January 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

January 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

January 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

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SKIPPIN’ SCHOOL WITHBLACK ROSE BANDBY PAUL CARUSO<strong>2007</strong> is shaping up to be a big year for the Black Rose you come to the band with a finished song, or do Julien: ...Skippin school and shit...Band. They’ve got a new 7” record coming out on <strong>January</strong> you all work on the songs together?KL: Yeah, and then you flip it over and we got a song called27th and a full-length LP set to come out by Mardi Gras. KL: We do both. I’ve been writing a lot stuff at home. I’ve got “Hoochie Poochie.” It’s just a funny song.After the release of their debut album, they will tour the US, notebooks and notebooks of songs that I’ve written. But then Adam: The record is being put out by Contaminatedfollowed by a tour of Europe. That’s a lot of action for a bandthat formed not long after Katrina because their previousbands broke up. ANTIGRAVITY sat down with King Louie,Julien, Adam, and Dustin to discuss their great new band.ANTIGRAVITY: Since the Black Rose Band wasformed out of the remnants of a bunch of differentbands, when you guys formed the band did yousit down and discuss the style of music you weregoing to play, or did you just get in a room andthis is the kind of music that just formed?King Louie: I’ve had a template that I’ve been going by, the rock‘n’ roll thing, and I like to get in a room and kick it out and gocrazy. And Dustin and I have been working together and justlast year Julien was like, “Hey man, I want to do some boogiewoogiea lot of times, like, I’ll see someone shoplifting at a conveniencestore and I’ll think about that and I’ll put it in my pocket andthen I’ll come out to band practice and I’ll say something aboutit and start picking a guitar and we’ll all come in on a countrything. Then there’s times when Julien will come up with a riffand I’ll follow him.Julien: And Adam’s got that country pickin’ thing with abluegrassy influence.KL: Well the irony is that our best guitar picker is the bassplayer! I’m really digging it and I’m really having fun and I thinkeveryone else is too.AG: This question is for Julien and King Louie.How much fun is it to do the double lead guitarthing?Julien: Dual lead is just about as fun as it gets.Records, which is run by Alicja from the River City Tanlines.She used to be in the Lost Sounds. The River City Tanlines willbe playing with us at the record release party on <strong>January</strong> 27 th ,along with Guitar Lightnin’ and Miss Kitty Lynn.AG: What was the reaction of the band whenKing Louie came to practice for the first time withthe talkbox?Dustin: I couldn’t stop laughing...Bankston comes alive!Julien: King Louie was like a kid on Christmas. It’s like being ina biker movie. It’s totally psychedelic.KL: It’s good. With the talkbox, (we) can say everything thatneeds to be said. “Blaaaaaack Rooose Baaaaaaand”. I got toadmit, man, I plugged it in and I didn’t realize it would do whatit could do. I just couldn’t believe it. It was great. It was justgreat.stuff.” So it was never like “We’re going to start this KL: It is and when we’re in the pocket, baby, and we’re comin tostyle or that style of music.” I think we just came together that git down in “Dusty Roads” when it goes from the G to theand play all different styles of music. We really came together E, and we hit that git down and we go “weeee-weee-weeee”from, like you said, different places. We play R&B, a little bit of those three basic notes, once we lock in on ‘em, it just falls incountry, rock ‘n’ roll, some punk rock. I think it is different, but place man, I feel like I’m five feet off the stage all the time. I think we’ve been able to have the right chemistry to make it Julien: Better than a floating skateboard.seem like a lot of different things can come together into one AG: Tell us about the new 7”.cohesive sound.KL: We got a honky-tonk, rock ‘n’ roll, straight-forward song,AG: Tell me about the songwriting process. Do “Hot Box” which is about smoking cigarettes...antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_11

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