Guide to Products and SystemsFor All Year Round ... - Klimavision

Guide to Products and SystemsFor All Year Round ... - Klimavision

Guide to Products and SystemsFor All Year Round ... - Klimavision

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<strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>SystemsFor</strong> <strong>All</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Round</strong> Indoor Comfort2010Valid from: March 2010

CONTENTSWelcome <strong>to</strong> ClivetCLIVET: Comfort & Energy Saving 2A His<strong>to</strong>ry of Innovation 4The Leadership in Commercial Applications 5The Future of Comfort: all year round systems 8Technological Choices 10Installation Applications 12Performance <strong>and</strong> Quality Guarantee 14<strong>All</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Round</strong> Indoor Comfort SystemsELFOSystem - The Domestic Comfort System for Individual Homes <strong>and</strong> Residential Complexes 20LightCOM System - The Complete Range of Solutions for Light Commercial, Industry <strong>and</strong> Medium Community Structures 74HYDRONIC System - The Complete Range of Chillers, Heat Pumps <strong>and</strong> Air H<strong>and</strong>ling Units in Large Installations 108PACKAGED System - Packaged air conditioning for Retail, Service <strong>and</strong> High Attendance Applications 152WLHP System - The energy transfer Loop System for the Simultaneous Heating <strong>and</strong> Air Conditioning Dem<strong>and</strong>s 180SPLIT System - Simple <strong>and</strong> Flexible Direct Expansion Solutions for the Commercial Sec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> Industry 198CLOSE CONTROL System - Precise Temperature <strong>and</strong> Humidity Control Solutions in technological applications 218AppendixSymbols 226References 227Index 228

This document is dedicated <strong>to</strong> who islooking for specialized advanced heating, airconditioning, air renewal <strong>and</strong> air purificationsolutions.Solutions able <strong>to</strong> increase the comfort levelin the places where we live, work <strong>and</strong> spendour free time.Complete year round systems, focusedon substantial energy savings <strong>and</strong> lessdependency on the fossil fuels used bytraditional HVAC solutions, such as naturalgas or oil.CLIVET: Comfort & Energy Saving1

For over 20 years, we have beenoffering our clients innovativesolutions, improving comfort levelswhile saving energyINCREASECOMFORTLEVELREDUCEENERGYCONSUMPTIONREDUCETOTAL LIFECYCLE COST2

A leading positionin all year roundcomfort systemsfor the commercial sec<strong>to</strong>r<strong>and</strong> large distributionClivet serves the domestic <strong>and</strong> foreign markets, developing <strong>and</strong>distributing innovative high efficiency climate control systemsfor communal buildings, from shopping centres <strong>to</strong> cinemas,fac<strong>to</strong>ries <strong>and</strong> hospitals. These systems are now consideredsome of the most advanced in the world.Its leading position in the commercial sec<strong>to</strong>r is confirmed bythe fact that it has supplied over 10,000,000 square metres ofcommercial areas over the last 10 years, <strong>and</strong> also by the factthat over 1,000 cinema <strong>and</strong> theatre halls are now equipped withClivet systems.These systems are particularly suitable for applications in thecommercial sec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> industry, where climate control systemsneed <strong>to</strong> be reliable <strong>and</strong> offer quality comfort 365 days a year.Energy saving has been a primary fac<strong>to</strong>r in these sec<strong>to</strong>rs forsome time.Clivet’s offer encompasses all these elements, making itan undisputed leader in the field, as demonstrated by itspartnerships with important groups such as McDonald’s, Bennet,Auchan, McArthurGlen, IKEA, NH Hotels, Warner Village, UCICinemas, Ferrari <strong>and</strong> Microsoft.5

The Green Economy<strong>and</strong> New Era“The choices of <strong>to</strong>day affect the quality of <strong>to</strong>morrow".Everyone needs <strong>to</strong> be aware of the crucial issues linked <strong>to</strong> abetter future, not just on an individual level, but also as regardsfamilies, society <strong>and</strong> the planet as a whole.The Green Economy, closely linked <strong>to</strong> reducing our fossil fuelconsumption (oil, gas, coal), is by far <strong>and</strong> away the mostimportant priority, involving the whole world.The European Union is heavily committed <strong>to</strong> promoting theseissues, with some strict directives <strong>and</strong> regulations in place <strong>to</strong>enable EU countries <strong>to</strong> achieve set objectives.The various steps taken <strong>to</strong> reduce primary energy consumption<strong>and</strong> restrict CO 2 emissions in<strong>to</strong> the atmosphere, include theimportant Directive issued by the European Parliament (2009/28/EC of 23 April 2009 on encouraging the use of energy fromrenewable sources, known as the RES Directive), which will havea considerable positive impact on the environment. The RESDirective considers the ambient heat contained in the air, water<strong>and</strong> ground <strong>to</strong> be a renewable energy source, comparable <strong>to</strong>the sun, wind, tide <strong>and</strong> biomass.Heat pumps offer a great opportunity <strong>to</strong> use renewable sources,paving the way for a new concept of year round climate control.6

Clivet: the exclusive offerenables its clients <strong>to</strong>take advantage of theopportunities offered bythe Green EconomyClivet has always designed <strong>and</strong> produced unique heat pumpclimate control systems for its various applications. Thesesystems are able <strong>to</strong> generate comfort all year round, offering thefollowing advantages over traditional solutions which use fossilfuels:• Primary energy savings from 30% <strong>to</strong> 60%• Reductions in CO 2 emissions of up <strong>to</strong> 50%• Use of renewable energy sources in accordance with the RESDirective (Renewable Energy Sources)In order <strong>to</strong> provide its clients <strong>and</strong> commercial partners witha distinctive, high value package, Clivet is able <strong>to</strong> offer theknowledge it has developed over 20 years of innovation,research <strong>and</strong> development, as can be best seen in its range ofclimate control systems for different installation applications.Clivet solutions st<strong>and</strong> out because they comprise systemsdesigned with their entire life cycle in mind, focusing on lowenergy consumption in all operating conditions <strong>and</strong> offeringsimplified installation, maintenance <strong>and</strong> decommissioning, fromthe design phases onwards.7

The heat pump as astrategic choiceClivet has developed arange of unique all yearround comfort systemsOur sec<strong>to</strong>r is evolving very rapidly <strong>to</strong>wards complete climatecontrol systems, which no longer see winter heating <strong>and</strong>summer air conditioning as two separate elements, but insteadlook <strong>to</strong> year round climate control, inclusive of air renewal <strong>and</strong>purification.This development, which is already evident <strong>to</strong>day in thecommercial sec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> large distribution, where heat pumpsystems have gained large shares of the market, is nowextending <strong>to</strong> involve all business segments, including theresidential sec<strong>to</strong>r.Over time, these applications have seen the introduction ofsystems dedicated <strong>to</strong> individual heating <strong>and</strong>/or air conditioningrequirements (wall-mounted boilers <strong>and</strong> split air conditioningunits, for example), developed primarily for ease of installationrather than real efficiency of use. Clivet heat pump systemsoffer an excellent climate control, heating, domestic hot waterproduction, air renewal <strong>and</strong> purification solution, using theambient heat found in the air, water <strong>and</strong> ground.8

<strong>All</strong> year round heat pump systems are not just ecofriendly solutions, but a real market need.1 Installation EvolutionThe evolution of our sec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> radiant heating <strong>and</strong> air conditioning, dem<strong>and</strong>s operating temperatures (on average 18-23°C insummer <strong>and</strong> 35-30°C in winter) much more suitable for heat pump systems. Heat pump systems are able <strong>to</strong> guarantee excellentefficiency <strong>and</strong> low consumption at these temperatures, while traditional boiler systems, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, suffer significantreductions in efficiency at such low heating water temperatures.2 Superior EfficiencyThe average seasonal COP for heat pumps can be as high as 4 for the most efficient air <strong>to</strong> water units. Assumed an energyefficiency generation in the average between 0.4 <strong>and</strong> 0.5 at European level, different country by country, it is clear <strong>to</strong> see that theperformance of a heat pump, in reference <strong>to</strong> primary energy, is comparable <strong>to</strong> 180%. This means that a heat pump is superior <strong>to</strong>any combustion genera<strong>to</strong>r, with average primary energy consumption of 50% less than natural gas or oil combustion solutions.These energy savings are further increased in the case of heat pumps that use suitable heat sources, such as groundwater.3 EC DirectiveThe European Commission defined the “ambient heat” contained in the air, water <strong>and</strong> ground as a renewable source in Directive2009/28/EC of 23 April 2009 on promoting the use of energy from renewable sources, known as the RES Directive. Heat pumpsuse this ambient heat <strong>to</strong> generate comfort in buildings all year round.A COP of 4 also means that only 25% of the heating/cooling energy introduced in<strong>to</strong> the building comes from electric energy,while the remaining 75% comes from renewable sources.4 75% <strong>to</strong> 100% Renewable EnergyIf the heat pump is combined with a pho<strong>to</strong>voltaic solar system able <strong>to</strong> generate an amount of electricity equivalent <strong>to</strong> 25% of theenergy produced by the heat pump (for example, if we consider an average seasonal COP of 4: quite normal in Clivet systems),the climate control system now uses 100% renewable energy.5 Reduction in CO 2 Emissions:Heat pump systems do not use fossil fuels such as natural gas or oil. Therefore, they do not produce CO 2 in the installation site.Even if we consider the equivalent CO 2 , generated by the energy supplier on the basis of the national performance of 0.46, theindirect CO 2 emissions are, on average, around 45% lower than those of combustion systems.5 points that makeheat pump systems thefuture of comfort, usingambient heat as a clean<strong>and</strong> unlimited renewableenergy sourceThe sun sends over 10,000 times the energy required by thewhole of mankind <strong>to</strong> the Earth each year.This energy can be captured directly by solar thermal orpho<strong>to</strong>voltaic panels. However, in this case the energy output in<strong>to</strong>the building is intermittent, because it can only be generatedduring the day <strong>and</strong> at different levels of intensity depending onthe weather conditions.Solar energy can also be captured indirectly, <strong>and</strong> it this case it iss<strong>to</strong>red up by the ground, air <strong>and</strong> water in the form of heat.This energy is far more stable, can be used day <strong>and</strong> night <strong>and</strong>can count on an exceptional thermal flywheel: the ground.Heat pumps use this clean energy <strong>to</strong> create comfortable interiorsall year round.9

HIGH EFFICIENCY AT PARTIAL LOADSUnits installed in climate control systems are normally sized onthe basis of the maximum system load, although in practice theyoperate at partial loads for most of the year.Percentage time of use100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%For 60% of the timethe load is below30%For 90% of the timethe load is below60%20%10%0%20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%REDUCING VENTILATION ENERGY CONSUMPTIONClivet has adopted various measures <strong>to</strong> reduce costs associatedwith ventilation. For example, the special type of impeller withbackward-curved blades, used in a good part of the Clivet range,offers a much broader field of operation <strong>and</strong> a better performancethan a traditional fan with forward-curved blades.The variable speed electric mo<strong>to</strong>r with external ro<strong>to</strong>r, coupled directly<strong>to</strong> the impeller, offers the following advantages:• The absence of brushes <strong>and</strong> the particular power supply increaseefficiency by a good 70%• Life cycle is also increased, thanks <strong>to</strong> the elimination of problemslinked <strong>to</strong> the natural wear of the brushes• The electronic control also includes the “soft start” function, whichdrastically reduces the start-up current when starting up the fan<strong>and</strong> lowers the system’s electrical requirements even further• Elimination of transmission inefficiency• Drastic reduction in wear <strong>and</strong> maintenance.Load percentageAs it is very important for climate control systems <strong>to</strong> offer high levelsof efficiency even at partial loads, the ESEER (European SeasonalEnergy Efficiency Ratio) is increasingly used <strong>to</strong> define seasonalefficiency. This ratio is beginning <strong>to</strong> replace the EER, which iscalculated as the weighted combination of differen<strong>to</strong>perating conditions, as defined by Eurovent/CEN, in order <strong>to</strong>emphasis the capacity of water chiller <strong>to</strong> operate in the conditionstypical of the intermediate seasons.As part of its product range, Clivet has developed units that st<strong>and</strong>out for their particularly high efficiency just at partial loads.The adoption of this type of product permits significant energysavings in all installations characterised by variable loads.100%88%SPINchiller6.00HIGH FILTRATION EFFICIENCYThe medium efficiency filters (class F7 or F9), commonly used <strong>to</strong>guarantee suitably filtered air, lead <strong>to</strong> a significant increase inventilation energy consumption, due <strong>to</strong> bigger pressure drops.They also require more frequent maintenance, with considerablecosts involved in ensuring that the filters are replaced properly.The electronic filters available on a good part of Clivet’s units makeair filtration even more efficient (efficiency level comparable <strong>to</strong> H10)<strong>and</strong> also reduce ventilation <strong>and</strong> maintenance costs in comparison <strong>to</strong>traditional systems, due <strong>to</strong> considerably lower pressure drops.Required load75%63%50%38%25%13%0%TraditionalChiller4.503.001.50C.O.P.15010040.005 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Time of dayTotal cost50Units concerned: ELFOEnergy, SPINchiller, ZEPHIR 2 , CLIVETPack.01 2 3 4 5 6<strong>Year</strong>sClivet’s technologicalchoices: excellent resultsin terms of effective energyuse <strong>and</strong> low consumptionIn addition <strong>to</strong> the decision <strong>to</strong> focus on year round climate controlsystems based on heat pump technology, Clivet has adopted arange of technological choices across its range of products <strong>and</strong>systems, making its offer truly distinctive <strong>and</strong> advantageous forclients, designers <strong>and</strong> users.10

RECOVERY IN HYDRONIC SYSTEMSRecovering condensation heat in chillers is a fundamental optionthat can make it possible <strong>to</strong> produce hot water at temperatures ofbetween 50°C <strong>and</strong> 60°C free of charge. This water can be used forvarious purposes, such as:• Hot water post-heating coils• Domestic hot water (with intermediate heat exchanger)• Other processes.The recovery can be partial (through the installation of a specific“desuperheater”), which makes it possible <strong>to</strong> recover around 20%of the condensation heat, or <strong>to</strong>tal, in which case it can even recover100% of the condensation heat.Energy recovery is also at the base of contemporaneous <strong>and</strong>independent hot water <strong>and</strong> chilled water production.THERMODYNAMIC RECOVERYThe thermodynamic recovery in the roof<strong>to</strong>p units is characterisedby the controlled exhaust of the ambient air in the externalcondensation coil, producing immediate benefits in terms of unitefficiency:• Better average temperature in the coil• Better efficiency <strong>and</strong> extended operating limits.Moreover, as it does not use traditional static type plate recoveryunits, which envisage high pressure drops throughout the system’slife cycle, thermodynamic recovery permits:• A large reduction in ventilation energy expenditure• High efficiency even in the summer, unlike typical static type plateheat recovery units which provide a much lower performance inabsolute terms.Units concerned: SPINchiller, SPINsaver, SCREWLineUnits concerned: CLIVETPackACTIVE THERMODYNAMIC RECOVERYIn addition <strong>to</strong> the thermodynamic recovery, the ACTIVEthermodynamic recovery recovers the energy contained in theexhaust air flow, multiplying it thanks <strong>to</strong> the heat pump technology<strong>and</strong> supplying it <strong>to</strong> the serviced environment. Because of this, itis used in renewal units such as ZEPHIR 2 <strong>and</strong> ELFOFresh 2 , whereit reduces fresh air load providing additional capacity in order <strong>to</strong>maintain comfortable conditions. The result for the user is an up<strong>to</strong> 50% reduction in primary energy consumption compared <strong>to</strong>traditional systems.CENTRALISED AND DECENTRALISED SOLUTIONSClivet systems can be centralised for residential complex typemanagement, or decentralised for greater au<strong>to</strong>nomy of use.In the field of decentralised solutions, Clivet has successfullydeveloped the principle of localised energy production within thesystems for some time now, making it possible <strong>to</strong> produce thermalor cooling energy locally, where it is required, <strong>and</strong> limiting the use ofs<strong>to</strong>rage tanks. This principle encourages the use of packaged units orwater loop systems.In addition <strong>to</strong> being activated only when <strong>and</strong> where required,decentralised solutions also allow for significant energy recoverywhich, in the case of the WLHP or WSHP loop systems, can lead <strong>to</strong> anup <strong>to</strong> 50% reduction in primary energy consumption.Units concerned: ELFOFresh 2 , ELFOFresh Large, ZEPHIR 2Energy recovery,rationality behind thesolutions <strong>and</strong> applicationinstallation overviewWhen developing its products <strong>and</strong> systems, Clivet alwaysplaces great importance on the rationality behind its design <strong>and</strong>construction choices, which can affect the system's operatingcosts <strong>and</strong> environmental impact throughout its life cycle.Clivet has always focused on all possible aspects of energyrecovery when designing its systems.Clivet’s recovery systems use all the sources available,generating significant savings in the production of thermal orcooling energy. Clivet has responded <strong>to</strong> these fac<strong>to</strong>rs through itscompetent development of a range of recovery solutions, whichhave achieved excellent results on the field in a range of differentapplications.11

Individual homes <strong>and</strong> residentialcomplexesELFOControl Home is the brain behind ELFOSystem, an innovative system developedby Clivet <strong>to</strong> manage residential comfort, enabling us <strong>to</strong> live in an ideal climate 365days a year. ELFOSystem brings <strong>to</strong>gether heating, cooling, humidity control, airrenewal <strong>and</strong> purification <strong>and</strong> domestic hot water production in a single intelligentsystem.The advantages offered by ELFOSystem are the result of extensive research:Guaranteed wellbeing - ELFOSystem controls the temperature, humidity <strong>and</strong> airquality in exact keeping with requirements in the various rooms;Intelligent comfort - ELFOSystem manages all the system elements rationally, alwaysachieving the best possible energy efficiency in relation <strong>to</strong> the required level ofcomfort;Ecofriendly - ELFOSystem uses electric energy that is partly produced by alternativeenergy sources <strong>and</strong> not by fossil fuels, responsible for producing the carbon dioxidethat causes the greenhouse effect;Minimal dimensions - in ELFOSystem, hot <strong>and</strong> cold are produced by a single unit<strong>and</strong> diffused by a single system;Ease of installation <strong>and</strong> use - all the components are designed <strong>and</strong> tested <strong>to</strong> makeit simple <strong>and</strong> quick <strong>to</strong> install the system;Reliability - all the components are designed <strong>to</strong> form a system, so that they work<strong>to</strong>gether efficiently.Light Commercial Sec<strong>to</strong>rThe level of wellbeing a business is able <strong>to</strong> offer its clients is more importantthan ever, because physical comfort is also conducive <strong>to</strong> good work, leading <strong>to</strong> aconsequent increase in profits.This is the reasoning behind the creation of LightCOM System, an integrated systemthat offers maximum comfort on the basis of the most innovative climate controlcriteria <strong>and</strong> the requirements of modern commercial premises.Clivet Hydronic System - Comprised of a chiller or heat pump with one or moreterminal units, these systems are able <strong>to</strong> ensure maximum comfort.They are equipped with cutting edge technology, guaranteeing the highest levelsof energy efficiency at all times <strong>and</strong> thus reducing system operating costs. Theyoffer a complete response <strong>to</strong> all requirements, adapting perfectly <strong>to</strong> any kind ofenvironmental, architectural or furnishing obstacles.Clivet Packaged System - Based on an “all in one” concept, installation operationshave been reduced <strong>to</strong> simply connecting the units <strong>to</strong> the air distribution ducts<strong>and</strong> wiring them in, minimising installation costs. They are ideal for newly builtcommercial premises.Clivet Split System - Based on the combination of an outdoor unit with one or moreindoor units, these are the ideal solution for renovation projects, able <strong>to</strong> resolve theproblems posed by restricted installation space.Clivet’s vision of systems<strong>and</strong> applications guidesthe development ofspecialized solutionsBuildings characterised by specialist uses, such as largesupermarkets, shopping centres <strong>and</strong> villages, outlet villages,urban shops <strong>and</strong> small-scale trade in general, multiplexcinemas, office complexes, hotels <strong>and</strong> residential buildings, lendthemselves <strong>to</strong> climate control using dedicated systems.Clivet’s research <strong>and</strong> development work has always focusedon innovation <strong>and</strong> the continuous improvement of a number ofclimate control systems, each dedicated <strong>to</strong> a specific application12

RetailThe proliferation of large-scale retail developments has grown <strong>to</strong> such a scale inItaly, <strong>and</strong> Europe as a whole, that it has changed the lifestyle of millions of people, forwhom the dem<strong>and</strong> for high quality comfort is continually on the rise.Clivet HVAC - Packaged System - Configurable with highly industrialised units, it canbe used au<strong>to</strong>nomously <strong>to</strong> service retail areas from 50 m² <strong>to</strong> 3,000 m², from shops inan outlet centre <strong>to</strong> malls in a shopping centre, as well as the refrigerated aisles <strong>and</strong>tills in large supermarkets, with a large degree of specialisation.Clivet HVAC - Water Loop Heat Pump System - Dedicated specifically <strong>to</strong> climatecontrol for all surface types comprising a shopping centre, it uses a range ofproducts <strong>and</strong> services that cannot be matched in terms of completeness by any othermanufacturer on the market. It reduces initial installation costs, with unparalleleddecentralisation <strong>and</strong> operating au<strong>to</strong>nomy.Clivet HVAC - Hydronic System - Innovative modular hydronic system for two- orfour-pipe systems, guaranteeing maximum flexibility in terms of cus<strong>to</strong>misation <strong>and</strong>cheap operation thanks <strong>to</strong> its innovative chillers, for efficient fluid production, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>the air treatment units complete with adjustment controls. The system is designed onthe basis of an “all-in-one” concept.Office Blocks & HotelsA comfortable environment <strong>and</strong> clean air are both elements that have a significanteffect on everyday quality of life in office blocks <strong>and</strong> hotels.Clivet has therefore developed <strong>and</strong> marketed a range of solutions, enabling clients<strong>to</strong> choose the solution that best meets the different requirements of each individualdevelopment on the basis of its design.Clivet HVAC - Hydronic System, uses high efficiency <strong>and</strong> high reliability thermal <strong>and</strong>cooling energy production units. It comprises a complete range of air treatment units,which can be supplied with the electric panels <strong>and</strong> control panels already installedon-board, <strong>and</strong> a series of terminal units which offer great configuration flexibility.Clivet HVAC - WLHP System offers a simple <strong>and</strong> effective response <strong>to</strong> heavilycontrasting <strong>and</strong> variable loads, making use of VERSATEMP's extensive experience ofover forty years in the application of water loop systems.Cinemas <strong>and</strong> TheatresThe fixtures <strong>and</strong> lighting in the foyer, the chairs in the theatres, the projection <strong>and</strong>sound quality are not the only critical fac<strong>to</strong>rs in the success of a multiplex cinema.The choice of a solution able <strong>to</strong> ensure the best possible ambient conditions, whilstalso cutting typical operating costs for this type of installation <strong>to</strong> the bare minimum, istherefore a fundamental decision for the cinema opera<strong>to</strong>r.Clivet HVAC - MultiSystem, is the only system developed specifically <strong>to</strong> cater forthe requirements of multiplex cinemas, which explains why it has been adopted inhundreds of highly prestigious developments. A very simple <strong>and</strong> reliable, compact<strong>and</strong> efficient Packaged solution, which complies with the strictest comfort <strong>and</strong>hygiene st<strong>and</strong>ards, but also offers considerable savings during the installation phase<strong>and</strong> operation, thanks in part <strong>to</strong> the exclusive P-Matic for Multiplex.Air renewal <strong>and</strong>purification,a specialized solutionThe issue of air renewal <strong>and</strong> purification finds a response for boththe commercial sec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> the residential sec<strong>to</strong>r in the form of theZEPHIR 2 , ELFOFresh Large <strong>and</strong> ELFOFresh 2 units, able <strong>to</strong> treat primaryair using an exclusive active thermodynamic heat recovery systemwhich recovers heat from the exhaust air. These units also use highefficiency electronically-controlled fans.The units are managed by control <strong>and</strong> supervision systems, whichare quick <strong>to</strong> install <strong>and</strong> easy <strong>to</strong> use.13

Clivet combines thebest technology withan excellent productquality <strong>and</strong> performancecertification systemThe innovation for which Clivet has always s<strong>to</strong>od out, is supported byan industrial framework that has adopted the st<strong>and</strong>ards envisagedby ISO 9001, since 1996, guaranteeing a quality managementsystem designed <strong>to</strong> control company processes so that they aretargeted at improving the efficacy <strong>and</strong> efficiency of the organisation,as well as at client satisfaction.Clivet uses latest generation sheet metal folding, press <strong>and</strong> cuttingmachines for the mechanical production of its components.High product quality st<strong>and</strong>ards are also guaranteed by the use ofpatented electronic controls.Clivet only uses non-<strong>to</strong>xic <strong>and</strong> low environmental impact alloysfor soldering, insulation <strong>and</strong> gases that comply with the strictestEuropean st<strong>and</strong>ards, <strong>and</strong> the best components available on themarket.An obvious choice for a company that aims for excellence in itsservice <strong>to</strong> clients.14

Clivet products comply with applicable product directives, as required in all EU countries, in order <strong>to</strong>guarantee an appropriate level of safety.An “EC Declaration of Conformity" is issued for every product in relation <strong>to</strong> the following directives:98/37 EC "Machinery Directive”2004/108 EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive"2006/95/EC "Low Voltage Directive”97/23/EC “Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)”The Eurovent Certification Programmes aim <strong>to</strong> create a shared group of product classification criteria.Consultants, those responsible for specific aspects <strong>and</strong> users can choose products in the assurance that thecatalogue data is accurate.The comparison between product performances, with tests conducted by third parties on the basis of clearlydefined procedures, ensures strong <strong>and</strong> healthy competition on a market open <strong>to</strong> all manufacturers.Clivet participates in the EUROVENT “Water Chiller Assemblies” Certification programme. The productsconcerned feature in the EUROVENT guide <strong>to</strong> certified products <strong>and</strong> on the website www.euroventcertification.com.The programme applies <strong>to</strong> air-cooled water chillers up <strong>to</strong> 600 kW <strong>and</strong> water-cooled waterchillers up <strong>to</strong> 1500 kW.Company withCertified Quality SystemClivet S.p.A. has chosen the ISO 9001 Quality System as a reference for all its operations, with a view <strong>to</strong> clientsatisfaction. This desire is evident in its commitment <strong>to</strong> continuous improvements <strong>to</strong> the quality <strong>and</strong> reliabilityof its products. Clivet is able <strong>to</strong> achieve this goal through its commercial operations, design work, purchasematerials, production <strong>and</strong> after-sales service.15

<strong>All</strong> year round comfortsystems for residential,commercial <strong>and</strong>industrial applicationsThe building is a complex machine which is required<strong>to</strong> guarantee habitability, accessibility, lighting <strong>and</strong>communications: the wellbeing of the people who use it.The climate, in particular, is one of the decisive fac<strong>to</strong>rs in thehabitability of the building, <strong>and</strong> the installation responsible forthe wellbeing of the people who live there is fundamental. It hasa direct effect on the health of those who live there <strong>and</strong> on thebuilding's suitability for purpose.Clivet is well aware of this importance <strong>and</strong> has therefore gonebeyond the product concept <strong>to</strong> develop cus<strong>to</strong>mised systemsfor the various applications, able <strong>to</strong> guarantee quality levels ofcomfort, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> optimise design <strong>and</strong> installation times, offeringhigh efficiency <strong>and</strong> an ecofriendly design.16

ELFOSystemThe domestic comfort system for individual homes <strong>and</strong> residentialcomplexes which can be directly connected <strong>to</strong> solar thermal panelsLightCOM SystemThe complete range of solutions for light commercial, industry <strong>and</strong>medium community structuresHYDRONIC SystemThe complete range of chillers, heat pumps <strong>and</strong> air h<strong>and</strong>ling units inlarge installationsPACKAGED SystemPackaged air conditioning for retail, service <strong>and</strong> high attendanceapplicationsWLHP SystemThe energy transfer loop system for the simultaneous heating <strong>and</strong> airconditioning dem<strong>and</strong>sSPLIT SystemSimple <strong>and</strong> flexible direct expansion solutions for the commercialsec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> industryCLOSE CONTROL SystemPrecise temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity control solutions in technologicalapplications17

How <strong>to</strong> enjoy this product guideManufacturing technologically advanced products <strong>and</strong>systems means facing up <strong>to</strong> the need <strong>to</strong> manage complexinformation on product characteristics <strong>and</strong> performances, <strong>and</strong><strong>to</strong> keep this information up-<strong>to</strong>-date.This information evolves so quickly that many of the traditionalsupports used <strong>to</strong> provide this information soon becomeobsolete.However, Clivet has chosen <strong>to</strong> print an annual guide, bringing<strong>to</strong>gether <strong>and</strong> organising its products, with the objective ofproviding a reference point upon which <strong>to</strong> base choices <strong>and</strong>decisions.More detailed <strong>and</strong> systematically updated information isavailable in the “PRODUCTS” area of the websitewww.clivet.com.Clivet therefore recommends referring <strong>to</strong> the website forfurther information or <strong>to</strong> check for continuous updates <strong>to</strong> theinformation contained in this document..19

ELFOSystemELFOControlELFOFresh 2RadiantPanelsELFORoomGAIAConnection <strong>to</strong>Solar PanelsELFOSystemThe domestic comfortsystemfor individual homes <strong>and</strong>residential complexeswhich can be directlyconnected <strong>to</strong> solarthermal panelsELFOSYSTEM is a complete heat pump system dedicated <strong>to</strong> theresidential sec<strong>to</strong>r. It st<strong>and</strong>s out from all the other products availableon the market due <strong>to</strong> the fact that it is a complete system offering:heat generation, distribution, electronic comfort requirement control,air renewal <strong>and</strong> purification.The system uses renewable energy <strong>and</strong> guarantees all round comfortevery day of the year in just one system, as well as quiet operation<strong>and</strong> energy efficiency.Average annual savings in primary energy consumption can reachup <strong>to</strong> 55% depending on the type of system, with an up <strong>to</strong> 45%reduction in CO 2 emissions compared <strong>to</strong> traditional systems with splitconditioners <strong>and</strong> boiler.20

System componentsname series from <strong>to</strong> pageELFOSystem GAIA EditionGAIA Aria MSER-XEE 16,3 - kWt New 23GAIA Acqua WSHR-XEE 19,5 - kWt New 51ELFOFresh 2 CPAN-U 54 181 l/s New 59ELFORoom ELFORoom OUT 1,47 3,49 kWf 63ELFORoom ELFORoom UP 1,46 2,83 kWf 66ELFORoom ELFORoom IN 1,47 3,49 kWf 68ELFOControl HOME ELFOControl HOME - - - New 71In addition <strong>to</strong> ELFOSystem GAIA Edition, Clivet is able <strong>to</strong> supply a full range of heat pumps for all system or installation application types.ELFOEnergy Horus WSAR-MT-E 6,13 22,9 kWt 27ELFOEnergy Horus+ WSAR-HT-E 9,11 24,4 kWt 31ELFOEnergy Vulcan WBAN 15,3 26,3 kWt 35ELFOEnergy Extended WSAN-XPR 6,72 13,6 kWt 39ELFOEnergy Compact WSAN-EE / WSAT-EE 5,07 37,4 kWt 43ELFOEnergy Vulcan Medium WBAN 29,1 99,8 kWt New 47ELFOEnergy Ground WSHN-EE / WSH-EE 7,05 41,6 kWt 55ELFOSystem GAIA EditionThe complete heat pumpsystem, which includesall the system elementsELFOSystem GAIA Edition is the complete system proposed byClivet as the ideal single system for new developments. It can beconnected directly <strong>to</strong> a solar thermal panel <strong>and</strong> is based on 4fundamental elements• GAIA, the heat pump for thermal <strong>and</strong> cooling energy production<strong>and</strong> domestic hot water production, which can be directlyconnected <strong>to</strong> solar thermal panels• ELFOFresh 2 , air renewal <strong>and</strong> purification with activethermodynamic recovery <strong>and</strong> electronic filters• Distribution through radiant panels, radia<strong>to</strong>rs or ELFORoom,fan coil units, equipped with an exclusive mo<strong>to</strong>rised fanassembly that reduces energy consumption by 80% compared<strong>to</strong> a traditional type fan coil unit• ELFOControl, centralised control with room by room ambientprobes, making it possible <strong>to</strong> establish optimised operatingconditions for the system as a whole, as well as for theindividual elements that comprise it.21

GAIA AriaMSER-XEEPackaged unit using renewable energyfor domestic comfort, designed for directconnection <strong>to</strong> solar panels.

