In This Issue: 2 4 5 - American Bus Association

In This Issue: 2 4 5 - American Bus Association

In This Issue: 2 4 5 - American Bus Association

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ABA <strong>In</strong>siderMARCH31, 2008 | Vol. 1 • <strong>Issue</strong> 18The Most Accurate News Source For The Motorcoach, Tour And Travel <strong>In</strong>dustryCoalition Renews Efforts To Lift Capitol Hill <strong>Bus</strong> Ban<strong>In</strong> <strong>This</strong> <strong>Issue</strong>:The <strong>In</strong>sider Q&A:Great Wolf Resorts2Diesel Fuel Prices Reach RecordHighs, Topping $4 Per Gallon4Coach America Set to BuyRenzenberger, Lakefront5Did You Know That...ABA members enjoy quarterlyspecial offers on products focusingon motorcoach safety, complianceand management practices fromJ.J Keller as part of an ABAexclusive membership benefit forbus operator members.Details: (800) 843-3174, ext. 2985,www.jjkeller.com.<strong>In</strong>dividual Highlights:<strong>In</strong>sider Q&A 2Member Services 4<strong>Bus</strong> <strong>Bus</strong>iness Briefs 4Travel Tracks 5Executive Excursions 7New Members 8ABA has formed a coalition withSYTA, NTA and UMA to generatesupport among members of Congressto shelf a plan to divert tour busesfrom the soon-to-open Capitol VisitorsCenter to Union Station.The coalition is seeking to meetwith several House membersfollowing a story in Roll Call, thenewspaper of Congress, reporting thatthe proposal “could create unduehardship for Capitol Visitors Centervisitors, who already have spent a lotof money and effort to come to theCapitol.”ABA also submitted a letter to theeditor on behalf of the fourorganizations. “The U.S. Capitol PoliceABA seeks to lift the Capitol Hill bus ban.decision to ban tour and chartermotorcoaches from the streetssurrounding the legislative branch would not make the area more secure,” saidABA President & CEO Peter Pantuso.Motorcoaches bringing visitors to the Capitol are made up of group tours andcharters where passengers know each other as members of the same studentgroup, veterans’ organization or similar civic-minded folks who want to learn moreabout the epicenter of free government. They are not security threats.It makes little sense to single out motorcoach tourist groups for banishment as asecurity threat when all other buses are still allowed (even those government-runbuses indistinguishable in appearance from and the same models as tour andcharter coaches) and the nature of their service makes them arguably more likelyto be the source of any potential security risk.“The logistics inherent in detouring tour buses to Union Station is daunting,”Pantuso added. “Where are the hundreds of coaches coming into the city each dayto park? What effect will this have on business travelers and taxicabs coming andgoing at Union Station?”D.C.’s traffic congestion could also worsen as a result of this measure. With everyfull motorcoach taking cars off the road, motorcoaches help fight gridlock. But theplan to move visitors using the D.C. Circulator will add an equal number ofCirculator buses on the Hill, replacing the parked motorcoaches.“<strong>This</strong> plan creates a cumbersome extra step for tourists, who have come fromlong distances only to be told they must change from a motorcoach to a city busmere blocks from the U.S. Capitol, as well as pay another fare,” Pantuso concluded.“Is that any way to treat visitors to our nation’s capitol?”

