Public Schools of Robeson County Grade 1 Report Card Rubric

Public Schools of Robeson County Grade 1 Report Card Rubric Public Schools of Robeson County Grade 1 Report Card Rubric
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RF.1.3/L.1.2 e-Apply grade-level phonics and word analysisskills PSRC Word listsOperations and Algebraic ThinkingRepresent and Solve Problems (addition/subtraction)1.OA.1, 1.OA.2 Use addition and subtraction within 20 tosolve word problems (using objects, drawings, andequations)1.OA.3, 1.OA.4 Apply properties of operations to add andsubtract (commutative, associative)1.OA.5, 1.OA.6, 1.OA.8 Demonstrate fluency for additionand subtraction (relate fact families that are equal 8+1=9, 9-8=1)44 words orbelowStudentsconsistentlymodel add./sub.Using objectsStudents canidentify oneproperty beingused to add orsubtractStudentsdemonstratefluency inadd/sub to 10with significantsupport10Revised 7/201345-89 words 90 words 91 words or moreStudents useobjects anddrawings tomodel add./sub.To 20Studentsidentify twoproperties ofoperationswhen addingand subtractingWith minimalsupportStudentsdemonstratefluency inadd/sub to 10with minimalsupportStudentsmodeladd./sub. withobjects,drawings, andequationsStudentsidentify twoproperties ofoperationswhen add/subindependentlyStudentsdemonstratefluency inadd/sub to 10independentlyStudents modeladd./sub. withequations andmental strategiesStudents identifytwo properties ofoperations whenadd/subindependently andconsistentlyStudentsdemonstratefluency in add/subto 10independently andconsistently1.OA.7 Understand the meaning of equal signs anddetermine if addition/subtraction sentences are trueNumber and Operations in Base Ten1.NBT.1 Count, read, and write numbers to 120 andrepresent a number of objects with a numeral. (30) first, (50)second, (75) third, (120) fourth1.NBT.2 Understand the place value of a two-digit numberas tens and ones1.NBT.3 Compare two two-digit numbers using symbols(,=)1.NBT.4, 1.NBT.5 Add within 100 using a two digit and aone-digit number, identify 10 more10 less.1.NBT.6 Subtract multiples of 10 from 10-90Students identifyand explain theequal signStudents canidentify equalgroupsStudents canmodel equalgroups/sentences withobjects andpicturesStudents canmodel equalgroups/equationsand determine ifthey are true orfalse37 and below 38-74 0-75 76 or aboveDecompose bytens/ones usingmanipuativesIdentify twocomparisonsymbol usingmanipulativesNeeds significantassistance whenadding a 2-digitand a 1 digitnumber, or whenidentifying 10more or 10 less.InconsistentlysubtractsIdentify andmodel tens andones innumbers usingmanipulativesIdentify threecomparisonsymbols usingmanipulativesCan add a 2-digit and a 1-digit numberwith minimalsupport, canidentify 10 moreor 10 less withminimal supportConsistentlysubtractsIdentify andproducenumbers bytens/onesusingmanipulativesand pictorialrepresentationIdentify threecomparisonsymbols usingpictorialrepresentationCan fluentlyadd a 2-digitand a 1 digitnumber, ANDfluently identify10 more or 10less withminimalsupportFluentlysubtractsIdentify andproduce two digitnumbers mentallyIdentify threecomparisonsymbols inequationsCan fluently andindependently adda 2-digit and a 1digit number, ANDfluently identify 10more or 10 lessIndependently andfluently subtracts

