Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Effects List54: LONG TIME CTRL DELAYA delay in which the delay time can be varied smoothly, andallowing an extended delay to be produced.fig.MFX-54L inR inParameter Value DescriptionDelay Time # 0–2600 ms, Adjusts the time until the delay is heard.noteAcceleration 0–15 Adjusts the time over which the DelayTime changes from the current setting toa specified new setting.The rate of change for the Delay Timedirectly affects the rate of pitchchange.Feedback # -98– +98 % Adjusts the amount of the delay that’sfed back into the effect. Negative (-) settingsinvert the phase.HF Damp 200–8000 Hz,BYPASSAdjusts the frequency above whichsound fed back to the effect is filteredout. If you do not want to filter out anyhigh frequencies, set this parameter toBYPASS.Pan # L64–63R Stereo location of the delayLow Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the low frequency rangeHigh Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the high frequency rangeBalance # D100:0W–D0:100WVolume balance between the directsound (D) and the delay sound (W)Level 0–127 Output level55: TAPE ECHOA virtual tape echo that produces a realistic tape delay sound. Thissimulates the tape echo section of a <strong>Roland</strong> RE-201 Space Echo.fig.MFX-55L inR inParameter Value DescriptionMode S, M, L,S+M, S+L,M+L,S+M+LCombination of playback heads to useSelect from three different heads withdifferent delay times.S: short M: middle L: longRepeat Rate # 0–127 Tape speedIncreasing this value will shorten thespacing of the delayed sounds.Intensity # 0–127 Amount of delay repeatsBass -15– +15 dB Boost/cut for the lower range of the echosoundTreble -15– +15 dB Boost/cut for the upper range of the echosoundHead S Pan L64–63R Independent panning for the short, middle,Head M Panand long playback headsHead L PanTape DistortionFeedbackBalance DTime Control DelayTape EchoDirect LevelDirect LevelBalance DEcho LevelEcho Level2-BandEQBalance WBalance WL outR out2-BandEQL outR out0–5 Amount of tape-dependent distortion tobe addedThis simulates the slight tonal changesthat can be detected by signal-analysisequipment. Increasing this value willincrease the distortion.Parameter Value DescriptionWow/FlutterRate0–127 Speed of wow/flutter (complex variationin pitch caused by tape wear and rotationalirregularity)Wow/Flutter 0–127 Depth of wow/flutterDepthEcho Level # 0–127 Volume of the echo soundDirect Level # 0–127 Volume of the original soundLevel 0–127 Output level56: LOFI NOISEIn addition to a lo-fi effect, this adds various types of noise such aswhite noise and disc noise.fig.MFX-56L inR inParameter Value DescriptionLoFi Type 1–9 Degrades the sound quality. The soundquality grows poorer as this value is increased.Post FilterTypePost FilterCutoffW/P NoiseTypeW/P NoiseLPFW/P NoiseLevel #Disc NoiseTypeDisc NoiseLPFDisc NoiseLevel #Hum NoiseTypeHum NoiseLPFLo-FiNoise Gen.Lo-FiOFF, LPF,HPFType of filterOFF: no filter is usedLPF: cuts the frequency range abovethe CutoffHPF: cuts the frequency range belowthe Cutoff200–8000 Hz Center frequency of the filterWHITE,PINKSwitch between white noise and pinknoise.200–8000 Hz, Center frequency of the low pass filterBYPASS applied to the white/pink noise (BY-PASS: no cut)0–127 Volume of the white/pink noiseLP, EP, SP,RND200–8000 Hz,BYPASSType of record noiseThe frequency at which the noise isheard depends on the selected type.Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter applied to the record noise. Ifyou don’t want to filter out any high frequencies,set this parameter to BYPASS.0–127 Volume of the record noise50 Hz, 60 Hz Frequency of the hum noise200–8000 Hz,BYPASS2-BandEQ2-BandEQL outR outCenter frequency of the low pass filterapplied to the hum noise (BYPASS: nocut)Hum Noise 0–127 Volume of the hum noiseLevel #Low Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the low rangeHigh Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the high rangeBalance # D100:0W–D0:100WVolume balance between the directsound (D) and the effect sound (W)Level 0–127 Output level286

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