Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Overview of the Fantom-XAbout the Sampling SectionThe Sampling section samples (records) external sounds from anaudio device or mic as digital data. Sampled sounds can be played asa patch or rhythm set. You can also import WAV/AIFF format filesand use them in the same way.SamplesA sample contains the waveform data sampled by the Fantom-X. Inaddition to the actual waveform data itself, a sample also containsparameters such as start point, loop start, and loop end. The Fantom-X can hold 9,000 samples.fig.04-011.eSampleDrumSamplingWave(Sample)Addedautomatically000100022000Sample ListUser SampleWhere Samples are StoredSamples that you record or import are stored in sample memory.This sample memory is temporary, and its data will be lost whenyou turn off the power. If you want to keep these samples, you mustsave them to user memory or a memory card.* You cannot save data to the preset memory.fig.04-013.eWriteWriteSample MemorySampler SectionPreset BankUser BankCard BankLoadWriteLoadWriteWritePreset MemoryUser MemoryLoad/WriteFantom-XMultisamplesTwo or more samples assigned to the keyboard are collectivelycalled a multisample. A multisample is divided into 128 “splits.”Each split contains the number of a sample in the sample list—itdoes not contain the actual sample data itself.The Fantom-X has 128 internal samples (preset samples), and inaddition can store up to 128 user samples in a separately soldmemory card.fig.04-012.eMultisampleMemory CardSamplingMultisampleNo.128MultisampleNo.001A multisample isdivided into 128sampleNo.001sampleNo.002sampleNo.003sampleNo.127sampleNo.128Number in the sample list32

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