Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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MIDI Implementation❍Channel PressureStatus Data byte StatusF0H 7FH, 7FH, 09H, 01H, 0nH, ppH, rrH F7H❍Key-based Instrument ControllersStatus Data byte StatusF0H 7FH, 7FH, 0AH, 01H, 0nH, kkH, nnH, vvH F7HByteExplanationF0HExclusive status7FHID number (universal realtime message)7FHDevice ID (Broadcast)09HSub ID#1 (Controller Destination Setting)01HSub ID#2 (Channel Pressure)0nH MIDI Channel (00 - 0F)ppHControlled parameterrrHControlled rangepp=0 Pitch Controlrr = 28H - 58H -24 - +24 [semitones]pp=1 Filter Cutoff Controlrr = 00H - 7FH -9600 - +9450 [cents]pp=2 Amplitude Controlrr = 00H - 7FH 0 - 200%pp=3 LFO Pitch Depthrr = 00H - 7FH 0 - 600 [cents]pp=4 LFO Filter Depthrr = 00H - 7FH 0 - 2400 [cents]pp=5 LFO Amplitude Depthrr = 00H - 7FH 0 - 100%F7HEOX (End Of Exclusive)❍ControllerStatus Data byte StatusF0H7FH, 7FH, 09H, 03H, 0nH, ccH, ppH, rrH F7HByteExplanationF0HExclusive status7FHID number (universal realtime message)7FHDevice ID (Broadcast)09HSub ID#1 (Controller Destination Setting)03HSub ID#2 (Control Change)0nH MIDI Channel (00 - 0F)ccH Controller number (01 - 1F, 40 - 5F)ppHControlled parameterrrHControlled rangepp=0 Pitch Controlrr = 28H - 58H -24 - +24 [semitones]pp=1 Filter Cutoff Controlrr = 00H - 7FH -9600 - +9450 [cents]pp=2 Amplitude Controlrr = 00H - 7FH 0 - 200%pp=3 LFO Pitch Depthrr = 00H - 7FH 0 - 600 [cents]pp=4 LFO Filter Depthrr = 00H - 7FH 0 - 2400 [cents]pp=5 LFO Amplitude Depthrr = 00H - 7FH 0 - 100%F7HEOX (End Of Exclusive)❍Scale/Octave Tuning AdjustStatus Data byte StatusF0H7EH, 7FH, 08H, 08H, ffH, ggH, hhH, ssH... F7ByteExplanationF0HExclusive status7EHID number (Universal Non-realtime Message)7FHDevice ID (Broadcast)08HSub ID#1 (MIDI Tuning Standard)08HSub ID#2 (scale/octave tuning 1-byte form)ffH Channel/Option byte 1bits 0 to 1 = channel 15 to 16bit 2 to 6 = UndefinedggH Channel byte 2bits 0 to 6 = channel 8 to 14hhH Channel byte 3bits 0 to 6 = channel 1 to 7ssH12 byte tuning offset of 12 semitones from C to B00H = -64 [cents]40H = 0 [cents] (equal temperament)7FH = +63 [cents]F7HEOX (End Of Exclusive)ByteExplanationF0HExclusive status7FHID number (universal realtime message)7FHDevice ID (Broadcast)0AHSub ID#1 (Key-Based Instrument Control)01HSub ID#2 (Controller)0nHMIDI Channel (00 - 0FH)kkHKey NumbernnHControl NumbervvHValuenn=07H Levelvv = 00H - 7FH 0 - 200% (Relative)nn=0AHPanvv = 00H - 7FH Left - Right (Absolute)nn=5BHReverb Sendvv = 00H - 7FH 0 - 127 (Absolute)nn=5DChorus Sendvv = 00H - 7FH 0 - 127 (Absolute): :F7EOX (End Of Exclusive)* This parameter affects drum instruments only.●Data TransmissionThis instrument can use exclusive messages to exchange many varieties of internal settingswith other devices.The model ID of the exclusive messages used by this instrument is 00H 6BH.❍Data Request 1RQ1This message requests the other device to transmit data. The address and size indicate thetype and amount of data that is requested.When a Data Request message is received, if the device is in a state in which it is able totransmit data, and if the address and size are appropriate, the requested data is transmittedas a Data Set 1 (DT1) message. If the conditions are not met, nothing is transmitted.Status data byte statusF0H 41H, dev, 00H, 6BH, 11H, aaH, bbH, ccH, F7HddH, ssH, ttH, uuH, vvH, sumByteF0H41Hdev00H6BH11HaaHbbHccHddHssHttHuuHvvHsumF7HRemarksExclusive statusID number (<strong>Roland</strong>)device ID (dev: 10H - 1FH, 7FH)model ID #1 (Fantom-X6/X7/X8)model ID #2 (Fantom-X6/X7/X8)command ID (RQ1)address MSBaddressaddressaddress LSBsize MSBsizesizesize LSBchecksumEOX (End Of Exclusive)* The size of data that can be transmitted at one time is fixed for each type of data. Anddata requests must be made with a fixed starting address and size. Refer to the addressand size given in Parameter Address Map (P.311).* For the checksum, refer to P.329.* Not received when the Receive Exclusive parameter (SYSTEM/MIDI) is OFF.303

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