Smoke Signals - Metedeconk River Yacht Club

Smoke Signals - Metedeconk River Yacht Club Smoke Signals - Metedeconk River Yacht Club
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Page 4 Smoke Signals Volume 31 Issue 1SAILING NEWSSAILING CALENDARFriday, July 8, 2011........................ ....................................................................................Junior Powder Puff RegattaJuly 15 – 17, 2011 .......................... ............................................................Central Atlantic District Lightning RegattaOther 2011 Events will be announced when scheduled.The MRYC Regatta Committeeis expanding in preparation for the 2011season. Vivian Dooren has elected toretire from the committee after a numberof years of dedicated service. All theother members will be returning. In additionEllen Reago, Al Cavaiola, and ChrisHudson will join returning members BillBogardus, Dave Ruiter, Fran Lynn, JackHeacock, Jarrett Lynn, Jim Gelenitis,Kipp Heacock and Jim Carson. First formalmeeting is planned for January 9.Would you believe the BBYRAcould simplify its complicated set ofsailing instructions? Here are some possiblenew ideas being studied by theSailing Instructions Committee:• Two race areas each week. On theLower Bay sailing would take place onthe Seaside and Wanamaker Coursesboth morning and afternoon. A tighterconfiguration would occur on the UpperBay using the Green Island Course.• Initial Mark (the Schmoo) eliminated.LIGHTNING FLEET NEWS• Offset Mark added.• Portable Mark Course Instructionsincorporated in the main instructionseliminating two pages of needless language.Downwind Finish on starboard side of theStart Boat thereby eliminating the downwindFinish Boat.Won’t happen? Maybe not butmaybe so.Jim CarsonAfter nearly 60 years of continuoussailing in the BBYRA, the LightningFleet is in jeopardy of losing eligibility tocompete on the Bay. Members are currentlyassessing their desire to sail on theBay next year and whether there is sufficientinterest to warrant a start. Staytuned.A quirk in the 2011 calendar hasthe date of the local start of Lightningsailing in doubt. The Long John at RedBank, normally the last weekend in April,would fall on Easter. If moved to the fol-lowing weekend a start at Metedeconkcould be pushed back to as late as May15 to avoid Mother’s Day.Mitch Hnatt has been re-electedFleet Captain. Mitch and Dick Thomaswill co chair the Districts to be held atMetedeconk July 15-17, 2011. Jim Carsonremains Fleet Secretary-Treasurer.The Lightning Class is acceptingapplications for the fifth year of itshighly successful Boat Grant Program.The Boat Grant Program provides racereadyLightnings for young sailors whomight otherwise not have the opportunityto compete in the class. The programprovides young sailors who can't affordto buy and campaign a competitive 3-person dinghy like the Lightning with allthey need to sail against some of the bestracers in the world.Jim CarsonMICHAEL TUFARIELLOPILOT HOUSE732-295-9799 Office732-740-8555 Mobile732-295-1723 Faxwww.PeteZanowic.comwww.btgrealestate.com520 Main AvenueBay Head, NJ 08742AT FORGE LANDING MARINATELEPHONE:799 ROUTE 70 732-920-8900BRICK TOWNSHIP,FACSIMILE:NJ 08723 732-920-0867PETER ZAOWICBroker Associate

Volume 31 Issue 1Smoke SignalsPage 5A Letter from the Board of TrusteesHappy New Year from theBoard Of Trustees.As we welcome in the NewYear, I thought I would take a momentto inform you that your Board of Trusteeshas been planning several improvementsto our Club over the next couplemonths, most of which you will noticeas you make your way around. The firstproject is the repair and re-grade of thedry slip area to establish a new consistentbase for which to move boatsaround, to and from lifts, etc. This willencompass removing the existing topsurface, including the round stones, andreplacing it with a more suitable interlockinggravel mixture. The bulkheadhas been inspected and we are told wehave several years before anything needsto be done, and that any repairs wouldnot affect what we are doing now.The existing material that willbe removed from the dry slip area willbe used to expand parking at the southside of the Club's property between thedumpster enclosure and the drivewayentrance. As you know, parking can beat a premium for several events throughoutthe year.Once thedry slip area hasbeen re-graded, theentire driveway will be asphalt topped torepair the many inconsistencies, breaks,cuts, holes, etc. to provide the proper aestheticsupon entering the Club. The currentdriveway is over 30 years old and this projectis something that our long term capitalreserve was established to cover. The costfor doing this repair is not going to get anycheaper than currently available.There are several slips on the eastside of the property where the cat walksneed to be better secured. Our bulkheadcontractor and Club member, is under contractto make the necessary repairs to properlysecured all remaining cat walks. Thisrepair will consist of adding one piling intothe center of each cat walk, something thathas already been successfully done forcertain of our catwalks.The remaining two projects includeadding outside showers to the eastside of the Andrew Brennan Junior Center.This will provide additional facilitiesfor all members including our junior sailors.With the new showers provided outsidethe main club building, this will allowfor an upcoming Mermate project to capturethe space in the clubhouse to remodeland expand the restroom facilities. Finally,we are currently looking for a large refrigeratorbox that can be obtained andrelocated to the east side of the Club.This will provide for better kitchen andbar storage, better purchasing power forthe bar, in addition to providing betterservice to our bar facilities.You may be asking yourself -this sounds great, but how will we payfor all these projects? Except for theprojects covered by the long term capitalfund, we are in the fortunate position ofhaving a full and strong membershipbase, where new initiation fees the pastthree years have provided the muchneeded funding for these projects. This,coupled with a significant property taxreduction and increased membershipparticipation at Club activities, has providedthe funds needed to accomplishthese projects in 2011.Our 75th Anniversary Year willbe another great time to be at MRYC!!!Please feel free to contact mewith any questions or concerns you mayhave: or 908-415-9640.David Alldian, ChairmanBoard of TrusteesWendy’s Windsurfing and SailingPrivate Lessons - Ages 4 thru AdultRace CoachingWendy Thrower 732-597-6090Over 20 years in businessMasters degrees in Elementary Ed. and Rec.Certified Sailing and Windsurfing InstructorHUTCHIS, FARRELL, MEYER & ALLISO, P.A.Certified Public AccountantsBusiness & Financial AdvisorsGlenn G. VanPell, CPA512 Main Street Tel: 732-240-5600P.O. Box 1778 Fax: 732-505-8358Toms River, NJ 08754 gvanpell@hfmaccountants.comwww.hfmaccountants.comOCEA EARLY CHILDHOOD CETERSHORE SUMMER CAMPSpecialists in Early Childhood Education58 Princeton Avenue, - Established 1951732-840-0422Director, Vivian K. DoorenState Approved—Certified Staff—All Staff CPR/First Aid CertifiedPre-Kindergarten 3—Kindergarten 4—KindergartenBefore& After School ProgramsHours: 7:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. - Full & Half day Programs5 acre spacious playground & Olympic outdoor poolCamp—nine weeks - Ages 3—13