CENTRALINAPOMPAACQUEDOTTOELFOSystemMSER-XEE 61Two-section heat pumpAir cooledIndoor installationCapacity 16,3 kWGAIA ARIANEWGAIA Aria is the innovative annual cycle heat pump that generates comfort<strong>and</strong> uses from 75% <strong>to</strong> 100% renewable energy.Its main features are:INDOOR UNITCompact <strong>and</strong> packaged.Reduces the footprint of the heatingsystem <strong>and</strong> facilitates installation.OUTDOOR UNIT (MSER-XEE OUT)Permits the recovery of the heating<strong>and</strong> cooling energy contained inoutdoor air at temperatures down<strong>to</strong> -20°C thanks <strong>to</strong> the use of theenergy exchanger.MSER-XEE OUT adapts <strong>to</strong> manypositioning solutions:- external with or without ducting- under roof- in the basement4 SYSTEM MACHINE - it can be used with radiant panel systems, roomterminals <strong>and</strong> radia<strong>to</strong>rs. It includes all the necessary devices <strong>to</strong> ensuresummer <strong>and</strong> winter air-conditioning as well as the production of domestichot water. Installation times <strong>and</strong> costs are drastically reduced because GAIAAria contains the pumping groups, the domestic hot water s<strong>to</strong>rage tanks <strong>and</strong>connection <strong>to</strong> solar panels;4MAXIMUM SAVINGS - electronic control allows <strong>to</strong> freely establishtemperature, humidity <strong>and</strong> operating times. Once set, the control au<strong>to</strong>maticallymanages summer or winter operation, <strong>and</strong> the production of domestic hotwater. Overall energy efficiency is maximized through constant moni<strong>to</strong>ringof building needs <strong>and</strong> of the temperature of fresh air;4 INVERTER DC TECHNOLOGY - GAIA Aria provides you with winterheating <strong>and</strong> summer cooling with the maximum energy efficiency thanks <strong>to</strong>the DC inverter technology applied <strong>to</strong> the compressor, the circula<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>and</strong>the fan. Thanks <strong>to</strong> the inverter, the speed of the various devices can beadjusted based on the actual requested energy, allowing further reductionof consumption <strong>and</strong> a substantial increase in seasonal efficiency;4 SAFE AND ECOLOGICAL - GAIA Aria does not use gas or other fuels<strong>and</strong> thus precludes the possibility of leakage of hazardous substances in<strong>to</strong>the environment. It does not produce exhaust gas <strong>and</strong> does not require a fluepipe. Therefore, it does not require obliga<strong>to</strong>ry maintenance such as boilercleaning <strong>and</strong> smoke control. It does not release CO 2 in<strong>to</strong> the atmosphere.PATENTPENDINGEurovent EnergyEfficiency ClassBUILT-IN HOT DOMESTIC WATERDIRECT CONNECTION TO THE SOLAR PANELSNON FORNITO DA CLIVETPannellosolareRICIRCOLO SANITARIOCircolatire inclusonell’ELFOEnergy GAIAPannellosolareGaiaGaiaScambia<strong>to</strong>re di energiaTermosta<strong>to</strong> HID-H1GAIA Aria ensures the constant availability of hot domestic water,which can be produced up <strong>to</strong> a temperature of 55°C. The domestichot water is s<strong>to</strong>red in a 200-litre tank built in<strong>to</strong> the unit. A special antistratificationsystem makes it possible <strong>to</strong> contain the entire volume ofwater in the pump at a more or less constant temperature for addedcomfort. The unit avoids all energy <strong>and</strong> water waste thanks <strong>to</strong> the hotwater circula<strong>to</strong>r with inverter in the domestic hot water system. GAIAAria also encompasses the expansion vessel, the safety valve, the antiscaldpressure switch valve <strong>and</strong> an electric safety heater.GAIA has been designed for connection <strong>to</strong> solar heating panels.This leads <strong>to</strong> a further increase in the use of renewable energy sources for thefree production of hot domestic water, through the solar energy captured bythe solar panels.On days when the solar energy is insufficient, or if solar panels have not beeninstalled, the hot domestic water is heated by the heat pump.24

technical dataSizes61Application with radiant panelsA7/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 16,3Total input (2) kW 3,63COP EUROVENT (3) - 4,49COP (EN 14511:2004) (4) - 4,41A2/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 12,5Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 3,32- 3,77A-5/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 11,6Total input (2) kW 3,51COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,29A35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 17,7Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (5)EER (EN 14511:2004) (6)Application with terminal unitskW 4,93- 3,603,65A7/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 15,2Total input (2) kW 4,52COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,36A2/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 11,7Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 4,15- 2,81A-5/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 10,8Total input (2) kW 4,40COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,45A35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 13,3Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (5)ESEER (7)Application with radia<strong>to</strong>rskW 4,61- 2,89- 5,41A7/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 14,5Total input (2) kW 5,35COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,72A2/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 11,2Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 4,89- 2,28A-5/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 10,3Total input (2) kW 5,18COP EUROVENT (3) - 1,99Minimum external air temperature°C -20Maximum water temperature°C 60Water flow rate (8) I/s 0,78Pump working head (8) kPa 105Air side available static pressure (8) Pa 90Domestic hot water s<strong>to</strong>ragel 200Solar heat exchanger capacityW/°K 3186Sound pressure level (9) dB(A) 32Power supplyV/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NELFOSystemData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) A7/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A35/W18 internal exchanger water 23/18°C; external air temperature 35°CA35/W7 internal exchanger water 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°CThe rated heating <strong>and</strong> cooling capacities refer <strong>to</strong> 75% of the maximum compressor revolutions. Capacitymodulation is comprised between 30% <strong>and</strong> 100%.Modulation between 75% <strong>and</strong> 100% only takes place at a temperature of below 0°C.(2) The <strong>to</strong>tal power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressors + fans - the power absorbed by the fan<strong>to</strong> supply the remaining available static pressure <strong>to</strong> the system + the power absorbed by the auxiliary circuit(3) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles.(4) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacityoutput <strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal powerabsorbed by the compressor + fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internalpressure drops.(5) EUROVENT EER calculated as the relationship between the cooling capacity <strong>and</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal power input.(6) EER (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in cooling mode. Relationship between the coolingcapacity output <strong>and</strong> the power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>talpower absorbed by the compressor + auxiliary circuit + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internal pressuredrops(7) ESEER coefficient of seasonal performance in cooling mode calculated according <strong>to</strong> Eurovent. Outlet water7°C.(8) Water flow <strong>and</strong> available static pressure in winter operating conditions A7/W35: water at the internal heatexchanger 30/35°C; outdoor air temperature 7°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.(9) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.25

ELFOSystemfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AHeating-Cooling Air cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll ELFOControl Full InverterDCavailable configurationsMSER-XEE 61(1)400TN(2)-(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(2) AUXILIARY ELECTRIC HEATERS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4EH246 Modulating auxiliary electric heater from 0 <strong>to</strong> 6 kWaccessories■ 4 Multi-function keypad holder■ 4 Connection flange for underground exhaust air ductKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesA1 A A2C1CB1 B B2Sizes61MSER-XEELength (A) mm 600Width (B) mm 800Height (C) mm 20304(A1)mm 500(A2)(B1)(B2)(C1)Weight in oper.mm 800mm 800mm 120mm 200kg 460The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.MSER-XEEB1 B B2A1MSER-XEE OUTCA A2SizesMSER-XEE OUTLength (A)Width (B)Height (C)(A1)(A2)(B1)(B2)Weight in oper.61mm 1250mm 788mm 1304mm 800mm 100mm 300mm 800kg 105The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearances in green.26

ELFOEnergy HorusWSAR-MT-EHeat pump suitable for systems with radiantpanels <strong>and</strong> water terminal units, with adesign that guarantees quiet operation.

ELFOSystemWSAR-MT-E 21÷81Water chiller4Heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor/indoor installationCapacity from 6,13 <strong>to</strong> 22,9 kWELFOENERGY HORUSThe ELFOEnergy HORUS WSAR-MT-E, heat pump, ideal for theresidential sec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> optimized for heating, grants maximum energeticefficiency in the many different conditions of use: water production for radiantpanels, terminals <strong>and</strong> for domestic hot water.Multi-function remote keypad4An appliance that is ideal for individual homes, o be installed in the garden,where its elegant design hides all the technical elements from view. Astructure designed <strong>to</strong> protect the coil from wind <strong>and</strong> snow which allows <strong>to</strong>direct the flow of air <strong>to</strong> the ground <strong>and</strong> not <strong>to</strong>wards the window of the nextdoor neighbour.4Production domestic hot water up <strong>to</strong> 60°C4Operation with air up <strong>to</strong> –15°C4Reliability <strong>and</strong> easy maintenance: feasily removable side panels4Refrig. R407C: in order <strong>to</strong> combine reduced dimensions of the unit, highefficiency <strong>and</strong> wider operating limits4Axial fan also available in high energetic efficiency version4Low noise: soundproof headphones <strong>to</strong> bring down noise emission;4Innovative multifunction remote keyboard with machine interface functions,ambient time thermostat <strong>and</strong> optional system supervisor4Satin-finished AISI 304 stainless steel base with adjustable feet4Axial fan also available in high energetic efficiency version4Modular integral electric heater, available in 2-4-6 kW4he ductable version is available, with high efficiency axial fan, for indoorinstallation.available configurations(1)WSAR-MT-E 21 400TN(2)S(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)HIDH1S(8)-(9)-(10)CCS(11)-(12)KCUX(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N4230M 230/1/50 (only for sizes 21÷41)(2) VERSION:4S Basic (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SUP Full OptionalHydronic kit including: circula<strong>to</strong>r, 3bar water safetyvalve, heating element 2/4/6 kW, high-pressure valve(bypass differential) (only for sizes 21÷51), 18 litresplumbing circuit expansion tank (only for sizes 61-81)(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4HEOH High energy efficiency in heating mode only (onlyavailable with option SUP)(4) HIGH EFFICIENCY FAN:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4VEC High efficiency fan(5) HIGH EFFICIENCY HYDRONIC GROUP:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4GCEC High efficiency hydronic group available only withSUP option(6) ADDITIONAL HEATING ELEMENT (already included in version SUP):4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4EH246 Modular integration electric heater 2-4 <strong>and</strong> 6 kW(7) MULTI-FUNCTION KEYPAD:4HIDH1S St<strong>and</strong>ard multifunction keypad (up <strong>to</strong> 50m) (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4HIDH1M System multifunction keypad (BMS, system accessories, up <strong>to</strong>1km)(8) SOFT STARTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SFSTR4N Device for inrush current reduction for 400/3/50+N4SFSTR1 Device for inrush current reduction for 230/1/50(9) PHASE MONITOR:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PM Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r (with option 400TN only)(10) CONDENSER COIL:4CCS St<strong>and</strong>ard condenser coil4CCCA Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4CCCA1 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment4CCCC Condenser coil in copper/copper(11) WATER CIRCUIT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)43DHW 3-way valve for sanitary hot water onboard(12) UNIT INSTALLATION:4KCUX Metallic caps for outdoor installation kit4CAN Ductable with high efficiency fans28

technical dataSizes21 25 31 41 51 61 81Application with radiant panelsA7/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 6,13 8,16 9,99 11,2 14,0 17,7 22,9Total input (2) kW 1,56 2,04 2,50 2,86 3,54 4,41 5,86COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,93 4,00 4,00 3,92 3,95 4,01 3,91COP (EN 14511:2004) (4) - 3,91 3,98 3,98 3,90 3,94 4,01 3,90COP (EN 14511:2004) (5) - 4,10 4,12 4,10 4,16 4,11 4,14 4,10A2/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,25 7,07 8,54 9,59 12,20 15,2 19,7Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 1,51 1,95 2,39 2,76 3,40 4,19 5,59- 3,48 3,63 3,57 3,47 3,59 3,63 3,52A-5/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,35 5,86 7,01 7,96 9,90 12,5 16,2Total input (2) kW 1,46 1,86 2,27 2,63 3,21 3,96 5,25COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,98 3,15 3,09 3,03 3,08 3,16 3,09A35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 6,44 8,50 10,7 11,9 14,5 18,1 22,4Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (6)Application with terminal unitskW 2,25 2,98 3,80 4,45 5,62 6,25 8,06- 2,86 2,85 2,82 2,67 2,58 2,90 2,78A7/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 6,06 7,95 9,70 11,0 13,4 17,1 22,1Total input (2) kW 1,85 2,42 2,97 3,53 4,28 5,22 6,64COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,28 3,29 3,27 3,12 3,13 3,28 3,33A2/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,20 6,90 8,35 6,93 11,6 14,7 19,1Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 1,79 2,33 2,85 3,41 4,12 4,98 6,33- 2,91 2,96 2,93 2,03 2,82 2,95 3,02A-5/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,32 5,73 6,95 8,13 9,76 12,2 15,7Total input (2) kW 1,72 2,21 2,71 3,26 3,91 4,71 5,96COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,51 2,59 2,56 2,49 2,50 2,59 2,63A35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 4,68 6,25 8,07 9,03 10,7 13,4 16,4Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (6)ESEER (7)Minimum external air temperatureMaximum water temperatureWater flow rate (8)Pump working head (8)Sound pressure level (9)Power supplykW 1,98 2,63 3,30 3,98 4,91 5,39 6,97- 2,36 2,38 2,45 2,27 2,18 2,49 2,35- 2,62 2,62 2,71 2,57 2,46 2,74 2,51°C -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15°C 60 60 60 60 60 60 60I/s 0,29 0,39 0,48 0,54 0,67 0,85 1,09kPa 56 47 59 56 28 114 101dB(A) 31 33 35 36 37 43 44V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NELFOSystemData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) A7/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A35/W18 internal exchanger water 23/18°C; external air temperature 35°CA35/W7 internal exchanger water 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C(2) The <strong>to</strong>tal power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressors + fans - the power absorbed by the fan<strong>to</strong> supply the remaining available static pressure <strong>to</strong> the system + the power absorbed by the auxiliary circuit(3) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles.(4) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacityoutput <strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal powerabsorbed by the compressor + fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internalpressure drops.(5) The values refer <strong>to</strong> the unit with option HEOH <strong>and</strong> SUP(6) EUROVENT EER calculated as the relationship between the cooling capacity <strong>and</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal power input.(7) ESEER coefficient of seasonal performance in cooling mode calculated according <strong>to</strong> Eurovent. Outlet water7°C.(8) Water flow <strong>and</strong> available static pressure in winter operating conditions A7/W35: water at the internal heatexchanger 30/35°C; outdoor air temperature 7°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.(9) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CHeating-Cooling Air cooled Outdoor inst. Indoor inst.Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll ELFOControl Ice protectionsystemVary Flow29

ELFOSystemaccessories■ 4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy■ 4 3 ways-valveKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.SYSTEM ACCESSORIES■ 4 300 litres domestic hot water kit■ 4 500 litres domestic hot water kit■ 4 Domestic hot water kit control■ 4 100 litres hydraulic breaker■ 4 Mixing group control module■ 4 Radiant panels management kit with mixing group■ 4 Boiler control kitdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesSt<strong>and</strong>ard unitB1B B2D1CD D2AB1 B B2Ductable unitD3CD D4Sizes21 25 31 41 51 61 81Length (A) mm 1420 1420 1420 1420 1420 1835 1835Length (D) mm 600 600 600 600 600 775 775Width (B) mm 800 800 800 800 800 1250 1250Height (C) mm 1485 1485 1485 1485 1485 1770 17704(D1)mm 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000(D2) mm 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000(D3) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(D4) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(B1) mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100(B2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. (1) kg 216 221 226 231 251 305 365Weight in oper. (2) kg 191 196 201 206 226 275 335(1) St<strong>and</strong>ard Unit(2) Ductable UnitCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.30

ELFOEnergy Horus+WSAR-HT-EHeat pump, optimised for heating, suitablefor traditional systems with radia<strong>to</strong>rs, <strong>and</strong>guaranteeing maximum efficiency.

ELFOSystemWSAR-HT-E 31÷81Water chiller4Heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor/indoor installationCapacity from 9,11 <strong>to</strong> 24,4 kWELFOENERGY HORUS +The ELFOEnergy HORUS+ WSAR-HT-E, heat pump, ideal for theresidential sec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> optimized for heating, grants maximum energeticefficiency in the many different conditions of use: water production for radiantpanels, terminals <strong>and</strong> for domestic hot water.4An appliance that is ideal for individual homes, <strong>to</strong> be installed in thegarden, where its elegant design hides all the technical elements from view.A structure designed <strong>to</strong> protect the coil from wind <strong>and</strong> snow that allows <strong>to</strong>direct the flow of air <strong>to</strong> the ground <strong>and</strong> not <strong>to</strong>wards the window of the nextdoor neighbour;4Production domestic hot water up <strong>to</strong> 62°C;4Operation with air up <strong>to</strong> –17°C;4Reliability <strong>and</strong> easy maintenance: easily removable side panels;4Refrig. R407C: in order <strong>to</strong> combine reduced dimensions of the unit, highefficiency <strong>and</strong> wider functioning limits;4Axial fan also available in high energetic efficiency version;4Low noise: soundproof headphones <strong>to</strong> bring down noise emission;4Innovative multifunction remote keyboard with machine interface functions,ambient time thermostat <strong>and</strong> optional system supervisor;4Satin-finished AISI 304 stainless steel base with adjustable feet;4Axial fan also available in high energetic efficiency version;4Modular integral electric heater, available in 2-4-6 kW;4The ductable version is available, with high efficiency axial fan, for indoorinstallation.Multi-function remote keypadavailable configurations(1)WSAR-HT-E 31 400TN(2)S(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)HIDH1S(8)-(9)-(10)CCS(11)-(12)KCUX(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N4230M 230/1/50 (only for size 41)(2) VERSION:4S Basic (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SUP Full OptionalHydronic kit including: circula<strong>to</strong>r, 3bar water safetyvalve, heating element 2/4/6 kW, high-pressurevalve (bypass differential) (only for sizes 31÷41), 18litres plumbing circuit expansion tank (only for sizes61-81)(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4HEOH High energy efficiency in heating mode only (onlyavailable with option SUP)(4) HIGH EFFICIENCY FAN:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4VEC High efficiency fan(5) HIGH EFFICIENCY HYDRONIC GROUP:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4GCEC High efficiency hydronic group available only withSUP option(6) ADDITIONAL HEATING ELEMENT (already included in version SUP):4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4EH246 Modular integration electric heater 2-4 <strong>and</strong> 6 kW(7) MULTI-FUNCTION KEYPAD:4HIDH1S St<strong>and</strong>ard multifunction keypad (up <strong>to</strong> 50m) (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4HIDH1M System multifunction keypad (BMS, system accessories, up <strong>to</strong>1km)(8) SOFT STARTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SFSTR4N Device for inrush current reduction for 400/3/50+N4SFSTR1 Device for inrush current reduction for 230/1/50(9) PHASE MONITOR:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PM Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r (with option 400TN only)(10) CONDENSER COIL:4CCS St<strong>and</strong>ard condenser coil4CCCA Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4CCCA1 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment4CCCC Condenser coil in copper/copper(11) WATER CIRCUIT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)43DHW 3-way valve for sanitary hot water onboard(12) UNIT INSTALLATION:4KCUX Metallic caps for outdoor installation kit4CAN Ductable with high efficiency fans32

technical dataSizes31 41 61 81Application with radiant panelsA7/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 9,11 13,3 19,2 24,4Total input (2) kW 2,46 3,27 4,88 6,13COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,70 4,07 3,93 3,98COP (EN 14511:2004) (4) - 3,73 4,12 3,98 4,06COP (EN 14511:2004) (5) - 4,10 4,18 4,16 4,12A2/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 8,03 11,8 16,9 21,3Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 2,35 3,21 4,73 5,95- 3,42 3,68 3,57 3,58A-5/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 6,07 8,99 12,9 16,1Total input (2) kW 2,21 3,13 4,56 5,70COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,75 2,87 2,83 2,83A35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 9,47 13,7 19,7 25,3Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (6)Application with terminal unitskW 3,81 5,03 6,87 9,24- 2,49 2,72 2,87 2,74A7/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 9,05 13,3 19,2 24,7Total input (2) kW 2,86 3,83 5,70 7,34COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,16 3,47 3,37 3,37A2/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 7,98 11,9 17,0 21,8Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 2,72 3,74 5,52 7,08- 2,93 3,18 3,08 3,08A-5/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 6,05 9,17 13,1 16,6Total input (2) kW 2,56 3,62 5,32 6,74COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,36 2,53 2,46 2,47A35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 7,20 10,6 15,0 19,4Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (6)ESEER (7)Application with radia<strong>to</strong>rskW 3,20 4,44 6,11 8,02- 2,25 2,39 2,45 2,42- 2,43 2,61 2,65 2,68A7/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 9,04 14,5 18,9 25,2Total input (2) kW 3,43 4,63 6,82 9,03COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,64 3,13 2,77 2,79A2/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 8,00 12,1 16,8 22,4Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 3,28 4,52 6,62 8,66- 2,44 2,68 2,54 2,59A-5/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 6,15 9,43 13,1 17,1kW 3,11 4,40 6,39 8,22- 1,98 2,14 2,05 2,08°C -17 -17 -17 -17°C 62 62 62 62I/s 0,44 0,64 0,92 1,17kPa 45 42 112 77Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)Minimum external air temperatureMaximum water temperatureWater flow rate (8)Pump working head (8)Sound pressure level (9)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:dB(A) 36 37 43 45V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NELFOSystem(1) A7/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A35/W18 internal exchanger water 23/18°C; external air temperature 35°CA35/W7 internal exchanger water 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C(2) The <strong>to</strong>tal power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressors + fans - the power absorbed by the fan<strong>to</strong> supply the remaining available static pressure <strong>to</strong> the system + the power absorbed by the auxiliary circuit(3) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles.(4) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacityoutput <strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal powerabsorbed by the compressor + fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internalpressure drops.(5) The values refer <strong>to</strong> the unit with option HEOH <strong>and</strong> SUP(6) EUROVENT EER calculated as the relationship between the cooling capacity <strong>and</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal power input.(7) ESEER coefficient of seasonal performance in cooling mode calculated according <strong>to</strong> Eurovent. Outlet water7°C.(8) Water flow <strong>and</strong> available static pressure in winter operating conditions A7/W35: water at the internal heatexchanger 30/35°C; outdoor air temperature 7°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.(9) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CHeating-Cooling Air cooled Outdoor inst. Indoor inst.Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll ELFOControl Ice protectionsystemVary Flow33

ELFOSystemaccessories■ 4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy■ 4 3 ways-valveKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.SYSTEM ACCESSORIES■ 4 300 litres domestic hot water kit■ 4 500 litres domestic hot water kit■ 4 Domestic hot water kit control■ 4 100 litres hydraulic breaker■ 4 Mixing group control module■ 4 Radiant panels management kit with mixing group■ 4 Boiler control kitdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1St<strong>and</strong>ard unitB B2D1CD D2AB1 B B2Ductable unitD3CD D4Sizes31 41 61 81Length (A) mm1420 1420 1835 1835Length (D) mm600 600 775 775Width (B) mm800 800 1250 1250Height (C) mm1485 1485 1770 17704(D1)mm2000 2000 2000 2000(D2) mm2000 2000 2000 2000(D3) mm1000 1000 1000 1000(D4) mm1000 1000 1000 1000(B1) mm100 100 100 100(B2) mm500 500 500 500Weight in oper. (1) kg226 241 315 375Weight in oper. (2) kg201 216 285 345(1) St<strong>and</strong>ard Unit(2) Ductable UnitCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.34

ELFOEnergy VulcanWBANHigh temperature heat pump, for heatingonly, suitable for traditional systems withradia<strong>to</strong>rs.

ELFOSystemWBAN 41÷81Heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 15,3 <strong>to</strong> 26,3 kWELFOENERGY VULCANWBAN heat pumps represent a huge leap forward in dedicated heatingpump technology <strong>and</strong> respect for the environment.The WBAN range incorporates the best in the latest technology <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>sout for its:4PERFORMANCE - A clever design enables WBAN heat pumps <strong>to</strong>achieve excellent energy efficiency even in extreme operating conditions(minimum operating temperature of -18°C <strong>and</strong> 60°C hot water productionwith outside temperatures of -10°C);4SELF ADAPTATION - Advanced electronics au<strong>to</strong>matically adapt thecooling unit’s operating parameters <strong>to</strong> match the load of the system in whichthe pump is installed, thus optimising the system’s consumption, efficiency<strong>and</strong> working life;4EASY INSTALLATION - Each unit comes complete with a hydronicgroup, <strong>and</strong> is fac<strong>to</strong>ry tested <strong>to</strong> ensure quick <strong>and</strong> easy installation.available configurations(1)WBAN 41 400TN(2)-(3)CCS(4)-(5)HYGU(6)-(7)-(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N (St<strong>and</strong>ard for sizes 41-51)4230M 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>and</strong> only for sizes 21-31)(2) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4H High energy efficiency(3) CONDENSER COIL:4CCS St<strong>and</strong>ard condenser coil4CCCA Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acryliccoating4CCCA1 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard(Silver) treatment4CCCC Condenser coil in copper/copper(5) HYDRONIC GROUP:4HYGU Hydronic group user side (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4- Not required(6) 3-WAY VALVE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)43WV 3-way valve for sanitary hot water(7) SOFT STARTER:4- Device for inrush current reduction (St<strong>and</strong>ard for size 41 with230/1/50)Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard for sizes 61-81)4SFSTR4N Device for inrush current reduction for 400/3/50+N units(4) AUXILIARY ELECTRIC HEATING ELEMENTS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4EH246 Modular integration electric heater 2-4 <strong>and</strong> 6 kW36

technical dataSizes41 61 81Application with radiant panelsA7/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 15,3 20,2 26,3Total input (2) kW 3,74 4,76 6,40COP EUROVENT (3) - 4,09 4,24 4,11COP (EN 14511:2004) (4) - 3,90 4,08 3,90COP (EN 14511:2004) (5) - 4,10 4,14 4,10A2/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 13,6 17,8 23,0Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 3,61 4,52 5,58- 3,77 3,94 4,12A-5/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 10,3 13,4 17,0Total input (2) kW 3,44 4,26 5,22COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,00 3,15 3,26Application with terminal unitsA7/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 15,3 20 26,7Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 4,39 5,65 7,87- 3,49 3,54 3,39A2/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 13,7 17,8 23,4Total input (2) kW 4,21 5,38 7,52COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,25 3,31 3,11A-5/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 10,4 13,6 17,4Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)Application with radia<strong>to</strong>rskW 3,98 5,04 6,91- 2,62 2,70 2,52A7/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 15,5 19,8 27,1Total input (2) kW 5,40 6,67 9,71COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,87 2,97 2,79A2/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 13,8 17,9 24,0Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 5,18 6,37 9,38- 2,66 2,81 2,56A-5/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 10,6 13,9 18,2Total input (2) kW 4,90 6,02 8,61COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,16 2,31 2,11Minimum external air temperature°C -18 -17 -17Maximum water temperature°C 60 60 60Water flow rate (6) I/s 0,63 0,79 1,06Pump working head (6) kPa 43 60 100Sound pressure level (7) dB(A) 42 44 48Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50+NELFOSystemData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) A7/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.(2) The <strong>to</strong>tal power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressors + fans - the power absorbed by the fan<strong>to</strong> supply the remaining available static pressure <strong>to</strong> the system + the power absorbed by the auxiliary circuit(3) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles.(4) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacityoutput <strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal powerabsorbed by the compressor + fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internalpressure drops.(5) The values refer <strong>to</strong> the unit with the High Efficiency option(6) Water flow <strong>and</strong> available static pressure in winter operating conditions A7/W35: water at the internal heatexchanger 30/35°C; outdoor air temperature 7°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.(7) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CHeating only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll ELFOControlVary Flow(sizes 41÷61)37

ELFOSystemaccessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Serial communication module <strong>to</strong> supervisor (MODBUS)■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Service keypad (cable from 1,5 metres)SYSTEM ACCESSORIES■ 4 100 litres hydraulic breaker■ 4 Hose kit for connection <strong>to</strong> chiller/heat pump. With connectionsof 1"■ 4 Hose kit for connection <strong>to</strong> chiller/heat pump. With connections of1 1/4"■ 4 Radiant panels management kit with 1" connections■ 4 Radiant panels management kit with 1 1/4" connections■ 4 500 litres domestic hot water kit■ 4 Boiler control kit■ 4 Electronic wall-mounting room thermostat■ 4 Domestic hot water kit controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB2CB41÷61leave freeA A1Cleave freeSizes41 61 81Length (A) mm1120 1120 1526Width (B) mm524 524 557Height (C) mm1176 1176 12244(A1)mm150 150 150(B2) mm500 500 500Weight in oper. kg150 157 266The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.81B2BA A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.38

ELFOEnergy ExtendedWSAN-XPRHeat pump optimised for heating for systemswith radiant panels <strong>and</strong> systems with terminalunits.

ELFOSystemWSAN-XPR 21÷51Water chiller4Heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 6,72 <strong>to</strong> 13,6 kWELFOENERGY EXTENDEDELFOEnergy EXTENDED WSAN-XPR water cooling units use R-410arefrigerant. Because they are so compact, they are ideal for residentialapplications. And they keep on working under all conditions thanks <strong>to</strong>a variable speed fan <strong>and</strong> water pump.Optimised for heating, the range guarantees:4versatile operation with both radia<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> radiant panel systems;4 s<strong>to</strong>rage-free operation <strong>and</strong> temperature modulation for aperfect balance between output power <strong>and</strong> energy consumption.Eurovent EnergyEfficiency Classavailable configurations(1)(2)(3)(4)WSAN-XPR S 21 400TN - HYGU(5)CCS(6)-(7)-(1) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.(2) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4230M 230/1/50(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4H High energy efficiency(4) HYDRONIC GROUP:4HYGU Hydronic group user side (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4- Not required(5) CONDENSER COIL:4CCS St<strong>and</strong>ard condenser coil4CCCA Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4CCCA1 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment4CCCC Condenser coil in copper/copper(6) SOFT STARTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SFSTR1 Device for inrush current reduction only for sizes 21÷41 withsupply voltage 230/1/50(7) ADDITIONAL CARDS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4KDT3V Double temperature control kit, set point compensation 4-20mA, 3-way valve control40

technical dataSizes21 31 41 51Application with radiant panelsA7/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 6,72 7,89 10,4 13,6Total input (2) kW 1,60 1,88 2,48 3,22COP EUROVENT (3) - 4,20 4,20 4,19 4,22COP (EN 14511:2004) (4) - 3,96 3,90 3,90 4,06COP (EN 14511:2004) (4)(5) - 4,15 4,18 4,15 4,13A2/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,90 6,99 9,15 11,9Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 1,55 1,81 2,44 3,16- 3,81 3,86 3,75 3,77A-5/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,41 5,27 6,83 9,08Total input (2) kW 1,57 1,82 2,40 3,16COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,81 2,89 2,84 2,87A35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 7,37 8,60 11,9 15,6Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (6)EER (EN 14511:2004) (7)Application with terminal unitskW 1,96 2,35 3,27 4,46- 3,76 3,66 3,64 3,50- 3,83 3,81 3,83 3,80A7/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 6,58 7,66 10,1 13,3Total input (2) kW 1,95 2,30 3,02 4,07COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,37 3,33 3,34 3,27A2/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,84 6,86 8,90 11,8Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 1,97 2,31 2,99 4,09- 2,96 2,97 2,98 2,89A-5/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,47 6,11 6,73 9,17Total input (2) kW 2,03 2,34 2,94 4,14COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,20 2,61 2,29 2,21A35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 5,36 6,65 8,71 11,7Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (6)ESEER (8)Minimum external air temperatureMaximum water temperatureWater flow rate (9)Pump working head (9)Sound pressure level (10)Power supplykW 1,94 2,32 3,05 4,18- 2,76 2,87 2,86 2,80- 3,29 3,43 3,34 3,26°C -15 -15 -15 -15°C 61 59 60 60I/s 0,26 0,32 0,41 0,56kPa 64 85 70 85dB(A) 38 38 39 43V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NELFOSystemData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) A7/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A35/W18 internal exchanger water 23/18°C; external air temperature 35°CA35/W7 internal exchanger water 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C(2) The <strong>to</strong>tal power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressors + fans - the power absorbed by the fan<strong>to</strong> supply the remaining available static pressure <strong>to</strong> the system + the power absorbed by the auxiliary circuit(3) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles.(4) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacityoutput <strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal powerabsorbed by the compressor + fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internalpressure drops.(5) The values refer <strong>to</strong> the unit with the High Efficiency option(6) EUROVENT EER calculated as the relationship between the cooling capacity <strong>and</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal power input.(7) EER (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in cooling mode. Relationship between the coolingcapacity output <strong>and</strong> the power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>talpower absorbed by the compressor + auxiliary circuit + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internal pressuredrops(8) ESEER coefficient of seasonal performance in cooling mode calculated according <strong>to</strong> Eurovent. Outlet water7°C.(9) Water flow <strong>and</strong> available static pressure in winter operating conditions A7/W35: water at the internal heatexchanger 30/35°C; outdoor air temperature 7°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.(10) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AHeating-Cooling Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll ELFOControl Ice protectionsystemVary Flow41

ELFOSystemaccessories■ 4 Hydraulic module with s<strong>to</strong>rage tank of 10 liters <strong>and</strong> supplementaryelectric heaters■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Serial communication module <strong>to</strong> supervisor (MODBUS)■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Double temperature control kit, set point compensation 4-20 mA,3-way valve■ 4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy■ 4 Inertial s<strong>to</strong>rage tank of 22 litresSYSTEM ACCESSORIES■ 4 100 litres hydraulic breaker■ 4 Hose kit for connection <strong>to</strong> chiller/heat pump. With connectionsof 1"■ 4 300 litres domestic hot water kit■ 4 500 litres domestic hot water kit■ 4 Boiler control kit■ 4 Radiant panels management kit with 1" connections■ 4 Room thermostatKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeA1 A A2CB B2Sizes21 31 41 51Length (A) mm 800 800 800 800Width (B) mm 300 300 300 300Height (C) mm 930 1244 1244 13704(A1)mm 100 100 100 100(A2)(B2)Weight in oper.mm 500 500 500 500mm 150 150 150 150kg 89 106 111 135The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.42

ELFOEnergy CompactWSAN-EE WSAT-EEHeat pump, optimised for cooling, suitablefor systems with radiant panels <strong>and</strong> waterterminal units.

