Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Effects List20: SLICERBy applying successive cuts to the sound, this effect turns aconventional sound into a sound that appears to be played as abacking phrase. This is especially effective when applied to sustaintypesounds.fig.MFX-20L inR inParameter Value DescriptionStep 01–16 L64–63R Level at each stepRate # 0.05–10.00Hz, noteRate at which the 16-step sequence willcycleAttack # 0–127 Speed at which the level changes betweenstepsInput SyncSwOFF, ON Specifies whether an input note willcause the sequence to resume from thefirst step of the sequence (ON) or not(OFF)Input SyncThreshold0–127 Volume at which an input note will bedetectedMode21: ROTARYThe Rotary effect simulates the sound of the rotary speakers oftenused with the electric organs of the past. Since the movement of thehigh range and low range rotors can be set independently, theunique type of modulation characteristic of these speakers can besimulated quite closely. This effect is most suitable for electric organPatches.fig.MFX-21LEGATO,SLASHSets the manner in which the volumechanges as one step progresses to thenext.LEGATO: The change in volume fromone step’s level to the next remainsunaltered. If the level of a followingstep is the same as the one precedingit, there is no change in volume.SLASH: The level is momentarily setto 0 before progressing to the level ofthe next step. This change in volumeoccurs even if the level of the followingstep is the same as the precedingstep.Shuffle # 0–127 Timing of volume changes in levels foreven-numbered steps (step 2, step 4, step6...).The higher the value, the later the beatprogresses.Level 0–127 Output levelL inR inParameter Value DescriptionSpeed # SLOW, FAST Simultaneously switch the rotationalspeed of the low frequencyrotor and high frequency rotor.SLOW: Slows down the rotationto the Slow Rate.FAST: Speeds up the rotationto the Fast Rate.Woofer SlowSpeed0.05–10.00 Hz Slow speed (SLOW) of the lowfrequency rotorWoofer FastSpeedSlicerSlicerRotaryL outR outL outR out0.05–10.00 Hz Fast speed (FAST) of the low frequencyrotorParameter Value DescriptionWooferAcceleration0–15 Adjusts the time it takes the lowfrequency rotor to reach the newlyselected speed when switchingfrom fast to slow (or slow tofast) speed. Lower values will requirelonger times.Woofer Level 0–127 Volume of the low frequency rotorTweeter SlowSpeedTweeter Fast0.05–10.00 Hz0.05–10.00 HzSettings of the high frequency rotorThe parameters are the sameSpeedas for the low frequency rotorTweeter 0–15AccelerationTweeter Level 0–127Separation 0–127 Spatial dispersion of the soundLevel # 0–127 Output Level22: VK ROTARYThis type provides modified response for the rotary speaker, withthe low end boosted further.This effect features the same specifications as the VK-7’s built-inrotary speaker.fig.MFX-22L inR inParameter Value DescriptionSpeed # SLOW, FAST Rotational speed of the rotatingspeakerBrake # OFF, ON Switches the rotation of therotary speaker.When this is turned on, therotation will graduallystop. When it is turned off,the rotation will graduallyresume.Woofer SlowSpeed0.05–10.00 Hz Low-speed rotation speed ofthe wooferWoofer FastSpeed0.05–10.00 Hz High-speed rotation speed ofthe wooferWoofer TransUpWoofer TransDownRotary2-Band EQ2-Band EQL outR out0–127 Adjusts the rate at which thewoofer rotation speeds upwhen the rotation is switchedfrom Slow to Fast.0–127 Adjusts the rate at which thewoofer rotation speeds upwhen the rotation is switchedfrom Fast to Slow.Woofer Level 0–127 Volume of the wooferTweeter SlowSpeedTweeter Fast0.05–10.00 Hz0.05–10.00 HzSettings of the tweeterThe parameters are thesame as for the woofer.SpeedTweeter Trans 0–127UpTweeter Trans 0–127DownTweeter Level 0–127Spread 0–10 Sets the rotary speaker stereoimage. The higher the valueset, the wider the sound isspread out.Low Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the low rangeHigh Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the high rangeLevel # 0–127 Output Level276

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