Volume 31 Issue 1<strong>Smoke</strong> <strong>Signals</strong>Page 5A Letter from the Board of TrusteesHappy New Year from theBoard Of Trustees.As we welcome in the NewYear, I thought I would take a momentto inform you that your Board of Trusteeshas been planning several improvementsto our <strong>Club</strong> over the next couplemonths, most of which you will noticeas you make your way around. The firstproject is the repair and re-grade of thedry slip area to establish a new consistentbase for which to move boatsaround, to and from lifts, etc. This willencompass removing the existing topsurface, including the round stones, andreplacing it with a more suitable interlockinggravel mixture. The bulkheadhas been inspected and we are told wehave several years before anything needsto be done, and that any repairs wouldnot affect what we are doing now.The existing material that willbe removed from the dry slip area willbe used to expand parking at the southside of the <strong>Club</strong>'s property between thedumpster enclosure and the drivewayentrance. As you know, parking can beat a premium for several events throughoutthe year.Once thedry slip area hasbeen re-graded, theentire driveway will be asphalt topped torepair the many inconsistencies, breaks,cuts, holes, etc. to provide the proper aestheticsupon entering the <strong>Club</strong>. The currentdriveway is over 30 years old and this projectis something that our long term capitalreserve was established to cover. The costfor doing this repair is not going to get anycheaper than currently available.There are several slips on the eastside of the property where the cat walksneed to be better secured. Our bulkheadcontractor and <strong>Club</strong> member, is under contractto make the necessary repairs to properlysecured all remaining cat walks. Thisrepair will consist of adding one piling intothe center of each cat walk, something thathas already been successfully done forcertain of our catwalks.The remaining two projects includeadding outside showers to the eastside of the Andrew Brennan Junior Center.This will provide additional facilitiesfor all members including our junior sailors.With the new showers provided outsidethe main club building, this will allowfor an upcoming Mermate project to capturethe space in the clubhouse to remodeland expand the restroom facilities. Finally,we are currently looking for a large refrigeratorbox that can be obtained andrelocated to the east side of the <strong>Club</strong>.This will provide for better kitchen andbar storage, better purchasing power forthe bar, in addition to providing betterservice to our bar facilities.You may be asking yourself -this sounds great, but how will we payfor all these projects? Except for theprojects covered by the long term capitalfund, we are in the fortunate position ofhaving a full and strong membershipbase, where new initiation fees the pastthree years have provided the muchneeded funding for these projects. This,coupled with a significant property taxreduction and increased membershipparticipation at <strong>Club</strong> activities, has providedthe funds needed to accomplishthese projects in 2011.Our 75th Anniversary Year willbe another great time to be at MRYC!!!Please feel free to contact mewith any questions or concerns you mayhave: or 908-415-9640.David Alldian, ChairmanBoard of TrusteesWendy’s Windsurfing and SailingPrivate Lessons - Ages 4 thru AdultRace CoachingWendy Thrower 732-597-6090Over 20 years in businessMasters degrees in Elementary Ed. and Rec.Certified Sailing and Windsurfing InstructorHUTCHIS, FARRELL, MEYER & ALLISO, P.A.Certified Public AccountantsBusiness & Financial AdvisorsGlenn G. VanPell, CPA512 Main Street Tel: 732-240-5600P.O. Box 1778 Fax: 732-505-8358Toms <strong>River</strong>, NJ 08754 gvanpell@hfmaccountants.comwww.hfmaccountants.comOCEA EARLY CHILDHOOD CETERSHORE SUMMER CAMPSpecialists in Early Childhood Education58 Princeton Avenue, - Established 1951732-840-0422Director, Vivian K. DoorenState Approved—Certified Staff—All Staff CPR/First Aid CertifiedPre-Kindergarten 3—Kindergarten 4—KindergartenBefore& After School ProgramsHours: 7:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. - Full & Half day Programs5 acre spacious playground & Olympic outdoor poolCamp—nine weeks - Ages 3—13

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