ELFOSystemWSAN-EE WSAT-EE 17÷151Water chiller4WSAN-EE: heat pump4WSAT-EE: cooling onlyAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 5,07 <strong>to</strong> 37,4 kWELFOENERGY COMPACTELFOEnergy COMPACT water cooling units use R-410a refrigerant. Becausethey are so compact, they are ideal for residential applications. Andthey keep on working under all conditions thanks <strong>to</strong> a variable speed fan<strong>and</strong> water pump.The series guarantees:4silent operation thanks <strong>to</strong> a fan unit that operates at only 70% of itsmaximum speed under normal conditions;4s<strong>to</strong>rage-free operation <strong>and</strong> temperature modulation for aperfect balance between output power <strong>and</strong> energy consumption.available configurations(1)(2)WSAN-EE 17 S 230M(3)CCS(4)HYGU(5)-(6)-(1) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B Low water temperature (sizes 61÷151)This version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.(2) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard for sizes 17÷31)4400TN 400/3/50+N (St<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>and</strong> only for sizes41÷151)(3) CONDENSER COIL:4CCS St<strong>and</strong>ard condenser coil4CCCA Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acryliccoating4CCCA1 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard(Silver) treatment4CCCC Condenser coil in copper/copper(4) HYDRONIC GROUP:4HYGU Hydronic group user side (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4- Not required(5) SOFT STARTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SFSTR1 Device for inrush current reduction for 230/1/50 units (sizes17÷51)4SFSTR4NDevice for inrush current reduction for 400/3/50+N units(sizes 61÷151)(6) ADDITIONAL CARDS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4KDT3V Double temperature control kit, set point compensation 4-20mA, 3-way valve control44

technical dataSizes17 21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 121 131 151WSAN-EEApplication with radiant panelsA7/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,07 6,28 6,51 8,81 10,4 12,4 14,7 17,2 19,6 21,8 25,6 28,8 33,8 37,4Total input (2) kW 1,51 1,74 2,01 2,59 2,61 3,27 3,97 4,67 5,19 5,79 6,64 7,82 8,57 9,88COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,36 3,61 3,24 3,40 3,98 3,79 3,70 3,68 3,78 3,77 3,86 3,68 3,94 3,79COP (EN 14511:2004) (4) - 3,13 3,36 3,05 3,12 3,65 3,53 3,46 3,48 3,58 3,59 3,82 3,68 3,96 3,78A2/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,57 5,63 5,90 7,76 9,20 11,1 13 15,3 17,4 19,4 22,8 25,8 30,0 33,5Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 1,49 1,70 1,97 2,53 2,59 3,25 3,93 4,60 5,16 5,74 6,60 7,78 8,42 9,80- 3,07 3,31 2,99 3,07 3,55 3,42 3,31 3,33 3,37 3,38 3,45 3,32 3,56 3,42A-5/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 3,58 4,41 4,69 5,93 6,89 8,54 9,88 11,7 13,2 14,7 17,2 19,8 22,7 26,0Total input (2) kW 1,43 1,62 1,88 2,44 2,55 3,26 3,90 4,54 5,16 5,71 6,59 7,78 8,25 9,78COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,50 2,72 2,49 2,43 2,70 2,62 2,53 2,57 2,55 2,57 2,61 2,54 2,75 2,66A35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 5,59 6,90 7,60 10,1 11,8 14,0 17,2 20,5 22,8 24,9 29,9 38,0 33,1 43,7Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (5)Application with terminal unitskW 1,90 2,50 2,84 3,66 3,51 4,70 5,78 7,27 7,69 8,87 11,0 11,8 12,8 15,8- 2,94 2,76 2,68 2,76 3,36 2,98 2,98 2,82 2,96 2,81 2,73 3,22 2,59 2,77A7/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,91 6,08 6,39 8,59 10,1 12,4 14,5 17,1 19,3 21,6 25,2 28,5 33,4 38,0Total input (2) kW 1,77 2,11 2,36 3,08 3,30 4,32 4,94 5,88 6,54 7,23 8,39 9,73 10,6 12,3COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,77 2,88 2,71 2,79 3,06 2,87 2,94 2,91 2,95 2,99 3,00 2,93 3,15 3,09A2/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,41 5,49 5,81 7,63 9,00 11,2 12,9 15,3 17,2 19,3 22,6 25,6 29,8 34,0Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 1,71 2,04 2,28 2,97 3,27 4,34 4,89 5,82 6,51 7,23 8,37 9,70 10,4 12,1- 2,58 2,69 2,55 2,57 2,75 2,58 2,64 2,63 2,64 2,67 2,70 2,64 2,87 2,81A-5/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 3,41 4,32 4,65 5,87 6,90 8,78 9,79 11,8 13,2 14,9 17,4 19,7 22,6 25,9Total input (2) kW 1,62 1,91 2,14 2,80 3,24 4,40 4,84 5,82 6,51 7,23 8,37 9,69 10,2 11,9COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,10 2,26 2,18 2,09 2,13 2,00 2,02 2,03 2,02 2,06 2,07 2,03 2,21 2,18A35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 4,00 4,99 5,58 7,33 8,49 10,4 13,1 15,7 17,3 18,6 22,9 25,7 29,1 33,5Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (5)ESEER (6)WSAT-EEkW 1,76 2,25 2,56 3,34 3,30 4,43 5,45 6,57 7,21 8,04 10,0 11,2 11,9 14,7- 2,27 2,22 2,18 2,19 2,57 2,35 2,40 2,39 2,40 2,31 2,29 2,29 2,45 2,28- 2,56 2,49 2,42 2,47 3,04 2,81 2,80 2,77 2,83 2,66 2,66 2,67 2,80 2,63A35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 4,32 5,27 5,79 7,62 8,86 11,2 14,0 16,7 18,6 21,3 24,4 32,3 27,4 37,5Total input (2) kW 1,91 2,28 2,52 3,22 3,11 4,35 5,27 6,84 7,03 8,11 9,5 11,5 11,0 14,1EER EUROVENT (5) - 2,35 2,37 2,34 2,48 2,99 2,67 2,82 2,56 2,76 2,73 2,63 2,91 2,58 2,74ESEER (6) - 2,56 2,49 2,42 2,47 3,04 2,81 2,80 2,77 2,83 2,66 2,66 2,67 2,80 2,63Minimum external air temperature°C -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -14 -14 -15 -15 -13 -15 -15 -15Maximum water temperature°C 48 49 51 51 51 51 50 51 51 51 50 51 52 52Water flow rate (7) I/s 0,19 0,24 0,27 0,35 0,41 0,50 0,62 0,75 0,83 0,89 1,09 1,23 1,39 1,60Pump working head (7) kPa 44 39 38 55 52 41 155 146 146 141 134 162 149 136Sound pressure level (8) dB(A) 32 32 34 35 35 37 46 46 47 47 47 48 49 50Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50+N 400/3/50+NELFOSystemData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) A7/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A35/W18 internal exchanger water 23/18°C; external air temperature 35°CA35/W7 internal exchanger water 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C(2) The <strong>to</strong>tal power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressors + fans - the power absorbed by the fan<strong>to</strong> supply the remaining available static pressure <strong>to</strong> the system + the power absorbed by the auxiliary circuit(3) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles.(4) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacityoutput <strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal powerabsorbed by the compressor + fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internalpressure drops.(5) EUROVENT EER calculated as the relationship between the cooling capacity <strong>and</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal power input.(6) ESEER coefficient of seasonal performance in cooling mode calculated according <strong>to</strong> Eurovent. Outlet water7°C.(7) Water flow <strong>and</strong> available static pressure in winter operating conditions A7/W35: water at the internal heatexchanger 30/35°C; outdoor air temperature 7°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.(8) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AHeating-Cooling(WSAN-EE)Cooling only(WSAT-EE)Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. rotary(17÷31)Herm. Scroll(41÷151)ELFOControlIce protectionsystem (WSAN-EE only)Vary Flow(17÷91)45

ELFOSystemaccessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Serial communication module <strong>to</strong> supervisor (MODBUS)■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Double temperature control kit, set point compensation 4-20 mA,3-way valve■ 4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy■ 4 Service keypad (cable from 1,5 metres)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeA1 A A2CB B2SizesWSAN-EELength (A)Width (B)17 21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 121 131 151mm 800 800 800 800 800 800 1087 1087 1373 1373 1373 1373 1715 1715mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 411 411 555 555 555 555 820 820Height (C) mm 930 930 930 930 1244 1244 1175 1175 1225 1225 1225 1225 1480 14804(A1)mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100(A2)(B2)Weight in oper.WSAT-EELength (A)Width (B)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500mm 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150kg 68 76 77 91 111 120 126 135 180 184 203 206 268 273mm 800 800 800 800 800 800 1087 1087 1373 1373 1373 1373 1715 1715mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 411 411 555 555 555 555 820 820Height (C) mm 643 643 643 930 1244 1244 1175 1175 1225 1225 1225 1225 1480 14804(A1)mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100(A2)(B2)Weight in oper.mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500mm 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150kg 58 66 66 80 102 110 126 135 180 184 203 206 268 273CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.46

ELFOEnergy Vulcan MediumWBANHigh temperature heat pump: able <strong>to</strong> producehot water at 60°C even when the outdoortemperature falls <strong>to</strong> -10°C.The ideal one-s<strong>to</strong>p heating, cooling <strong>and</strong>hot water solution for centralised systems inresidential complexes, hotels <strong>and</strong> collectivebuildings.

ELFOSystemWBAN 82÷302Heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 29,1 <strong>to</strong> 99,8 kWNEWELFOENERGY VULCAN MEDIUMELFOEnergy Vulcan Medium comprises a series of high temperatureheat pumps, ideal as a one-s<strong>to</strong>p heating, cooling <strong>and</strong> hot water solution forcentralised systems in residential complexes, hotels <strong>and</strong> collective buildings ingeneral.4Energy Efficiency CLASS A rating, in both heating <strong>and</strong> coolingmode;4Ideal for all system types, including radia<strong>to</strong>r systems with hot waterproduction up <strong>to</strong> 60°C, at outdoor air temperatures down <strong>to</strong> -10°C;4System simplification thanks <strong>to</strong> the use of a single genera<strong>to</strong>r for heating <strong>and</strong>cooling, doing away with the risks <strong>and</strong> maintenance costs associated withtraditional combustion systems.The units in the ELFOEnergy VULCAN Medium range offer au<strong>to</strong>nomous hotwater production <strong>and</strong> are enabled for use with solar panel heaters, making itpossible <strong>to</strong> use direct solar energy.Eurovent EnergyEfficiency Classavailable configurations(1)(2)WBAN S 82 400TN(3)1PUS(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-(11)-(12)-(1) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong>-8°C inclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-point.Consult our Marketing Office regarding particularconditions.4S St<strong>and</strong>ard version(2) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N(3) HYDRONIC GROUP USER SIDE:41PUS St<strong>and</strong>ard pump4- Not required(4) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 25% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.(5) CONDENSER COIL:4CCS St<strong>and</strong>ard condenser coil4CCCA Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4CCCA1 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard(Silver) treatment4CCCC Condenser coil in copper/copper(6) SOFT STARTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SFSTR4N Device for inrush current reduction for 400/3/50+N units(7) CONTACTS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CLSE Free Contacts External Signal(8) SHUNT CAPACITORS (COSFI > 0,9):4PFCP Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (cosfi > 0,9)4- Not required(9) 3-WAY VALVE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)43DHW 3-way valve for sanitary hot water mounted on-board(11) COMPRESSOR ISOLATION:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4IS4 Additional on-board compressor isolation(11) PROTECTION GRILLES:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PGFC On-board protective grilles for finned coil exchangers(12) PHASE MONITOR:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PM On-board phase moni<strong>to</strong>r48

technical dataSizes82 122 162 202 262 302Application with radiant panelsA7/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 29,1 41,4 52,5 71,2 83,9 99,8Total input (2) kW 7,13 10,2 12,8 17,4 20,6 24,4COP EUROVENT (3) - 4,08 4,07 4,11 4,10 4,07 4,09COP (EN 14511:2004) (4) - 4,11 4,13 4,13 4,12 4,10 4,13A2/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 26,0 36,6 46,0 61,9 74,2 87,9Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 6,94 9,64 12,2 16,6 20,0 23,6- 3,75 3,80 3,76 3,72 3,72 3,73A-5/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 19,8 27,9 34,7 46,5 56,2 66,0Total input (2) kW 6,76 9,25 11,7 15,7 19,1 22,4COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,92 3,02 2,96 2,96 2,95 2,95A35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 32,8 46,0 60,7 85,5 96,3 121Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (5)Application with terminal unitskW 8,60 12,5 16,0 23,1 26,1 32,5- 3,81 3,68 3,80 3,69 3,69 3,72A7/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 29,1 40,9 53,7 70,2 85,7 99,6Total input (2) kW 8,55 12,0 15,5 20,3 25,6 28,7COP EUROVENT (3) - 3,40 3,40 3,47 3,45 3,35 3,47A2/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 26,0 36,6 46,0 61,9 74,2 87,9Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 6,94 9,64 12,2 16,6 20,0 23,6- 3,75 3,80 3,76 3,72 3,72 3,73A-5/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 19,9 28,0 37,0 47,6 57,5 66,0Total input (2) kW 7,73 10,8 13,8 18,4 23,2 25,5COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,58 2,59 2,68 2,58 2,48 2,59A35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 25,1 35,3 46,4 64,9 77,5 93,2Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (5)Application with radia<strong>to</strong>rskW 7,97 11,4 14,7 20,6 24,6 29,3- 3,15 3,10 3,16 3,16 3,15 3,18A7/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 29,1 40,5 54,4 69,9 87,4 99,9Total input (2) kW 9,84 13,7 18,8 24,9 30,2 33,8COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,96 2,95 2,89 2,80 2,90 2,96A2/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 26,2 36,2 48,9 52,9 77,8 88,3Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 9,57 13,2 18,0 22,5 29,0 32,3- 2,74 2,74 2,71 2,35 2,69 2,74A-5/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 22,5 31,3 42,0 49,7 65,4 74,4Total input (2) kW 9,25 12,7 16,9 21,9 27,5 30,3COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,43 2,46 2,48 2,27 2,38 2,46Minimum external air temperature°C -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18Maximum water temperature°C 60 61 62 63 64 65Water flow rate (6) I/s 1,62 2,27 3 4,23 4,76 5,98Pump working head (6) kPa 158 164 149 169 159 183Number of cooling circuits- 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 2 SCROLLSound pressure level (7) dB(A) 47 47 49 49 51 51Power supplyV/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NELFOSystemData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) A7/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W35 internal exchanger water 30/35°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A7/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5/W55 internal exchanger water 50/55°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.A35/W18 internal exchanger water 23/18°C; external air temperature 35°CA35/W7 internal exchanger water 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C(2) The <strong>to</strong>tal power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressors + fans - the power absorbed by the fan<strong>to</strong> supply the remaining available static pressure <strong>to</strong> the system + the power absorbed by the auxiliary circuit(3) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles.(4) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacityoutput <strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal powerabsorbed by the compressor + fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internalpressure drops.(5) EUROVENT EER calculated as the relationship between the cooling capacity <strong>and</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal power input.(6) Water flow <strong>and</strong> available static pressure in winter operating conditions A7/W35: water at the internal heatexchanger 30/35°C; outdoor air temperature 7°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.(7) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CHeating only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll ELFOControl49

ELFOSystemaccessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Finned coil protection grilles■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> check the presence <strong>and</strong> correct sequence of thepower supply phases4 3 ways-valve■ 4 Domestic hot water kit control■ 4 Multi-function keypad holderKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1leave freeB B2CA A2Sizes82 122 162 202 262 302Length (A) mm 1928 1928 2328 2328 2932 2932Width (B) mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100Height (C) mm 1474 1474 1474 1474 1474 14744(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700(B2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700Weight in oper. kg 420 466 635 670 803 826The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!A1For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.50

GAIA AcquaWSHR-XEERenewable energy packaged heating unitfor domestic comfort, designed for directconnection <strong>to</strong> solar panels. It makes use ofthe water-cooled heat pump principle, makingit suitable for ground water <strong>and</strong> geothermalsystems.

ELFOSystemWSHR-XEE 61Heat pumpWater cooledIndoor installationCapacity 19,5 kWGAIA ACQUANEWGAIA Acqua is the innovative annual cycle heat pump, which generatescomfort <strong>and</strong> uses from 75% <strong>to</strong> 100% renewable energy, recovering it from thewater or ground depending on the system adopted.Its main features are:4 SYSTEM MACHINE - it can be used with radiant panel systems, roomterminals <strong>and</strong> radia<strong>to</strong>rs. It includes all the necessary devices <strong>to</strong> ensuresummer <strong>and</strong> winter air-conditioning as well as the production of domestichot water. Installation times <strong>and</strong> costs are drastically reduced because GAIAAcqua contains the pumping groups, the domestic hot water s<strong>to</strong>rage tanks<strong>and</strong> connection <strong>to</strong> solar panels;4MAXIMUM SAVINGS - electronic control allows <strong>to</strong> freely establishtemperature, humidity <strong>and</strong> operating times. Once set, the control au<strong>to</strong>maticallymanages summer or winter operation, <strong>and</strong> the production of domestic hotwater. Overall energy efficiency is maximized through constant moni<strong>to</strong>ringof building needs <strong>and</strong> of the temperature of fresh air;4 INVERTER DC TECHNOLOGY - GAIA Acqua provides you withwinter heating <strong>and</strong> summer cooling with the maximum energy efficiencythanks <strong>to</strong> the DC inverter technology applied <strong>to</strong> the compressor <strong>and</strong> thecircula<strong>to</strong>rs. Thanks <strong>to</strong> the inverter, the speed of the various devices can beadjusted based on the actual requested energy, allowing further reductionof consumption <strong>and</strong> a substantial increase in seasonal efficiency;4INTEGRATED PRODUCTION OF DOMESTIC HOT WATER - the unitfeatures a 200 liter tank for domestic water that can be heated by solarpanels. On days when solar heating is not sufficient or if solar panels havenot been installed, the domestic hot water will be heated by the energycontained in the earth or in the water. GAIA Acqua avoids energy wastagethanks <strong>to</strong> the inverter circula<strong>to</strong>r for the circulation of hot water in the domestichot water circuit;PATENTPENDING4 SAFE AND ECOLOGICAL - GAIA Acqua does not use gas or other fuels<strong>and</strong> thus precludes the possibility of leakage of hazardous substances in<strong>to</strong>the environment. It does not produce exhaust gas <strong>and</strong> does not require a fluepipe. Therefore, it does not require obliga<strong>to</strong>ry maintenance such as boilercleaning <strong>and</strong> smoke control. It does not release CO 2 in<strong>to</strong> the atmosphere.Eurovent EnergyEfficiency ClassGROUNDWATER ENERGY RECOVERYGROUND SOURCE ENERGY RECOVERYVertical manifoldsHorizontal manifolds52

technical dataSizes61Application with radiant panelsW10/W35 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 19,5Total input (3) kW 4,05COP EUROVENT (4) - 4,82COP (EN 14511:2004) (5) - 4,84B0/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 15,4Total input (3)COP EUROVENT (4)COP (EN 14511:2004) (5)kW 3,72- 4,15- 4,12W35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 21,0Total input (3) kW 4,15EER EUROVENT (7) - 5,07EER (EN 14511:2004) (8) - 5,26Application with terminal unitsW10/W45 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 19,2Total input (3)COP EUROVENT (4)kW 4,93- 3,89B0/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 14,3Total input (3) kW 4,39COP EUROVENT (4) - 3,25W35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 15,3Total input (3)EER EUROVENT (7)ESEERApplication with radia<strong>to</strong>rskW 4,12- 3,72- 3,55W10/W55 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 17,5Total input (3) kW 5,41COP EUROVENT (4) - 3,23B0/W55 (1)4Heating capacitykW 12,9Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (4)Minimum water temperatureMaximum water temperatureWater flow rate - user side (6)Pump working head - user side (6)Water flow rate - source side (6)Pump working head - source side (6)Domestic hot water s<strong>to</strong>rageSolar heat exchanger capacitySound pressure level (8)Power supplykW 5,02- 2,56°C -8°C 60I/s 0,93kPa 100I/s 0,75kPa 104l 200W/°K 3186dB(A) 32V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NELFOSystemData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) W10/W35 water at the user side heat exchanger 30/35°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger10°CB0/W35 water at the user side heat exchanger 30/35°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger0°C; glycol 30%W10/W45 water at the user side heat exchanger 40/45°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger10°CB0/W45 water at the user side heat exchanger 40/45°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger0°C; glycol 30%W10/W55 water at the user side heat exchanger 45/55°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger10°CB0/W55 water at the user side heat exchanger 45/55°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger0°C; glycol 30%W35/W18 water at the user side heat exchanger 23/18°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger30/35°CW35/W7 water at the user side heat exchanger 12/7°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger30/35°CThe rated heating <strong>and</strong> cooling capacities refer <strong>to</strong> 75% of the maximum compressor revolutions. Capacitymodulation is comprised between 30% <strong>and</strong> 100%.Modulation between 75% <strong>and</strong> 100% only takes place at a temperature of below 0°C.(2) Heating capacity measured at the temperature conditions <strong>and</strong> source side water flow in cooling modeestablished by EUROVENT(3) Total input is obtained from the compressor input + auxiliary circuit input(4) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit(5) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between the heatingcapacity output <strong>and</strong> the power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>talpower absorbed by the compressor + auxiliary circuit + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internal pressuredrops(6) The values given refer <strong>to</strong> performances in heating mode at rated conditions(7) EUROVENT EER: coefficient of performance in cooling mode. Relationship between cooling capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ auxiliary circuit(8) EER (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in cooling mode. Relationship between the coolingcapacity output <strong>and</strong> the power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>talpower absorbed by the compressor + auxiliary circuit + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internal pressuredrops(9) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.53

ELFOSystemfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-410AHeating-Cooling Water cooledIndoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll ELFOControl Full InverterDCavailable configurationsWSHR-XEE 61(1)400TN(2)-(3)HYGS(4)-(5)-(6)-(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4BS Low water temperature source sidePrearrangement for use of source side water, withtemperature conditions lower than +5°C.(3) HYDRONIC GROUP USER SIDE:4HYGS Hydronic group user side (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4- Not required(4) WATER SIDE MOTORISED SHUT-OFF VALVES:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4IVMS Source side modulating valve(5) NATURAL-COOLING:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4NC Natural-Cooling(6) AUXILIARY ELECTRIC HEATERS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4EH246 Modulating auxiliary electric heater from 0 <strong>to</strong> 6 kWaccessories■ 4 Multi-function keypad holderKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesC1CSizes61Length (A) mm 600Width (B) mm 800Height (C) mm 20304(A1)mm 500(A2) mm 800(B1) mm 800(B2) mm 100(C1) mm 200Weight in oper. kg 480The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1 A A2B1BB2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearances in green.54

ELFOEnergy GroundWSHN-EE WSH-EEThe geothermal heat pump that can be used<strong>to</strong> heat <strong>and</strong> cool any kind of building, fromnew homes <strong>to</strong> renovation projects, using thefree energy found in the ground or water<strong>and</strong> offering huge benefits in terms of energysaving.

ELFOSystemWSHN-EE WSH-EE 17÷121Water chiller4WSHN-EE: heat pump4WSH-EE: cooling onlyWater cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 7,05 <strong>to</strong> 41,6 kWELFOENERGY GROUNDGeothermal energy from the ground or ground water can provide heating<strong>and</strong> cooling at considerably less expense. WSHN-EE <strong>and</strong> WSH-EE unitsare specially designed for use in closed or open circuit geothermal systems,while preserving all the benefits of air-cooled units, such as efficiency,au<strong>to</strong>matic adaptation, <strong>and</strong> silent operation.This series also comes ready for use. <strong>All</strong> the components needed for connectionare supplied without the need for additional parts. The hydronic group on thesink side (found in all air-cooled units), is backed up by a second hydronicunit on the source side.available configurations(1)(2)WSHN-EE S 17 400TN(3)HYGU(4)-(5)-(6)-(1) LOW TEMPERATURE:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.4BS Low water temperature source sidePrearrangement for use of source side water, with temperatureconditions lower than +5°C.(2) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N (St<strong>and</strong>ard for sizes 41÷121)4230M 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard for size 17÷31; optional forsizes 41-51)(3) HYDRONIC GROUP USER SIDE:4HYGU Hydronic group user side (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4- Not required(4) HYDRONIC GROUP SOURCE SIDE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4HYGS Hydronic group source side(5) SOFT STARTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SFSTR Device for inrush current reduction(6) VALVE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)43WV 3-way valve for sanitary hot water56

technical dataSizes17 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 121WSHN-EE - Unit with cooling circuit reversalApplication with radiant panelsW10/W35 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 7,05 7,60 9,42 12,1 16,1 19,7 24,9 26,5 31,0 36,7 41,6Total input (3) kW 1,27 1,39 1,76 2,26 2,89 3,54 4,43 4,90 5,63 6,42 7,20COP EUROVENT (4) - 5,55 5,47 5,35 5,35 5,57 5,56 5,62 5,41 5,51 5,72 5,78COP (EN 14511:2004) (5) - 5,10 5,10 5,10 5,10 5,20 5,30 5,30 5,20 5,30 5,60 5,50B0/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,50 5,92 7,41 9,51 12,7 15,6 19,4 21,0 24,5 28,9 32,9Total input (3)COP EUROVENT (4)kW 1,41 1,53 1,99 2,43 3,08 3,71 4,69 5,20 5,86 6,82 7,65- 3,89 3,88 3,72 3,92 4,13 4,20 4,14 4,04 4,18 4,24 4,30W35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 8,26 8,94 10,7 13,9 17,7 21,9 26,9 29,6 33,6 37,5 42,4Total input (3) kW 1,39 1,57 1,90 2,32 3,05 3,89 4,81 5,18 5,95 6,88 7,57EER EUROVENT (7) - 5,94 5,69 5,63 5,99 5,80 5,63 5,59 5,71 5,65 5,45 5,60EER (EN 14511:2004) (8) - 5,40 5,40 5,20 5,40 5,30 5,20 5,10 5,20 5,20 5,10 5,10Application with terminal unitsW10/W45 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 6,78 7,37 8,95 11,6 15,7 19,1 23,8 25,3 29,5 34,7 39,1Total input (3)COP EUROVENT (4)kW 1,52 1,66 2,36 2,93 3,80 4,55 5,63 6,26 7,06 8,18 8,97- 4,46 4,44 3,79 3,96 4,13 4,20 4,23 4,04 4,18 4,24 4,36B0/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,27 5,78 7,23 9,38 12,5 15,2 18,7 20,3 23,6 27,7 31,4Total input (3) kW 1,69 1,85 2,39 2,96 3,80 4,55 5,70 6,26 7,06 8,13 9,13COP EUROVENT (4) - 3,12 3,12 3,03 3,17 3,29 3,34 3,28 3,24 3,34 3,41 3,44W35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 6,13 6,47 7,94 10,7 13,1 16,1 20,5 22,1 25,6 29,0 32,6Total input (3)EER EUROVENT (7)ESEER (9)Application with radia<strong>to</strong>rskW 1,40 1,53 1,90 2,32 3,17 3,86 4,66 4,80 5,80 6,78 7,50- 4,38 4,23 4,18 4,61 4,13 4,17 4,40 4,60 4,41 4,28 4,35- 4,82 4,71 4,49 5,15 4,50 4,48 4,86 5,14 4,87 4,76 4,80W10/W55 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 6,22 6,94 8,91 11 14,9 17,6 22,4 23,8 28,1 32,3 36,8Total input (3) kW 1,69 1,85 2,39 2,96 3,80 4,55 5,70 6,26 7,06 8,13 9,13COP EUROVENT (4) - 3,68 3,75 3,73 3,72 3,92 3,87 3,93 3,80 3,98 3,97 4,03B0/W50 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,17 5,73 7,23 9,22 12,3 14,8 18,4 19,9 23,2 27,1 30,6Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (4)Minimum water temperatureMaximum water temperatureWater flow rate - user side (6)Pump working head - user side (6)Water flow rate - source side (6)Pump working head - source side (6)Sound pressure level (10)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:kW 1,69 1,85 2,39 2,96 3,80 4,55 5,70 6,26 7,06 8,18 9,13- 3,06 3,10 3,03 3,11 3,24 3,25 3,23 3,18 3,29 3,31 3,35°C -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8°C 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55I/s 0,35 0,38 0,46 0,61 0,78 0,95 1,18 1,28 1,50 1,71 1,91kPa 50 48 51 40 25 49 38 40 32 110 77I/s 0,29 0,31 0,38 0,51 0,63 0,77 0,96 1,06 1,22 1,39 1,56kPa 52 49 47 36 20 41 30 24 18 84 41dB(A) 26 26 27 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 36V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50+NELFOSystem(1) W10/W35 water at the user side heat exchanger 30/35°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger10°CB0/W35 water at the user side heat exchanger 30/35°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger0°C; glycol 30%W10/W45 water at the user side heat exchanger 40/45°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger10°CB0/W45 water at the user side heat exchanger 40/45°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger0°C; glycol 30%W10/W55 water at the user side heat exchanger 45/55°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger10°CB0/W50 water at the user side heat exchanger 45/50°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger0°C; glycol 30%W35/W18 water at the user side heat exchanger 23/18°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger30/35°CW35/W7 water at the user side heat exchanger 12/7°C; inlet water at the source side heat exchanger30/35°C(2) Heating capacity measured at the temperature conditions <strong>and</strong> source side water flow in cooling modeestablished by EUROVENT(3) Total input is obtained from the compressor input + auxiliary circuit input(4) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit(5) COP (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between the heatingcapacity output <strong>and</strong> the power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>talpower absorbed by the compressor + auxiliary circuit + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internal pressuredrops(6) The values given refer <strong>to</strong> performances in heating mode at rated conditions(7) EUROVENT EER: coefficient of performance in cooling mode. Relationship between cooling capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ auxiliary circuit(8) EER (EN 14511:2004) coefficient of performance in cooling mode. Relationship between the coolingcapacity output <strong>and</strong> the power input according <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard EN 14511:2004. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>talpower absorbed by the compressor + auxiliary circuit + part of the pump <strong>to</strong> overcome internal pressuredrops(9) ESEER coefficient of seasonal performance in cooling mode calculated according <strong>to</strong> Eurovent. Outlet water7°C.(10) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-410AHeating-Cooling(WSHN-EE)Cooling only(WSH-EE)Water cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll ELFOControl Water circuit reversal(WSH-EE)Vary Flow(17÷91)57

ELFOSystemSizes17 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 121WSH-EE - Unit with water circuit reversalApplication with radiant panelsW10/W35 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 7,27 7,85 9,59 12,6 16,2 19,9 24,4 26,4 30,9 36,1 41,4Total input (3) kW 1,52 1,65 1,96 2,40 3,15 3,77 4,80 5,01 5,86 6,54 7,54COP EUROVENT (4) - 4,78 4,76 4,89 5,25 5,14 5,28 5,08 5,27 5,27 5,52 5,49B0/W35 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,63 6,07 7,41 9,70 12,5 15,3 18,9 20,3 23,8 27,8 31,9Total input (3)COP EUROVENT (4)kW 1,38 1,49 1,78 2,19 2,87 3,44 4,29 4,58 5,36 5,98 6,89- 4,08 4,07 4,16 4,43 4,36 4,45 4,41 4,43 4,44 4,65 4,63W35/W18 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 8,34 8,95 10,1 14,0 18,3 22,5 26,1 30,0 33,4 41,8 47,5Total input (3) kW 1,47 1,49 1,86 2,33 2,98 3,95 4,98 5,10 6,00 6,65 7,96EER EUROVENT (7) - 5,67 6,01 5,43 6,01 6,14 5,70 5,24 5,88 5,57 6,29 5,97Application with terminal unitsW10/W45 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 7,00 7,63 9,28 12,0 15,6 19,1 23,6 25,1 29,5 34,3 39,3Total input (3)COP EUROVENT (4)kW 1,89 2,08 2,53 3,02 4,12 4,62 5,80 6,39 7,21 8,17 9,22- 3,70 3,67 3,67 3,97 3,79 4,13 4,07 3,93 4,09 4,20 4,26B0/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 5,50 5,99 7,29 9,40 12,2 14,9 18,4 19,7 23,1 26,7 30,6Total input (3) kW 1,72 1,89 2,31 2,76 3,76 4,23 5,31 5,84 6,60 7,47 8,43COP EUROVENT (4) - 3,20 3,17 3,16 3,41 3,24 3,52 3,47 3,37 3,50 3,57 3,63W35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 5,95 6,42 7,9 10,5 13,4 16,7 20,5 22,1 25,8 30,5 35,0Total input (3)EER EUROVENT (7)ESEER (9)Application with radia<strong>to</strong>rskW 1,51 1,64 1,95 2,40 3,15 3,78 4,70 5,02 5,88 6,56 7,55- 3,94 3,91 4,05 4,38 4,25 4,42 4,36 4,40 4,39 4,65 4,64- 4,29 4,25 4,54 4,84 4,48 4,70 4,59 4,92 4,86 5,13 5,04W10/W55 (1)4Heating capacity (2) kW 6,65 7,37 9,03 11,5 14,8 18,0 22,4 23,8 28,2 32,1 36,6Total input (3) kW 2,40 2,68 3,31 3,80 5,55 5,81 7,33 8,07 8,88 10,3 11,4COP EUROVENT (4) - 2,77 2,75 2,73 3,03 2,67 3,10 3,06 2,95 3,18 3,12 3,21B0/W50 (1)4Heating capacitykW 7,17 7,82 9,51 12,3 15,9 19,5 24,2 25,8 30,3 35,2 40,3Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (4)Minimum water temperatureMaximum water temperatureWater flow rate - user side (6)Pump working head - user side (6)Water flow rate - source side (6)Pump working head - source side (6)Sound pressure level (10)Power supplykW 1,89 2,07 2,53 3,03 4,12 4,64 5,82 6,41 7,23 8,19 9,24- 3,79 3,78 3,76 4,06 3,86 4,20 4,16 4,02 4,19 4,30 4,36°C -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8°C 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55I/s 0,35 0,38 0,46 0,61 0,78 0,95 1,18 1,28 1,50 1,71 1,91kPa 50 48 51 40 25 49 38 40 32 110 77I/s 0,29 0,31 0,38 0,51 0,63 0,77 0,96 1,06 1,22 1,39 1,56kPa 52 49 47 36 20 41 30 24 18 84 41dB(A) 26 26 27 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 36V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50+NData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:See notes on the previous pageaccessories■ 4 Serial communication module <strong>to</strong> supervisor (MODBUS)■ 4 Double temperature control kit, set point compensation 4-20 mA,3-way valve■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy■ 4 Source side modulating valve■ 4 Shut-off valve on source side■ 4 Rubber antivibration mountsKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCAUTION!A1 A A2B1BC1For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.CSizes17 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 121Length (A) mm 402 402 402 402 402 573 573 573 573 573 573Width (B) mm 602 602 602 602 602 604 604 604 604 604 604Height (C) mm 785 785 785 785 785 858 858 858 858 858 8584(A1)mm 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150(A2) mm 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150(B1) mm 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600(C1) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300WSHN-EEWeight in oper. kg 81 83 86 90 98 114 129 147 162 164 169WSH-EEWeight in oper. kg 78 80 83 87 95 111 126 144 159 161 166The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.58

ELFOFresh²CPAN-UAir renewal unit, full fresh air, which, as itrenews <strong>and</strong> purifies the air, also recoversthe energy present in the exhaust air flow,multiplying it thanks <strong>to</strong> the heat pumptechnology <strong>and</strong> supplying it <strong>to</strong> the servicedrooms. It reduces the fresh air load <strong>and</strong>supplies additional capacity, helping <strong>to</strong>maintain comfortable conditions.

ELFOSystemCPAN-U 200÷650Air renewal <strong>and</strong> purification unit, full fresh airWith return/exhaust <strong>and</strong> thermodynamic heat recovery4Heat pumpIndoor installationAir flow rate from 54 <strong>to</strong> 181 l/sELFOFRESH 2NEWELFOFresh 2 is the innovative renewal <strong>and</strong> purification unit for consistentlyclean air, at the right temperature <strong>and</strong> the right level of humidity, for <strong>to</strong>talwellbeing in the home.At the same time, ELFOFresh 2 also recovers the energy contained in the exhaustair flow, multiplying it thanks <strong>to</strong> the heat pump technology <strong>and</strong> supplying it <strong>to</strong>the serviced rooms. In this way it reduces the fresh air load <strong>and</strong> suppliesadditional capacity, helping <strong>to</strong> maintain comfortable conditions.The main characteristics are:4 High efficiency summer <strong>and</strong> winter active thermodynamic heat recovery4 80% satisfaction of the building’s heating requirement4 Reduced consumption <strong>and</strong> simplified system4 Electronic filtration for effective protection against even the most insidiouspollutants (i.e. PM10, bacteria, pollen)4 Summer dehumidification, ideal for combination with radiant cooling4 Free coolingPATENTPENDINGAIR RENEWAL, PURIFICATION AND ENERGY PRODUCTIONELIMINATES POLLUTANTSELFOFresh 2 uses an active thermodynamic heat recovery unit, inwhich the inlet <strong>and</strong> outlet air flows are separated completely by a steelwall. The heat transfer takes place through the cooling circuit, withoutthe risk of contamination between the two air flows.In traditional enthalpic rotary recovery units, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, vapouris exchanged between the indoor discharge air flow <strong>and</strong> the outdoorfresh air flow, leading <strong>to</strong> substantial possibilities of contamination.ELFOFresh 2 rejects the stale air <strong>and</strong> introduces purified <strong>and</strong> climatecontrolled outdoor air. The harmful elements <strong>and</strong> smells present in the outdoorair or those produced inside the home are eliminated by the efficient filtrationsystem. The electrostatic filter is easy <strong>to</strong> extract <strong>and</strong> can be fully res<strong>to</strong>redthrough washing.60

technical dataSizes200 300 500 650A7 (1)4 Heating capacitykW 1,82 2,31 3,60 5,02Total inputkW 0,42 0,57 0,79 1,21COP- 4,33 4,05 4,56 4,15A-5 (1)4 Heating capacitykW 1,87 2,36 3,75 5,12Total inputCOPkW 0,34 0,41 0,63 0,94- 5,50 5,75 5,95 5,45A30 (1)4 Cooling capacitykW 1,56 2,10 2,96 3,96Total inputkW 0,52 0,67 0,98 1,40EER- 3,00 3,13 3,02 2,83A35 (1)4 Cooling capacitykW 1,57 2,02 2,86 3,86Total inputEERNominal air flow rateFan power input (2)Maximum available static pressureOperating limit in heating mode (3)Operating limit in cooling mode (4)Sound pressure level (5)Power supplykW 0,55 0,7 1,04 1,45- 2,85 2,89 2,75 2,66l/s 54 85 136 181W 40 52 90 150Pa 120 120 120 120°C -15 -15 -15 -15°C 40 (38) 40 (38) 40 (38) 40 (38)dB(A) 39 41 44 46V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50ELFOSystemData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:<strong>All</strong> the data provided meets st<strong>and</strong>ard EN14511:2004 <strong>and</strong> refers <strong>to</strong> an available static pressure of 50 Pa. Whenin cooling mode it is possible that the unit is operating at a reduced flow <strong>to</strong> ensure a specific humidity for the airintroduced in<strong>to</strong> the environment in keeping with the setpoint.(1) A7 External air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B., Exhaust air temperature 20°C D.B./ 15°C W.B.A-5 External air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5.4°C W.B., Exhaust air temperature 20°C D.B./ 15°C W.B.A30 External air temperature 30°C D.B./ 22°C W.B., Exhaust air temperature 27°C D.B./ 19°C W.B.A35 External air temperature 35°C D.B./ 24°C W.B., Exhaust air temperature 27°C D.B./ 19°C W.B.(2) Capacity referring <strong>to</strong> operation in heating mode in conditions A -5. Important: the COP <strong>and</strong> EERalready include the fan power input. This information is provided for the purposes of energy certificationprogrammes. If this information is taken in<strong>to</strong> account, the COP used must be the COP without the fan powerinput.(3) In places where the outdoor air temperature falls below -5°C for a large number of hours per year, werecommend using the EHPCX accessory - ducted heater kit(4) With RH = 40%; in parentheses, the limit at which a specific humidity of 10.5 g/kg is guaranteed for theair introduced in<strong>to</strong> the environment, with a 50% reduction in the maximum flow(5) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCHeating-Cooling Air cooled Indoor inst. Built-in horizontalinst.Refrig. R-410A Herm. Rotary ELFOControl Free-Cooling Active ThermodynamicHeat Recoveryavailable configurationsCPAN-U 200(1)FAS(2)CHIDP1(3)-(4)-(1) FILTRATION:4FAS Pleated filter G3 (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4FES Electronic filter(2) CONTROL SYSTEMS:4CHIDP1 HID-P1 thermostat (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PRELF ELFOSystem enabled with RS485 Modbus serialport4HIDRS HID-P1 thermostat <strong>and</strong> RS485 Modbus serial port(3) DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH FOR FILTERS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PSAE Fresh air filter differential pressure switch(4) CONDENSATE DRAIN PUMP:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CDP Condensate drain pump61

ELFOSystemaccessories■ 4 Ducted 1.5/3 kW electric heaters■ 4 Immerse electrode steam humidifier■ 4 Electronic filterDischarge air filterKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesAir intakeAir exhaustCSizes200 300 500 650Length (A) mm803 803 1038 1038Length (B) mm120 120 120 120Width (B) mm704 704 792 792Height (C) mm364 364 423 4234(A1)mm580 580 580 580(B1) mm300 300 300 300(B2) mm300 300 300 300Weight in oper. kg70 75 95 100B1 B B2A1 DA A2Ambient air supply(*) (*)Ambient air returnThe above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.62

ELFORoomELFORoom OUT/UP/INRoom terminal units specifically designed <strong>to</strong>distribute hot <strong>and</strong> cold air in the home.They use direct current technology,guaranteeing the highest st<strong>and</strong>ard ofcomfort, quiet operation <strong>and</strong> low energyconsumption.

