Public Schools of Robeson County Grade 1 Report Card Rubric

Public Schools of Robeson County Grade 1 Report Card Rubric

Public Schools of Robeson County Grade 1 Report Card Rubric

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5Revised 7/2013RL 1.2, 1.7/RI.1.7 Retell stories or events, including keydetails from text and main ideaLimited responseor incorrectdetails whenretelling storiesWith promptingcan retell storiesusing somedetailsIndependentlyretells storiesusing keydetails andincludes mainideaConsistentlyretells stories orevents using keydetails/ main ideawith elaborationRL.1.5/RI.1.3, 1.6 Identify connections between events,ideas or informationRI.1.5 Know and use various text features Title, Author/Illustrator, Table <strong>of</strong> Contents,Illustrations/Photographs, Page Numbers,Captions, Print (Bold/Color/Italics)RL.1.9/RI.1.9 Compare and contrast texts on the same topicLimited responseor unable tomakeconnectionsKnows and uses2 or lessindicatorsCannot identify asimilarity or adifferenceWith promptingcan makeconnectionsbetween eventsKnows anduses 3indicatorsCan identify asimilarity or adifferenceIndependentlymakesconnectionsbetweenevents, ideas,or informationKnows anduses 4indicatorsCan identify asimilarity and adifferenceConsistentlyrespondsindependently bymakingconnectionsbetween events,ideas, orinformationKnows and uses 5or more indicatorsCan identify morethan one similarityand differenceWriting/LanguageW.1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Write in different genresWrites somesimple sentenceswith somephonemicspelling in onegenreWrites severalsimplesentences ontopic with abeginning,middle and endin one genreWrites a storywith abeginning,middle, and,end in 2 ormore genresWrites stories witha beginning,middle, and endon topic innarrative, opinion,and informationtextsW.1.5, 1.6 Produce and publish writing using a variety <strong>of</strong>digital toolsW.1.7 Participate in shared research and writing projectsParticipates withsignificantsupportParticipates withlittle supportParticipateswith somesupportParticipates withminimal supportL.1./L.1.2 a,b,c- Apply appropriate mechanics in writing <strong>of</strong>texts Capitalization, Period, Question mark, ExclamationMark, Quotation marks/CommasL.1.1 b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j/L.1.2 d- Use conventions <strong>of</strong> standardEnglish grammar in speaking and writing Parts <strong>of</strong> speech, Subject/verb agreement,Inflectional endings, Verb tense, Word choiceRL.1.4/L.1.4, 1.5, 1.6 Identify multiple-meaning wordsRF.1.3/L.1.2 e- Apply grade-level phonics and word analysisskills PSRC Word listsOperations and Algebraic ThinkingRepresent and Solve Problems (addition/subtraction)1.OA.1, 1.OA.2 Use addition and subtraction within 20 tosolve word problems (using objects, drawings, andUses 1 or lessindicatorsUses 1 or lessindicatorsStudentsdemonstrateminimalunderstanding <strong>of</strong>wordrelationships.29 words orbelowStudents modeladd/sub. UsingUses 2indicatorsUses 2indicatorsWith promptingstudentsdemonstratesomeunderstanding<strong>of</strong> wordrelationships.Uses 3indicatorsUses 3indicatorsStudentsconsistentlydemonstrateunderstanding<strong>of</strong> wordrelationships.Uses 4 or moreindicatorsUses 4 or moreindicatorsStudentsindependently andconsistentlydemonstrateunderstanding <strong>of</strong>wordrelationships.30-59 words 60-75 words 76 words or moreStudentsconsistentlyStudents useobjects andStudents modeladd./sub. with

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