Smoke Signals - Metedeconk River Yacht Club

Smoke Signals - Metedeconk River Yacht Club Smoke Signals - Metedeconk River Yacht Club
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Page 2 Smoke Signals Volume 31 Issue 1Commodore’s CornerJANICE BAIERWelcome to the Metedeconk RiverYacht Club’s 75 th year in operation! Manythanks to all of the past Board of Trustees,Executive Committees, and members thathave volunteered their time to make thisanniversary year come to life. It’s going tobe a great year.However, before we look ahead, Iwant to look back at the past year, and thankour outgoing commodore Jody Lutz for hissimply outstanding service to our Clubthroughout his stay on the Executive Committee.Jody, your leadership, expertise, andcommitment to excellence inspired us all.As your Vice Commodore, it was an honorto serve under you, learn and grow from youand I thank you for your guidance in preparingme to assume command for this upcomingyear.In preparation of our Club lookingtip-top for this special year and years tocome, many improvements are scheduledfor 2011. Please be sure to read David Alldian’sBoard of Trustees article on Page 5of this issue of Smoke Signals, which detailsour scheduled improvements.The 2011 Executive Committeehas been working diligently since their inceptionin November 2010. As you readthis article, you will be introduced to theOfficers and Committee Chairs that volunteermany hours for our Club. Please rememberto thank them and to also volunteeryour time throughout the year! Our Club isas good as we make it – volunteer and volunteeroften. You will enjoy the ride.Vice Commodore Rick Pokornyhas been working with Co-Bar ChairmenBrian Schmidt and Rick Haupt to keep thebar open every Friday for our members toenjoy. Friday Night Cocktails has beensuccessful, thus the plan in the new year isto keep the bar open on Friday Nights.Rear Commodore Colette Commissohas been busy with the outside lighting!Currently, all the outside lights areworking. The outside water has been turnedoff.The upstairs in the clubhouse continues tobe closed through January 27 for generalmaintenance.Fleet Captain George Mroczko ,along with Regatta Committee Chair JimCarson are busy setting up our sailingschedule. The “Conk” is at Beaton’s forwinter storage. The rest of Metedeconk’sfleet has been winterized. All winter storageboats at the Clubhave been inventoried.If your boat is stored atthe Club, please giveGeorge a call, as theshrink wrap makes it difficult to identifyboats. Please write your member ID on theshrink wrap and trailer. If you sell a boatover the winter please remove your memberID. If you purchase a boat, be sure toplace your member ID on the port side ofthe stern of the boat and trailer.Secretary Carol Duffy is hard atwork overseeing the annual directory for2011. Make sure you submit any revisionsto your family’s membership profile, additionor deletion of fleet listings, etc. withyour dues package.Treasurer Jennifer Alldianmailed your 2011 dues packet the lastweek in December, and all dues are requiredby February 1. If you did not receiveyour packet, or have any questionsconcerning your membership dues, pleasecontact Jennifer at 732-714-8533 or emailher at President PattyMroczko and the Mermates are planning amyriad of special events and club improvementsfor 2011. Her usual monthly columnappears on Page 6.Social Committee Co-Chairsare Kathie Fazio and atalie ase. Oursocial calendar will be set once the 2011regatta calendar is in place.The 2011 Junior ProgramCommittee includes:Junior Coordinator - Lori Husak,Sailing Coordinator - Steven BlisnukHead Sailing Instructor - Molly KemptonSwimming Coordinators - Laura Sleysand Denise Lombardino.Head Swimming Coach - Robin Coveleski.Please fill out the Junior Programpre-registration form regarding your children’sactivities for next season. You willfind the pre-registration form in the 2011dues packet. Looking forward to a wonderfulfun filled season!Club Rentals - ancy Blisnuk Ifyou would like to rent the Club for a functi o n , p l e a s e c o n t a c t N a n c y. .Membership Chair - AdrienneFerrie. If you know of a family or friendthat would like to join our Club, pleaserefer them to Adrienne.Webmaster Tom Sollas updatedthe banner on the “Commodore” emailblasts, and the home page on the club website.Please note the new look “ the 75 thMRYC Anniversary burgee”.The anniversary burgee also hasbeen added to our Club newsletter, SmokeSignals where Editors-in-Chief Lisa andSteve Fortunato, along with Dick Feidt,publish 10 issues a year. If you have anystory ideas, great photos to submit for consideration,or want to place an ad , contactthe Fortunatos or Dick (guidelines on Page7 of this issue).Friday ight Dinner Chair-Terri Gelenitis is looking for families tovolunteer to cook a signature meal for ourmembers. Let’s fill the schedule this year!Our Galley Chair is Fran Lynn,new Pool Chair is Tony Lombardino, andBill Preyer is the new Property Chair.Thanks to Dr. Pedro Escandonand Susan White for taking care of theClub Automatic External Defibulators( AEDs). The Club has one AED in theclubhouse near the coat racks by the entranceof the west door. The other is locatedat the pool in the summer.The BBYRA is lookingfor seven members from each Club to makea commitment to BBYRA this summer.The races are scheduled for Saturdays.They are looking for members that they cancount on to show up on Saturdays to assistwith the races. You do not need to committo every Saturday, just one or two. Pleasesupport sailing by calling me to sign up.Mr. Kellogg from BHYC has donated13 19-foot inflatable’s with trailers, tothe BBYRA. The BBYRA will lend one toeach yacht club on the Barnegat Bay. Theyacht club will be responsible for the maintenanceand storage of the boat. Each Clubwill be required to keep a log of the boat’suse. The BBYRA would like to see all ofthese inflatables utilized at major regattas.The inflatables need to be used charitably.The BBYRA is working on specific policyconcerning the boats and trailers. Staytuned for further updates.The BBYRA also thanks our Clubfor hosting their liaison meeting on November20.“Save the Dates”Saturday, June 11, 2011Annual BBYRA BallThis year, the ball will be hosted by for allmembers, families and friends MetedeconkRiver YC - Chaired by Anne Ruggiero.Saturday, ovember 12, 2011Metedeconk River Yacht Club75 th Anniversary Celebrationwill be held at Crystal Point Yacht Clubfor members, families and friends - Chairedby Lynn Stulz.Yours in service,Janice BaierCommodore

