Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Modifying the Sound in Real TimeUsing a Pedal to Modify theSound (Control Pedal)You can modify the sound by pressing a pedal that is connected tothe rear panel PEDAL HOLD jack or PEDAL CONTROL jack.Pedal such as expression pedals (DP-8; available separately), pedalswitches (DP series; available separately), or foot switches (BOSS FS-U; available separately) can be connected to the Fantom-X.1. Access the Patch Play screen (p. 38).2. While playing the keyboard to produce sound, operate apedal.The sound will change according to the function that is assignedto the control pedal.Making Control Pedal Settings1. Press [MENU].2. Use or to select “System,” and then press[ENTER].The System Setup screen appears.3. Press [F1 (⇑)] or [F2 (⇓)] to select “Pedal/D Beam.”fig.10-010_50A screen like the following appears.BEND UP:BEND DOWN:AFTERTOUCH:OCT UP:OCT DOWN:START/STOP:PUNCH IN/OUT:TAP TEMPO:PROG UP:PROG DOWN:FAVORITE UP:FAVORITE DOWN:ARP SW:RHY START/STOP:CHORD SW:LIVE SET UP:LIVE SET DOWN:LOOP:Controls the pitch as specified by the “PitchBend Range Up” setting (p. 67).Controls the pitch as specified by the “PitchBend Range Down” setting (p. 67).AftertouchEach pedal press raises the key range inoctave steps (up to 3 octaves higher).Each pedal press lowers the key range inoctave steps (up to 3 octaves lower).The sequencer will start/stop.<strong>Manual</strong> punch-in/out recording will start/stop.Tap tempo (a tempo specified by the intervalat which you press the pedal).The next sound number will be selected.The previous sound number will be selected.The favorite patch/performance of the nextnumber or bank will be selected.The favorite patch/performance of theprevious number or bank will be selected.Switches the Arpeggio/Rhythm functionon/off.Switch Rhythm pattern playback on/off.Switches the Chord function on/off.Switches to the next step within a LiveSetting list.Switches to the previous step within a LiveSetting list.Loop play On/OffControl Pedal Polarity4. Turn the VALUE dial or press [INC]/[DEC] to make thesetting.5. If you want to save your settings, press [F8 (System Write)].Press [Exit] to return to the Patch Play screen.Control Pedal AssignThis specifies the function of each pedal connected to the PEDALCONTROL jacks.ValueCC01–31, 33–95: Controller numbers 1–31, 33–95For details on control change messages, refer to “MIDIImplementation” (p. 298).Selects the polarity of the pedal. On some pedals, the electrical signaloutput by the pedal when it is pressed or released is the opposite ofother pedals. If your pedal has an effect opposite of what you expect,set this parameter to “REVERSE.” If you are using a <strong>Roland</strong> pedal(that has no polarity switch), set this parameter to “STANDARD.”Value: STANDARD, REVERSEHold Pedal PolaritySelect the polarity of the Hold pedal. On some pedals, the electricalsignal output by the pedal when it is pressed or released is theopposite of other pedals. If your pedal has an effect opposite of whatyou expect, set this parameter to “REVERSE.” If you are using a<strong>Roland</strong> pedal (that has no polarity switch), set this parameter to“STANDARD.”Range: STANDARD, REVERSEContinuous Hold PedalThis setting determines whether the HOLD PEDAL jack will providesupport for half-pedaling (ON), or not (OFF). When this is set tosupport use of half-pedaling techniques, you can then connect anoptional expression pedal (DP-8, etc.), and employ pedal work toachieve even finer control in performances in which piano tones areused.Value: OFF, ON126

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