January 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

January 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

January 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

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to write songs very slowly for it. It was quite different from our first album.AG: Just out of curiosity, what’s your favorite Neil Youngrecord?TS: After the Goldrush.AG: Did you get to see that Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Youngtour?TS: I didn’t know that they were on tour.AG: Yeah, and it was a weird mix of people. Like, there werepeople my dad’s age, around 55, and there were a ton of peoplemy age, 22. I don’t know, I guess that some music is sortatimeless.TS: Well, you know, it’s good music.AG: Is capturing that same sort of ‘70s sound what you guysattempted to do going into Van Occupanther or is this just theway the music came out?TS: Yeah, I mean, we definitely knew what we were doing. I guess it was a littlebit of both, though. You know, you start falling in love with that style of musicand it’s all that you want to hear and it’s all you want to write.AG: Do you write more for yourselves or for fans, for potentialfans?TS: Mostly for us, but to be honest, when you’re writing a song there’s got tobe a certain something. Like, for instance, maybe it’s better to have a harderguitar. I’m fine with a softer guitar but I’m sure that critics and people who buyrecords want a heavier guitar. It’s a small part, you know, but it is there. Youhave to think about your audience. It’s harder for bands, you know, to be freewithout writing longer songs. It’s hard to write a three-minute song.AG: You guys seem to operate pretty free of current influence,of whatever’s popular and hip. Is that a self-conscious move onyour part?TS: We totally do, so I guess so. I just don’t listen to a lot of what’s going on. Ithink that there are some bands out there who are really, really great. I don’tknow, I guess I know what you’re talking about, this sorta dance-like thing. It’sjust not the music that moves me, you know? I lean more to the classical side,the “beauty” side.AG: Your record is very timeless, sort of a snapshot ofsomething. Like it exists outside of the influence, you know? Isthat timeless quality something that you guys were going for? Imean, it just seems like Van Occupanther will be just as good intwenty years as it is today.TS: Yeah, exactly. That’s it. You don’t want to put something out that’s onlygood for a year. You want to be able to pick it up a few years from now andhave it still sound good.AG: Paul [Alexander, Midlake bassist] said something in aninterview I read like, “Creating beauty, sincerity, and honestyare imperative while we’re writing and recording.” How do youmaintain these things?TS: Well, we all love one another. We all get along with each other becausewe’ve been doing it for so long. We’ve been doing this for so long in our lives,and we always wanted to do it for however long we could make it. It’s happenedreally slowly, you know? Seven or eight years. But, you know, it keeps gettingbetter and better […] I mean, right now, we canalmost start to afford some sort of tour bus. Notto buy, but to rent, you know? And in Europe,not really in the States yet. So that helps out. It’shard, being out on the road, in this one little vantogether, and you’ve got to sleep in, like, one littlehotel room. I don’t know, I can’t say that it’ll lastforever. I’m 31. But right now things are goingpretty well. We love doing this. There’s nothingelse we want to do. I mean, I don’t think any of uswant to go back to our day jobs.AG: Well, that’s about all I have. We’llsee you guys on February 2 nd .TS: Yeah, I think that’s the first day of our tour.Where are we playing again? The Howlin’ Wolf?AG: At a place called Republic. It usedto be the Howlin’ Wolf but the Howlin’Wolf moved down the street. Have youguys played here before?TS: Oh yeah. Once at the Howlin’ Wolf and acouple of times at the Mermaid Lounge. No oneknew who we were though.antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_19

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