“We want all ABA operator membersto join with our coalition partners tosend a message to FTA that we standtogether, ready to provide charterservices,” said ABA President & CEOPeter Pantuso. “We are all part of thetransportation solution, and the moreoperators who register, the morestrength we show to policymakers andthe public.”Registration takes no more than fiveminutes to complete. Operatorsshould register in all areas in whichthey are positioned to offer charterservices. It is also critical to includeyour fax number, as the FTA uses thatas its back-up contact information.Take a moment to fill out the FTA’scharter registration forms now. Moreinformation can be obtained in thehelp and contact FTA sections. Afterregistering, operators should receivean e-mail confirmation from FTA. If youdo not receive a confirmation bye-mail, contact FTA OmbudswomanCrystal Frederick at (202) 366-4063.Coach America Set To BuyRenzenberger, LakefrontDallas-based Coach America hasannounced plans to acquire KansasCity-based Renzenberger <strong>In</strong>c., aleading provider of transportationservices to the North <strong>American</strong> railindustry across 23 states, and OhiobasedLakefront Lines <strong>In</strong>c., the BuckeyeState’s largest private bus company.Coach America, which providescharter, contract transportation, sightseeingtours and casino and airportshuttles in 22 states, recently formed anew operating division, CoachAmerica Crew Transport, to provideemployee transportation services tothe vocational industries across theUnited States, including rail, mining,oil, gas, airlines and construction.The transactions are subject toapproval by the U.S. Department ofTransportation Surface TransportationBoard.TRAVEL TRACKSDon’t Miss The <strong>Bus</strong>Museum’s Spring FlingThe Museum of <strong>Bus</strong> Transportationin Hershey, Pa., is extending a specialinvitation to ABA members to attendthis year’s free Spring Fling onSaturday, June 7th.<strong>This</strong> annual bus display, lunch andflea market, once a museum event, isnow an industry-wide eventsponsored by many differentcomponents of the vital motorcoach,tour and travel industry.The schedule includes free parkingat the museum, free shuttle service tothe museum’s Memorial Annex, as wellas use of the grounds. Donors to themuseum—and of course those whocan’t afford a donation—are alsoinvited to a complimentary lunch.More than 20 vintage buses will beon display, none of which are from themuseum show floor. The flea market ofbus memorabilia is expected to belarger than last year’s, which was thelargest of its kind in North America inmany years.An Author’s Table, featuring half adozen writers autographing theirbooks—two of which were recentlypublished—will be added as a newattraction this year. The large museumitself, showcasing three floors ofvintage buses, antique cars and otherdisplays, as well as gift shop, will beopen. Normal admission fees apply.Complete information and the list ofauthors can be found atwww.busmuseum.org on the currentnews and activities page.Branson Tops $1 Billion <strong>In</strong> Retail SalesBranson’s total retail sales for a12-month period topped the $1 billionmark for the first time in the city’shistory.With final numbers coming in fromthe Missouri Department of Revenue,figures show that as of NovemberSnow-covered rocks along LakeTaneycomo in Branson, Mo.Did You Know That...ABA members enjoy specialdiscounts on office supplies, via apartnership with Office Depot. Byentering Office Depot's online retailstore through the ABA PrivilegedPortal, you will be able to enjoydiscounts offered exclusively to ABAmembers. You can shop in abrick-and-mortar Office Depot aswell. Start saving now by using thespecial registration and orderingdetails.<strong>In</strong>terested in advertisingin The <strong>In</strong>sider?Please e-mailBrian Parker formore information.ABA<strong>In</strong>sider5

ABA<strong>In</strong>sider6Travel TracksContinuedMotorcoaches can be parked overnightat Old Town Alexandria's G.W. MasonicMemorial, located near the intermodalKing Street Station Metrorail hub.Can’t wait for theABA <strong>In</strong>sider to makethe office rounds?Sign up today to receiveit automatically bye-mail every other week.Click here to be added tothe ABA <strong>In</strong>siderdistribution list.2007, retail sales inside the Bransoncity limits for the preceding 12 monthstotaled $1.003 billion, a new record forthe city. The added contributions ofthe Branson Landing and the BransonHills Parkway developments thatopened in 2006 have given a boost tothe growth of retail sales.“It’s incredible that a city with apopulation of around 7,000 people canproduce $1 billion in retail sales in asingle year,” says Ross Summers,president and CEO of theBranson/Lakes Area Chamber ofCommerce and Convention & VisitorsBureau and ABA board member. “TheBranson business community has donea wonderful job providing the diversityof experiences, the variety of shops,world-class entertainment andrecreation that visitors like to spendtheir money on. Branson has become apart of Missouri’s profile; people knowthe Cardinals, the Arch, and they knowBranson.”Additional information is offered atwww.explorebranson.com or800-296-0463.HMSHost ReceivesSilver Pyramid AwardHMSHost Corporation’s NationalSales & Marketing Director Tamra Dionhas received a Silver Pyramid Awardfrom the Promotional Products<strong>Association</strong> <strong>In</strong>ternational (PPAI) for herinnovative “Gus <strong>Bus</strong>man” marketingcampaign.Dion developed the program, whichuses a friendly fictional characternamed Gus <strong>Bus</strong>man to entice tour busdrivers and tour escorts to stop atHMSHost managed concessions attravel plazas on domestic turnpikes.Components of the program, dubbed“The Great Gus <strong>Bus</strong>man’s Pocket PlazaPass,” include a booklet containing afoldout map that identified allHMSHost service plazas and a list ofservices and restaurants at each stop.An inside pocket holds Gus <strong>Bus</strong>man’sPocket Plaza Pass—a swipe card—thatallows HMSHost to compile a databaseand track the efficiency of theprogram.As part of the ongoing program,drivers are rewarded with free meals ateach stop when they bring 20passengers or more. <strong>In</strong> the first 12months of operations, driver and tourescort membership grew to 9,837members.HMSHost operates in more than 100motorway travel plazas throughoutNorth America. Visit www.HMSHost.comfor more information.Alexandria, Virginia UpdatesMotorcoach Parking GuideHistoric Old Town Alexandria, Va., rightoutside of Washington D.C., hasupdated its motorcoach parkingregulations. All motorcoaches stayingfor a period of 24 hours or more arerequired to park at the G.W. MasonicMemorial. Overnight permits are $35 forup to 24 hours. Daytime-only parking isavailable for motorcoaches from9 a.m.-11 p.m. for $10 per day. Permitsmust be obtained in advance. Please call(800) 388-9119 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. formore information or to purchase apermit, or submit an online application.Motorcoaches traveling on the GeorgeWashington Parkway are required toobtain a permit. There is no charge for apermit and are available for a one-timeusage or on an annual basis. Pleasecontact the National Park Service at (703)289-2516. Please be aware of parkingregulations. Violations may result in afine. Please read the signs before youpark. Parking limits are strictly enforced.Due to the high volume ofmotorcoach traffic, parking is allowedin specific areas for only as long as ittakes to load or unload. The AlexandriaPolice Department will strictly enforcethis rule because of the sensitivity ofthe city’s historic architecture. Idling isnot permitted when parked—enginesmust be turned off.

