Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Recording SongsRecording YourPerformance as You Play It(Realtime Recording)Realtime Recording is the recording method in which your keyboardplaying and controller operations are recorded just as you performthem. Use this recording method when you want to capture thenuances of your own performance.Basic Operation for RealtimeRecording1. Make sure that the preparations for recording have beencompleted as described in “Before You Record a NewSong” (p. 168).If you want to record into an existing song, load the desiredsong into Temporary Song (p. 177). Then press [FWD] or [BWD]to specify the measure at which you want to begin recording.The measure at which recording will begin is indicated by the“M=” in the upper part of each PLAY screen.2. Press [REC].The [REC] indicator will blink, and the Realtime Rec Standbywindow appears.fig.18-003_50This window lets you set various parameters for realtimerecording.ValueMIX: Mix-recording will be carried out. Normally, you willrecord using this method. If a performance has already beenrecorded on the recording-destination track, your newly recordedperformance will be added to the existing performance withouterasing it. By using this in conjunction with Loop-recording, you canrecord repeatedly over a specified area without erasing thepreviously recorded performance. For example, this is a convenientway to record a drum performance one instrument at a time; bassdrum -> snare drum -> hi-hat, etc.REPLACE: Replace-recording will be carried out. If aperformance has already been recorded on therecording-destination track, it will be erased asyou record your new performance. Use thiswhen you want to re-record.• Count InSelect how recording is to begin.ValueOFF:Recording will begin immediately when youpress [PLAY].1 MEAS: When you press [PLAY], a count (playback) willbegin one measure before the recording-startlocation, and recording will begin when youreach the recording-start location.2 MEAS: When you press [PLAY], a count (playback) willbegin two measures before the recording-startlocation, and recording will begin when youreach the recording-start location.WAIT NOTE:As an alternative to pressing [PLAY], you canplay the keyboard, strike a pad, or press theHold pedal to start recording.4. When you are finished making settings in the Realtime RecStandby window, press [PLAY] or [F8 (Start)].The Realtime Rec Standby window will close, the [REC]indicator will change from blinking to lit, and recording willbegin.When recording begins, the Realtime Recording window willappear.fig.18-004_50If you want to record a pattern, press [F2 (Ptn)] in the Song Editscreen so it lights red, and then press [REC].3. As basic settings, specify the following three parameters.Use [CURSOR] to move the cursor to each parameter, andturn the VALUE dial or press [INC]/[DEC] to make the setting.• Rec TrackSpecify the phrase track or pattern on which you want to record.* You can also make settings so that the phrase track of the same numberas the current part will be selected automatically. This is convenientwhen you are recording just one part on each track. For details on howto make this setting, refer to p. 234.Value: TRK 1–TRK 16,PTN001–PTN100 (* when recording on a pattern)• Rec Mode (Recording Mode)Select how recording is to take place.In this window you can perform the following operations.• Specify the punch-in/out points (Punch In p. 171)• Realtime Erase (Erase p. 173)• Rehearsal function (Rehearsal p. 173)For details on these operations, refer to the appropriate page.To close the Realtime Recording window, press [F8 (Close)] or[PLAY]. To open it once again, press [PLAY].5. When you are finished recording, press [STOP].The [REC] indicator will go dark.If you are not satisfied with the realtime recording you justmade, you can press [MENU], and from the Menu window thatappears, select “Undo/Redo” to return to the state prior torecording (Undo/Redo). After executing Undo, you can useRedo to revert to the previous state. After executing Undo, youcan execute Redo by performing the above procedure the aboveprocedure once again.170

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