Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Editing a SampleAssigning Samples to a Pad(Assign To Pad)Here’s how to assign samples as the rhythm tones of a rhythm set.For example, you can create an original rhythm set by replacingcertain tones of a preset rhythm set with different samples.* From the Sample List screen you can also press [F7 (Load Utility)]->[F2 (Assign to Pad)] to execute Assign To Pad.* You cannot execute this with more than one sample selected.From Patch Mode1. Press [SAMPLE LIST] to select a sample, and then press[SAMPLE EDIT] to access the Sample Edit screen.2. Press [F6 (Assign KB/Pad)].fig.15-009_50The Assign to Kbd/Pad screen will appear.From Performance ModeBefore you continue with the procedure below, make sure you're inPerformance mode, and select the patch or rhythm set to which youwant to assign the sample.1. Press [SAMPLE LIST] to select a sample, and then press[SAMPLE EDIT] to access the Sample Edit screen.2. Press [F6 (Assign KB/Pad)].The Assign to Kbd/Pad screen will appear.3. Press [F7 (Assign to Pad)].The Assign to Pad screen will appear.If a rhythm set is not assigned to the selected part, a messagewill ask “Change into Rhythm and Initialize?”, asking if youwant to assign an initialized rhythm set to the selected part.fig.15-010_503. Press [F7 (Assign to Pad)].fig.15-010_50The Assign to Pad screen will appear.4. Select the desired pad by pressing it directly.If you press [F1 (Tempo Sync)] to light it into red, the WaveTempo Sync parameter (p. 63) will be turned ON for the rhythmtone that is assigned.5. Press [F8 (Exec)].A message will ask your confirmation.4. Select the desired pad by pressing it directly.If you press [F1 (Tempo Sync)] to light it into red, the WaveTempo Sync parameter (p. 89) will be turned ON for the rhythmtone that is assigned.5. Press [F8 (Exec)].A message will ask your confirmation.6. Press [F8 (Exec)] to execute Assign to Pad.The sample will be assigned (as a rhythm tone) to the specifiedpad.To cancel, press [F7 (Cancel)].7. Press [EXIT] to return to the previous screen.If you select another rhythm set, the rhythm set you assignedwill be replaced by that patch. If you want to keep the patch youcreated, press [WRITE] and save it.6. Press [F8 (Exec)] to execute Assign to Pad.The sample will be assigned (as a rhythm tone) to the specifiedpad.To cancel, press [F7 (Cancel)].7. Press [EXIT] to return to the previous screen.151

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