11Revised 7/2013Measurement and Data1.MD.1, 1.MD.2 Compare the lengths of three objects andexpress the length as a whole number of length units1.MD.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours usingdigital and analog clocks1.MD.4 Organize, represent, and interpret data in up to threecategories and compare the data (how many more/less ineach group)Geometry1.G.1 Distinguish between defining attributes and nondefiningattributes; build and draw shapes to show definingattributes Triangle/Square/Rectangle/Circle/Hexagon/Trapezoid/Parallelogram1.G.2 Compose two or three-dimensional shapes to create acomposite shape and compose new shapes from thecomposite shape1.G.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equalshares and describe using halves, fourths, and quartersSciencemultiples of 10from 10-90Order twoobjects bysmallest tolongest orshortest to tallestStudentsinconsistentlyidentify parts of aclock (analogand digital)Students needminimal supportto organize,represent, andinterpret dataWith prompting,consistentlydistinguishesbetween definingand non-definingattributesStudents canidentify one twodimensionalshape used in acomposite shapeUsesmanipulatives toidentify a wholeOR halvesmultiples of 10from 10-90Order threeobjects bysmallest tolongest orshortest totallestStudentsidentify parts ofa clock (analogand digital) andname secondsin a minute,minutes in anhour, and hoursin a dayStudentsconsistentlyorganize,represent, andinterpret dataDistinguishesbetweendefining andnon-definingattributes withminimal supportStudents canidentify all twodimensionalshapes used ina compositeshapeUsesmanipulatives toidentify a wholeAND halvesmultiples of 10from 10-90Studentsmeasure threeobjects byinches andcompare thelengths byordering inmultiple waysStudents telltime to thehour on analogand digitalclocksStudentsindependentlyandconsistentlyorganize,represent, andinterpret dataIndependentlydistinguishesbetweendefining andnon-definingattributesUsing twodimensionalshapes,students cancompose anew shapeUsesmanipulativesand pictorialrepresentationto identifywhole andhalvesmultiples of 10from 10-90Students measurethree objects byinches andcentimeters,record themeasurement,and compare thelengths byordering inmultiple waysStudents tell timeto the hour andhalf-hour onanalog and digitalclocksStudentsindependently andconsistentlyorganize,represent, andcompare data inseveral types ofgraphsIndependentlydistinguishesbetween definingand non-definingattributes andbuilds/drawsshapes to showdefining attributesUsing threedimensionalshapes, studentscan compose anew shapeUsesmanipulatives andpictorialrepresentation toidentify wholes,halves, andquarters

11Revised 7/2013Measurement and Data1.MD.1, 1.MD.2 Compare the lengths <strong>of</strong> three objects andexpress the length as a whole number <strong>of</strong> length units1.MD.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours usingdigital and analog clocks1.MD.4 Organize, represent, and interpret data in up to threecategories and compare the data (how many more/less ineach group)Geometry1.G.1 Distinguish between defining attributes and nondefiningattributes; build and draw shapes to show definingattributes Triangle/Square/Rectangle/Circle/Hexagon/Trapezoid/Parallelogram1.G.2 Compose two or three-dimensional shapes to create acomposite shape and compose new shapes from thecomposite shape1.G.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equalshares and describe using halves, fourths, and quartersSciencemultiples <strong>of</strong> 10from 10-90Order twoobjects bysmallest tolongest orshortest to tallestStudentsinconsistentlyidentify parts <strong>of</strong> aclock (analogand digital)Students needminimal supportto organize,represent, andinterpret dataWith prompting,consistentlydistinguishesbetween definingand non-definingattributesStudents canidentify one twodimensionalshape used in acomposite shapeUsesmanipulatives toidentify a wholeOR halvesmultiples <strong>of</strong> 10from 10-90Order threeobjects bysmallest tolongest orshortest totallestStudentsidentify parts <strong>of</strong>a clock (analogand digital) andname secondsin a minute,minutes in anhour, and hoursin a dayStudentsconsistentlyorganize,represent, andinterpret dataDistinguishesbetweendefining andnon-definingattributes withminimal supportStudents canidentify all twodimensionalshapes used ina compositeshapeUsesmanipulatives toidentify a wholeAND halvesmultiples <strong>of</strong> 10from 10-90Studentsmeasure threeobjects byinches andcompare thelengths byordering inmultiple waysStudents telltime to thehour on analogand digitalclocksStudentsindependentlyandconsistentlyorganize,represent, andinterpret dataIndependentlydistinguishesbetweendefining andnon-definingattributesUsing twodimensionalshapes,students cancompose anew shapeUsesmanipulativesand pictorialrepresentationto identifywhole andhalvesmultiples <strong>of</strong> 10from 10-90Students measurethree objects byinches andcentimeters,record themeasurement,and compare thelengths byordering inmultiple waysStudents tell timeto the hour andhalf-hour onanalog and digitalclocksStudentsindependently andconsistentlyorganize,represent, andcompare data inseveral types <strong>of</strong>graphsIndependentlydistinguishesbetween definingand non-definingattributes andbuilds/drawsshapes to showdefining attributesUsing threedimensionalshapes, studentscan compose anew shapeUsesmanipulatives andpictorialrepresentation toidentify wholes,halves, andquarters

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