ELFOSystemELFOROOM OUT 5÷15Water terminal unitVertical indoor installation with cabinetCapacity from 1,5 <strong>to</strong> 3,5 kWELFOROOMELFORoom OUT is the exposed vertical water terminal unit for residentialuse.Room terminal units have always been one of the most critical points in airconditioningsystems due <strong>to</strong> problems of noise as well as stratification <strong>and</strong>filtration of air.Clivet has an innovative approach <strong>to</strong> these types of elements, which goesbeyond the concept of fan coil <strong>and</strong> offers a new way of providing individualcomfort.The ELFORoom series is fitted with a special direct-current externalro<strong>to</strong>r mo<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> with integrated electronics for a modulating control ofthe speed of rotation. The temperature is controlled through continualadaptation of the fan speed. This results in the following benefits:4 even temperature throughout the room: the continual modulationof the ELFORoom OUT speed ensures continual movement of the air4reduced noise levels: the control allows continuous adaptation of thespeed <strong>and</strong> its variations become background noise4filtration: the continual movement of the air allows constant filtrationthrough the large filter, which is accessible without needing <strong>to</strong>ols4“less” use of the installed power: the exclusive electric mo<strong>to</strong>r of thefan brings great benefits in terms of absorption, which is 80% less than witha traditional fan coil, power being equal.ELFORoom OUT comes with all the necessary parts for complete installation(positioning <strong>and</strong> fixing plate, cu<strong>to</strong>ff taps, etc.) <strong>and</strong> operation (room temperaturesensor, minimum safety thermostat, control set up for connection <strong>to</strong> theELFOControl, etc.).functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Vertical inst.with cabinetRefrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsELFOROOM OUT 5(1)230M(2)R3(3)-(4)CTR(5)UST(6)-(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(2) AIR RETURN:4R3 Return from below (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4RF Front return(3) 3 WAYS-VALVE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)43WV 3 ways-valve(5) CONTROLS KEYBOARD:4UST Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CBOB Comm<strong>and</strong> keyboard mounted on-board(6) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port(4) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4CTR Electronic CLIVET TALK ROOM - ELFOControl (St<strong>and</strong>ard)64

accessories■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient control■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray■ 4 Pipe positioning guide plate (supplied with the st<strong>and</strong>ard unit, it isalso available as an accessory if required before purchasing theunit)■ 4 Plinth with floor fixing■ 4 Plinth with wall fixing■ 4 Balancing valve kitKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.ELFOSystemtechnical dataSizes5 11 154 Cooling capacity (1) kW 1,47 2,81 3,49Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 1,03 1,97 2,45Total input (1) kW 0,018 0,018 0,0214 Heating capacity (2) kW 1,41 2,73 3,35Air flow rateFan type (3)Sound pressure level (4)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:l/s 70 139 189- TGZdB(A) 35 36 38V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50(1) Ambient air at 27°C; 50% R.H.; water at inlet 7°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 12°C(2) Ambient air at 20°C; water at inlet 45°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 40°C(3) TGZ = cross-flow fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions at an airflow rate of 70%.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCC1leave freeSizes5 11 15Length (A) mm500 825 1150Width (B) mm180 180 180Height (C) mm500 500 5004(A1)mm100 100 100(A2) mm200 200 200(B1) mm175 175 175(C1) mm100 100 100Weight in oper. kg9 13 16The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1 A A2B1 BCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.65

ELFOSystemELFOROOM UP 5÷11Water terminal unitBuilt-in horizontal indoor installationCapacity from 1,5 <strong>to</strong> 2,8 kWELFOROOMELFORoom UP is the built-in horizontal water terminal unit for residentialuse.Room terminal units have always been one of the most critical points in airconditioningsystems due <strong>to</strong> problems of noise as well as stratification <strong>and</strong>filtration of air.Clivet has an innovative approach <strong>to</strong> these types of elements, which goesbeyond the concept of fan coil <strong>and</strong> offers a new way of providing individualcomfort.The ELFORoom series is fitted with a special direct-current externalro<strong>to</strong>r mo<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> with integrated electronics for a modulating control ofthe speed of rotation. The temperature is controlled through continualadaptation of the fan speed. This results in the following benefits:Room control HID-T2 for wall-mounted remoteinstallation with functions of:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 au<strong>to</strong>matic or manual setting of fan speed4 other useful functions.4 even temperature throughout the room: the continual modulationof the ELFORoom UP speed ensures continual movement of the air4 reduced noise levels: the control allows continuous adaptation of thespeed <strong>and</strong> its variations become background noise4 filtration: the continual movement of the air allows constant filtrationthrough the large filter, which is accessible without needing <strong>to</strong>ols4 less use of the installed power: the exclusive electric mo<strong>to</strong>r of thefan brings great benefits in terms of absorption, which is 80% less than witha traditional fan coil, power being equal.ELFORoom UP comes with all the necessary parts for complete installation(cu<strong>to</strong>ff taps, etc.) <strong>and</strong> operation (minimum safety thermostat, control set up forconnection <strong>to</strong> the ELFOControl, etc.).functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Built-in horizontalinst.Refrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsELFOROOM UP 5(1)230M(2)R3(3)-(4)DX(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)CTR(9)-(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(2) AIR RETURN:4R3 Return from below (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4RF Front return(3) SET-UP CASING:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4COFR Set-up for connection of the soundproofed pre-installationcasing(4) WATER FITTINGS:4SX Left-h<strong>and</strong> water fittings (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4DX Water fittings <strong>to</strong> right4AP Rear water fittings(5) CONDENSATE DRAIN PUMP:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CDP Condensate drain pump(6) CONNECTION WITH PRIMARY AIR:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CL Primary air connection4CR Primary air connection + flow controller4RSM Primary air connection with mo<strong>to</strong>rized damper4RSRPrimary air connection with mo<strong>to</strong>rized damper + flowcontroller(7) WATER VALVE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)43WV With 3-way valve(8) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4CTR Electronic CLIVET TALK ROOM - ELFOControl (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(9) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port66

accessories■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient control■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 Pre-installation soundproofed casing for front supply <strong>and</strong> return■ 4 Pre-installation soundproofed casing for supply only■ 4 Supply mask■ 4 Supply/return mask with filter■ 4 Return grille with filterELFOSystemKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes5 114 Cooling capacity (1) kW 1,46 2,83Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 1,04 1,97Total input (1) kW 0,018 0,0184 Heating capacity (2) kW 1,45 2,70Air flow rateFan type (3)Sound pressure level (4)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:l/s 70 138- TGZdB(A) 29 37V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50(1) Ambient air at 27°C; 50% R.H.; water at inlet 7°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 12°C(2) Ambient air at 20°C; water at inlet 45°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 40°C(3) TGZ = cross-flow fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions at an airflow rate of 70%.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesC1CB2BA1AA2Sizes5 11Length (A) mm625 950Width (B) mm568 568Height (C) mm213 2134(A1)mm300 300(A2) mm300 300(B2) mm200 200(C1) mm20 20Weight in oper. kg9 13The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units with bot<strong>to</strong>m return.leave freeCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.67

ELFOSystemELFOROOM IN 5÷15Water terminal unitBuilt-in vertical indoor installationCapacity from 1,5 <strong>to</strong> 3,5 kWELFOROOMELFORoom IN is the built-in vertical water terminal unit for residentialuse.Room terminal units have always been one of the most critical points in airconditioningsystems due <strong>to</strong> problems of noise as well as stratification <strong>and</strong>filtration of air.Clivet has an innovative approach <strong>to</strong> these types of elements, which goesbeyond the concept of fan coil <strong>and</strong> offers a new way of providing individualcomfort.The ELFORoom series is fitted with a special direct-current externalro<strong>to</strong>r mo<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> with integrated electronics for a modulating control ofthe speed of rotation. The temperature is controlled through continualadaptation of the fan speed. This results in the following benefits:Room control HID-T2 for wall-mounted remoteinstallation with functions of:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 manual setting of fan speed4 other useful functions.4 even temperature throughout the room: the continual modulationof the ELFORoom IN speed ensures continual movement of the air4 reduced noise levels: the control allows continuous adaptation of thespeed <strong>and</strong> its variations become background noise4 filtration: the continual movement of the air allows constant filtrationthrough the large filter, which is accessible without needing <strong>to</strong>ols4 less use of the installed power: the exclusive electric mo<strong>to</strong>r of thefan brings great benefits in terms of absorption, which is 80% less than witha traditional fan coil, power being equal.ELFORoom IN comes with all the necessary parts for complete installation(positioning <strong>and</strong> fixing plate, cu<strong>to</strong>ff taps, etc.) <strong>and</strong> operation (room temperaturesensor, minimum safety thermostat, control set up for connection <strong>to</strong> theELFOControl, etc.).functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Built-in verticalinst.Refrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsELFOROOM IN 5(1)230M(2)-(3)CTR(4)-(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(2) 3 WAYS-VALVE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)43WV 3 ways-valve(3) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4CTR Electronic CLIVET TALK ROOM - ELFOControl(St<strong>and</strong>ard)(4) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port68

accessories■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient control■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray■ 4Pipe positioning guide plate (supplied with the st<strong>and</strong>ard unit, it isalso available as an accessory if required before purchasing theunit)■ 4 Supply grille■ 4 Balancing valve kit■ 4 Telescopic front air supply plenum■ 4 Telescopic vertical air supply plenumKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.■ 4 Return grille with filterELFOSystemtechnical dataSizes5 11 154 Cooling capacity (1) kW 1,47 2,81 3,49Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 1,03 1,97 2,45Total input (1) kW 0,018 0,018 0,0184 Heating capacity (2) kW 1,41 2,73 3,35Air flow rateFan type (3)Sound pressure level (4)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:l/s 70 139 189- TGZdB(A) 35 36 38V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50(1) Ambient air at 27°C; 50% R.H.; water at inlet 7°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 12°C(2) Ambient air at 20°C; water at inlet 45°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 40°C(3) TGZ = cross-flow fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions at an airflow rate of 70%.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCC1A A2Sizes5 11 15Length (A) mm500 825 1150Width (B) mm182 182 182Height (C) mm530 530 5304(A1)mm100 100 100(A2) mm200 200 200(C1) mm100 100 100Weight in oper. kg9 13 16The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.For supply <strong>and</strong> return sections, see the applicable Technical Bulletin.BA1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.69


ELFOControl HOMEControl unit for domestic heating, cooling,hot water <strong>and</strong> air quality systems.ELFOControl HOME is the “brain” behindthe system, communicating with all theinstalled components.

ELFOSystemELFOCONTROL HOMEControl unit for au<strong>to</strong>nomous residential systemsTouch screen displayControl over the entire systemOptimization of energyCus<strong>to</strong>mized managementTime programmingNEWELFOControl HOME is the "brain" of the ELFOSystem system.It is connected with all the installed components, checking the workingconditions of each device <strong>and</strong> letting you adjust operation of the entiresystem from a single control center, where you can set all of the desiredparameters for better comfort.Adjustment of values is simple <strong>and</strong> functional <strong>and</strong> the aid of pre-definedoperating scenarios allows the user <strong>to</strong> select the one that best suits his needsfrom a range of comfort profiles.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresTURN IT ON AND RELAXELFOControl manages all the elements of the system. it au<strong>to</strong>matically changes over from summer <strong>to</strong> winter operation <strong>and</strong>moni<strong>to</strong>rs the entire system with no user action required.The <strong>to</strong>uch screen of ELFOControl makes any operation easier: controls <strong>and</strong> settings are easy <strong>to</strong> use <strong>and</strong> are immediatelyunderst<strong>and</strong>able.CONTROL OF ALL DEVICES FROM A SINGLE POSITIONELFOControl manages any type of system, such as systems with ELFORoom room terminals, with radia<strong>to</strong>rs, with radiantpanels, or mixed systems. It also extends its control <strong>to</strong> other system components, such as zone valves <strong>and</strong> pumps. ELFOControlcoordinates all of the elements present, ensuring high quality systems with the utmost energy efficiency.OPTIMIZATION OF ENERGYELFOControl activates the most energy-efficient devices <strong>to</strong> attain the required comfort based on measured conditions. Forexample, when a limited quantity of energy is required, it chooses <strong>to</strong> use ELFOFresh² for its excellent performance in thesecircumstances, while it activates ELFOEnergy when the conditions make this solution more convenient <strong>and</strong> efficient.CUSTOMIZED MANAGEMENTThe user has the utmost freedom <strong>to</strong> define values of temperature, humidity, <strong>and</strong> hours of operation for each room in the house.Various rooms may be grouped <strong>to</strong>gether as zones, setting the same comfort values or hours of operation.Ample flexibility in the management of rooms of the home, which can be organized in<strong>to</strong> 10 separate zones <strong>and</strong> configuredindependently. Assignment <strong>to</strong> each zone of a name defined by the user (e.g.: “Kitchen”).MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITYELFOControl keeps temperature, humidity <strong>and</strong> other set values constant in the keeping with the time settings for each zone;however, on the basis of individual requirements, it can also override individual thermostats. Overrides are particularly useful,for example, when you want <strong>to</strong> set a different temperature level in an individual room (i.e. +2°C for the “Sitting Room” inthe “Living Area”).72

technical dataDisplayControl capacityConnectivityNetwork characteristicsPowerDegree of protectionPower supplyTouch Screen - dimensions 5,7” - color or monochrome10 climatic Zones—32 <strong>to</strong>tal elements manageable1 RS485 serial port (master)Cable for RS485 serial lines (example BELDEN 3105A or similar)25 VAIP4024 VAC 50 Hz—24 VDCELFOSystemsystem management elementsInstallationFunctionsDimensionsTR24X: Supply transformer 230/1/50 - 24VacCIECX: Flush-mounted pre-installation box<strong>All</strong>ows transformation from 230/1/50 <strong>to</strong> 24 VAC <strong>to</strong> power ELFOControl<strong>All</strong>ows recessed installation of ELFOControl70 x 85 x 65 mm4 Modules DIN216 x 168 x 73mmCBSX: shielded cable for bus RS485 <strong>All</strong>ows connection of all devices that make of the system 50 meter skeinRadiant panels - Terminal units■KGPRX: Mixing group control moduleIt is the electronic module that manages a mixing group not furnished byClivet210 x 155 x 80mm■CMZRX: Radiant zones moduleControls up <strong>to</strong> 6 cut-off valves that feed radiant panels, radia<strong>to</strong>rs, orheating system furnishing157 x 90 x 60 mm9 Modules DIN■ CMRSX: Single zone moduleSystem components■ MIOX: Input/Output ModuleDomestic hot waterControls 1 cut-off valve which feeds radiant panels, radia<strong>to</strong>rs or heatingsystem furnishing"Control of substitution genera<strong>to</strong>r (boiler)Control of zone valves or transfer pumpsControl of remote consent"105 x 90 x 60 mm6 Modules DIN70 x 85 x 65 mm4 Modules DIN■CACSX: Domestic hot water kit controlThis is the electronic module that lets you control a s<strong>to</strong>rage tank notprovided by Clivet290 x 410 x 140mmKBQRE3X: 300 litres domestic hot water kitThis is the kit complete with electronic module, s<strong>to</strong>rage tank of 300 litres,three-way valveD.600 x 1680 mmKBQRE5X: 500 litres domestic hot water kitThis is the kit complete with electronic module, s<strong>to</strong>rage tank of 500 litres,three-way valve.D.760 x 1690 mmThermostats■HID-T2X: HID-T2 local electronic room control Temperature-only thermostat - wall-mounted 184 X 82 X 27 mm■HID-T3X: HID-T3 local electronic room control Temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity thermostat - wall-mounted 184 X 82 X 27 mm■HID-TI2X: HID-TI2 local electronic room control Temperature-only thermostat - recessed 65 x 45 x 54 mmdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesELFOControlLength (A)Width (B)Width (D)Height (C)mmmmmmmm223786517673

LightCOM SystemLightCOM SystemThe complete rangeof solutions for lightcommercial, industry<strong>and</strong> medium communitystructuresLightCOM System from Clivet consists of a product line dedicated<strong>to</strong> the requirements of the light commercial sec<strong>to</strong>r, where a perfectclimate all year round is fundamental for the comfort of workers <strong>and</strong>clients, whose wellbeing can have a positive effect on business.LightCOM System offers a complete solution for all these applications,since perfect comfort arises out of the control of a series of fundamentalelements.Temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity must always be perfectly adjusted, airrenewal must be constant <strong>and</strong> must cover all areas, avoiding theannoying jets of air typical of wall-mounted appliances, <strong>and</strong> theintroduced air must be purified by means of suitable filters.74

System componentsseries size from <strong>to</strong> name pageWSAT-XEE / WSAN-XEE 82 302 ELFOEnergy Medium 76WSAT-XEE / WSAN-XEE 352 802 ELFOEnergy LARGE 2 New 78WSAT / WSAN 82 242 - 80WSA-EE/WSN-EE 17 91 ELFOEnergy Small 82WRA / WRN 101 242 - 84WRA / WRN 292 604 - 86WRH / WRHN 102 422 - 88ELFOSpace OUT-V / OUT-H 3 31 ELFOSpace 90ELFOSpace IN-V / IN-H 3 31 ELFOSpace 92ELFOSpace BOX2 7 41 ELFOSpace 94ELFOSpace WALL 3 17 ELFOSpace 96ELFODuct CFD 7 41 ELFODuct 98ELFODuct CFI 25 71 ELFODuct 100ELFODuct CF 25 242 ELFODuct 120ELFODuct CF-V 31 242 ELFODuct 104CPAN-U 17 51 ELFOFresh Large 10675

WSAT-XEE WSAN-XEE 82÷302Water chiller4WSAT-XEE: cooling only4WSAN-XEE: heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 24,3 <strong>to</strong> 72,2 kWELFOENERGY MEDIUMLightCOMLiquid chillers <strong>and</strong> heat pumps of the ELFOEnergy WSAT-XEE <strong>and</strong> WSAN-XEEseries are units designed for outdoor installation <strong>and</strong> best energyefficiency in relation <strong>to</strong> their reduced size.The ELFOEnergy series has been the turning point in the evolution of chillers.Every unit has been conceived <strong>and</strong> made by applying state-of-the-art technology,emphasising the qualities of EFFICIENCY, SELF-ADAPTATION <strong>and</strong> EASYINSTALLATION that distinguish this productThanks <strong>to</strong> its constructional <strong>and</strong> electronic peculiarities, ELFOEnergy permits:4high energy efficiency, in particular during partial-load operation, thanks <strong>to</strong>the use of two compressors with different capacities that workon a single refrigerant circuit;4Eurovent energy efficiency classification class "A" in heating operation,also in full load condition;4adaptability of operating parameters <strong>to</strong> the load conditions of the connectedsystem, thereby optimising consumption, efficiency <strong>and</strong> working life of theparts;4easy, quick installation thanks <strong>to</strong> the st<strong>and</strong>ard hydronic group <strong>and</strong> thefac<strong>to</strong>ry test carried out prior <strong>to</strong> dispatch;Eurovent EnergyEfficiency Classfunctions <strong>and</strong> features4installation of hydronic group with non-st<strong>and</strong>ard working headpumps or with double pump.AIRR-410AFCCooling only(WSAT-XEE)Heating-Cooling(WSAN-XEE)Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll ELFOControl Ice protectionsystem (WSAN-XEE only)Free-Cooling(WSAT-XEE only)available configurations(1)WSAT-XEE S 82(2)400TN(3)1PUS(4)-(5)OHP(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-(11)-(12)-(1) LOW TEMPERATURE:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong> glycolmixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°C inclusive.4DSPB Double set-point for water low temperature (Brine)(2) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N(3) HYDRONIC GROUP USER SIDE:41PUS St<strong>and</strong>ard pump41PUR Single pump with reduced discharge head41PUM Single pump with larger discharge head42PUS St<strong>and</strong>ard double pump42PUR Double pump with reduced discharge head42PUM Double pump with larger discharge head4- Not required(4) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangers suitedfor recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> a maximum of25% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.(5) OPERATION (WSAN-XEE only):4OHP Operation in heat pumpCooling <strong>and</strong> heating unit (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4OHO Operation in heating-onlyHeating only unit(6) CONDENSER COIL:4CCS St<strong>and</strong>ard condenser coil4CCCA Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4CCCA1 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver) treatment4CCCC Condenser coil in copper/copper(7) SOFT STARTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SFSTR4N Device for inrush current reduction, for 400/3/50+N units(8) FREE CONTACTS HEATING EXTERNAL SIGNAL:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CLSE Free Contacts External Signal(9) SHUNT CAPACITORS (POWER FACTOR > 0,9):4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PFCP Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)(10) STORAGE TANK:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4ACC1 Teflon steel s<strong>to</strong>rage tank(11) FREE-COOLING (WSAT-XEE only):4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4FCD Direct free-coolingFor technological air conditioning, <strong>and</strong> when the air temperaturepermits, the free-cooling option makes it possible <strong>to</strong> recover coldenergy from the outdoor environment(12) REDUCED OUT. SECT. FAN CONSUMPTION (WSAT-XEE only):4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CREFB Device for the reduction of ECOBREEZE type outdoor section fanconsumption76

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Serial communication module with supervisor (MODBUS)■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side (when unit is in “without hydronicgroup” configuration)■ 4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges■ 4 Daily <strong>and</strong> weekly programming clock■ 4 Finned coil protection grilles■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> check the presence <strong>and</strong> correct sequence of thepower supply phases■ 4 Control keypad for remote installation that repeats all the functionsalready present on the onboard microprocessor control■ 4 Humidity probe for summer set point compensation according <strong>to</strong> theoutside enthalpy <strong>and</strong> defrosting optimization in winter operationWSAT-XEE only:■ 4 Setpoint compensation on the basis of outdoor enthalpyWSAN-XEE only:■ 4 Setpoint compensation with outdoor air probeKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataLightCOMSizes82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302Application with terminal unitsWSAT-XEE4Cooling capacity (1) kW 24,3 28,2 33,7 40,0 45,9 54,4 64,1 72,2Total input (1)(2) kW 8,90 10,4 12,4 14,2 16,7 20,1 23,4 26,6EER EUROVENT (1) - 2,73 2,71 2,72 2,82 2,75 2,71 2,74 2,71ESEER- 4,32 4,48 4,18 4,20 4,34 4,47 4,19 4,06Pump working head (1) kPa 132 126 120 104 88 148 139 131WSAN-XEE4Cooling capacity (1) kW 23,6 27,5 32,7 39,4 45,6 52,9 63,0 71,9Total input (1)(2) kW 9,36 10,9 13,0 15,3 17,8 21,0 25,0 28,4EER EUROVENT (1) - 2,52 2,52 2,52 2,58 2,56 2,52 2,52 2,53ESEER- 4,07 4,11 3,85 3,82 4,00 4,11 3,90 3,864Heating capacity (3) kW 28,8 32,9 37,5 45,6 53,0 61,9 72,4 83,7Total input (2)(3)COP EUROVENT (3)Pump working head (1)Application with radiant panelskW 9,02 10,3 11,7 14,1 16,5 19,0 22,2 25,6- 3,19 3,18 3,21 3,23 3,21 3,26 3,26 3,27kPa 132 126 120 104 88 148 139 131WSAN-XEE4Cooling capacity (4) kW 31,4 36,8 43,5 52,7 60,2 72,3 83,1 97,3Total input (2)(4) kW 9,97 11,8 14,4 16,7 18,9 22,7 26,6 30,4EER EUROVENT (4) - 3,15 3,12 3,02 3,16 3,19 3,19 3,12 3,204Heating capacity (5) kW 29,2 33,6 38,0 46,9 54,1 63,3 74,0 85,4kW 7,09 8,03 9,10 11,2 13,3 15,6 18,2 21,1- 4,12 4,18 4,18 4,19 4,07 4,06 4,07 4,05kPa 136 129 125 107 89 150 141 131- 1- 2 SCROLLTotal input (2)(5)COP EUROVENT (5)Pump working head (4)Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsSound pressure level (6)Power supplydB(A) 60 60 60 61 62 62 64 64V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; air entering external exchanger = 35°C(2) Total input is obtained from the compressor input + fan input + auxiliary circuit input.(3) Ambient temperature = 7°C (R.H. = 85%); internal exchanger water outlet temperature 45°C(4) Internal exchanger water = 23/18°C; air entering external exchanger = 35°C(5) Fresh air temperature = 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.; internal exchanger water temperature 30/35°C(6) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> functional clearances spacesB1CAUTION!B B2leave freeA1CA A2For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.Sizes82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302Length (A) mm 1703 1703 1703 1932 1932 1932 2332 2332Width (B) mm 675 675 675 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100Height (C) mm 1209 1209 1209 1417 1417 1417 1417 14174(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700WSAT-XEEWeight in oper. kg 298 303 323 456 469 490 547 561WSAN-XEEWeight in oper. kg 315 320 370 530 550 580 675 690The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.77

WSAT-XEE WSAN-XEE 352÷802Water chiller4WSAT-XEE: cooling only4WSAN-XEE: heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 88,1 <strong>to</strong> 203 kWELFOENERGY LARGE²NEWLightCOMThe ELFOEnergy Large² heat pumps <strong>and</strong> liquid chillers guarantee maximumenergy efficiency throughout the entire operating cycle. Designed for outdoorinstallation, they use several Scroll compressors of different sizes in the same coolingcircuit. Thanks <strong>to</strong> its construction features, ELFOEnergy Large² offers:4Eurovent class A energy efficiency rating in heating mode, thanks <strong>to</strong> its highperformance not just in full loads but also in partial loads4self-adaptability in different load conditions, thanks <strong>to</strong> the availabilityof several capacity steps <strong>and</strong> the adjustment logic developed for maximumefficiency <strong>and</strong> minimum wear4very high overall reliability, thanks <strong>to</strong> the consolidated construction choices<strong>and</strong> the use of industrially-made products4lower sound emissions, achieved thanks <strong>to</strong> the optimal sizing of theexchange surfaces <strong>and</strong> the use of high efficiency fans with “winglets”4quick <strong>and</strong> easy installation thanks <strong>to</strong> the quick connections with the maincircuit, electrical wiring enablement <strong>and</strong> complete functional testing before delivery.The units can also be supplied with pump assemblies, partial heat recovery <strong>and</strong>inertial s<strong>to</strong>rage tank already installed on board, bringing <strong>to</strong>gether all the system'smain components in a single solution.Eurovent EnergyEfficiency Classfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCECOBREEZEHYDROPACKEEVHeating-Cooling Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Ice protectionsystemavailable configurations(1)(2)WSAT-XEE D B - 352 SC(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 25% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.In addition, exchangers are complete with antifreezeheater <strong>to</strong> protect against the risk of ice.4R Total recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for 100% recovery of condensation heat forproducing hot water.In addition, exchangers are complete with safetydifferential pressure switch on the water side, antifreezeheater <strong>to</strong> protect against the risk of ice.(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong> glycolmixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°C inclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity dependson the working temperature. Check with our sales office.(3)Free-Cooling ECOBreeze HydroPack(4)(5)(6)Electronic ExpansionValveT C(3) ENERGY SAVING:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4FCD Direct Free-CoolingVersion that allows cold <strong>to</strong> be recovered at no cost from theambient when the external air temperature is lower than thesystem return water temperature.To avoid problems with the unit, the water system must beprotected by a mixture of water <strong>and</strong> glycol based on the minimumtemperatures which may occur at the place of installation.(4) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4SC Compressor soundproofingThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.4EN Super SilencedThis configuration is reached by inserting the compressor in ansoundproofed enclosure <strong>and</strong> reducing the fan speed.(5) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(6) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)78

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Copper/aluminium condensing coil with Fin Guard Silver shell4 Copper/copper condenser coil■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Condensing coil protection grilles4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Hydropack with 2 pumps4 Hydronic assembly with 1 x pump4 Hydronic assembly with 1 x pump + 1 x pump in st<strong>and</strong>-by4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank with antifreeze heater4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank with antifreeze heater <strong>and</strong> primary/secondary circuit■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Set point compensation with 0-10 V signalKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreeze4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Soft Start4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 LonWorks serial converter kit4 BACnet serial converter kit4 Free contacts for compressor status■ 4 Unit microprocessor remote control interface kitLightCOMtechnical dataSizs352 402 432 452 502 552 602 702 802WSAT-XEESC 4Cooling capacity (1) kW 88,1 101 111 118 129 139 160 185 203SC Total inputkW 32,4 36,7 40,8 43,2 46,4 51,4 57,4 64,3 73,0SC EER EUROVENT- 2,72 2,75 2,72 2,73 2,78 2,70 2,79 2,88 2,78SC ESEER- 3,86 3,94 3,94 3,98 4,12 3,75 3,96 3,84 3,77SC Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 71 71WSAN-XEESC 4Cooling capacity (1) kW 83,1 94,9 105 111 121 137 154 179 198SC Total inputkW 32,9 36,6 41,2 43,8 48,3 52,1 61,5 68,0 77,3SC EER EUROVENT- 2,53 2,59 2,55 2,53 2,51 2,63 2,50 2,63 2,56SC ESEER- 3,59 3,71 3,69 3,69 3,71 3,65 3,56 3,51 3,47SC 4Heating capacity (2) kW 100 112 124 132 142 167 186 215 237SC Total inputkW 33,0 37,0 40,8 43,3 46,2 52,0 58,1 66,7 73,7SC COP EUROVENT- 3,02 3,03 3,04 3,05 3,07 3,21 3,20 3,22 3,22SC 4Cooling capacity (4) kW 115 133 143 150 165 186 205 239 266SC Total inputkW 37,7 41,0 46,9 48,5 54,6 55,6 66,2 71,6 82,6SC EER (EN 14511:2004)- 3,05 3,24 3,05 3,09 3,02 3,35 3,10 3,34 3,22SC 4Heating capacity (5) kW 107 121 135 139 151 173 189 221 245SC Total inputkW 28,1 31,6 35,0 36,2 39,3 44,5 49,7 57,7 64,0SC COP (EN 14511:2004)- 3,81 3,83 3,86 3,84 3,84 3,89 3,80 3,83 3,83SC Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 71 71EN 4Cooling capacity (1) kW 79,5 91,5 99 107 117 133 146 172 190EN Total inputkW 33,4 37,4 42,9 45,2 50,6 53,0 63,3 68,7 79,8EN EER EUROVENT- 2,38 2,45 2,31 2,37 2,31 2,5 2,31 2,50 2,38EN ESEER- 3,43 3,45 3,41 3,53 3,55 3,50 3,35 3,40 3,32EN Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 62 63 64 64 64 65 65 66 66EN 4Heating capacity (2) kW 100 112 124 132 142 167 186 215 237EN Total inputEN COP EUROVENTEN Sound pressure level (3)Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsPower supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:PRELIMINARY DATA(1) Internal exchanger water 12/7°C; ambient temperature 35°C(2) Internal exchanger water 40/45°C; air at external exchanger inlet 6,1°C W.B.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1CAUTION!B B2leave freeA1kW 33,0 37,0 40,8 43,3 46,2 52,0 58,1 66,7 73,7- 3,02 3,03 3,04 3,05 3,07 3,21 3,20 3,22 3,22dB(A) 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 71 71- 1- 2 SCROLLV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50CA A2For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.Sizes352 402 432 452 502 552 602 702 802WSAT-XEELength (A) mm 3075 3075 3075 3075 3075 3075 4025 4025 4025Width (B) mm 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097Height (C) mm 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 18054 (A1) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350(B2) mm 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350WSAN-XEELength (A) mm 3075 3075 3075 3075 3075 4025 4025 5025 5025Width (B) mm 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097Height (C) mm 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 18054 (A1) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350(B2) mm 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350Weight in oper.(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(4) Internal exchanger water 23/18°C; ambient temperature 35°C(5) Internal exchanger water 30/35°C; air at external exchanger inlet 6,1°C W.B.kgThe above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.915 975 1059 1101 1126 1326 1341 1549 156679

WSAT WSAN 82÷242Water chiller4WSAT: cooling only4WSAN: heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 20,7 <strong>to</strong> 62,9 kWLightCOMLiquid chillers <strong>and</strong> heat pumps of the WSAT <strong>and</strong> WSAN series are unitsdesigned for outdoor installation <strong>and</strong> best energy efficiency in relation <strong>to</strong> theirreduced size.The availability of the double refrigerant <strong>and</strong> water circuitrecommends use of this series for process applications.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only(WSAT)Heating-Cooling(WSAN)Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll Ice protectionsystem (WSAN only)available configurationsWSAT82(1)B(2)CE(3)T(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.(2) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test).(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate80