Volume 31 Issue 1Smoke SignalsPage 3MRYC WITER EVETSDecember 4, 2010Mermates’ AnnualTrim-A-TreeAt The Clubovember 19, 2010Mermates’ bus trip to ewYork City to seeWest Side StoryGina KoenigSales RepresentativeOffice: 732-899-9700 / Cell: 732-948-2605Fax: 732-899-2289GKoenig@weichert.comWeichertRealtorsPoint Pleasant Beach Office600 Richmond Ave.Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742Awards of BrickSo much more than trophies & plaques…Screen Printing—EmbroideryVarsity Jackets—Uniforms—Jackets—Tees—SweatsCorporate Apparel—Promotional Products1957 Route 88, Brick, New Jersey 08724We can embroider your boat nameOn our Garments or yours!Call Jacquie @ 732-840-0797 for details.

Volume 31 Issue 1<strong>Smoke</strong> <strong>Signals</strong>Page 3MRYC WITER EVETSDecember 4, 2010Mermates’ AnnualTrim-A-TreeAt The <strong>Club</strong>ovember 19, 2010Mermates’ bus trip to ewYork City to seeWest Side StoryGina KoenigSales RepresentativeOffice: 732-899-9700 / Cell: 732-948-2605Fax: 732-899-2289GKoenig@weichert.comWeichertRealtorsPoint Pleasant Beach Office600 Richmond Ave.Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742Awards of BrickSo much more than trophies & plaques…Screen Printing—EmbroideryVarsity Jackets—Uniforms—Jackets—Tees—SweatsCorporate Apparel—Promotional Products1957 Route 88, Brick, New Jersey 08724We can embroider your boat nameOn our Garments or yours!Call Jacquie @ 732-840-0797 for details.

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