2011 / <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>gas</strong> <strong>storage</strong>47SHARE OF INVESTMENTS BY INCENTIVE (% of total investments)9%14%13%Maintenance and other13%78%29%22%Increasing capacityDevelopment of new fields65%57%2009 2010 2011NATURAL GAS MOVED THROUGH THE STORAGE SYSTEM (billions of m 3 )16.5215.5915.312009201020118.717.597.537.818.007.78Extraction Injection TotalDecree extending the Fiume Treste <strong>storage</strong> concessionIn accordance with the Ministerial Decree of 6 June 2011 issued by the Directorate General for Energyand Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Economic Development granted the first ten-year extension ofthe natural <strong>gas</strong> <strong>storage</strong> concession at Fiume Treste.The application for extension was submitted by Stogit on 18 September 2009 to the Ministry ofEconomic Development which, in acknowledgement of the correct fulfilment of all obligations derivingfrom the concession, allowed the first ten-year extension envisaged by regulations, and extension willrun from 21 June 2012.<strong>Snam</strong> Annual Report 2011

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