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side■ 4 Manifold for single water circuit■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS for 1 unit(Master)■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS from 2 <strong>to</strong> 254units (Slave)■ 4 Daily <strong>and</strong> weekly programming clock■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Coil protection grilles on external air sideKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.WSAT only:■ 4 Device for operation at low outside temperatures with variable fanspeedLightCOMtechnical dataSizes82 102 122 142 162 182 202 222 2424Cooling capacity WSAT (1) kW 20,7 25,7 28,1 33,8 37,5 43,4 52,7 56,9 62,9Total input WSAT (1)(2) kW 7,47 8,48 10,2 12,2 13,3 17,4 18,7 22,1 24,1Total EER at 100% WSAT (1) - 2,77 3,03 2,75 2,77 2,82 2,50 2,82 2,57 2,61ESEER WSAT- 3,49 3,82 3,48 3,49 3,55 3,15 3,55 3,24 3,294Heating capacity (3) kW - - - 38,3 41,7 50,7 59,7 65,5 71,3Total input (2)(3)COPNumber of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsSound pressure level (4)Power supplykW - - - 12,1 13,9 17,6 20,0 22,2 24,3- - - - 3,16 3,00 2,88 2,98 2,95 2,94- 2- 2 SCROLLdB(A) 60 59 59 60 60 60 61 61 62V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; ambient temperature = 35°C(2) Total input is obtained from compressor input + fan input.(3) Ambient temperature = 7°C (R.H. = 85%); internal exchanger water outlet temperature 45°C4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.Series WSAT <strong>and</strong> WSAN derive from the corresponding series ELFOEnergy Mediumdimensions <strong>and</strong> functional clearancesspacesCSizes82 102 122 142 162 182 202 222 242Length (A) mm 1435 1530 1530 1563 1563 1563 2098 2098 2098Width (B) mm 678 678 678 1107 1107 1107 1107 1107 1107Height (C) mm 1000 1530 1530 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 15704(A1)mm 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 900(A2) mm 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 900(B1) mm 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 900(B2) mm 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 900Weight in oper. kg 220 275 280 380 480 485 580 585 590The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.B1B B2A1A A2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.81

WSA-EE WSN-EE 17÷91Water chiller4WSA-EE: cooling only4WSN-EE: heat pumpAir cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 4,47 <strong>to</strong> 22,6 kWELFOENERGY SMALLLightCOMThe liquid chillers <strong>and</strong> heat pumps of the ELFOEnergy WSA-EE <strong>and</strong> WSN-EEseries are units designed for indoor installation <strong>and</strong> best energyefficiency in relation <strong>to</strong> their reduced size.The ELFOEnergy series has been the turning point in the evolution of chillers.Every unit has been conceived <strong>and</strong> made by applying state-of-the-arttechnology, emphasising the qualities of EFFICIENCY, SELF-ADAPTATION<strong>and</strong> EASY INSTALLATION that distinguish this product.Thanks <strong>to</strong> its constructional <strong>and</strong> electronic peculiarities, ELFOEnergypermits:4adaptability of operating parameters <strong>to</strong> the load conditions of the connectedsystem, thereby optimising consumption, efficiency <strong>and</strong> working life of theparts;4easy, quick installation thanks <strong>to</strong> the st<strong>and</strong>ard hydronic group <strong>and</strong>the fac<strong>to</strong>ry test carried out prior <strong>to</strong> dispatch.4use of a centrifugal fan, which allows the air from the condensing section<strong>to</strong> be ducted.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only(WSA-EE)Heating-Cooling(WSN-EE)Air cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. RotaryHerm. Scroll(sizes 17÷25)(sizes 31÷91)ELFOControlIce protectionsystem (WSN-EE only)Vary Flow(sizes 17÷31)available configurations(1)WSN-EE S 17(2)CE(3)T(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-point(2) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate82

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment4 Copper/copper condenser coil■ 4 Serial communication module (MODBUS)4 Device for operation with low external air temperature with variablefan speed through inverter (sizes 71÷91)■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side■ 4 Remote keyboard for user, <strong>to</strong> control the unit main functions■ 4 Service keypad (cable from 1,5 metres)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical data■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy■ 4 Double temperature control kit, set point compensation 4-20 mA,3-way valve4 Supply voltage 230/1/50 (for sizes 31-41)4 Supply voltage 400/3/50+N (for sizes 17÷25)4 Unit without hydronic groupWSA-EE only:■ 4 Device for operation with low external air temperature with variablefan speed (sizes 17÷61)■ 4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensorLightCOMSizes17 21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91WSA-EEA35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 4,47 5,37 7,14 8,50 10,7 12,9 14,9 17,0 18,8 22,6Total input (2) kW 1,76 2,18 2,91 3,39 4,55 5,23 6,12 6,76 7,73 8,91EER EUROVENT (4) - 2,54 2,46 2,45 2,51 2,35 2,47 2,43 2,51 2,43 2,54ESEER (5) - 2,84 2,88 2,70 2,88 2,62 2,75 2,77 2,86 2,77 2,86Pump working head (6) kPa 52 42 44 32 149 129 123 105 114 87WSN-EEA35/W7 (1)4Cooling capacitykW 4,37 5,24 7,13 8,39 10,6 12,5 14,5 17,0 18,7 22,4Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (4)ESEER (5)kW 1,77 2,28 2,93 3,38 4,47 5,25 6,16 6,67 7,57 8,85- 2,47 2,30 2,43 2,48 2,37 2,38 2,37 2,55 2,47 2,53- 2,76 2,74 2,68 2,86 2,63 2,67 2,69 2,89 2,78 2,87A7/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,79 5,74 7,67 9,16 11,4 13,6 15,8 18,8 20,6 24,7Total input (2) kW 1,88 2,35 3,00 3,67 4,82 5,73 6,41 7,56 8,06 9,76COP EUROVENT (3) - 2,55 2,44 2,56 2,50 2,37 2,37 2,46 2,49 2,56 2,53A2/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 4,22 5,08 6,77 8,17 10,1 11,8 13,8 16,4 18,0 21,9Total input (2)COP EUROVENT (3)kW 1,79 2,28 2,90 3,64 4,78 5,47 6,29 7,41 7,91 9,56- 2,36 2,23 2,33 2,24 2,11 2,16 2,19 2,21 2,28 2,29A-5/W45 (1)4Heating capacitykW 3,20 3,91 5,30 6,57 7,81 8,90 10,5 12,4 13,5 17,1Total input (2) kW 1,67 2,20 2,74 3,72 4,72 5,39 6,20 7,26 7,80 9,33COP EUROVENT (3) - 1,92 1,78 1,94 1,77 1,66 1,65 1,69 1,70 1,73 1,83Pump working head (6) kPa 53 44 44 34 150 132 126 105 114 89Air side available static pressure (6) Pa 60 60 60 60 100 100 100 100 100 100Minimum external air temperature°C -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10Maximum water temperature°C 53 52,5 53,5 52 52 51,5 52 50,5 53 51,5Water flow rate (6) I/s 0,21 0,25 0,34 0,40 0,51 0,60 0,71 0,81 0,89 1,07Sound pressure level (7) dB(A) 39 40 42 43 47 48 48 51 52 53Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50+NData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) A35 / W7 internal exchanger water 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°CA7 / W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.A2 / W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature 2°C D.B./ 1,1°C W.B.A-5 / W45 internal exchanger water 40/45°C; external air temperature -5°C D.B./ -5,4°C W.B.(2) The <strong>to</strong>tal power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressors + fans - the power absorbed by the fan<strong>to</strong> supply the remaining available static pressure <strong>to</strong> the system + the power absorbed by the auxiliary circuit(3) EUROVENT COP: coefficient of performance in heating mode. Relationship between heating capacity output<strong>and</strong> power input according <strong>to</strong> EUROVENT. The power input is the <strong>to</strong>tal power absorbed by the compressor+ fan + auxiliary circuit + defrost cycles.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearances(4) EUROVENT EER calculated as the relationship between the cooling capacity <strong>and</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal power input.(5) ESEER coefficient of seasonal performance in cooling mode calculated according <strong>to</strong> Eurovent. Outlet water7°C.(6) Water flow <strong>and</strong> available static pressure in winter operating conditions A7/W35: water at the internal heatexchanger 30/35°C; outdoor air temperature 7°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.(7) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 10m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.CAUTION!B B2A1For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.ACSizes17 21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91WSA-EELength (A) mm 838 838 982 982 1206 1206 1206 1516 1516 1516Width (B) mm 561 561 647 647 724 724 724 760 760 760Height (C) mm 649 649 648 648 721 721 721 1045 1045 10454(A1)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200Weight in oper. kg 83 89 121 130 168 176 180 256 320 329WSN-EELength (A) mm 838 838 982 982 1206 1206 1206 1516 1516 1516Width (B) mm 560 560 649 649 724 724 724 760 760 760Height (C) mm 649 649 648 648 721 721 721 1043 1043 10434(A1)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200Weight in oper. kg 84 90 122 131 169 177 181 260 323 332The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.83

WRA WRN 101÷242Water chiller4WRA: cooling only4WRN: heat pumpAir cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 25,5 <strong>to</strong> 62,1 kWLightCOMThe liquid chillers <strong>and</strong> heat pumps of the WRA <strong>and</strong> WRN series are unitsdesigned for indoor installation <strong>and</strong> best energy efficiency in relation <strong>to</strong>their reduced size.Use of low-rev centrifugal fans <strong>and</strong> special thermal <strong>and</strong> acoustic insulationof the cabinet have resulted in highly reduced noise levels.The head pressures available with centrifugal fans enable wide ducting for airreturn <strong>and</strong> cooled air discharge <strong>to</strong> be installed.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only(WRA)Heating-Cooling(WRN)Air cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrollavailable configurations(1)WRA S 101(2)CE(3)T(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -7°Cinclusive.(2) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate84

accessories4 Supply voltage 400/3/50 without neutral■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Supply uprated electric mo<strong>to</strong>r4 Non-st<strong>and</strong>ard belt <strong>and</strong> pulley drive■ 4 Front supply plenum■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control■ 4 Daily <strong>and</strong> weekly programming clock4 Device for operation with low external air temperature with variablefan speed through inverter4 Anti-ice electric heater <strong>to</strong> protect the internal exchangerKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS for 1 unit(Master)■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS from 2 <strong>to</strong> 254units (Slave)WRN only:4 Condensate collecting tray with electric heaterLightCOMtechnical dataSizes101 121 142 182 202 2424Cooling capacity WRA (1) kW 25,5 30,1 33,1 42,6 50,5 62,1Total input WRA (1)(2) kW 9,22 11,9 11,0 16,1 19,7 23,8Total EER at 100% - WRA- 2,77 2,52 3,01 2,65 2,57 2,614Heating capacity (3) kW 29,9 35,8 38,3 50,8 59,0 69,2Total input (2)(3) kW 10,7 12,8 13,2 18,7 22,9 26,0COP- 2,78 2,80 2,91 2,72 2,58 2,59Max. working static pressure (1) Pa 410 410 300 300 235 235Number of refrigerant circuits- 1 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLLSound pressure level WRA (4) dB(A) 62 62 62 60 61 62Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C(2) Total input is obtained from compressor input + fan input(3) Ambient temperature = 7°C (R.H. = 85%); external exchanger water outlet temperature 45°C(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> functional clearancesspacesCB1 B B2A A2Sizes101 121 142 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1780 1780 2230 2230 2230 2230Width (B) mm 846 846 978 978 978 978Height (C) mm 1205 1205 1430 1430 1705 17054(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500(B1) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700(B2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700Weight in oper. kg 397 417 606 647 737 749The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.85

WRA WRN 292÷604Water chiller4WRA: cooling only4WRN: heat pumpAir cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 72,1 <strong>to</strong> 144 kWLightCOMThe liquid chillers <strong>and</strong> heat pumps of the WRA <strong>and</strong> WRN series are unitsdesigned for indoor installation <strong>and</strong> best energy efficiency in relation <strong>to</strong> theirreduced size.Use of low-rev centrifugal fans <strong>and</strong> special thermal <strong>and</strong> acoustic insulation ofthe cabinet have resulted in highly reduced noise levels.The head pressures available with centrifugal fans enable wide ducting for airreturn <strong>and</strong> cooled air discharge <strong>to</strong> be installed.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only(WRA)Heating-Cooling(WRN)Air cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll Herm. reciprocating Ice protectionsystemavailable configurations(1)(2)WRA D B 404(3)ST(4)T(5)C(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 25% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available:- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity dependson the working temperature. Check with our salesoffice.(3) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard(4) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(5) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)86

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment4 Copper/copper condenser coil4 Copper/tinned copper condenser coil■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Uprated electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>r4 4/8-pole electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>r4 Horizontal air supply4 Upward air supply4 Magne<strong>to</strong>thermal circuit breakers4 Compressor <strong>and</strong> fan thermal cu<strong>to</strong>uts4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Daily <strong>and</strong> weekly programming clock4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS for 1 unit(Master)■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlWRA only:4 Anti-ice electric heater <strong>to</strong> protect the internal exchangerWRN only:4 Condensate collecting tray with electric heaterLightCOMKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes292 322 362 422 404 464 524 564 604WRA4Cooling capacity (1) kW 72,1 81,5 93,5 109 100 111 121 137 144Total inputkW 34,1 38,7 47,8 57,8 45,5 50,1 56,7 60,9 68,2Total EER at 100%- 2,11 2,10 1,95 1,89 2,20 2,22 2,14 2,25 2,11WRN4Cooling capacity (1) kW 71,9 82,3 105 105 100 109 118 132 140Total inputkW 32,9 38,1 58,1 58,2 43,7 49,4 55,5 62,1 68,0Total EER at 100%- 2,19 2,16 1,80 1,80 2,28 2,21 2,13 2,13 2,074Heating capacity (2) kW 82,0 94,6 109 128 112 124 137 152 163Total inputMax. working static pressureNumber of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (3)Sound pressure level (4)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:kW 33,9 39,1 46,6 56,7 42,7 48,2 54,1 60,6 66,3Pa 90 90 120 90 90 90 90 120 90- 2- 2 SCROLL 2 RCP 4 SCROLLdB(A) 59 64 66 66 61 61 61 63 64V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C;(2) External exchanger water = 40/45°C; ambient temperature = 7°C (R.H. = 85%)(3) RCP = reciprocating(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearances( * )B1 B B2A1CA A2Sizes292 322 362 422 404 464 524 564 604Length (A) mm 2478 2478 2478 2478 3308 3308 3308 3308 3308Width (B) mm 974 974 974 974 1155 1155 1155 1155 1155Height (C) mm 1676 1676 1676 1676 2275 2275 2275 2275 22754(A1)mm 800 800 800 800 500 500 500 500 500(A2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B1) mm 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70(B2) mm 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300Weight in oper. kg 940 972 1080 1100 1530 1590 1620 1710 1740The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.(*) Horizontal air supply for sizes 404÷604 onlyCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.87

WRH WRHN 102÷422Water chiller4WRH: cooling only4WRHN: heat pumpWater cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 27,1 <strong>to</strong> 144 kWLightCOMThe water-water chillers <strong>and</strong> heat pumps with hermetic compressors inthe WRH <strong>and</strong> WRHN series are water-cooled units designed for indoorinstallation. They may be used in modern civil <strong>and</strong> industrial service systemsbecause of their limited overall size <strong>and</strong> low noise levels. They onlyrequire water <strong>and</strong> electrical connections, since the units are fully assembled<strong>and</strong> tested in the fac<strong>to</strong>ry. The WRHN units are fitted with reversing valveon the refrigerant circuit, thereby considerably reducing installation <strong>and</strong>maintenance costs.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-407CCooling only(WRH)Heating-Cooling(WRHN)Water cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll Water circuitreversal (WRH)available configurationsWRH-2(1)S(2)(3)102 CE B(4)S(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard(2) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)(3) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required4B Low temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong>-7°C inclusive.(4) OPERATION (WRH only):4H Reversibility on water circuitVersion that allows water-water heat pump operation withreversibility on the water circuit. It is suited <strong>to</strong> civil <strong>and</strong> industrialhot water production. The external exchangers are clad withclosed-cell insulating material.88

accessories■ 4 Manifold for unit with double exchanger■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS for 1 unit(Master)■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS from 2 <strong>to</strong> 254units (Slave)■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side■ 4 Daily <strong>and</strong> weekly programming clock■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Pressure-controlled valve■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Supply voltage 400/3/50 without neutralWRHN 292÷422 only:4 Low water temperature source side4 Device for inrush current reduction for 400/3/50 units4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Free Contacts External SignalKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.LightCOMtechnical dataSizes102 142 162 182 202 222 242 292 322 362 422WRH4Cooling capacity (1) kW 27,1 36,5 40,3 47,5 55,9 61,8 68,4 89,4 104 119 144Total input (1) kW 6,97 8,86 10,7 12,9 14,4 16,3 17,9 20,1 25,2 28,8 36,0Total EER at 100%- 3,89 4,12 3,77 3,68 3,88 3,79 3,82 4,26 4,13 4,13 4,00ESEER- 4,55 4,45 4,28 4,11 4,37 4,29 4,35 5,06 4,54 4,37 4,674Heating capacity WRHH (2) kW 32,4 43,6 49,2 58,1 68,0 75,4 83,2 106 125 143 176WRHN4Cooling capacity (1) kW 27,2 36,2 39,4 46,8 54,8 61,1 67,3 86,5 102 118 144Total input (1) kW 7,14 9,3 11,0 13,7 15,6 17,4 19,3 22,9 27,1 31,2 38,4Total EER at 100%- 3,81 3,88 3,58 3,42 3,51 3,51 3,49 3,77 3,76 3,78 3,75ESEER- 4,72 4,82 4,23 3,90 4,09 4,09 4,04 4,55 4,09 3,93 4,204Heating capacity (4) kW 32,1 42,7 47,3 57,2 66,4 74,0 81,5 102 123 141 173Total inputCOPWater flow rate (External Exchanger) (1)Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsSound pressure level (3)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:kW 9,40 12,3 14,4 18,4 20,7 23,1 25,4 27,9 32,8 37,6 46,2- 3,41 3,47 3,28 3,11 3,21 3,20 3,21 3,65 3,75 3,75 3,74l/s 1,3 1,7 1,9 2,2 2,6 2,9 3,2 4,1 4,9 5,6 6,9- 2- 2 SCROLLdB(A) 53 53 62 62 63 64 65 66 66 66 66V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7 °C; water temperature at external exchanger outlet = 30/35°C(2) Water at external exchanger inlet = 10 °C; internal exchanger waterr = 42/50 °C (sizes 102÷242);internal exchanger water = 45/50 °C (sizes 292÷422)(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(4) Water at external exchanger inlet = 10 °C; water temperature at internal exchanger outlet 45°Cdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesA1 A A2B1CB B2Sizes102 142 162 182 202 222 242 292 322 362 422Length (A) mm 802 802 802 802 802 802 802 1062 1062 1062 1062Width (B) mm 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 580 580 580 580Height (C) mm 790 790 915 915 915 915 915 1538 1538 1538 15384(A1)mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(A2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300WRHWeight in oper. kg 177 197 245 247 257 263 268 447 487 517 577WRHNWeight in oper. kg 187 207 255 257 269 275 280 470 510 540 600The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.89

ELFOSPACE OUT-V e OUT-H 3÷31Water terminal unitExposed vertical <strong>and</strong> horizontal indoor installationCapacity from 1,5 <strong>to</strong> 9 kWELFOSPACELightCOMOUT-VOUT-HELFOSpace OUT is the exposed water terminal for use in the commercialsec<strong>to</strong>r.Muted lines that blend in with any decor.The available controls are simple <strong>and</strong> user-friendly, satisfying the most varied ofrequirements, with <strong>to</strong>p-of-the-range electronic control designed for connection<strong>to</strong> the ELFOControl or general supervisors.Low noise operation <strong>and</strong> easy <strong>to</strong> clean.These are the concepts behind the development of ELFOSpace, the lastgeneration room terminal unit that is ideal for any installation.Ten sizes available with an almost countless number ofaccessories for resolving any service application requirement.The ELFOSpace OUT-V series has been designed specifically for exposedvertical installation <strong>and</strong> the ELFOSpace OUT-H range for exposedhorizontal installation.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Vertical inst.with cabinet (OUT-V)Horizontal inst.with cabinet (OUT-H)Refrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsNecessary configuration strings for supplying the unit with the indicatedelements/accessories already mounted on the appliance.Certain accessories may also be supplied separately, as indicated in the“accessories supplied separately” list.ELFOSPACE OUT-H(1)3 R3(1) AIR RETURN:4R3 Return from below (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4RP Rear return(2) CONTROLS:4TR Fan terminal block (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4TRM Terminal block with minimum safety thermostat4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronics4CTR Clivet.Talk.Terminal Room electronics(3) WATER COIL / ELECTRIC HEATER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B14T 1-row additional coil for 4-pipe syst. (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)4RE With electric heater(4) WATER FITTINGS:4SX Left-h<strong>and</strong> fittings (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4DX Right-h<strong>and</strong> fittings(5) VALVES:(2)TR(3)-(4)SXReferences for position of fittings:- vertical fan coils: right <strong>and</strong> left defined by st<strong>and</strong>ing in front of the appliance;- horizontal fan coils: right <strong>and</strong> left defined by st<strong>and</strong>ing in the airflow (with the airblowing on your face).(5)-(6)-(7)-4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4KBI2 2-pipe system water balancing kit42V2 2-way on/off valve 2-pipe system43V2 3-way on/off valve 2-pipe system410V2 3-way 0-10V valve 2-pipe system4KBI4 4-pipe system water balancing kit (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)42V4 2-way on/off valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)43V4 3-way on/off valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)410V4 3-way 0-10V valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)(6) ADDITIONAL TRAY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4BRODX With additional tray r.h. water fittings4BROSX With additional tray l.h. water fittings(7) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port(1)ELFOSPACE OUT-V 3 R3 TR - SX - -(1) AIR RETURN:4R3 Return from below (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4RF Front return(2) CONTROLS:4TR Fan terminal block (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4TRM Terminal block with minimum safety thermostat4HID-F1 3-speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + on/off4HID-F2 Bulb thermostat4HID-F3 Bulb thermostat with remote S/W4HID-F4 Bulb thermostat with minimum safety thermostat4HID-F5 Bulb thermostat with electric heater control4HID-F6 Electronic multifunction room thermostat4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronics4CTRDClivet.Talk.Terminal Room electronics with unit on-boarddisplay(3) WATER COIL / ELECTRIC HEATER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B14T 1-row additional coil for 4-pipe syst. (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)4RE With electric heater(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)-(4) WATER FITTINGS:4SX Left-h<strong>and</strong> fittings (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4DX Right-h<strong>and</strong> fittings(5) VALVES:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4KBI2 2-pipe system water balancing kit42V2 2-way on/off valve 2-pipe system43V2 3-way on/off valve 2-pipe system410V2 3-way 0-10V valve 2-pipe system4KBI4 4-pipe system water balancing kit (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)42V4 2-way on/off valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)43V4 3-way on/off valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)410V4 3-way 0-10V valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)(6) ADDITIONAL TRAY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4BRV With additional tray(7) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port90

accessories■ 4 HID-E1 3-speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + on/off for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E2 Simplified room control E/I+3V+on/off for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E3 Multi-function room control for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E4 Multi-function room control for 0-10V valves■ 4 Minimum hot water temperature thermostat■ 4 Remote air sensor for HID-E2, HID-E3 <strong>and</strong> HID-E4■ 4 Control device for several units with single room control■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient control■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 2-pipe water balancing kit = ball valve+balancing valve■ 4 4-pipe water balancing kit = 2 ball valves + 2 balancing valves(sizes 3-7-11-17-25)■ 4 2-way ON/OFF valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 3-way ON/OFF valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 3-way 0-10V valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 Manual fresh air dampe■ 4 On/off mo<strong>to</strong>rized fresh air outlet damperKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.ELFOSpace OUT-V only:■ 4 HID-F1 Control mounted on unit: 3 speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + off■ 4 HID-F2 Control mounted on unit: BULB thermostat (3 speed.+off+E/l+Temp.selection)■ 4 HID-F4 Control mounted on unit: BULB thermostat + minimumthermostat■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray for vertical installation■ 4 Supporting feet with cladding for exposed vertical units h=90mm■ 4 Supporting feet with cladding for exposed vertical units h=155mm■ 4 Supporting feet with cladding h=155mm <strong>and</strong> intake grille forexposed vertical units■ 4 Rear decor panel for exposed vertical units without supporting feet■ 4 Rear decor panel for exposed vertical units with supporting feeth=90mm■ 4 Rear decor panel for exposed vertical units with supporting feeth=155mmELFOSpace OUT-H only:■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray for horizontal installation(fittings <strong>to</strong> right)■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray for horizontal installation(fittings <strong>to</strong> left)LightCOMtechnical dataSizes3 5 7 9 11 15 17 21 25 314 Cooling capacity (1) kW 1,51 1,96 2,54 3,03 3,73 4,21 5,49 6,37 7,44 9,03Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 1,18 1,43 1,89 2,14 2,71 3,02 4,00 4,49 5,13 6,16Total inputkW 0,045 0,045 0,065 0,065 0,085 0,085 0,12 0,12 0,14 0,144 Heating capacity (2) kW 1,78 2,09 2,72 3,01 3,83 4,29 5,67 6,29 7,08 8,47Air flow ratel/s 97 100 121 124 180 185 271 279 398 409Fan type (3) - CFGSound pressure level (min-med-max) (4) dB(A) 34 - 40 - 44 35 - 41 - 46 35 - 42 - 47 38 - 44 - 49 42 - 49 - 54Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air temperature: 27°C; 50% R.H. - Temp. water at inlet 7°C, temp. water at outlet 12°C - Max.speed (nominal).(2) Ambient air temperature: 20°C - Inlet water temperature 45°C, outlet water temperature 40°C - Max. speed(nominal).(3) CFG = centrifugal fan(4) Sound pressure in free field at a distance of 1 m. Values calculated from sound power measured in echochamber <strong>to</strong> ISO 3741 - ISO 3742dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesC1CELFOSpace OUT-HBA1 A A2leave freeB B1leave freeCC1A1 A A2Sizes3 5 7 9 11 15 17 21 25 31Length (A) mm 670 670 870 870 1070 1070 1270 1270 1470 1470Width (B) mm 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220Height (C) mm 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 4704(A1)mm 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20(A2) mm 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20(B1) mm 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250(C1) mm 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90Weight in oper. kg 14 14 16 17 23 24 26 28 30 32The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.ELFOSpace OUT-VCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.91

ELFOSPACE IN-V e IN-H 3÷31Water terminal unitBuilt in vertical <strong>and</strong> horizontal indoor installationCapacity from 1,5 <strong>to</strong> 9 kWELFOSPACELightCOMIN-VIN-HELFOSpace IN is the built-in water terminal for use in the commercialsec<strong>to</strong>r.The available controls are designed <strong>to</strong> satisfy the most varied of requirements,with <strong>to</strong>p-of-the-range electronic control designed for connection <strong>to</strong> theELFOControl or general supervisors.Low noise operation <strong>and</strong> easy <strong>to</strong> maintain.These are the concepts behind the development of ELFOSpace, the lastgeneration room terminal unit that is ideal for any installation.Ten sizes available with an almost countless number ofaccessories for resolving any service application requirement.The ELFOSpace IN-V series has been designed specifically for built-invertical installation <strong>and</strong> the ELFOSpace IN-H series for built-in horizontalinstallation.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Built-in verticalinst. (IN-V)Built-in horizontalinst. (IN-H)Refrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsNecessary configuration strings for supplying the unit with the indicatedelements/accessories already mounted on the appliance.Certain accessories may also be supplied separately, as indicated in the“accessories supplied separately” list.References for position of fittings:- vertical fan coils: right <strong>and</strong> left defined by st<strong>and</strong>ing in front of the appliance;- horizontal fan coils: right <strong>and</strong> left defined by st<strong>and</strong>ing in the airflow (with the air blowingon your face).(1)ELFOSPACE IN-H 3 R3 TR - SX - -(1) AIR RETURN:4R3 Return from below (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4RP Rear return(2) CONTROLS:4TR Fan terminal block (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4TRM Terminal block with minimum safety thermostat4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronics4CTR Clivet.Talk.Terminal Room(3) WATER COIL / ELECTRIC HEATER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B14T 1-row additional coil for 4-pipe syst. (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)4RE With electric heater(4) WATER FITTINGS:4SX Left-h<strong>and</strong> fittings (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4DX Right-h<strong>and</strong> fittings(5) VALVES:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(1)(2)(2)(3)(3)(4)(4)(5)(5)(6)(6)(7)-4KBI2 2-pipe system water balancing kit42V2 2-way on/off valve 2-pipe system43V2 3-way on/off valve 2-pipe system410V2 3-way 0-10V valve 2-pipe system4KBI4 4-pipe system water balancing kit (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)42V4 2-way on/off valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)43V4 3-way on/off valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)410V4 3-way 0-10V valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)(6) ADDITIONAL TRAY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4BRODX With additional tray r.h. water fittings4BROSX With additional tray l.h. water fittings(7) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial portELFOSPACE IN-V 3 MS R3 TR - SX - - -(1) AIR SUPPLY:4RE With electric heater4MS St<strong>and</strong>ard supply(5) WATER FITTINGS:4MR 90° supply4SX Left-h<strong>and</strong> fittings (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(2) AIR RETURN:4DX Right-h<strong>and</strong> fittings4R3 Return from below (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(6) VALVES:4RF Front return4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(3) CONTROLS:4KBI2 2-pipe system water balancing kit4TR Fan terminal block (St<strong>and</strong>ard)42V2 2-way on/off valve 2-pipe system4TRM Terminal block with minimum safety thermostat43V2 3-way on/off valve 2-pipe system4HID-F1 3-speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + on/off410V2 3-way 0-10V valve 2-pipe system4HID-F2 Bulb thermostat4KBI4 4-pipe system water balancing kit (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)4HID-F3 Bulb thermostat with remote S/W42V4 2-way on/off valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)4HID-F4 Bulb thermostat with minimum safety thermostat43V4 3-way on/off valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)4HID-F5 Bulb thermostat with electric heater control410V4 3-way 0-10V valve 4-pipe system (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)4HID-F6 Electronic multifunction room thermostat(7) ADDITIONAL TRAY:4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronics4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CTR Clivet.Talk.Terminal Room(4) WATER COIL / ELECTRIC HEATER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B14T 1-row additional coil for 4-pipe syst. (sizes 3,7,11,17,25)(7)4BRV With additional tray(8) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port(8)92

accessories■ 4 HID-E1 3-speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + on/off for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E2 Simplified room control E/I+3V+on/off for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E3 Multi-function room control for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E4 Multi-function room control for 0-10V valves■ 4 Minimum hot water temperature thermostat■ 4 Remote air sensor for HID-E2, HID-E3 <strong>and</strong> HID-E4■ 4 Control device for several units with single room control■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient control■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 2-pipe water balancing kit = ball valve+balancing valve■ 4 2-way ON/OFF valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 3-way ON/OFF valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 3-way 0-10V valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 4-pipe water balancing kit = 2 ball valves + 2 balancing valves(sizes 3-7-11-17-25)■ 4 Sub-frame in galvanised sheet metal■ 4 Pre-painted panel with supply <strong>and</strong> return grilles■ 4 Manual fresh air damper for vert. <strong>and</strong> horiz. installation■ 4 Mo<strong>to</strong>rized ON/OFF fresh air outlet damper■ 4 Straight air supply plenum■ 4 Straight air intake plenum■ 4 90° air supply plenum■ 4 90° air intake plenum■ 4 Telescopic extension 0-100 mm (suitable for connection <strong>to</strong> anyplenum)■ 4 Air distribution duct with flexible joint■ 4 Air return duct with flexible joint■ 4 Air supply plenum with round fittings + thermal <strong>and</strong> acousticinsulating lining■ 4 Air intake plenum with round fittings <strong>and</strong> air filter■ 4 Terminal plenum with circular connections■ 4 Air supply grille without air filter (suitable for connection <strong>to</strong> anyplenum)■ 4 Aluminium air supply grille without air filter■ 4 Air intake grille with air filter (suitable for connection <strong>to</strong> any plenum)■ 4 Aluminium air intake grille with air filterELFOSpace IN-V only:■ 4 HID-F1 Control mounted on unit: 3 speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + off■ 4 HID-F2 Control mounted on unit: BULB thermostat (3 speed.+off+E/l+Temp.selection)■ 4 HID-F4 Control mounted on unit: BULB thermostat + minimumthermostat■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray for vertical installation■ 4 Supporting feet for built-in vertical units h=90mm■ 4 Supporting feet for built-in vertical units h=155mmELFOSpace IN-H only:■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray for horizontal installation(fittings <strong>to</strong> right)■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray for horizontal installation(fittings <strong>to</strong> left)LightCOMKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes3 5 7 9 11 15 17 21 25 314 Cooling capacity (1) kW 1,51 1,96 2,54 3,03 3,73 4,21 5,49 6,37 7,44 9,03Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 1,18 1,43 1,89 2,14 2,71 3,02 4,00 4,49 5,13 6,16Total inputkW 0,045 0,045 0,065 0,065 0,085 0,085 0,12 0,12 0,14 0,1404 Heating capacity (2) kW 1,78 2,09 2,72 3,01 3,83 4,29 5,67 6,29 7,08 8,47Air flow rate (3) l/s 97 100 121 124 180 185 271 279 398 409Max. working static pressure (4) Pa 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 60Fan type (5) - CFGSound pressure level (min-med-max) (6) dB(A) 34 - 40 - 44 35 - 41 - 46 35 - 42 - 47 38 - 44 - 49 42 - 49 - 54Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air temperature: 27°C; 50% R.H. - Temp. water at inlet 7°C, temp. water at outlet 12°C - Max.speed (nominal).(2) Ambient air temperature: 20°C - Inlet water temperature 45°C, outlet water temperature 40°C - Max. speed(nominal).(3) Air flow rate at maximum speed with working static pressure = 0 Pa(4) Working static pressure at maximum speed(5) CFG = centrifugal fan(6) Sound pressure in free field at a distance of 1 m. Values calculated from sound power measured in echochamber <strong>to</strong> ISO 3741 - ISO 3742dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesC1CELFOSpace IN-HA1 D A2B B1BCC1A1 A A2ELFOSpace IN-VSizes3 5 7 9 11 15 17 21 25 31IN-V Length (A) mm 450 450 650 650 850 850 1050 1050 1250 1250IN-H Length (A) mm 545 545 745 745 945 945 1145 1145 1345 1345Width (B) mm 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215Height (C) mm 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 4504(A1) (*) mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200(A2) (**) mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100(B1) mm 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250(C1) mm 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90Weight in oper. kg 14 14 16 17 23 24 26 28 30 32The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.(*) water fittings side(**) elect. supply sideCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.93

