Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Playing a Phrase at the Touch of a Finger (RPS Function)• Velocity Sens (Velocity Sensitivity)Turn this “OFF” if you want the pattern to play back at thevolume at which it was recorded.If you want to vary the pattern playback volume according tothe strength with which you pressed the key, select either“LOW,” “MID,” or “HIGH.”Value: OFF, LOW, MID, HIGH• PAD NumberSpecify the pad number to which the pattern is to be assigned.You can also specify a pad directly by pressing it.• Keyboard NoteSpecify the key to which the pattern will be assigned. You canalso specify this by pressing a key on the keyboard.• KBD/PAD PatternSelect the pattern number that will be assigned to the key/pad.The name of the selected pattern will be displayed below thepattern number.Select “OFF” for keys to which you do not want to assign apattern. If you select “STOP,” that key will be a Stop Triggerkey/pad that stops the currently playing patterns.When assigning a number to a pad, simply press PAD and thecursor will move to “Pattern.”Valid Settings: STOP, OFF, PTN001–PTN100• KBD/PAD Playback ModeSpecify how the pattern will be played.ValueLOOP1:LOOP2:The pattern will play back repeatedly as long asthe key is held down.The pattern will play back repeatedly. To stopplayback, press a Stop Trigger key or press thesame key once again.ONCE: The pattern will play back once.• KBD/PAD Mute GroupThis function lets you prevent patterns of the same group fromsounding together. For example, a fill-in and bridge shouldnever be played at the same time, and to ensure that this doesnot occur, you can set the fill-in and bridge to the same mutegroup number.Thirty-one mute groups can be specified. Select “OFF” if you donot want to use a mute group for a pattern.Value: OFF, 1–313. When you are finished making settings, press [F8 (Exit)] toreturn to the Song Play screen.Using the RPS FunctionWhile You PerformNormally, when playing patterns individually, the song containingthe patterns must be loaded into Temporary Area. However, whenusing the RPS function to play back patterns, you can use QuickPlay.1. Make sure that the preparations for using the RPS functionhave been made correctly.2. Access the PLAY screen for the mode in which you want toperform.3. Press [RPS] so the button is lit.fig.21-003The RPS function will be turned on, and you will be able toperform using RPS.4. Press [PLAY] to play back the song.You must play back the song if you want patterns to play backin synchronization with the song, or if you want multiplepatterns to play in synchronization.• If the song is not playing, the pattern will begin playing theinstant you press the key, regardless of the Trigger Quantizeparameter setting.• The pattern will be played back according to the time signatureof the song (beat track). This means that if the phrase trackcontains no sequencer data, the song will not play, and it willnot be possible to play back patterns in synchronization. In suchcases, you can insert several blank measures into a phrase track,and play them as a loop.5. Press a key or pad to which a pattern is assigned, makingthe pattern play.If you want to stop playback midway through the pattern, pressthe Stop Trigger key. Alternatively if the Playback Modeparameter is set to “LOOP2,” you can stop the pattern playbackby pressing the same key once again.Up to eight patterns can play back simultaneously.204

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