Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

Owner's Manual - Roland

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Creating a PerformanceControl D Beam (Control D Beam Switch)Specifies whether each part will be controlled by the D Beam.Value: OFF, ONControl Knob (Control Knob Switch)Specifies whether each part will be controlled by the control knob.Value: OFF, ONChanging the Settings of thePatch Assigned to a PartWhen using patches in Performance mode, some settings such aseffects settings will be affected by Performance settings. If you wishto edit a patch while hearing how it will sound in the Performance,use this procedure:* Here we explain how to change the setting of a patch assigned to apart. The procedure for changing the settings of rhythm sets is thesame. Substitute “rhythm set” wherever “patch” appears in asentence.1. Make sure the Performance mode is selected.2. Press [PATCH EDIT].The patch assigned to the part is displayed in the Patch Editscreen.fig.09-020_50Initializing PerformanceSettings (Init)“Initialize” means to return the settings of the currently selectedsound to a standard set of values.The Initialize operation will affect only the currently selectedsound; the sounds that are stored in user memory will not beaffected. If you wish to restore all of the Fantom-X’s settings totheir factory values, perform a Factory Reset (p. 235).1. Select the Performance that you wish to initialize (p. 99).2. Hold down [SHIFT] and press [F1 (Init)].The Performance Initialize window will appear.3. Turn the VALUE dial or press or to select theinitialization type.• DEFAULT: Resets the currently selected performancein the Temporary memory to thestandard values. Use this setting whenyou wish to create a sound from scratch.• SOUND CONTROL: Initializes the values of the following partparameters. Cutoff Offset, ResonanceOffset, Attack Time Offset, Release TimeOffset, Decay Time Offset, Vibrato Rate,Vibrato, Depth, Vibrato Delay4. Press [F8 (Select)].A message will ask you for confirmation.5. Press [F8 (Exec)].The initialization will be carried out, and you’ll be returned tothe previous screen.To cancel, press [F7 (Cancel)].3. The rest of the procedure is the same as when makingchanges in Patch mode (p. 56).119

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