ELFOSPACE BOX2 7÷41Water terminal unitCassette-type indoor installationCapacity from 2,68 <strong>to</strong> 11 kWELFOSPACELightCOMThe ELFOSpace BOX2 terminal unit has been designed for installation insuspended ceilings without requiring any extra part for operation. The unit hasan intake grille <strong>and</strong> four-way outlet with adjustable diffuser flaps for changingairflow direction.The ELFOSpace BOX2 is therefore suited for use in environments such asshops, restaurants, hotels <strong>and</strong> gyms, where the excellent outflowing air controlmakes them ideal air-conditioning units:4available in version for 2 <strong>and</strong> 4-pipe systems;4available in electro-mechanical or electronic version with set-upfor connection <strong>to</strong> ELFOControl or general supervisors;4possibility of controlling several units from a single point;4suited for installation in st<strong>and</strong>ard suspended ceilings with 600 x600 mm module;4the unit comes with a condensate drain pump (500 mm vertical).functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Built-in horizontalinst.Refrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsELFOSPACE BOX2 7(1)230M(2)CC2(3)-(4)-(5)-(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(2) COIL CONFIGURATION:4CC2 Coil configuration with 2-pipe system (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CC4 Coil configuration with 4-pipe system (sizes7,11,21,31)(5) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port(3) HEATING ELECTRIC HEATERS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4RE Heating elctric heaters(4) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronics94

accessories■ 4 HID-E2 Simplified room control E/I+3V+on/off for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E3 Multi-function room control for wall mounting■ 4 Remote air sensor for electromechanical thermostats■ 4 Control device for several units with single room control■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient control■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 3-way ON/OFF valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 3-way ON/OFF valve kit for 4-pipe systems (sizes 7,11,21,31)■ 4 Connection for fresh air intake■ 4 Connection for additional air supply■ 4 Fairing for installation in viewKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataLightCOMSizes7 11 15 21 31 41ELFOSpace BOX-2T (2-pipe system)4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 2,84 4,62 5,38 6,58 10,1 11,9Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 2,04 3,22 3,80 4,60 6,99 8,30Total inputkW 0,044 0,068 0,09 0,077 0,12 0,174 Heating capacity (2) kW 2,84 4,63 5,28 6,59 9,87 11,8Air flow ratel/s 144,4 197,2 244,4 316,7 416,7 505,6Water flow ratel/s 0,13 0,21 0,24 0,29 0,45 0,53Fan type (3) - RADSound pressure level (min-med-max) (4) dB(A) 24/31/36 24/36/44 32/40/50 24/31/39 25/31/44 25/39/49Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C; 50% R.H.; water at inlet 7°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 12°C(2) Ambient air at 20°C; water at inlet 45°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 40°C(3) RAD = radial-blade fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.Sizes7 11 15 21 31 41ELFOSpace BOX-4T (4-pipe system)4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 2,89 4,21 4,83 6,76 9,37 10,8Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 2,05 2,96 3,44 4,72 6,57 7,69Total inputkW 0,044 0,068 0,09 0,077 0,12 0,174 Heating capacity (2) kW 1,70 1,62 1,85 4,45 4,20 4,80Air flow ratel/s 144 197 244 317 417 506Fan type (3) - RADSound pressure level (min-med-max) (4) dB(A) 24/31/36 24/36/44 32/40/50 24/31/39 25/31/44 25/39/49Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; water at inlet 7°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 12°C(2) Ambient air at 20°C D.B.; water at inlet 45°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 40°C(3) RAD = radial-blade fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCAUTION!CFB1B B2DA1 A A2For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.ESizes7 11 15 21 31 41ELFOSpace BOX2Indoor unit length (A)mm 572 572 572 819 819 819Indoor unit width (B)mm 572 572 572 819 819 819Indoor unit height (C)mm 296 296 296 329 329 329Front panel length (D)mm 670 670 670 965 965 965Front panel width (E)mm 670 670 670 965 965 965Front panel height (F)mm 41 41 41 59 59 594(A1)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500(A2)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500(B1)mm 100 100 100 100 100 100(B2)mm 100 100 100 100 100 100Weight in oper.kg 27 27 27 45 45 45The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.95

ELFOSPACE WALL 3÷17Water terminal unitIndoor installation, wall-mounted with cabinetCapacity from 1,20 <strong>to</strong> 5,30 kWELFOSPACELightCOMELFOSpace Wall is a range of open water terminals that are cleverlydesigned for quick, easy <strong>and</strong> discrete installation in the space above doors orat mid-height on walls. These exceptionally low noise units also feature air flowdirection control <strong>and</strong> come with all the components needed for installation <strong>and</strong>start-up (template, three-way valve <strong>and</strong> infrared remote control).functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Vertical inst. withcabinetRefrig. Wateravailable configurationsELFOSPACE WALL 3(1)230M(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard)96

accessories■ 4 Electronic wall-mounting room thermostatKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.LightCOMtechnical dataSizes3 5 7 9 15 174 Cooling capacity (1) kW 1,51 1,71 2,05 2,51 3,25 4,62Sensible cooling capacitykW 1,13 1,26 1,56 1,82 2,36 3,254 Heating capacity (2) kW 1,63 1,80 2,33 2,64 3,32 4,66Water flow ratel/s 0,07 0,08 0,1 0,12 0,15 0,22Air flow ratel/s 100 106 117 122 186 191Fan type (3) - TGZSound pressure level (min-med-max) (4) dB(A) 37/39/43 37/39/43 41/43/46 41/43/46 42/46/49 42/46/49Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air 27°C/19°C W.B., inlet water 7°C <strong>and</strong> water flow-rate as in the table(2) Ambient air 20°C/19°C W.B., water at inlet 45°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 40°C(3) TGZ = cross-flow fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measuredat 1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions. Values calculated from sound powermeasured in echo chamber <strong>to</strong> ISO 3741 - ISO 3742A1 A A2C2CC1Sizes3 5 7 9 15 17Length (A)mm 870 870 1030 1030 1160 1160Width (B)mm 176 238 196 258 198 260Height (C)mm 270 270 320 320 330 3304(A1)mm 100 100 100 100 100 100(A2)mm 100 100 100 100 100 100(C1)mm190 (*)(C2)mm 80 80 80 80 80 80Weight in oper.kg 12 13 14 14,5 17 17,5The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.(*) Overhead installationCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.97

ELFODUCT CFD 7÷41Water terminal unitBuilt-in horizontal indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 2,37 <strong>to</strong> 12,3 kWELFODUCTLightCOMThe ELFODuct CFD units are ideal air-treatment terminal units for installationswhere ducted air distribution is necessary.The units are designed for installation in suspended ceilings <strong>and</strong> aredistinguished by their compactness <strong>and</strong> extremely low noise levelsbecause they are fitted with packaged centrifugal fans, that is, everyimpeller has its own external ro<strong>to</strong>r mo<strong>to</strong>r on rubber antivibration mounts. Whenductwork is extensive this solution ensures that the fan impeller is not overhung<strong>and</strong> therefore produces no vibrations, which would make the environmentnoisy.The 7-11-15-21 sizes may be supplied in a shorter version for spacesaving purposes.The main features are:4various available controls, from simple speed control through <strong>to</strong>the electronic control set-up for connection <strong>to</strong> ELFOControl or generalsupervisors;4available in version for 2 <strong>and</strong> 4-pipe systems with various types ofcoils (3 rows, 4 rows, 2+1 rows, 2+2 rows, 3+1 rows, 3+2 rows);4wide choice of aeraulic accessories (plenum for round ducts, intakeplenum with filter);4electric heaters;4low <strong>and</strong> high head-pressure fans for air distribution throughductwork.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Built-in horizontalinst.Refrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsNecessary configuration string for supplying the unit withthe indicated elements/accessories already mounted on the appliance.Certain accessories may also be supplied separately, as indicated in the“accessories supplied separately” list.(1)(2)(3)ELFODUCT CFD 7230M6VSDX2T(4)CW3RReferences for position of horizontal fan coil fittings: right <strong>and</strong> left definedby st<strong>and</strong>ing in the airflow (with the air blowing on your back).(5)-(6)DHS(7)PO(8)-(9)-(10)-(11)-(12)-(1) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4VS St<strong>and</strong>ard Version4VR Lowered version (sizes 7÷21)(2) WATER FITTINGS:4DX Right-h<strong>and</strong> fittings (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SX Left-h<strong>and</strong> fittingss(3) COIL CONFIGURATION:4CC2 Coil configuration with 2-pipe system (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CC4 Coil configuration with 4-pipe system(4) WATER COIL:4CW3R Coil 3 rows (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CW4R Coil 4 rows4CW21R Coil 2+1 rows4CW22R Coil 2+2 rows4CW31R Coil 3+1 rows4CW32R Coil 3+2 rows(5) AUXILIARY CONDENSATE COLLECTION TRAY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CDAN For naval installations(6) SUPPLY STATIC PRESSURE:4DHS St<strong>and</strong>ard supply static pressure4DHH Supply static pressure High(7) SUPPLY PLENUM:4PO Air supply plenum (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4POC Air delivery plenum for round ducts(8) RETURN PLENUM:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PIR Soundproofed return plenum(9) AIR RETURN CONNECTION:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4FPR Air return plenum flange(10) ELECTRIC HEATERS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4EH01 0,5 kW heating electric heaters (size 7)4EH03 1 kW heating electric heaters (size 11)4EH05 2 kW heating electric heaters (sizes 15-21)4EH07 3 kW heating electric heaters (sizes 25-31)4EH08 4 kW heating electric heaters (size 41)(11) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronic for HID-T2 or HID-T3thermostats (ELFOControl)(12) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port98

accessories■ 4 3-way “on/off” type valve for 2-pipe system■ 4 3-way “on/off” type valve for 4-pipe system■ 4 Additional condensate collecting tray4 Additional condensate collecting tray for naval installations■ 4 HID-E1 3-speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + on/off for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E2 Simplified room control E/I + 3V + on/off for wallmounting■ 4 HID-E3 Multi-function room control for wall mounting■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 Remote ambient air temperature sensor (for thermostat HID-E2)LightCOMtechnical dataSizes7 11 15 21 25 31 414 Cooling capacity (1) kW 2,37 3,09 5,26 6,46 8,47 9,21 12,3Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 1,82 2,29 3,87 4,68 6,06 6,72 8,94Total inputkW 0,07 0,07 0,13 0,15 0,20 0,22 0,304 Heating capacity (2) kW 2,27 3,35 5,61 6,69 8,57 9,67 12,7Air flow rate (3) l/s 134 160 269 316 404 466 614Max. working static pressure (4) Pa 70 80 90Fan type (5) - CFGSound pressure level (6) dB(A) 37 39 39 40 39 42 43Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air temperature: 27/19,5°C W.B. - Temp. water at inlet 7°C, temp. water at outlet 12°C st<strong>and</strong>ard3 row coil - Nominal air flow rate with available head of 30 Pa.(2) Ambient air temperature: 20°C - Inlet water temperature 45°C, outlet water temperature 40°C - st<strong>and</strong>ard 3row coil - Nominal air flow rate with available head of 30 Pa.(3) Nominal air flow rate with available head of 30 Pa.(4) Maximum available working static pressure at maximum speed(5) CFG = centrifugal fan(6) The sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units ceiling installed without false ceiling, with nominal air flow, fan supply 230V,maximum fan speed.The sound pressure level is referred at a distance of 1 m. from the unit surface. Measurement have beenmade with a unit with air return plenum complete with filter.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCA A2Sizes7 11 15 21 25 31 41Length (A) mm 525 625 885 1035 1245 1365 1665Width (B) mm 575 575 575 575 575 575 575Height (C) mm 285 285 285 285 285 285 2854(A1)mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200(A2) mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100Weight in oper. kg 15 17 24 30 35 38 46The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.BA1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.99

ELFODUCT CFI 25÷71Water terminal unitBuilt-in vertical indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 8,7 <strong>to</strong> 21,6 kWELFODUCTLightCOMThe ELFODuct CFI units are ideal air-treatment terminal units for installationswhere ducted air distribution is necessary.The units are designed for vertical installation in lining walls <strong>and</strong> aredistinguished by their compactness <strong>and</strong> extremely low noise levels obtainedthanks <strong>to</strong> internal <strong>and</strong> external insulation.The main features are:4various available controls, from simple speed control through <strong>to</strong>the electronic control set-up for connection <strong>to</strong> ELFOControl or generalsupervisors;4available in version for 2 <strong>and</strong> 4-pipe systems;4wide choice of aeraulic accessories (plenum for round ducts);4electric heater section with different power plus electronic powermodulation control;4high head-pressure fans for ducted air distribution.Room control HID-T2 for wall-mounted remoteinstallation with functions of:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 manual setting of fan speed4 other useful functions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Built-in verticalinst.Refrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsELFODUCT CFI 25(1)230M(2)RF(3)-(4)-(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M 230/1/504400TN 400/3/50+N (available only with the heatingelectric heaters)(4) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port(2) AIR RETURN:4RF Front return (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4R3 Return from below(3) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4- Not required4CV3FS Fan 3-speed board4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronics100

accessories■ 4 Hot water coil with 2 rows■ 4 4,5 kW electric heaters (sizes 25÷31)■ 4 6 kW electric heaters (sizes 41÷71)■ 4 9 kW electric heaters (sizes 25÷31)■ 4 12 kW electric heaters (sizes 41÷71)■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient control■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 Air supply plenum for round ducts■ 4 HID-E1 Three-speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + ON/OFF for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E2 Simplified room control E/I+3V+on/off for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E3 Multi-function room control for wall mounting■ 4 HID-E4 Multi-function room control for 0-10V valvesKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.LightCOMtechnical dataSizes25 31 41 51 714 Cooling capacity (1) kW 8,70 12,7 15,2 18,7 21,6Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 6,69 9,71 11,2 14,3 16,6Total inputkW 0,47 0,61 0,61 0,75 1,434 Heating capacity (2) kW 9,91 14,4 16,4 21,1 24,5Air flow ratel/s 502 708 738 1031 1237Max. working static pressurePa 130 140 150 230 250Fan type (3) - CFGPower supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C, 50% R.H.; water at inlet 7°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 12°C(2) Ambient air at 20°C; water at inlet 45°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 40°C(3) CFG = centrifugal f<strong>and</strong>imensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes25 31 41 51 71Length (A) mm 903 962 1202 1202 1202Width (B) mm 290 315 315 365 365Height (C) mm 710 740 740 820 9304(A1)mm 400 400 400 400 400(A2) mm 200 200 200 200 200(B1) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Weight in oper. kg33 40 45 54 63The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1 A A2B1BCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.101

ELFODUCT CF 25÷242Water terminal unitBuilt-in horizontal indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 8,7 <strong>to</strong> 83,8 kWELFODUCTLightCOMThe ELFODuct CF units are ideal air-treatment terminal units for installationswhere ducted air distribution is necessary.They are designed for installation in suspended ceilings <strong>and</strong> are distinguishedby their compactness <strong>and</strong> extremely low noise levels obtained thanks <strong>to</strong>both internal <strong>and</strong> external insulation.Sizes from 91 <strong>to</strong> 242 may be ceiling or floor mounted.The main features are:4various available controls, from simple speed control through <strong>to</strong>the electronic control set-up for connection <strong>to</strong> ELFOControl or generalsupervisors;4available in version for 2 <strong>and</strong> 4-pipe systems;4wide choice of aeraulic accessories (plenum for round ducts, freshair intake plenum);4electric heater section with different power plus electronic powermodulation control;4high head-pressure fans for ducted air distribution.Room control HID-T2 for wall-mounted remoteinstallation with functions of:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 manual setting of fan speed4 other useful functions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Built-in horizontalinst.Refrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurationsELFODUCT CF 25(1)230M(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M 230/1/504400TN 400/3/50+N (available only with the heatingelectric heaters)(2) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4- Not required(2)-(3)-CF 25÷71 unit configuration4CV3FS Fan 3-speed board4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronics(3) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port(1)ELFODUCT CF 91 400T MOS - CWS(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400T 400/3/50 without neutral4230T 230/3/50(2) MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS:4MOS St<strong>and</strong>ard mo<strong>to</strong>r4MOD Double-speed mo<strong>to</strong>r(3) FILTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4FCS Angular air filter section(4) WATER COIL:4CWS St<strong>and</strong>ard coil4CW6R 6-row coil (sizes 91-121)(5) ADDITIONAL WATER COIL:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CHW2 2-row additional coil for 4-pipe syst.4CHW3 3-row additional coil for 4-pipe syst. (sizes 91-121)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)- - - - CF 91÷242 unit configuration(6) ELECTRIC HEATERS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4EH09 4,5 kW electric heaters (sizes 91-121)4EH10 6 kW electric heaters (sizes 91-121)4EH12 9 kW electric heaters (sizes 91-121)4EH14 12 kW electric heaters (sizes 91-121)4EH17 18 kW electric heaters4EH20 24 kW electric heaters (sizes 142÷242)(7) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CQEP Power switchboard (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal electronics(8) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port102

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts (sizes 91÷242)■ 4 Hot water coil with 2 rows■ 4 Hot water coil with 3 rows (sizes 91-121)■ 4 4,5 kW electric heaters (sizes 25-31-91-121)■ 4 6 kW electric heaters (sizes 41÷121 )■ 4 9 kW electric heaters (sizes 25-31-91-121)■ 4 12 kW electric heaters (sizes 41÷121)■ 4 18 kW electric heaters (sizes 91÷242)■ 4 24 kW electric heaters (sizes 142÷242)■ 4 Angular air filter section (sizes 91÷242)■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 Fresh air mixing, recirculation (sizes 25÷121)■ 4 Air supply plenum for round ducts (sizes 25÷71)■ 4 HID-E1 3-speed selec<strong>to</strong>r + on/off for wall mounting (sizes 25÷71)■ 4 HID-E2 Simplified room control E/I+3V+on/off for wall mounting(sizes 25÷71)■ 4 HID-E3 Multi-function room control for wall mounting (sizes 25÷71)■ 4 HID-E4 Multi-function room control for 0-10V valves (sizes 25÷71)■ 4 3-way 0-10V valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 3-way 0-10V valve kit for 4-pipe systems (sizes 142÷242)LightCOMtechnical dataSizes25 31 41 51 71 91 121 142 162 182 202 2424 Cooling capacity (1) kW 8,70 12,7 15,2 18,7 21,6 29,7 40,3 46,8 52,3 58,9 75,2 83,8Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 6,69 9,71 11,2 14,3 16,6 22,1 29,7 33,6 38,0 42,5 52,6 59,4Total inputkW 0,47 0,61 0,61 0,75 1,43 0,75 1,10 1,1 1,5 1,5 2,2 3,04 Heating capacity (2) kW 9,91 14,4 16,4 21,1 24,5 32,1 43,1 47,9 54,5 61,0 74,4 84,4Air flow ratel/s 502 708 738 1031 1237 1417 1889 2120 2500 2660 3100 3620Max. working static pressurePa 130 140 150,0 230 250 180 180 300 300 300 300 300Fan type (3) - CFGSound pressure level (4) dB(A) 24 55 56 57 58 43 50 51 56 52 53 53Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27-19,5°C W.B.; water at inlet 7°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 12°C(2) Ambient air at 20°C; water at inlet 45°C <strong>and</strong> outlet 40°C(3) CFG = centrifugal fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearances25÷71CA1 AA2B91÷121A1A A2BCSizes25 31 41 51 71 91 121 142 162 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1000 1100 1340 1340 1340 1285 1435 2010 2010 2010 2510 2510Width (B) mm 480 500 550 550 550 945 1030 750 750 750 850 850Height (C) mm 297 322 322 372 422 585 685 630 630 630 680 6804(A1)mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 500(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. kg 33 33 40 45 54 138 158 170 190 195 253 265The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.142÷242CA1 A A2BCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.103

ELFODUCT CF-V 31÷242Water terminal unitVertical indoor installation with cabinetDuctableCapacity from 13,6 <strong>to</strong> 89 kWELFODUCTLightCOMThe ELFODuct CF-V tall water terminal units have been designed forinstallation directly in the room or in technical spaces.The units have been designed for sending air directly in<strong>to</strong> the roomor with ducted distribution. They are distinguished by their compactness<strong>and</strong> extremely low noise levels obtained thanks <strong>to</strong> internal soundproofing.The main features are:Room control HID-T2 for wall-mounted remoteinstallation with functions of:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 manual setting of fan speed4 other useful functions.4various available controls, from simple speed control through <strong>to</strong>the electronic control set-up for connection <strong>to</strong> ELFOControl orgeneral supervisors;4available in version for 2 <strong>and</strong> 4-pipe systems;4choice of aeraulic accessories (plenum for front air supply or on threesides);4electric heater section with different power plus electronic powermodulation control;4fans available with high static pressure, which allow extensiveducting;4front air return through grille (st<strong>and</strong>ard) or with return from the flooror from the rearfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Vertical inst.with cabinetRefrig. WaterELFOControlavailable configurations(1)ELFODUCT CF-V 31 230M(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4230M Power supply 230/1/50 (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4400T Power supply 400/3/50without neutral (available onlywith the heating electric heaters)(2) AIR RETURN:4RF Front return (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4R3 Return from below4R4 Rear return(3) HOT WATER COIL:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CHW2 2-row hot water coil(4) ELECTRIC HEATERS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(1)ELFODUCT CF-V 91 400T RF SM MOS(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400T Power supply 400/3/50 without neutral (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4230T Power supply 230/3/50(2) AIR RETURN:4RF Front return (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4R3 Return from below4R4 Rear return(3) AIR FLOW RATE:4SM St<strong>and</strong>ard supply air flow-rate4RM Reduced outlet air flow-rate(4) MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS:4MOS St<strong>and</strong>ard mo<strong>to</strong>r4MOD Double-speed mo<strong>to</strong>r(5) HOT WATER COIL:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CHW2 2-row hot water coil(2)RF(2)(3)-(3)(4)-(4)(5)-(5)(6)-(6)CF-V 31-71 unit configuration4EH09 4,5 kW heating electric heaters4EH10 6 kW heating electric heaters (sizes 41÷71)4EH12 9 kW heating electric heaters4EH14 12 kW heating electric heaters (sizes 41÷71)4EH17 18 kW heating electric heaters (size 71)(5) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CV3FS Electronic version with 3-speed board for the fan4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronic for HID-T2 or HID-T3 thermostats(ELFOControl)(6) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port(7)(8)- - - - CF-V 91-242 unit configuration(6) ELECTRIC HEATERS:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4EH09 4,5 kW heating electric heaters4EH10 6 kW heating electric heaters4EH12 9 kW heating electric heaters4EH14 12 kW heating electric heaters4EH17 18 kW heating electric heaters4EH20 24 kW heating electric heaters (sizes 142÷242)(7) ELECTRONIC VERSION:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4CTS Clivet.Talk.Terminal Space electronic for HID-T2 or HID-T3 thermostats(ELFOControl)(8) SERIAL PORT:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SP1 RS485 remote communication serial port104

accessories■ 4 HID-T2 electronic room control■ 4 HID-TI2 flush-mounted electronic ambient control■ 4 HID-T3 electronic room control with humidity sensor■ 4 HID-S1 local electronic room control■ 4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 Front air supply plenum■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides■ 4 3-way 0-10V valve kit for 2-pipe systems■ 4 3-way 0-10V valve kit for 4-pipe systemsKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.LightCOMtechnical dataSizes31 41 51 71 91 101 121 142 182 202 2424 Cooling capacity (1) kW 13,6 19,1 21,6 27,9 36,9 44,0 48,7 65,5 75,4 83,6 89,0Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 9,82 13,7 15,7 20,3 26,5 21,8 35,6 47,1 54,9 60,2 64,9Total inputkW 0,30 0,30 0,50 0,60 0,80 1,10 1,50 1,50 2,20 2,20 3,004 Heating capacity (2) kW 13,1 18,1 22,6 26,2 35,9 42,3 46,6 62,0 71,5 78,4 85,7Air flow ratel/s 569 778 944 1166 1597 1889 2167 2638 3194 3472 3888Max. working static pressurePa 85 93 80 70 140 170 180 140 115 145 180Fan type (3) - CFGSound pressure level (4) dB(A) 48 49 50 51 53 56 58 58 60 62 64Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; water at inlet 7°C; water at outlet 12°C(2) Ambient air 20°C D.B.; water at inlet 45°C; water at outlet 40°C; R.H. 50%(3) CFG = centrifugal fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes31 41 51 71 91 101 121 142 182 202 242Length (A) mm 650 850 850 1050 1050 1250 1250 1870 1870 2070 2070Width (B) mm 500 500 500 500 670 670 670 670 670 670 670Height (C) mm 1700 1700 1700 1700 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 20004(A1)mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(B2) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Weight in oper. kg 96 117 123 140 185 210 215 250 260 290 295The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.B B2A1A A2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.105

CPAN-U 17÷51Make-up unit, full fresh airWith return/exhaust <strong>and</strong> thermodynamic heat recovery4Heat pumpIndoor installationAir flow rate from 330 <strong>to</strong> 920 l/sELFOFRESH LARGELightCOMELFOFresh Large units are designed <strong>to</strong> guarantee ideal air exchange ratesin shops <strong>and</strong> offices.Their main characteristics include:4 cooling, heating <strong>and</strong> humidification of outdoor air with only minimalenergy consumption thanks <strong>to</strong> Free Cooling <strong>and</strong> an exclusive ActiveThermodynamic Heat Recovery that recovers heat from extracted air <strong>and</strong>returns it <strong>to</strong> the incoming fresh air;4 electronic filtration control for guaranteed purity of incoming fresh air <strong>and</strong>effective removal of airborne dust (optional).HID-P1 room thermostat for remote wallmounting. Main functions:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 ECO mode (au<strong>to</strong>matic day/night heatregulation).functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCHeating-Cooling Air cooled Indoor inst. Horizontal inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Rotary(17÷31)Herm. Scroll(41-51)Free-CoolingActive ThermodynamicHeat Recoveryavailable configurationsCPAN-U 17106

accessories4 Copper/copper condenser coils4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coils4 Additional water coil4 Modulating three-way valve4 2 kW pre-heating electric heaters4 3 kW pre-heating electric heaters4 4,5 kW pre-heating electric heaters4 Class G4 air filters in discharge4 Electronic filters4 3 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 5 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 8 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 RS485 remote communication serial port■ 4 Service h<strong>and</strong>set for local control with 1,5-metre cable■ 4 Service h<strong>and</strong>-held keypad for local control with 20-metre cable■ 4Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>rKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.LightCOMtechnical dataSizes17 21 25 31 41 514 Cooling capacity (1) kW 6,18 7,62 8,64 10,9 12,4 15,9Total input (1) kW 2,50 3,00 3,30 3,80 5,40 7,20EER (1) - 3,60 3,60 3,90 3,80 4,50 4,104 Heating capacity (2) kW 6,75 8,26 9,19 11,9 13,2 16,9Total input (2) kW 2,50 3,00 3,30 3,80 5,40 7,20COP (2) - 5,20 4,90 5,20 5,30 6,50 6,10Supply air flow ratel/s 330 390 470 610 690 920Supply working headPa 190 175 300 180 270 340Discharge air flow ratel/s 300 360 440 550 640 860Discharge working headPa 180 165 290 210 250 360Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (3) - 1 ROT 1 SCROLLSound pressure level (4) dB(A) 53 55 57 59 61 62Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50 + NData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Coil inlet air temperature in discharge 27°C D.B. - 19°C W.B.; external air temperature 35°C D.B. - 24°CW.B.; external air temperature 35°C D.B. - 24°C W.B.; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) Coil inlet air temperature in discharge: 20°C D.B. - 12°C W.B.; external air temperature 7°C D.B. - 6°CW.B.; the COP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) ROT = rotary compressor(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesBA1CA A2Sizes17 21 25 31 41 51Length (A) mm 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503Width (B) mm 950 950 950 950 950 950Height (C) mm 443 443 518 518 668 6684(A1)mm 900 900 900 900 900 900(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700Weight in oper. kg 110 120 150 160 190 200The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.107

HYDRONIC SystemHYDRONIC SystemThe complete range ofchillers, heat pumps<strong>and</strong> air h<strong>and</strong>ling units inlarge installationsHYDRONIC System is the innovative evolution of the traditionalhydronic system.The cooling or thermal energy required for climate control is producedon a centralised level, then distributed – using chilled or hot wateras a vec<strong>to</strong>r – in the serviced rooms via specific air treatment units<strong>and</strong> hydronic terminals, in partnership with the air renewal <strong>and</strong>purification units.108

System componentsseries size from <strong>to</strong> name pageWSAT-XSC / WSAN-XSC 65D 180F SPINchiller 110WSAT-XSC 200H 360L SPINchiller 112WDATA 2.160 2.600 SCREWLine 114WDATB 2.160 2.600 SCREWLine 116WDAT-HT 2.180 2.600 SCREWLine New 118WSA-SC 65D 100D SPINchiller 120WSHF-XSC 65D 180F SPINsaver New 122WSH-XSC 65D 180F SPINchiller 124WDH 2.160 2.600 SCREWLine 126REM 75C 2.440 - 128ME 17 422 - 130CE 25 602 - 132MSE-SC 65D 180F SPINchiller 134MDE 2.160 2.600 SCREWLine New 136CEM 75C 2.440 - 138GPA M0 M9 - 140GP1 / GP2 00 12 - 142GP7 60 63 - 144GPM 60 99 - 146AQ 14 803 - 148P-Matic for Hydronic - 150109

WSAT-XSC WSAN-XSC65D÷180FHYDRONICWater chiller4WSAT-XSC: cooling only4WSAN-XSC: heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 163 <strong>to</strong> 493 kWSPINCHILLERThe R-410A SPINchiller series presents a new concept of chiller offering:4EFFICIENCY that increases as the heating load decreases, whileguaranteeing maximum requested load when necessary. SPINchiller alwaysensures maximum comfort with very high efficiency <strong>and</strong> consequentlyconsiderable energy savings;4a modular approach. Several basic units may be connected <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong>form a single structure according <strong>to</strong> the required capacity. This allows highproduction st<strong>and</strong>ardisation <strong>and</strong> therefore utmost operating RELIABILITY;4simple unit-system combination, since these units are SELF-ADAPTING<strong>to</strong> the characteristics of the actual system, thereby avoiding delicate, timeconsumingcalibrations. Easy connection <strong>to</strong> the service system plus a simplecontrol system <strong>and</strong> easy maintenance drastically reduce work requiringspecialised personnel with consequent reduction in installation costs;4extended operating limits <strong>to</strong> keep the system running, even under exceptionalstart-up <strong>and</strong> load conditions;4cus<strong>to</strong>misation of the unit, also for special requirements both in the civil <strong>and</strong>technological air-conditioning sphere, thanks <strong>to</strong> the many available optionalaccessories. The ECOBreeze <strong>and</strong> HydroPack accessories in particularenhance the qualities of flexibility <strong>and</strong> energy efficiency. The latter, forexample, consistent with the concept of modularity, has several pumps inparallel (up <strong>to</strong> 3) with the possibility of reserve pump, <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the systemload variations better <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> regulate the water flow in the critical systemstarting (or restarting) stages so that outside servicing is avoided.The innovative <strong>and</strong> hi-tech features of SPINchiller give this series a much higherquality than can generally be found on the market <strong>to</strong>day.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCECOBREEZEHYDROPACKEEVCooling only(WSAT-XSC)Heating-Cooling(WSAN-XSC)Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Ice protectionsystemFree-Cooling ECOBreeze HydroPackElectronic ExpansionValveavailable configurations(1)(2)WSAT-XSC D B - 65D ST(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.4R Total recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for 100% recovery of condensation heat forproducing hot water.(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity dependson the working temperature. Check with our salesoffice.(3)(4)(5)(6)T C(3) ENERGY SAVING:4FCD Direct Free-CoolingVersion that allows cold <strong>to</strong> be recovered at no cost from theambient when the external air temperature is lower than thesystem return water temperature.To avoid problems with the unit, the water system must beprotected by a mixture of water <strong>and</strong> glycol based on the minimumtemperatures which may occur at the place of installation.(4) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4SC Compressor soundproofingThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by soundproofing the compressorcompartment even more <strong>and</strong> reducing the fan speed of rotationwith an uprated condensing section.(5) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(6) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)110

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Copper/copper condenser coil■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Compressor compartment <strong>and</strong> condenser coil protection grilles4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 HydroPack with 2 pumps4 HydroPack with 2 pumps + 1 in st<strong>and</strong>-by4 HydroPack with 3 pumps4 HydroPack with 3 pumps + 1 spare onboard4 User side anti-ice electric heaters for hydronic group4 Aluminium cover for hydronic group■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreeze4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Soft Start4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes65D 70D 75D 80D 85D 90D 100D 110D 115D 120D 135E 150F 165F 180FWSAT-XSCST/SC 4Cooling capacity (1) kW 163 174 189 200 216 237 261 279 300 323 345 374 425 493ST/SC Total inputkW 59,8 64,0 69,4 73,2 78,7 86,0 95,6 102 110 117 126 137 154 179ST/SC EER EUROVENT- 2,72 2,73 2,72 2,73 2,75 2,75 2,73 2,73 2,74 2,76 2,74 2,74 2,76 2,75ST/SC ESEER- 4,38 4,39 4,38 4,39 4,42 4,43 4,4 4,39 4,41 4,44 4,49 4,57 4,60 4,60ST Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 74 74 74 74 76 76 77 78 78 78 78 78 79 79SC Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 75 75 76 76EN 4Cooling capacity (1) kW 156 170 183 194 208 227 249 264 288 309 329 357 404 459EN Total inputEN EER EUROVENTEN ESEEREN Sound pressure level (3)FREE-COOLINGSC Free-Cooling rated output (4)SC Air temp. with Free-Cooling at 100%WSAN-XSCkW 61,6 66,9 72,3 76,8 81,3 88,6 99,2 105 114 122 130 141 159 180- 2,53 2,54 2,53 2,52 2,55 2,56 2,52 2,51 2,53 2,53 2,52 2,53 2,54 2,56- 4,07 4,08 4,07 4,06 4,11 4,12 4,05 4,05 4,08 4,07 4,14 4,22 4,25 4,27dB(A) 64 65 65 65 66 66 67 68 68 68 69 69 70 70kW 167 179 194 205 229 250 271 287 308 332 358 387 441 511°C -5,7 -6,7 -8,0 -9,0 -4,0 -5,4 -6,6 -2,9 -3,9 -4,9 -6,8 -8,0 -3,6 -5,6ST/SC 4Cooling capacity (1) kW 158 170 183 200 216 237 261 279 300 317 342 370 425 494ST/SC Total inputkW 63,1 68,0 72,1 73,8 78,8 86,7 95,7 101 109 116 126 137 153 179ST/SC EER EUROVENT- 2,51 2,51 2,54 2,71 2,74 2,73 2,73 2,76 2,74 2,74 2,71 2,71 2,78 2,76ST/SC ESEER- 4,04 4,03 4,09 4,36 4,41 4,40 4,39 4,45 4,42 4,41 4,45 4,52 4,64 4,61ST/SC 4Heating capacity (2) kW 166 175 190 205 229 245 263 297 311 326 363 388 449 497ST/SC Total inputkW 56,7 60,3 63,9 67,8 74,9 80,8 87,9 97,3 103 109 117 125 146 163ST Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 74 74 74 74 76 76 77 78 78 78 78 78 79 79SC Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 75 75 76 76EN 4Cooling capacity (1) kW 153 164 175 191 207 226 249 263 288 308 324 355 403 458EN Total inputkW 66,5 71,1 75,8 78,2 81,6 88,7 99,4 105 114 123 129 141 159 180EN EER EUROVENT- 2,31 2,31 2,31 2,44 2,54 2,5 2,51 2,51 2,53 2,51 2,52 2,51 2,53 2,54EN ESEER- 4,04 4,04 4,04 4,27 4,44 4,46 4,38 4,39 4,42 4,39 4,48 4,54 4,59 4,61EN 4Heating capacity (2) kW 157 166 183 197 224 238 256 288 303 317 354 369 436 481EN Total inputEN Sound pressure level (3)Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsPower supplykW 55,0 58,6 62,2 66,2 72,8 78,6 85,6 94,6 100 106 114 122 141 159dB(A) 64 65 65 65 66 66 67 68 68 68 69 69 70 70- 2- 4 SCROLL 5 SCROLL 6 SCROLLV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; ambient temperature = 35°C(2) Internal exchanger water = 40/45°C; air at external exchanger inlet = 6,1°C W.B.(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(4) Internal exchanger water = 15/10°C; glycol 30%dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCAUTION!leave freeB1B B2A1CA A2For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.Sizes65D 70D 75D 80D 85D 90D 100D 110D 115D 120D 135E 150F 165F 180FWSAT-XSCLength (A) mm 2850 2850 2850 2850 3800 3800 3800 4750 4750 4750 2850 2850 3800 3800Width (B) mm 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 2233 2233 2233 2233Height (C) mm 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 22504(A1)mm 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100(B2) mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100ST Weight in oper. kg 1438 1478 1510 1535 1698 1706 1739 1941 1951 1953 2417 2644 2930 2936WSAN-XSCLength (A) mm 2850 2850 2850 2850 3800 3800 3800 4750 4750 4750 2850 2850 3800 3800Width (B) mm 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 2233 2233 2233 2233Height (C) mm 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250(A1) mm 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 16404(A2)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100(B2) mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100ST Weight in oper. kg 1574 1613 1668 1714 1884 1892 1926 2170 2178 2184 2708 2954 3422 3445The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.111

