Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Playing Back a SongChanging the Playback Tempo of aSongThe tempo at which a song will play back is recorded on its tempotrack, but the tempo of the entire song can be adjusted duringplayback. The tempo at which the song actually plays is called theplayback tempo.Playing a Song Back at a FixedTempo (Muting the Tempo Track)If the tempo changes while a song is being played back, this isbecause those tempo changes have been recorded in the Tempotrack. If you want to override these tempo changes and play back ata fixed tempo, you can mute the Tempo track.The playback tempo is a temporary setting. It will be lost if youswitch to another song or turn off the power. If you want thesong to always play back at this tempo, you must re-save thesong to disk (p. 198).1. Press [TEMPO].fig.17-004_50The Tempo window appears.2. Turn the VALUE dial or press [INC]/[DEC] to set theplayback tempo.• If you press [F7 (Click)] to light it into red, a click will sound atthe specified tempo. This will switch on/off each time you pressthe button.• By pressing [F6 (Tap)] you can set the tempo to the timing atwhich you press the button (Tap Tempo). Press the button threeor more times at quarter-note intervals of the desired tempo.3. When you have finished making settings, press [F8(Close)].Using a Controller to Change the PlaybackTempoSince tempo control is assigned to the realtime control knob ofthe Fantom-X, it’s easy to change the playback tempo of thesong.fig.11-003For details on this operation, refer to “Silencing the Playbackof a Track (Mute)” (p. 178).Playing Back a S-MRC FormatSongThe Fantom-X is able to play back S-MRC format songs created onthe MC-50 in the same way as MRC Pro songs or Standard MIDIFiles. However, S-MRC format songs cannot be Quick Played. Youmust first load them into Temporary Area and convert them to MRCPro song format before playing them.For details on the procedure, refer to “Loading a Song (Load)”(p. 201).Playing Back a Song Repeatedly(Loop Play)Use the Loop function when you want to repeatedly play back anentire song or just a specified portion of a song.1. Press [SONG EDIT].2. Press [F4 (Loop)].The Loop window appears.3. Press [F7 (Loop)] to light it into red.The Loop switch will turn on. Now playback will loopaccording to the region and the number of times specified in theLoop window. To turn off the Loop switch, press [F7 (Loop)]once again.Tempo1. Press the REALTIME CONTROL button so the ARP/RHY indicator lights.2. Play back the song, and turn the realtime control knob.You are also free to assign the Tempo Control function tothe following controllers. For details on this setting, refer tothe pages that discuss each controller.• D Beam controller (p. 122)For details on making settings in the Loop window, refer to“Specifying the Area of a Song that will Repeat (LoopPoints)” (p. 179).4. When you have finished making settings, press [F8 (Close)]to close the Loop window.166

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