Corning Museum GetsTo The Heart Of GlassThe Corning Museum of Glassexplores the impact of alchemy onglass in Glass of the Alchemists: LeadCrystal-Gold Ruby, 1650–1750, openingat the museum June 27 and runningthrough Jan. 4, 2009. Visitors can alsoparticipate in “Make Your Own Glass”experiences in the museum’s studio,which offers short workshops in glassbeadmaking, glassblowing and otherglassmaking techniques. Experiencesare available for all ages, evenpreschoolers.The museum is open daily from9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (8 p.m. in the summer).Children 17 and under receive freeadmission. The Corning Museum ofGlass is conveniently located in theheart of upstate Finger Lakes WineCountry, directly off Exit 46 on I-86/Rte.17. Corning, N.Y. is four hours north ofNew York City, two hours south ofBuffalo and six hours north ofWashington, D.C.EXECUTIVE EXCURSIONSWilmington Names WilloughbySarah Willoughby, CTIS, CTB, is thenew executive director of the GreaterWilmington CVB. She joined theGWCVB in 2004 as director of tourismdevelopment, and has been serving asthe acting executive director of thebureau since August 2007. Prior tojoining GWCVB, Willoughby worked atWinterthur Museum & Country Estatefor 10 years. She was responsible forthe group tour market and tourismdevelopment including partnershipsand hotel packages. Willoughby hasalso been an active participant inTourism Cares for America.Thomas Named New GM OfChicago’s Hancock ObservatoryDaniel Thomas has been namedgeneral manager of The HancockObservatory, one of Chicago’s mostvisited tourist attractions and one ofthe highest 360-degree views in theMidwest. Thomas, 31, previously wasmanager of SkyTower in Auckland,New Zealand, the tallest tower in theSouthern Hemisphere.Located inside the iconic JohnHancock Center, The HancockObservatory is open every day from9 a.m. to 11 p.m. and, at 875 NorthMichigan Ave., stands in the heart ofthe Magnificent Mile and close tohundreds of shops, restaurants andattractions. Highlights includespectacular 360-degree viewsspanning 80 miles and four states, andthe city’s only open-air skywalk, allaccessed by the fastest elevators in thecountry. More information is availableat www.hancockobservatory.com.ABA Names Bonnie MessinkNew AccountantBonnie Messink has joined ABA’sFinance & Administration departmentas the new staff accountant, replacingErin Lowenthal, who accepted a newopportunity earlier this year. Messinkreports to Eric Braendel, ABA’s ChiefFinancial Officer. Before joining ABA,Messink served for eight years as anaccounting specialist for AASHTO.FOUNDATION FOCUSDon’t Miss Out on ScholarshipOpportunitiesThe ABA Foundation scholarshipapplication deadline is April 4. Thebenefits offered by the Foundationscholarships extend to ABA members,their employees and their families.Don't miss out on this chance to helpshape the future of the motorcoach,tour and travel industry by takingadvantage of Foundation-supportedacademic programs.To start the application process visitScholarship Program Administrators.Access Key for ABA program atScholarship Administrators: AMBUS.The John Hancock Center, one ofChicago’s most visited touristattractions.ABA <strong>In</strong>sider ArchivesAccessible OnlineMiss an issue of ABA<strong>In</strong>sider? Want to keep acopy of an issue in whichyou were mentioned orthat included a storyyou might need toreference later? Visitthe buses.org MediaCenter ABA <strong>In</strong>sider pagefor archives of everyissue by date.ABA<strong>In</strong>sider7