WSAT-XSC200H÷360LWater chillerAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 511 <strong>to</strong> 965 kWSPINCHILLERThe SPINchiller series presents a new concept of chiller offering:HYDRONIC4EFFICIENCY that increases as the heating load decreases, whileguaranteeing maximum requested load when necessary. SPINchiller alwaysensures maximum comfort with very high efficiency <strong>and</strong> consequentlyconsiderable energy savings;4a modular approach. Several basic units may be connected <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong>form a single structure according <strong>to</strong> the required capacity. This allows highproduction st<strong>and</strong>ardisation <strong>and</strong> therefore utmost operating RELIABILITY;4simple unit-system combination, since these units are SELF-ADAPTING<strong>to</strong> the characteristics of the actual system, thereby avoiding delicate, timeconsumingcalibrations. Easy connection <strong>to</strong> the service system plus a simplecontrol system <strong>and</strong> easy maintenance drastically reduce work requiringspecialised personnel with consequent reduction in installation costs;4extended operating limits <strong>to</strong> keep the system running, even under exceptionalstart-up <strong>and</strong> load conditions;4cus<strong>to</strong>misation of the unit, also for special requirements both in the civil<strong>and</strong> technological air-conditioning sphere, thanks <strong>to</strong> the many availableoptional accessories. The ECOBreeze <strong>and</strong> HydroPack accessoriesin particular enhance the qualities of flexibility <strong>and</strong> energy efficiency. Thelatter, for example, consistent with the concept of modularity, has two pumpsin parallel <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the system load variations better <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> regulate thewater flow in the critical system starting (or restarting) stages so that outsideservicing is avoided.The innovative <strong>and</strong> hi-tech features of SPINchiller give this series a much higherquality than can generally be found on the market <strong>to</strong>day.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCECOBREEZEHYDROPACKEEVCooling only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. scroll Free-Cooling ECOBreeze HydroPack Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurations(1)(2)WSAT-XSC D B - 200H ST(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.4R Total recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for 100% recovery of condensation heat forproducing hot water.(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity dependson the working temperature. Check with our salesoffice.(3)(4)(5)T(6)C(3) ENERGY SAVING:4FCD Direct Free-CoolingVersion that allows cold <strong>to</strong> be recovered at no cost from theambient when the external air temperature is lower than thesystem return water temperature.To avoid problems with the unit, the water system must beprotected by a mixture of water <strong>and</strong> glycol based on the minimumtemperatures which may occur at the place of installation.(4) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4SC Compressor soundproofingThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by soundproofing the compressorcompartment even more <strong>and</strong> reducing the fan speed of rotationwith an uprated condensing section.(5) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(6) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)112

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Copper/copper condenser coil■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Compressor compartment <strong>and</strong> condenser coil protection grilles4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 HydroPack with 2 pumps4 User side anti-ice electric heaters for hydronic group■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreeze4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Soft Start4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes200H 220H 230H 240H 270J 300L 315L 330L 345L 360LST/SC 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 511 558 609 647 692 748 797 860 910 965ST/SC Total inputkW 185 204 219 235 251 272 289 309 328 349ST/SC EER EUROVENT- 2,76 2,73 2,77 2,75 2,75 2,74 2,76 2,78 2,78 2,76ST/SC ESEER- 4,44 4,39 4,46 4,43 4,51 4,58 4,60 4,64 4,64 4,62ST Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 82 82 82SC Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 78 79 79EN 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 493 535 575 615 665 719 761 819 862 925EN Total inputkW 191 209 227 244 257 282 298 320 337 358EN EER EUROVENT- 2,57 2,55 2,53 2,52 2,58 2,55 2,55 2,55 2,56 2,58EN ESEER- 4,50 4,46 4,43 4,40 4,59 4,61 4,61 4,62 4,63 4,67dB(A) 70 71 71 71 71 72 72 73 73 73EN Sound pressure level (2)FREE-COOLINGSC Free-Cooling rated output (3)SC Air temp. with Free-Cooling at 100%Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsPower supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:kW 527 576 624 662 696 754 820 878 911 965°C -3,0 -3,0 -4,1 -5,0 -6,3 -5,3 -5,8 -6,3 -1,9 -2,2- 4- 8 SCROLL 10 SCROLL 12 SCROLLV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONIC(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; ambient temperature = 35°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(3) Internal exchanger water = 15/10°C; glycol 30%dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeB1 B B2CA A2SizesST/SC Length (A)ST/SC Width (B)ST/SC Height (C)ST/SC (A1) mmST/SC (A2) mmST/SC (B1) mmST/SC (B2) mmST Weight in oper. kgSC Weight in oper. kgEN Weight in oper. kg200H 220H 230H 240H 270J 300L 315L 330L 345L 360Lmm 4750 4750 4750 4750 5708 6658 6658 6658 7608 7608mm 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233mm 2250 2250 2250 2250 2280 2280 2280 2280 2280 22804 1930 1930 1930 1930 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7001100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11001100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11003887 4118 4360 4374 5358 6023 6080 6114 6511 65674038 4268 4510 4524 5570 6266 6324 6357 6745 68004038 4268 4510 4524 5570 6266 6324 6357 6745 6800A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.113

WDATA 2.160÷2.600Water chillerAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 400 <strong>to</strong> 1411 kWSCREWLINEThe experience gained by Clivet in the high-capacity chiller sec<strong>to</strong>r has resultedin the WDATA range, with the following features:HYDRONIC4EFFICIENCY - New high capacity screw compressors (over 1400 kWwith 2 compressors), water-cooled shell-<strong>and</strong>-tube exchangers speciallydeveloped for the gas R-134a. The air-cooled exchangers have beendesigned <strong>and</strong> made directly by CLIVET <strong>to</strong> ensure best adaptation <strong>to</strong> theother refrigerant circuit parts. The compressors are managed with continualadjustment of the capacity <strong>and</strong> are fitted with an economiser circuit for furtheroperating efficiency. In this way, the best result is achieved, highlighting theperformance <strong>and</strong> reducing costs; all the series is in the ENERGETIC CLASS"A", with performances over 3.1;4SELF-ADAPTATION - New, modern <strong>and</strong> intelligent electronic controldirectly developed by Clivet. This cus<strong>to</strong>misation allows better managemen<strong>to</strong>f all the circuit components.Continual adapting of chiller operating parameters <strong>to</strong> the load conditions ofthe system in which it is installed reduces consumption <strong>and</strong> noise level, whilethe working life of the parts increases;Eurovent EnergyEfficiency Class4STURDINESS - Load-bearing frame in enamelled hot-galvanised sheetmetal with semi-hermetic double-screw compressors <strong>and</strong> shell-<strong>and</strong>-tubeevapora<strong>to</strong>r ensuring reliability <strong>and</strong> constant performance. <strong>All</strong> the finishes aremeticulously applied <strong>to</strong> ensure the utmost weathering resistance even underextreme conditions of use.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-134aFCECOBREEZEHYDROPACKEEVCooling only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-134a Twin-screw semi. Free-Cooling ECOBreeze HydroPack Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurations(1)(2)(3)(4)WDATA D B - 2.160 ST(5)T(6)C(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4D Partial recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited forrecovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> a maximum of20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.4R Total recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited for 100%recovery of condensation heat for producing hot water.This version is supplied as st<strong>and</strong>ard with a variable-speedlow temperature device.(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity dependson the working temperature. Check with our sales office.(3) ENERGY SAVING:4- St<strong>and</strong>ard4FCD Direct Free-CoolingVersion that allows cold <strong>to</strong> be recovered at no cost from theambient when the external air temperature is lower than thesystem return water temperature.(4) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST4SC4LNSt<strong>and</strong>ardCompressor soundproofingThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.SilencedThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment <strong>and</strong> reducing the fan speed ofrotation with an uprated condensing section.(5) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(6) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)114

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Copper/copper condenser coil4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Compressor compartment <strong>and</strong> condenser coil protection grilles4 HydroPack with 2 pumps4 HydroPack with 3 pumps4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with 0-10 V signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section variablespeed fans (phase-cut)4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreeze4 General isolating switch4 Magne<strong>to</strong>thermal circuit breakers4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status4 Free contacts for compressor status <strong>and</strong> enabling4 Clean contacts for compressor enabling <strong>and</strong> status, local/off/BMSselec<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Compressor suction shut-off valves4 Soft StartKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes2.160 2.180 2.190 2.200 2.240 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.440 2.480 2.540 2.600ST/SC4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 400 456 505 556 616 699 767 835 882 935 1016 1138 1272 1411ST/SC Total inputkW 129 146 162 179 198 225 247 268 284 300 328 366 408 452ST/SC EER EUROVENT- 3,10 3,12 3,12 3,11 3,11 3,11 3,11 3,12 3,11 3,12 3,10 3,11 3,12 3,12ST/SC ESEER- 3,55 3,45 3,61 3,65 3,64 3,72 3,72 3,79 3,79 3,83 3,67 3,74 3,73 3,77ST Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 80 80 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 84 84 85 85SC Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 80 81 81 82 82LN 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 400 454 506 553 614 694 769 829 877 932 1020 1143 1287 -LN Total inputkW 129 146 162 177 198 224 247 267 281 299 329 368 413 -LN EER EUROVENT- 3,10 3,11 3,12 3,12 3,10 3,10 3,11 3,10 3,12 3,12 3,10 3,11 3,12 -LN ESEER- 3,65 3,64 3,65 3,71 3,74 3,81 3,81 3,85 3,81 3,83 3,85 3,85 3,83 -dB(A) 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 78 79 79 -LN Sound pressure level (2)FREE-COOLINGST/SC Free-Cooling rated output (3)ST/SC Air temp. with Free-Cooling at 100%LN Free-Cooling rated output (3)LN Air temp. with Free-Cooling at 100%Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (4)Power supplykW 416 473 526 577 641 724 795 864 915 970 1050 1182 1320 1463°C 3,0 1,5 -0,6 -1,7 -1,0 -2,5 -3,8 -5,1 -6,2 -7,1 -3,7 -5,5 -3,5 -5,0kW 416 470 527 574 639 718 793 851 909 960 1055 1184 1334 -°C -0,7 -1,5 -1,1 -1,9 -3,3 -5,1 -6,8 -8,0 -4,3 -5,1 -6,5 -4,6 -6,5 -- 22 DSWV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(3) Internal exchanger water = 15/10°C; glycol 30%(4) DSW = twin-screw compressordimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeCA A2Sizes2.160 2.180 2.190 2.200 2.240 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.440 2.480 2.540 2.600ST/SC Length (A) mm 5704 5704 5704 5704 6654 6654 6654 6654 7612 7612 9512 9512 11414 11414ST/SC Width (B) mm 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2247 2247 2247 2247ST/SC Height (C) mm 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2370 2370 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400ST/SC 4(A1) mm 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690ST/SC (A2) mmST/SC (B1) mmST/SC (B2) mmST Weight in oper. kgSC Weight in oper. kg700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7001100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11001100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11004483 4504 4754 5089 5260 5282 5589 6095 6424 6940 7522 8486 9487 100214763 4784 5034 5369 5626 5648 5939 6414 6844 7360 7942 9019 9829 10363B1B B2A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong>maintain the clearances in green.5704 5704 6654 6654 6654 6654 7612 7612 9512 9512 9512 11414 11414 -2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2247 2247 2247 2247 2247 -2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 -4 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 -LN Length (A) mmLN Width (B) mmLN Height (C) mmLN (A1) mmLN (A2) mmLN (B1) mmLN (B2) mmLN Weight in oper. kgThe above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 -1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 -1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 -4763 4900 5425 5817 5933 5955 6577 6970 7490 7859 8251 9652 10301 -115

WDATB 2.160÷2.600Water chillerAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 388 <strong>to</strong> 1384 kWSCREWLINEThe experience gained by Clivet in the high-capacity chiller sec<strong>to</strong>r has resultedin the WDATB range, with the following features:HYDRONIC4EFFICIENCY - New high capacity screw compressors (over 1380 kWwith 2 compressors), water-cooled shell-<strong>and</strong>-tube exchangers speciallydeveloped for the gas R-134a. The air-cooled exchangers have beendesigned <strong>and</strong> made directly by CLIVET <strong>to</strong> ensure best adaptation <strong>to</strong> theother refrigerant circuit parts. The compressors are managed with continualadjustment of the capacity <strong>and</strong> are fitted with an economiser circuit for furtheroperating efficiency. In this way, the best result is achieved, highlighting theperformance <strong>and</strong> reducing costs; all the series is in the ENERGETIC CLASS"B"4SELF-ADAPTATION - New, modern <strong>and</strong> intelligent electronic controldirectly developed by Clivet. This cus<strong>to</strong>misation allows better managemen<strong>to</strong>f all the circuit components.Continual adapting of chiller operating parameters <strong>to</strong> the load conditions ofthe system in which it is installed reduces consumption <strong>and</strong> noise level, whilethe working life of the parts increases;Eurovent EnergyEfficiency Class4STURDINESS - Load-bearing frame in enamelled hot-galvanised sheetmetal with semi-hermetic double-screw compressors <strong>and</strong> shell-<strong>and</strong>-tubeevapora<strong>to</strong>r ensuring reliability <strong>and</strong> constant performance. <strong>All</strong> the finishes aremeticulously applied <strong>to</strong> ensure the utmost weathering resistance even underextreme conditions of use.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-134aFCECOBREEZEHYDROPACKEEVCooling only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-134a Twin-screw semi. Free-Cooling ECOBreeze HydroPack Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurations(1)(2)(3)(4)WDATB D B - 2.160 ST(5)T(6)C(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4D Partial recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited forrecovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> a maximum of20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.4R Total recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited for 100%recovery of condensation heat for producing hot water.This version is supplied as st<strong>and</strong>ard with a variable-speedlow temperature device.(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity dependson the working temperature. Check with our sales office.(3) ENERGY SAVING:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4FCD Direct Free-CoolingVersion that allows cold <strong>to</strong> be recovered at no cost fromthe ambient when the external air temperature is lowerthan the system return water temperature.(4) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4SC Compressor soundproofingThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.4LN SilencedThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment <strong>and</strong> reducing the fan speed ofrotation with an uprated condensing section.4EN Super SilencedWith reference <strong>to</strong> the LN set-up, the fan speed of rotation isreduced even more with a larger condensing section <strong>and</strong> the Kitfor Low Outdoor Temperature is st<strong>and</strong>ard supply with variablespeed fans.The compressors are enclosed in a soundproofed compartment<strong>and</strong> fitted with rubber antivibration mounts <strong>and</strong> flexible joints onreturn <strong>and</strong> supply sides.(5) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(6) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)116

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Copper/copper condenser coil4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Compressor compartment <strong>and</strong> condenser coil protection grilles4 HydroPack with 2 pumps4 HydroPack with 3 pumps4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with 0-10 V signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section variablespeed fans (phase-cut)4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreezeKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.4 General isolating switch4 Magne<strong>to</strong>thermal circuit breakers4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status4 Free contacts for compressor status <strong>and</strong> enabling4 Clean contacts for compressor enabling <strong>and</strong> status, local/off/BMSselec<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Compressor suction shut-off valves4 Soft Starttechnical dataSizes2.160 2.180 2.190 2.200 2.240 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.440 2.480 2.540 2.600ST/SC4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 388 440 485 534 588 669 751 807 855 905 994 1108 1239 1384ST/SC Total inputkW 134 151 167 184 202 231 258 278 294 309 343 382 427 478ST/SC EER EUROVENT- 2,90 2,91 2,90 2,90 2,91 2,90 2,91 2,90 2,90 2,92 2,90 2,90 2,90 2,90ST/SC ESEER- 3,44 3,44 3,47 3,50 3,55 3,56 3,60 3,61 3,70 3,69 3,64 3,62 3,57 3,58ST Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 79 80 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 84 84 85 85SC Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 81 81 82 82LN 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 384 439 481 525 584 662 743 801 855 895 991 1112 1241 1375LN Total inputkW 132 150 166 181 201 228 256 275 294 309 342 383 426 474LN EER EUROVENT- 2,91 2,93 2,90 2,90 2,91 2,90 2,90 2,91 2,90 2,90 2,90 2,90 2,91 2,90LN ESEER- 3,47 3,54 3,51 3,45 3,61 3,62 3,64 3,68 3,74 3,69 3,64 3,64 3,61 3,61LN Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 78 79 79 80EN 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 391 440 488 531 590 668 744 796 851 893 996 1099 1216 -EN Total inputkW 135 150 168 183 203 230 256 272 293 306 342 378 419 -EN EER EUROVENT- 2,90 2,93 2,90 2,90 2,91 2,90 2,91 2,93 2,90 2,92 2,91 2,91 2,90 -EN ESEER- 3,53 3,51 3,52 3,52 3,58 3,60 3,67 3,73 3,75 3,73 3,68 3,70 3,65 -dB(A) 67 68 68 69 69 71 71 71 71 71 72 73 73 -EN Sound pressure level (2)FREE-COOLINGST/SC Free-Cooling rated output (3)ST/SC Air temp. with Free-Cooling at 100%LN Free-Cooling rated output (3)LN Air temp. with Free-Cooling at 100%Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (4)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.kW 402 456 505 554 610 693 774 841 887 941 1026 1144 1280 1434°C -0,5 -1,0 -1,0 -2,0 -2,5 -3,5 -5,0 -7,5 -6,0 -7,0 -7,5 -10,0 -7,0 -5,5kW 398 454 500 544 602 689 766 824 883 927 1023 1148 1282 1416°C 0,0 -2,0 -2,0 -1,5 -3,0 -4,0 -6,0 -7,0 -8,5 -9,5 -7,5 -8,0 -7,0 -7,5- 22 DSWV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50(3) Internal exchanger water 15/10°C; glycol 30%(4) DSW = twin-screw compressorHYDRONICB1dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeB B2A1CA A2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong>maintain the clearances in green.SizesST/SC Length (A)ST/SC Width (B)ST/SC Height (C)ST/SC (A1) mmST/SC (A2) mmST/SC (B1) mmST/SC (B2) mmST Weight in oper. kgSC Weight in oper. kg2.160 2.180 2.190 2.200 2.240 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.440 2.480 2.540 2.600mm 4754 4754 5704 5704 5704 5704 5704 5704 6654 6654 6654 7612 9512 11414mm 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2247 2247mm 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 24004 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690LN Length (A) mmLN Width (B) mmLN Height (C) mm700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7001100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11001100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11003716 3825 4249 4603 4759 4780 5241 5698 5775 6010 6567 7723 8263 91154116 4225 4529 4883 5039 5060 5471 5918 6175 6410 6967 8143 8683 95375704 5704 5704 6654 6654 6654 6654 6654 7612 7612 9512 9512 11414 114142239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2247 2247 2247 22472220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 24004 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690LN (A1) mmLN (A2) mmLN (B1) mmLN (B2) mmLN Weight in oper. kg700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7001100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11001100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11004373 4394 4645 5503 5543 5680 5987 6473 6844 7002 7860 8791 9330 9819The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.EN Length (A) mmEN Width (B) mmEN Height (C) mm5704 6654 6654 6654 7612 7612 9512 9512 9512 9512 11414 11414 11414 -2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2247 2247 2247 2247 2247 2247 2247 -2220 2220 2220 2220 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 -4 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 -EN (A1) mmEN (A2) mmEN (B1) mmEN (B2) mmEN Weight in oper. kg700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 -1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 -1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 -4373 5014 5256 5887 6349 6423 6838 7236 7408 7419 8137 9289 9562 -117

WDAT-HT 2.180÷2.600Water chillerAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 459 <strong>to</strong> 1535 kWSCREWLINENEWThe air-cooled liquid chillers in the WDAT-HT range are the ideal solution in<strong>to</strong>rrid climates with high outdoor temperatures.Equipped with high capacity twin screw compressors, R134a refrigerant <strong>and</strong>shell <strong>and</strong> tube evapora<strong>to</strong>rs, they are also characterised by:4outdoor installation with operation up <strong>to</strong> 58°C4high energy efficiency at full or partial loads: all the units have aEurovent class A ratingHYDRONIC4minimum environmental impact, thanks <strong>to</strong> lower CO 2 emissions<strong>and</strong> the low refrigerant content achieved with dry expansion technology4high levels of reliability <strong>and</strong> reduced maintenance costs,thanks <strong>to</strong> the heavy duty components used. External heat exchangers arealso available with a specific cladding, <strong>to</strong> preserve their heat exchangeproperties over time4easy installation thanks <strong>to</strong> the quick connections with the main circuit,electrical wiring enablement <strong>and</strong> complete functional testing before delivery.The on-board accessories, such as the pump assemblies <strong>and</strong> heat recoveryunits, lead <strong>to</strong> a further reduction in system planning <strong>and</strong> development times<strong>and</strong> costs.Eurovent EnergyEfficiency Classfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-134aECOBREEZEHYDROPACKEEVCooling only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-134a Twin-screw semi.ECOBreeze HydroPack Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurations(1)(2)WDAT-HT D 2.600 ST(3)T(4)C(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4D Partial recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited forrecovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> a maximum of20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(4) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)(2) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4SC Compressor soundproofingThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.118

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4Condenser coil in copper/copper4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Compressor compartment <strong>and</strong> condenser coil protection grilles4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with 0-10 V signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Compressor suction shut-off valves4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section variablespeed fans (phase-cut)4 Hydropack with 2 pumps4 Hydropack with 3 pumps4 General isolating switch4 Magne<strong>to</strong>thermal circuit breakers4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status4 Free contacts for compressor status <strong>and</strong> enabling4 Clean contacts for compressor enabling <strong>and</strong> status, local/off/BMSselec<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes2.180 2.200 2.220 2.240 2.280 2.320 2.360 2.420 2.450 2.480 2.510 2.540 2.570 2.6004Cooling capacity (1) kW 459 526 598 667 749 887 990 1051 1133 1227 1297 1373 1460 1535Total input (1) kW 134 154 174 193 216 256 283 301 322 350 372 392 418 437EER EUROVENT (1) - 3,41 3,42 3,43 3,45 3,46 3,47 3,50 3,49 3,52 3,51 3,49 3,50 3,49 3,51ESEER- 4,10 4,11 4,11 4,14 4,16 4,16 4,20 4,19 4,22 4,21 4,19 4,20 4,19 4,214 Cooling capacity (2) kW 413 471 534 592 665 782 871 925 995 1075 1150 1202 1281 1349Cooling capacity (2)Total input (2)EER EUROVENT (2)ST Sound pressure level (3)SC Sound pressure level (3)Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (4)Power supplyTON 118 135 153 169 190 223 249 264 284 307 329 343 366 385kW 164 188 212 235 263 310 345 367 394 428 457 478 509 534- 2,52 2,51 2,52 2,52 2,53 2,52 2,52 2,52 2,53 2,51 2,52 2,51 2,52 2,53dB(A) 80 81 81 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 85dB(A) 77 78 79 79 79 79 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82- 2- 2 DSWV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water 12/7°C; ambient temperature 35°C(2)) Internal exchanger water 12/7°C; ambient temperature 46°C(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(4) DSW = twin-screw compressordimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeB1CA A2Sizes2.180 2.200 2.220 2.240 2.280 2.320 2.360 2.420 2.450 2.480 2.510 2.540 2.570 2.600Length (A) mm 5700 5700 5700 6650 6650 7600 9500 9500 10450 11400 11400 11400 11900 11900Width (B) mm 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233 2233Height (C) mm 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2500 25004 (A1) mm 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100(B2) mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.B B2A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.119

WSA-SC65D÷100DWater chillerAir cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 173 <strong>to</strong> 257 kWSPINCHILLERHYDRONICThe SPINchiller series presents a new concept of chiller.The WSA-SC units are designed for indoor installation with ducted dischargefor chilled water solutions. These units offer:4EFFICIENCY that increases as the heating load decreases, whileguaranteeing maximum requested load when necessary. SPINchiller alwaysensures maximum comfort with very high efficiency <strong>and</strong> consequentlyconsiderable energy savings;4simple unit-system combination, since these units are SELF-ADAPTING<strong>to</strong> the characteristics of the actual system, thereby avoiding delicate,time-consuming calibrations. Easy connection <strong>to</strong> the service system plus asimple control system <strong>and</strong> easy maintenance of all the most sensitive partsdrastically reduce work requiring specialised personnel with consequentreduction in installation costs;4The particular abundance of optional accessories allows cus<strong>to</strong>misation ofthe unit, also for special requirements both in the civil <strong>and</strong> technologicalair-conditioning sphere. In particular the optional for the HydroPack watercirculating unit, consistent with the concept of modularity, has several pumpsin parallel (up <strong>to</strong> 3), <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the system load variations better <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>regulate the water flow in the critical system starting (or restarting) stages sothat outside servicing is avoided.The innovative <strong>and</strong> hi-tech features of SPINchiller give this series a much higherquality than can generally be found on the market <strong>to</strong>day.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CHYDROPACKEEVCooling only Air cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll HydroPack Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsWSA-SC(1)R(2)B65D(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.4R Total recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for 100% recovery of condensation heat forproducing hot water.(3)SC(4)T(5)C(3) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4SC Compressor soundproofing (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(4) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(5) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available:- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity dependson the working temperature. Check with our salesoffice.120

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 HydroPack with 2 pumps4 HydroPack with 2 pumps + 1 in st<strong>and</strong>-by4 HydroPack with 3 pumps4 HydroPack with 3 pumps + 1 spare onboard4 User side anti-ice electric heaters for hydronic group■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Uprated electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>r4 4/8-pole electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>r4 Kit for low external temperatures with variable fan speed withinverter4 Horizontal air supply4 Upward air supply4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes65D 70D 75C 75D 80D 90C 90D 100D4Cooling capacity (1) kW 173 182 200 198 212 237 231 257Total inputkW 66,9 71,1 75,7 79,0 82,0 94,4 92,0 102EER EUROVENT- 2,55 2,54 2,63 2,50 2,53 2,46 2,44 2,41ESEER- 2,80 2,82 3,90 2,77 2,86 3,85 2,67 2,67Max. working static pressurePa 90 50 50 60 90 90 120 120Number of refrigerant circuits- 2 1 2 1 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 4 SCROLL 3 SCROLL 4 SCROLL 3 SCROLL 4 SCROLLSound pressure level (2) dB(A) 72 73 73 74 74 74 75 76Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:HYDRONIC(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; external air temperature 35°C;(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1 B B2( * )A1CA A2Sizes65D 70D 75C 75D 80D 90C 90D 100DLength (A) mm 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400Width (B) mm 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140Height (C) mm 2270 2270 2270 2270 2270 2270 2270 22704(A1)mm 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900(A2) mm 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900(B1) mm 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300(B2) mm(**)Weight in oper. kg 2135 2312 2118 2176 2258 2385 2437 2474The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.(**) Space depending on the type of installation.(*) OPTIONALCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.121

WSHF-XSC65D÷180FMonobloc unit44 Simultaneous <strong>and</strong> independent heating <strong>and</strong> coolingWater cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 173 <strong>to</strong> 500 kWSPINSAVERNEWSPINSAVER is the high efficiency monobloc unit for centralised systems, able<strong>to</strong> provide both simultaneous <strong>and</strong> independent heating <strong>and</strong> cooling.HYDRONICSPINchiller technology offers high seasonal efficiency, using several Scrollcompressors per circuit <strong>and</strong> working <strong>to</strong>gether with the innovative built-inau<strong>to</strong>matic hydraulic switch system in SPINSAVER. In fact, hot <strong>and</strong> cold fluidsare produced simultaneously in all load conditions with maximum energyrecovery. The source is therefore only activated <strong>to</strong> exchange any excessenergy, with considerable savings in terms of extraction circuit pumpingenergy. As a result, <strong>to</strong>tal primary energy savings can reach up <strong>to</strong> 50%.Thanks <strong>to</strong> its effective production combination, SPINSAVER is therefore theideal solution for civil <strong>and</strong> industrial applications with centralised “four-pipe”type installations.PATENTPENDINGfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-410AEEVHeating-Cooling Water cooled Indoor inst. Outdoor inst.(Optional)Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurations(1)WSHF-XSC - 150F EN C(1) SYSTEM TYPE:4- System with terminal units4PR System with radiant panels, induction terminal units orchilled beams(2) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.(3) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)(2)(3)122

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts kit4 Outdoor installation (only for acoustic configuration EN)4 Shut-off valve on compressor return4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges■ 4 Steel mesh mechanical filter. To be mounted at the exchanger inlet4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Soft Start4 MODBUS serial converter kit4 LonWorks serial converter kit4 BACnet serial converter kit4 Free contacts for compressor status■ 4 Remote control microprocessor unit for repeat comm<strong>and</strong>sKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes65D 70D 75D 80D 85D 90D 100D 110D 115D 120D 135E 150F 165F 180FCOOLING 100% - HEATING 100%4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 173 182 199 208 224 254 276 297 314 330 360 391 444 5004 Heating capacity (1) kW 224 237 257 269 289 327 356 383 407 428 466 506 574 646Total inputkW 51,4 55,2 58,4 61,8 65,1 73,4 80,1 86,8 93,3 98,4 107 116 130 148Overall efficiency- 7,73 7,59 7,80 7,72 7,88 7,91 7,89 7,83 7,72 7,70 7,74 7,76 7,83 7,74COOLING 100% - HEATING 0%4 Cooling capacity (2) kW 212 227 243 255 272 311 341 364 385 404 443 480 539 608Total inputEER at full loadkW 32,6 34,8 37,9 39,9 43,6 47,4 52,2 55,7 59,6 62,4 68,2 74,6 83,6 94,4- 6,50 6,51 6,41 6,38 6,25 6,56 6,54 6,54 6,46 6,48 6,50 6,46 6,45 6,44COOLING 0% - HEATING 100%4 Heating capacity (3) kW 224 237 257 269 289 327 356 383 407 428 466 506 574 646Total inputkW 51,4 55,2 58,4 61,8 65,1 73,4 80,1 86,8 93,3 98,4 107 116 130 148COP at full load- 4,36 4,29 4,40 4,36 4,43 4,45 4,44 4,41 4,36 4,35 4,37 4,38 4,41 4,37Number of refrigerant circuits- 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 4 SCROLL 5 SCROLL 6 SCROLLST Sound pressure level (4) dB(A) 73 74 74 74 74 74 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77EN Sound pressure level (4) dB(A) 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 69Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:HYDRONIC(1) Cooling circuit water 7/12°C; heating circuit water 45/40°C;(2) Cooling circuit water 7/12°C; source circuit water 15/25°C;(3) Heating circuit water 40/45°C; source circuit water 12/7°C;(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions. Heating circuit water 30/35°C; Coolingcircuit water 7/12°Cdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCA1 A A2B1 B B2Sizes65D 70D 75D 80D 85D 90D 100D 110D 115D 120D 135E 150F 165F 180FLength (A) mm 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4651 4651 4651 4651Width (B) mm 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850Height (C) mm 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 18864(A1)mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(A2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B1) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(B2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.123

WSH-XSC65D÷180FWater chillerWater cooledIndoor/outdoor installationCapacity from 195 <strong>to</strong> 560 kWSPINCHILLERThe WSH-XSC units belong <strong>to</strong> the SPINchiller family <strong>and</strong> therefore featurehigh energy efficiency, self-adaptation <strong>and</strong> reliability.4Compactness: when designing the unit special attention was paid <strong>to</strong>reducing the dimensions of the front as much as possible. The width in theunits up <strong>to</strong> 560 kW capacity has been reduced <strong>to</strong> just 85 cm so that theycan pass through normal doorways.4Special attention has been paid <strong>to</strong> making connection <strong>to</strong> the service systemeasy so that work requiring specialised personnel is drastically reducedthereby allowing installation costs <strong>to</strong> be cut considerably. This same policyensured that attention was paid <strong>to</strong> easiness of controls <strong>and</strong> maintenance onall the most sensitive parts.HYDRONIC4EFFICIENCY that increases as the heating load decreases, whileguaranteeing maximum requested load when necessary. SPINchiller alwaysensures maximum comfort with very high efficiency <strong>and</strong> consequentlyconsiderable energy savings;4The particular abundance of optional accessories allows cus<strong>to</strong>misation ofthe unit, also for special requirements both in the civil <strong>and</strong> technologicalair-conditioning sphere. In particular the optional for the HydroPack watercirculating unit, consistent with the concept of modularity, has several pumpsin parallel (up <strong>to</strong> 3), <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the system load variations better <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>regulate the water flow in the critical system starting (or restarting) stages sothat outside servicing is avoided.The innovative <strong>and</strong> hi-tech features of SPINchiller give this series a much higherquality than can generally be found on the market <strong>to</strong>day.These indoor water-cooled units may be combined with the dry coolers of theREM series.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-410AHYDROPACKEEVCooling only Water cooled Outdoor inst. Indoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Water circuitreversalHydroPackElectronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsWSH-XSC(1)-(2)D(3)B75D(4)EN(5)T(6)C(1) OPERATION:4- St<strong>and</strong>ard unit (cooling only)4H Heat pump with water circuit reversalTwo versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-point.(2) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.4R Total recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for 100% recovery of condensation heat forproducing hot water.(3) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.(4) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.(5) APPLICATION:4T Tower water(6) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)124

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Outdoor installation4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 HydroPack with 2 pumps4 Hydropack supply side with 2 pumps4 HydroPack with 2 pumps + 1 in st<strong>and</strong>-by4 Hydropack supply side with 2 pumps + 1 in st<strong>and</strong>-by4 HydroPack with 3 pumps4 Hydropack supply side with 3 pumps4 Connection set exchanger with hydronic group (supply side)4 Connection set exchanger with hydronic group (user side)4 Supply side anti-ice electric heaters for hydronic group4 User side anti-ice electric heaters for hydronic group4 Steel mesh filter on supply side4 Steel mesh filter on user side4 2-way modulating valve4 Set point compensation with 0-10 V signal4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Soft Start4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes65D 70D 75D 80D 85D 90D 100D 110D 115D 120D 135E 150F 165F 180F4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 195 207 223 234 251 286 312 334 353 371 406 440 497 560Total input (1) kW 41,5 44,5 47,6 50,3 53,7 59,8 65,4 70,5 75,7 79,6 86,6 94,2 106 120EER EUROVENT- 4,70 4,65 4,68 4,65 4,67 4,78 4,77 4,74 4,66 4,66 4,69 4,67 4,69 4,67ESEER- 6,11 6,15 5,87 6,03 5,88 6,02 5,99 6,15 6,09 6,07 6,10 6,28 6,21 6,244 Heating capacity (2) kW 224 237 257 269 289 327 356 383 407 428 466 506 574 646Total input (2)COPNumber of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsST Sound pressure level (3)EN Sound pressure level (3)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:kW 51,2 55,0 58,2 61,6 64,9 73,2 79,9 86,6 93,1 98,2 107 115 130 147- 4,38 4,31 4,42 4,37 4,45 4,47 4,46 4,42 4,37 4,36 4,36 4,40 4,42 4,39- 2- 4 SCROLL 5 SCROLL 6 SCROLLdB(A) 73 74 74 74 74 74 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77dB(A) 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 69V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONIC(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; external exchanger water = 30/35°C;(2) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; external exchanger water = 40/45°C;(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes65D 70D 75D 80D 85D 90D 100D 110D 115D 120D 135E 150F 165F 180FLength (A) mm 2510 2510 2510 2510 2510 2510 2510 2510 2510 2510 2976 2976 2976 2976Width (B) mm 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850Height (C) mm 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 18904(A1)mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(A2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B1) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(B2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1 A A2B1 B B2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.125

