Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Creating a PerformanceSaving a PerformanceYou’ve Created (Write)Changes you make to sound settings are temporary, and will be lostif you turn off the power or select another sound. If you want to keepthe modified sound, you must save it in the User area or a memorycard.When you modify the settings of a Performance, the PerformanceLayer screen will indicate “*.” Once you save the Performance intouser area, the “*” indication goes away.5. When you have finished inputting the name, press [F8(Write)].A screen will appear, allowing you to select the writedestinationperformance.fig.09-023_50When you perform the save procedure, the data that previouslyoccupied the save destination will be lost.1. Make sure that the performance you wish to save isselected.2. Press [WRITE].fig.09-021_50The Write Menu screen appears.6. Press [F1 (⇑)] or [F2 (⇓)] to select the write destination. Thenthe VALUE dial or use [INC] [DEC] to select theperformance number.The write destination can be either the Fantom-X’s internal userarea (User), or a memory card (Card).7. Press [F8 (Write)].A message will ask you for confirmation.Never switch off the Fantom-X while data is being saved.8. Press [F8 (Exec)] to execute the save operation.* To cancel the operation, press [F7 (Cancel)].When Changing the Settings for thePatch or Rhythm Set Assigned to aPart in a Performance3. Press [F1 (Perf)].* Alternatively, you can use CURSOR or to select“Performance,” and then press [ENTER].The Performance Write screen appears.fig.09-022_50If you've edited a patch or rhythm set assigned to a part in aperformance and then try to save the performance without firstsaving the edited patch or rhythm set, the following messageappears.fig.09-024_50In such cases, first save the patches and rhythm sets, and then savethe performance.4. Assign a name to the performance.For details on assigning names, refer to “Assigning a Name”(p. 36)120

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