New Members—Print and Add to Your2008 ABA Motorcoach MarketerABA<strong>In</strong>siderPeter Pantuso, Executive PublisherEron Shosteck, Editor <strong>In</strong> ChiefVicki Osman, Marketplace EditorNorm Littler, Federal EditorDaniel Hoff, Foundation EditorBrandon Buchanan, Contributing EditorRoderick Lewis, Membership EditorJudith Whitt, Circulation Manager8Charter NoticesThe City of Jefferson CityJefferson City, Mo.Submissions due by April 21, 2008.Have a news tip forthe <strong>In</strong>sider?Please e-mail it toEron Shosteck.700 13th Street NW, Suite 575Washington, DC 20005(202) 842-1645FAX (202) 842-0850E-MAIL: abainfo@buses.orgwww.buses.orgTRAVEL INDUSTRYAudioConexus <strong>In</strong>c.Jonathan Stanley15 Allstate Parkway, Suite 600Markham, ON L3R 5B4jstanley@audioconexus.comwww.audioconexus.comBest Western Columbus NorthLaura Nally888 E. Dublin Granville Rd.Columbus, Ohio 43229nallyla@aol.comwww.bestwestern.comBest Western Joliet <strong>In</strong>n & SuitesAngie Gentile4380 Enterprise Dr.Joliet, Ill. 60435bwjoliet@yahoo.combestwestern.comChicagoland Transportation Solutions <strong>In</strong>c.Brian Whitaker2500 West Higgins Road, Suite 935Hoffman Estates, Ill. 60169-2098information@chicagotransportsolutions.comwww.chicagotransportsolutions.comIsland QueenTodd Bidwell75 Falmouth Heights RoadFalmouth, Cape Cod, Mass. 02540info@islandqueen.comwww.islandqueen.comSleep <strong>In</strong>n & Suites of LancasterRobin Goodman310 Primrose LaneMountville, Pa. 17554info@sleepinn.netwww.sleepinnlancaster.comSouth Carolina Supreme CourtAllows Claims for Negligent HiringThe South Carolina Supreme Courthas ruled that a plaintiff may bring adirect cause of action against amotor carrier employer for negligenthiring, training, supervision orentrustment of a driver who wasinvolved in an accident even whenthe employer is already vicariouslyliable for the employee’s negligence.James v. Kelly Trucking Company,Opinion No. 26447, was decidedMarch 10, 2008.<strong>In</strong> the case, the trucking companyhired a driver with a poor drivingrecord. The driver was involved in anaccident with another vehicle, andthe other party sued the truckingVisit Lake NormanCourtney Wolfrom19900 W. Catawba Ave., Suite 102Cornelius, N.C. 28031wolfrom@lakenorman.orgwww.visitlakenorman.orgPENDING BUS/MOTORCOACH OPERATORSThe following Pending <strong>Bus</strong>/Motorcoach Operator companieshave submitted applications for membership between March10 –March 21, 2008:Are We There Yet? LLCSt. Louis, Mo.Dea Hoover, Ownerwww.arewethereyetdea.comJ & J Luxury Transportation dba Main Street Leasing(DOT 508433)Allentown, Pa.Denise Cali, Pres.www.jjtransportation.comNew Beginning ToursClark, N.J.Anthony Roocia, Owner/Pres.(732) 382-3108Fax: (732) 382-4706newbeginningtour@aol.comwww.newbeginningtour.comRamblin Express Colorado Springs(DOT 533527 MC 248958)Colorado Springs, Colo.Todd Holland, Pres.www.ramblin.comShould members have comments regarding theseapplications, please contact abamembership@buses.org.company for the driver’s negligenceunder the doctrine of respondeatsuperior. <strong>In</strong> addition, the plaintiffbrought another cause of actiondirectly against the truckingcompany for negligent hiring of thedriver, on the grounds that theemployer should have reviewed thedriver’s prior driving history. Thecourt allowed both claims to go totrial, holding that they were differentcauses of action, one based on thenegligence of the driver, and theother based on the negligence ofthe trucking company.<strong>This</strong> decision would also haveapplication to a bus operator whofailed to properly hire, train, superviseor entrust a vehicle to a driver.

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