WDH 2.160÷2.600Water chillerWater cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 408 <strong>to</strong> 1537 kWSCREWLINEThe experience gained by Clivet in the high-capacity chiller sec<strong>to</strong>r has resultedin the WDH series, with the following features:4EFFICIENCY - Eurovent energy efficiency Class A <strong>and</strong> B thanks <strong>to</strong>the new high capacity screw compressors <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> the shell-<strong>and</strong>-tubeexchangers specially developed for the gas R-134a: the best compromise<strong>to</strong> boost efficiency while limiting costs. The compressors are managed withcontinuous adjustment of the capacity. The heat exchangers are specificallysized for best adaptation <strong>to</strong> the other parts of the refrigerant circuit. The latteris fitted with an economiser exchanger for further operating efficiency;HYDRONIC4SELF-ADAPTATION - New, modern <strong>and</strong> intelligent electronic controldirectly developed by Clivet. This cus<strong>to</strong>misation allows better managemen<strong>to</strong>f all the circuit components.Continual adapting of chiller operating parameters <strong>to</strong> the load conditions ofthe system in which it is installed reduces consumption while the working lifeof the parts increases;4STURDINESS - Load-bearing frame in enamelled hot-galvanised sheetmetal with semi-hermetic double-screw compressors <strong>and</strong> shell-<strong>and</strong>-tubeevapora<strong>to</strong>r ensuring reliability <strong>and</strong> constant performance.These units may be combined with the dry coolers of the REM series.Eurovent EnergyEfficiency ClassEurovent EnergyEfficiency Classfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-134aEEVCooling only Water cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-134a Twin-screw semi. Water circuitreversal (WDHH)Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsWDH-3(1)-(2)R(3)B(4)(5)(6)(7)2.300 CLA EN T CE(1) OPERATION:4- St<strong>and</strong>ard unit (cooling only)4H Heat pump with water circuit reversal(2) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4D Partial recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited forrecovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> a maximum of15% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.4R Total recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited for100% recovery of condensation heat for producing hotwater.(3) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity by shuttering thecompressor depends on the working temperature. Check with oursales office.(4) ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS:4CLA Class "A"Energy efficiency with EER greater than or equal <strong>to</strong> 5,05.4CLB Class "B"Energy efficiency with EER inclusive between 4,65 <strong>and</strong> 5,05 .(5) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.(6) APPLICATION:4P Well water4T Tower water(7) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)126

accessories4 Cooling only operation4 Operation with reversibility on water circuit■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return■ 4 Pressure-controlled valve4 Set point compensation with 0-10 mA signal4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 General isolating switch4 Magne<strong>to</strong>thermal circuit breakers4 Soft Start4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status4 Free contacts for compressor status <strong>and</strong> enabling■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataWDH-3 CLA2.160 2.180 2.220 2.250 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.420 2.450 2.480 2.540 2.6004 Cooling capacity (1) kW 468 536 610 697 758 831 900 960 1011 1169 1209 1248 1448 1537Total inputkW 92,6 106,1 119 137 150 164 177 188 199 230 238 247 286 303EER EUROVENT- 5,05 5,05 5,14 5,07 5,05 5,08 5,07 5,09 5,07 5,08 5,07 5,06 5,06 5,08ESEER- 5,75 5,75 5,85 5,77 5,75 5,78 5,78 5,80 5,77 5,78 5,77 5,76 5,76 5,784 Heating capacity (2) kW 548 627 727 814 892 976 1056 1131 1197 1375 1424 1472 1720 1812Total inputST Sound pressure level (4)EN Sound pressure level (4)kW 111 126 150 168 185 203 221 236 251 285 295 305 346 380dB(A) 81 81 83 83 84 84 84 83 83 83 83 83 84 84dB(A) 72 73 74 74 75 74 74 74 75 74 73 74 77 77HYDRONICWDH-3 CLB2.160 2.180 2.220 2.250 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.420 2.450 2.480 2.540 2.6004 Cooling capacity (1) kW 408 455 562 620 698 773 828 903 952 993 1049 1171 1295 1458Total inputkW 87,0 97,5 119 131 148 163 178 188 197 209 224 247 272 309EER EUROVENT- 4,69 4,67 4,73 4,72 4,71 4,73 4,66 4,80 4,82 4,74 4,68 4,74 4,75 4,72ESEER- 5,55 5,52 5,60 5,58 5,56 5,59 5,51 5,68 5,70 5,60 5,53 5,60 5,62 5,584 Heating capacity (2) kW 473 528 649 718 809 894 962 1039 1095 1148 1217 1358 1503 1692Total inputST Sound pressure level (4)EN Sound pressure level (4)Number of refrigerant circuitsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (3)Power supplykW 108 120 147 162 185 202 219 232 244 259 276 304 338 382dB(A) 81 81 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84dB(A) 72 73 73 73 74 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77- 2- 2 DSWV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; external exchanger water = 30/35°C;(2) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; external exchanger water = 40/45°C;(3) DSW = twin-screw compressor(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCWDH-3 CLA 2.160 2.180 2.220 2.250 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.420 2.450 2.480 2.540 2.600ST Length (A) mm 3534 3534 3601 3601 3729 4061 4361 4361 4361 4657 4657 4657 4678 4678EN Length (A) mm 3831 3831 3831 3831 4250 4336 4746 4746 4746 4746 4746 4746 4746 4746ST-EN Width (B) mm 1398 1398 1398 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425ST Height (C) mm 1711 1711 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2146 2146 2146 2146 2146EN Height (C) mm 1891 1891 1891 1891 2182 2182 2182 2182 2182 2245 2245 2245 2245 22454(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm(B1) mm(B2) mmST Weight in oper. kgEN Weight in oper. kg700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7001000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10001500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 15002926 2995 3577 3726 4122 4602 5074 5093 5112 5931 6028 6075 6118 61523254 3323 3900 4053 4463 4919 5519 5538 5557 6376 6473 6520 6563 6597B1 B B2CAUTION!A1A A2For trouble-free operation of the unit it isessential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearances ingreen.WDH-3 CLB 2.160 2.180 2.220 2.250 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.420 2.450 2.480 2.540 2.600ST Length (A) mm 3526 3526 3534 3534 3534 3933 3894 3902 3902 3902 3902 4678 4678 4678EN Length (A) mm 3820 3820 3831 3831 3831 4233 4233 4316 4316 4316 4316 4749 4749 4749ST-EN Width (B) mm 1398 1398 1398 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425 1425ST Height (C) mm 1640 1640 1871 1871 1871 1980 1980 2083 2083 2083 2083 2083 2083 2146EN Height (C) mm 1781 1781 1891 1891 1891 2106 2106 2182 2182 2182 2182 2182 2182 22454(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm(B1) mm(B2) mmST Weight in oper. kgEN Weight in oper. kgThe above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7001000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10001500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 15002576 2612 3201 3264 3304 3656 3988 4367 4377 4411 4542 5384 5393 58812808 2845 3211 3294 3308 3654 3975 4195 4206 4234 4375 5240 5245 5728127

REM75C÷2.440Liquid chillerAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 195 <strong>to</strong> 980 kWHYDRONICThe REM dry coolers may be combined with all the water-cooled watercoolers <strong>and</strong> are made so as <strong>to</strong> occupy the least space possible.Remote dispersal of heat in<strong>to</strong> the ambient air means that noise can betransferred <strong>to</strong> where it causes least disturbance.They are available in various soundproofing configurations <strong>and</strong> with variousexchanger coils for best adaptation <strong>to</strong> their surroundings.Great care has been taken over all the finishes <strong>to</strong> ensure maximum resistance<strong>to</strong> weathering even under extreme conditions of use.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRH 2OAir cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. Wateravailable configurationsREM100D(1)ST(2)T(1) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by reducing the fan speed ofrotation(2) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)128

accessories4 Exchanger coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Copper/copper exchanger coil4 Service switches for enabling fans4 Fan speed control kit4 Power <strong>and</strong> control board with isolating switchKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizesST Rated output (1)ST Air flow rateST Number of fansST Sound pressure level (2)EN Rated output (1)EN Air flow rateEN Number of fansEN Sound pressure level (2)Power supply75C 75D 100D 135F 150F 2.200 2.230kW 195 248 297 354 436 491 548l/s 16300 24900 23800 36650 34700 49850 49000n° 3 4 6 8dB(A) 57 58 58 60 60 61 61kW 154 203 235 299 345 402 445l/s 12000 18900 17650 27650 25700 37700 37000n° 3 4 6 8dB(A) 48 51 51 53 53 54 54V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICSizesST Rated output (1)ST Air flow rateST Number of fansST Sound pressure level (2)EN Rated output (1)EN Air flow rateEN Number of fansEN Sound pressure level (2)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Data in accordance with EN 1048 - Ethylene glycol 34% - External air temperature 25°C - Tin = 40°C- Tout = 35°C2.260 2.280 2.300 2.360 2.400 2.440kW 608 686 760 816 883 980l/s 47750 60900 59300 83650 81900 79000n° 8 10 12dB(A) 61 62 62 63 63 63kW 481 555 600 683 725 790l/s 35500 45950 43950 64850 62500 60000n° 8 10 12dB(A) 54 55 55 56 56 56V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at10 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCleave freeSizes75C 75D 100D 135F 150F 2.200 2.230 2.260 2.280 2.300 2.360 2.400 2.440Length (A) mm 3250 3050 3050 4550 4550 5090 5090 5090 6200 6200 7250 7250 7250Width (B) mm 1095 2195 2195 2195 2195 2326 2326 2326 2326 2326 2326 2326 2326Height (C) mm 2030 1930 1930 1930 1930 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 19104(A1)mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300(B2) mm 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300A1 A A2The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.B1B B2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.129

ME 17÷422Water chillerCondenserlessIndoor installationCapacity from 4,8 <strong>to</strong> 138 kWHYDRONICThe condenserless water chillers of the ME series are units designed forindoor installation <strong>to</strong> be matched with a remote condenser.These units are particularly suitable for noise-sensitive environments <strong>and</strong> forresolving problems concerning the space occupied by a packaged chillers.The condenserless water chillers in the ME series have been designed forcombination with the air-cooled condensers of the CE series.+CEfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresR-407CCooling only Condenserless Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrollavailable configurations(1)ME S 17(2)CE(3)B(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4P PumpIncludes water circulating pump, expansion tank,differential pressure switch, filling unit with pressuregauge, water side safety valve <strong>and</strong> air valve. (only sizes17÷51)(3) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong> glycolmixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -7°C inclusive.(2) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)130

accessories■ 4 Manifold for unit with double exchanger■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS for 1 unit(Master)■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS from 2 <strong>to</strong> 254units (Slave)■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side■ 4 Daily <strong>and</strong> weekly programming clock■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Supply voltage 400/3/50 without neutral (sizes 17-21)■ 4 Liquid line solenoid valveKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes17 21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 1214 Cooling capacity (1) kW 4,79 5,99 7,28 8,39 10,8 12,8 15,3 17,1 18,8 22,5 26,3 32,3Total input (1) kW 1,49 1,91 2,23 2,64 3,12 3,86 4,47 5,07 5,84 7,12 8,19 10,1EER EUROVENT- 3,21 3,14 3,26 3,18 3,46 3,32 3,42 3,37 3,22 3,16 3,21 3,20Number of refrigerant circuits- 1Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLLSound pressure level (2) dB(A) 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 59 59 60 62Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50HYDRONICSizes102 142 162 182 202 222 242 292 322 362 4224 Cooling capacity (1) kW 25,7 34,2 37,5 45,1 52,5 58,5 64,5 82,1 96,9 113 138Total input (1) kW 7,69 10,1 11,7 14,3 16,4 18,3 20,1 24,9 29,4 33,9 41,6EER EUROVENT- 3,34 3,39 3,21 3,15 3,20 3,20 3,21 3,30 3,30 3,33 3,32Number of refrigerant circuits- 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 2 SCROLLSound pressure level (2) dB(A) 53 53 62 62 63 64 65 66 66 66 66Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; dew point = 50°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> functional clearancesspacesA1 A A2CB1 B B2102÷42217÷121A1 A A2B1CB B2Sizes17 21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 121Length (A) mm 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402Width (B) mm 487 487 487 487 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602Height (C) mm 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 915 915 915 9154(A1)mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(A2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300Weight in oper. kg 77 80 85 87 91 92 93 93 113 113 113 119Sizes102 142 162 182 202 222 242 292 322 362 422Length (A) mm 802 802 802 802 802 802 802 580 580 580 580Width (B) mm 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 1062 1062 1062 1062Height (C) mm 790 790 915 915 915 915 915 1538 1538 1538 15384(A1)mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(A2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300Weight in oper. kg 158 193 232 232 239 245 250 410 445 468 520The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.131

CE 25÷602Remote condenserAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 9,1 <strong>to</strong> 277 kWHYDRONICThe remote air-cooled condensers in the CE series are designed for connecting<strong>to</strong> the indoor evaporating units of the ME.They are available in three soundproofing versions: st<strong>and</strong>ard (ST), lownoise (LN) <strong>and</strong> extra low noise (EN), <strong>to</strong> satisfy even the severest ofrequirements in terms of noise limits.They are fitted with axial-flow fans with open inlet <strong>and</strong> outlet, suitable forinstallation outdoors, with large exchange surfaces <strong>and</strong> fan speed adjustment(optional) <strong>to</strong> optimise the cooling performance of the coupled units.<strong>All</strong> the units comply with Clivet’s high quality st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> undergo severetests during assembly.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-407Cavailable configurationsCE 71(1)ST(2)T(1) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4LN Silenced4EN Super Silenced(2) FAN CONNECTION (sizes 302÷602):4S Star connection4T Delta connection132

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/copper4 Condenser coil with double circuit■ 4 Mounts for horizontal condenser coil installation4 Fan switch (sizes 302÷602)■ 4 Liquid receiver kit■ 4 Low temperature liquid receiver kit4 Low external air temperature pressure-switch device4 Sub-cooling circuit4 General isolating switch (sizes 25÷201)■ 4 Packing in wooden caseKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizesST Rated output (1)ST Air flow rateST Sound pressure level (2)LN Rated output (1)LN Air flow rateLN Sound pressure level (2)EN Rated output (1)EN Air flow rateEN Sound pressure level (2)Number <strong>and</strong> diameter of fansST/LN Power supplyEN Power supply25 31 41 51 61 71 91 101 121 141 161 181 201kW 9,10 12,1 13,5 17,3 20,2 24,2 29,7 34,5 41,3 51,5 60,0 72,7 79,5l/s 1039 961 910 1956 2538 2150 2542 3911 3707 6617 6488 6195 5981dB(A) 56 55 55 58 59 57 59 61 61 71 70 70 70kW 6,62 8,70 9,57 12,9 15,3 18,1 21,6 25,7 30,3 43,8 50,5 58,9 63,2l/s 639 606 577 1233 1614 1413 1615 2467 2343 5086 4945 4560 4337dB(A) 43 43 42 46 46 45 46 49 48 63 62 62 62kW 5,86 7,50 8,19 11,3 13,7 16,1 19,1 22,6 26,2 37,5 42,8 48,7 51,3l/s 533 497 475 1015 1362 1201 1363 2030 1923 3981 3849 3509 3290dB(A) 40 40 39 43 44 42 44 46 45 55 54 54 53n°/mm 1/450 2/450 3/450 4/450 3/630V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICSizesST Rated output (1)STAir flow rateST Sound pressure level (2)LN Rated output (1)LNAir flow rateLN Sound pressure level (2)EN Rated output (1)ENAir flow rateEN Sound pressure level (2)Number <strong>and</strong> diameter of fansPower supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Fresh air 35°C - Dew point 52,5°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.∆Y∆Y∆Y∆Y∆Y∆Y∆Y∆Y∆Ydimensions <strong>and</strong> clearances302 322 402 452 502 552 602kW 110 141 158 170 213 238 277kW 95,9 119 129 149 180 195 233l/s 12271 11659 11092 18426 17517 16673 23375l/s 9539 8938 8407 14330 13435 12643 17932dB(A) 74 74 74 76 76 76 77dB(A) 67 67 67 69 69 69 70kW 93,7 118 128 145 177 193 229kW 84,7 103 110 132 155 165 201l/s 9167 8733 8323 13765 13119 12510 17506l/s 7720 7224 6789 11597 10858 10161 14493dB(A) 67 67 67 69 69 69 70dB(A) 62 62 62 64 64 64 65kW 71,1 84,6 88,4 111 127 133 166kW 59,7 68,5 70,6 93,0 103 106 138l/s 5843 5507 5199 8776 8276 7818 11045l/s 4518 4201 3932 6789 6316 5914 8430dB(A) 58 58 58 60 60 60 61dB(A) 52 52 52 54 54 54 55n°/mm 2/800 3/800 4/800V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50CB1 B B2AA1A A2Sizes25 31 41 51 61 71 91 101 121 141 161 181 201Length (A) mm 1110 1110 1110 1790 1760 1760 1840 1840 1840 2690 2690 2690 2690Width (B) mm 490 490 490 490 490 490 500 595 595 595 595 595 595Height (C) mm 585 585 585 585 590 590 735 1170 1170 1215 1215 1215 12154(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 550 550 550 550 550 550 700 1100 1100 1200 1200 1200 1200(B2) mm 550 550 550 550 550 550 700 1100 1100 1200 1200 1200 1200Weight in oper. kg 35 40 50 60 75 80 85 110 125 150 155 190 225Sizes302 322 402 452 502 552 602Length (A) mm 3097 3097 3097 4407 4407 4407 5717Width (B) mm 820 820 820 820 820 820 820Height (C) mm 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 14954(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450(B2) mm 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450Weight in oper. kg 303 336 368 427 475 523 617CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.The above data refer <strong>to</strong> vertical coil version with horizontal airflow.133

MSE-SC65D÷180FWater chillerCondenserlessIndoor/outdoor installationCapacity from 174 <strong>to</strong> 487 kWSPINCHILLERHYDRONIC+CEMThe MSE-SC units belong <strong>to</strong> the SPINchiller family <strong>and</strong> therefore featurehigh energy efficiency, self-adaptation <strong>and</strong> reliability.They are conderserless units that may be combined with the remote condensersof the CEM series. Thanks <strong>to</strong> indoor installation <strong>and</strong> remote dispersal of heatin<strong>to</strong> the ambient air, the noise may be transferred <strong>to</strong> where it causes lessdisturbance.4Compactness: the width in the units up <strong>to</strong> 500 kW capacity has beenreduced <strong>to</strong> just 85 cm so that they can pass through normal doorways.4Easy connection <strong>to</strong> the service system plus a simple control system <strong>and</strong>easy maintenance drastically reduce work requiring specialised personnel<strong>and</strong> therefore installation costs.4EFFICIENCY that increases as the heating load decreases, whileguaranteeing maximum requested load when necessary.4The particular abundance of optional accessories allows cus<strong>to</strong>misation ofthe unit, also for special requirements both in the civil <strong>and</strong> technologicalair-conditioning sphere. In particular the optional for the HydroPack watercirculating unit, consistent with the concept of modularity, has several pumpsin parallel (up <strong>to</strong> 3), <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the system load variations better.The innovative <strong>and</strong> hi-tech features of SPINchiller give this series a much higherquality than can generally be found on the market <strong>to</strong>day.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresR-407CHYDROPACKEEVCooling only Condenserless Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll HydroPack Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsMSE-SC(1)D(2)B100D(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +5°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity byshuttering the compressor depends on the workingtemperature. Check with our sales office.(3)EN(4)T(5)CE(3) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.(4) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(5) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)134

accessories4 Connection <strong>to</strong> CEM remote condensers■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Outdoor installation4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 HydroPack with 2 pumps4 HydroPack with 2 pumps + 1 in st<strong>and</strong>-by4 HydroPack with 3 pumps■ 4 Steel mesh filter on user side4 User side anti-ice electric heaters for hydronic group4 Connection set exchanger with hydronic group (user side)4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes65D 70D 75C 75D 80D 90C 90D 100D 110D 120D 135F 150F 165F 180FST/EN 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 174 184 205 196 206 248 238 271 305 332 360 405 447 487ST/EN Total inputkW 55,1 58,0 60,9 60,8 63,7 75,9 72,4 81,1 91 101 109 122 137 152ST/EN EER EUROVENT- 3,15 3,17 3,37 3,22 3,23 3,27 3,28 3,34 3,34 3,27 3,32 3,33 3,27 3,21ST Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 72 73 76 74 75 76 76 76 76 76 78 79 80 80EN Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 67 67 70 68 69 71 70 71 71 70 72 73 74 74Number of refrigerant circuits- 2 1 2 1 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 4 SCROLL 3 SCROLL 4 SCROLL 3 SCROLL 4 SCROLL 6 SCROLLPower supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:HYDRONIC(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; condensing temperature = 50°C (2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes65D 70D 75C 75D 80D 90C 90D 100D 110D 120D 135F 150F 165F 180FLength (A) mm 2510 2510 2626 2510 2510 2626 2510 2510 2510 2510 2976 2976 2976 2976Width (B) mm 850 85 0 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850Height (C) mm 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 18764(A1)mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(A2) mm(B1) mm(B2) mmST Weight in oper. kgEN Weight in oper. kg1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 15001000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7001172 1235 1169 1310 1363 1169 1478 1576 1576 1576 2070 2241 2241 22411253 1316 1264 1391 1445 1264 1560 1658 1658 1658 2212 2382 2382 2382A1 A A2B1 B B2The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.135

MDE 2.160÷2.600Water chillerCondenserlessIndoor installationCapacity from 439 <strong>to</strong> 1385 kWSCREWLINENEWThe liquid chillers in the MDE range are units for indoor installation <strong>and</strong> areideal in combination with the remote condensers in the CEM range. Theyare particularly suited in civil <strong>and</strong> industrial sec<strong>to</strong>r systems in the followingapplications:HYDRONIC4Buildings with architectural value - The chiller is normally installedin a service room <strong>and</strong> therefore completely concealed from sight, whereasthe outdoor exchange section can be positioned remotely.4Extremely low noise emission - Separated from the chiller, theoutdoor exchange section can be selected <strong>and</strong> sized as required <strong>to</strong> reducenoise emission.4Particularly severe climates - The two section solution makes itpossible <strong>to</strong> avoid having an outdoor water system <strong>and</strong> therefore having<strong>to</strong> perform the winter emptying needed <strong>to</strong> protect it against freezing. WithMDE, the pipes between the two sections contain a refrigerant fluid <strong>and</strong> notwater.+CEMThe energy efficiency of the entire range is particularly high: all sizes use twocompact two screw semi-hermetic compressors with continuous adjustment ofthe supplied cooling capacity. The shell <strong>and</strong> tube evapora<strong>to</strong>rs are specificallyoptimised <strong>to</strong> operate with ecological R134a refrigerant fluid <strong>and</strong> are providedwith a st<strong>and</strong>ard electronic expansion valve.The MDE units are supplied st<strong>and</strong>ard with a double acting economiser, whichfurther improves performance levels: The refrigerant supercooling involvesgreater cooling capacity, <strong>and</strong> injecting the refrigerant in a gaseous state in<strong>to</strong>the compressor involves lower consumption.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresR-134aEEVCooling only Condenserless Indoor inst. Refrig. R-134a Twin-screw semi. Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsMDE-3(1)D(2)B(3)(4)(5)2.420 EN T CE(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited forrecovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> a maximum of20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.(2) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B Low water temperatureThis version allows unit operation within the water <strong>and</strong>glycol mixing temperature range between +4°C <strong>and</strong> -8°Cinclusive.Two versions are available- Unit for low temperatures only- Unit with double operating set-pointThe possibility of reducing the cooling capacity byshuttering the compressor depends on the workingtemperature. Check with our sales office.(3) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.(4) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(5) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)136

accessories4 Connection <strong>to</strong> CEM remote condensers■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return4 Set point compensation with 4-20 mA signal4 Set point compensation with fresh air sensor4 Set point compensation with according <strong>to</strong> outdoor enthalpy4 General isolating switch4 Magne<strong>to</strong>thermal circuit breakers4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger■ 4 Master-slave operation4 Free contacts for compressor status4 Free contacts for compressor status <strong>and</strong> enabling■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes2.160 2.180 2.220 2.250 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.420 2.450 2.480 2.540 2.6004 Cooling capacity (1) kW 439 469 559 614 698 770 835 879 923 974 1002 1148 1262 1385Total inputkW 131 137 162 176 198 219 239 251 263 276 286 326 358 401EER EUROVENT- 3,35 3,42 3,45 3,49 3,53 3,52 3,49 3,50 3,51 3,53 3,50 3,52 3,53 3,45Number of refrigerant circuits- 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (2) - 2 DSWST Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 81 81 83 83 84 84 84 83 83 83 83 83 84 84EN Sound pressure level (3) dB(A) 72 73 74 74 75 74 74 74 75 74 73 74 77 77Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Internal exchanger water = 12/7°C; condensing temperature = 50°C;(2) DSW = twin-screw compressor(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1 B B2A1CA A2Sizes2.160 2.180 2.220 2.250 2.280 2.300 2.320 2.340 2.360 2.420 2.450 2.480 2.540 2.600Length (A) mm 3709 3579 3840 3690 3690 4071 4075 4075 4075 4075 4075 4694 4694 4694Width (B) mm 1244 1244 1244 1271 1271 1244 1271 1271 1271 1271 1271 1271 1271 1271Height (C) mm 1485 1485 1485 1617 1617 1617 1617 1617 1617 1617 1617 1690 1690 16904(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm(B1) mm(B2) mmST Weight in oper. kgEN Weight in oper. kg700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7001500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 15002240 2290 2829 2885 2905 3596 3909 3994 3992 4012 4122 5157 5197 52772469 2581 3105 3161 3181 3922 4248 4320 4320 4340 4408 5644 5684 5764The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.137

CEM75C÷2.440Remote condenserAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 250 <strong>to</strong> 1200 kWHYDRONICThe CEM remote condensers may be combined with all the remote condenserliquid chillers <strong>and</strong> are made so as <strong>to</strong> occupy the least space possible.Remote condensation means that noise can be transferred <strong>to</strong> where it causesleast disturbance, thereby achieving a highly appreciable working wellbeing.They are available in various soundproofing configurations <strong>and</strong> with variousexchanger coils for best adaptation <strong>to</strong> their surroundings.Use of the condensation control gives the CEM remote condensers, latent loadpermitting, the extra possibility of obtaining considerably lower noise levelsthan a packaged chiller.Great care has been taken over all the finishes <strong>to</strong> ensure maximum resistance<strong>to</strong> weathering even under extreme conditions of use.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRCooling onlyAir cooledOutdoor inst.available configurationsCEM100D(1)ST(2)T(3)C(1) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by reducing the fan speed ofrotation.(2) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(3) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C CLIVET (In-house test)138

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Condenser coil in copper/copper4 Service switches for enabling fans4 Kit for low external temperatures with variable fan speed (1 gascircuit)4 Kit for low external temperatures with variable fan speed (2 gascircuits)4 Power <strong>and</strong> control board with isolating switch (1 gas circuit)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.4 Power <strong>and</strong> control board with isolating switch (2 gas circuits)4 Single gas circuittechnical dataSizesST Rated output (1)ST Air flow rateST Number of fansST Sound pressure level (2)EN Rated output (1)EN Air flow rateEN Number of fansEN Sound pressure level (2)Power supply75C 65D 90D 100D 105F 120F 135FkW 250 280 332 380 410 495 576l/s 16100 25800 24600 23500 38800 37000 35300n° 3 4 6dB(A) 57 58 58 58 60 60 60kW 200 240 276 308 350 412 462l/s 12200 19350 18450 18000 28900 27600 26400n° 3 4 6dB(A) 48 51 51 51 53 53 53V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICSizesST Rated output (1)ST Air flow rateST Number of fansST Sound pressure level (2)EN Rated output (1)EN Air flow rateEN Number of fansEN Sound pressure level (2)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Fresh air 30°C - Dew point 45°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at10 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.150F 2.230 2.280 2.300 2.400 2.440kW 650 770 834 990 1070 1200l/s 43800 55700 57800 54200 80000 77900n° 8 10 12dB(A) 61 61 62 62 63 63kW 524 620 678 786 890 1000l/s 32700 41600 43200 40500 59750 58200n° 8 10 12dB(A) 54 54 55 55 56 56V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCleave freeSizes75C 65D 90D 100D 105F 120F 135F 150F 2.230 2.280 2.300 2.400 2.440Length (A) mm 3250 2950 2950 2950 4250 4250 4250 4250 4880 5900 5900 7050 7050Width (B) mm 1095 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2326 2326 2326 2326 2326Height (C) mm 2030 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1910 1910 1910 1910 19104(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(B1) mm 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300(B2) mm 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300A1 A A2B1B B2The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.139

GPAM0÷M9Pumping unitWith s<strong>to</strong>rage tankIndoor (GPA 65)/outdoor (GPA 150) installationCapacity from 0,3 <strong>to</strong> 0,9 kWHYDRONICThe GPA pumping units are designed for connection <strong>to</strong> Clivet units forproducing chilled or hot water. They come complete with all thenecessary electrical <strong>and</strong> water components for trouble-freeoperation of the system.The performance range of the installed centrifugal pumps makes the unitssuitable for all types of service systems.The units may be used on systems with primary <strong>and</strong> secondarycircuit.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OIndoor inst.(GPA 65)Outdoor inst.(GPA 65)Refrig. Wateravailable configurations(1)GPA -(2)1(3)150(1) PUMP CAPACITY:4- M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9(2) No. PUMPS:41 Single pump (Always)(3) STORAGE TANK CAPACITY:4150 from 65 <strong>to</strong> 150 litres140

accessories4 65-litre tank capacity4 150-litre tank capacity■ 4 Hose kit 0,8 m■ 4 Hose kit 1,5 m■ 4 Hose kit 2,0 m■ 4 Ball valve kit for connection <strong>to</strong> the system4 Set-up for operation as primary circuit <strong>and</strong> fittings for secondarycircuitKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes2-pole electric pumpRated outputRated absorbed currentExpansion tankCapacityMaximum pressureSt<strong>and</strong>ard pressureSafety valve calibrationPower supplyGPA 65S<strong>to</strong>rage tank capacityGPA 150S<strong>to</strong>rage tank capacityM0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9kW 0,30 0,45 0,30 0,45 0,55 0,75 0,45 0,55 0,75 0,90A 0,80 1,20 0,80 1,20 1,50 2,00 1,20 1,50 2,00 2,40L 8kPa 800kPa 150kPa 600V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50L 65L 150HYDRONICdimensions <strong>and</strong> functional clearancesspacesCAUTION!A1 A A2B1C1CB B2GPA 150A1 A A2GPA 65B1C1CB B2For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.GPA 65M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9Length (A)Width (B)Height (C)mmmmmm4706007904(A1)(A2)(B1)(B2)(C1)Weight in oper.mmmmmmmmmmkg6006007001000600140GPA 150M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9Length (A)Width (B)Height (C)mmmmmm60079011864(A1)(A2)(B1)(B2)(C1)Weight in oper.mmmmmmmmmmkg600600600600600240The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.141

GP1 GP2 00÷12Pumping unitWith s<strong>to</strong>rage tankOutdoor installationCapacity from 0,5 <strong>to</strong> 2,6 kWHYDRONICGP1Pumping unit <strong>to</strong> be combined with our units for the production of chilled or hotwater, complete with all the indispensable water <strong>and</strong> electricalparts for correct operation of a central water plant.GP2These differ from the GP1 because, in addition <strong>to</strong> the pumping <strong>and</strong> controlfunctions, they also provide for water s<strong>to</strong>rage.The capacity of the tanks is 300 - 500 - 2x300 - 2x500 litres.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OOutdoor inst.Refrig. Wateravailable configurations(1)GP 1(2)00(3)1(4)300(1) STORAGE TANK:41 Without s<strong>to</strong>rage tank42 With s<strong>to</strong>rage tank(2) PUMP CAPACITY:400 From 00 <strong>to</strong> 12(3) No. PUMPS:41 Single pump42 Double pump(4) STORAGE TANK CAPACITY:4300 From 300 <strong>to</strong> 1000 litres142

accessories■ 4 Hose kit 1,5 m (1 exchanger x 1”)■ 4 Hose kit 1,5 m (2 exchanger x 1”)■ 4 Hose kit 1,5 m (1 exchanger x 2”-2”1/2)4 Supply voltage 400/3/50+NOnly GP1:4 One pump4 Two pumpsOnly GP2:4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank 300 litres 1 Pump4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank 300 litres 2 Pumps4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank 500 litres 1 Pump4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank 500 litres 2 Pumps4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank 600 litres 1 Pump4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank 600 litres 2 Pumps4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank 1000 litres 1 Pump4 S<strong>to</strong>rage tank 1000 litres 2 Pumps4 Three-way valve kit for s<strong>to</strong>rage tank from 300 litres <strong>to</strong> 500 litres4 Three-way valve kit for s<strong>to</strong>rage tank from 600 litres <strong>to</strong> 1000 litres4 8 kW Add. el. heater for s<strong>to</strong>rage tank from 300 litres <strong>to</strong> 500 litres4 8 kW Add. el. heater for s<strong>to</strong>rage tank from 600 litres <strong>to</strong> 1000 litres4 12 kW Add. el. heater for s<strong>to</strong>rage tank from 300 litres <strong>to</strong> 500 litres4 12 kW Add. el. heater for s<strong>to</strong>rage tank from 600 litres <strong>to</strong> 1000 litres4 16 kW Add. el. heater for s<strong>to</strong>rage tank from 600 litres <strong>to</strong> 1000 litres4 24 kW Add. el. heater for s<strong>to</strong>rage tank from 600 litres <strong>to</strong> 1000 litresKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataGP1 GP22-pole electric pumpRated outputRated absorbed currentExpansion tankCapacityMaximum pressureSt<strong>and</strong>ard pressureS<strong>to</strong>rage tank capacity (GP2)Safety valve calibrationPower supply00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12kW 0,50 0,60 0,90 1,10 0,80 1,20 1,10 1,50 2,00 2,30 1,50 2,10 2,60A 0,80 1,10 1,80 2,00 1,60 2,20 2,00 2,80 3,60 4,40 2,80 3,60 4,50L12 x GP1 16 x GP2 (300L - 500L) 24 x GP2 (600L) 32 x GP2 (1000L)kPa 800kPa 150L 300 - 500 - 600 - 1000kPa 600V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICdimensions <strong>and</strong> functional clearancesspacesA1 A A2B1C1CB B2Sizes00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Length (A) mm616 (GP1.1 - GP1.2) 831 (GP2.1 - 300-500) 1356 (GP2.2 - 600-1000)Width (B) mm514 (GP1.1 - GP1.2) 831 (GP2.1 - 300-500) 867 (GP2.2 - 600-1000)Height (C) mm 1299 (GP1.1 - GP1.2) 1502 (300) 2225 (500) 1502 (600) 2225 (1000)4(A1)(A2)(B1)(B2)(C1)GP1mmmmmmmmmm300 (GP1) 600 (GP2)600600600500Weight in oper.GP2kg70Weight in oper. kg130xGP2 (300) 170xGP2 (500) 205xGP2 (600) 260xGP2 (1000)The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.143

GP7 60÷63Pumping unitWith s<strong>to</strong>rage tankOutdoor installationCapacity from 1,5 <strong>to</strong> 4 kWHYDRONICPumping units with s<strong>to</strong>rage tank <strong>to</strong> be combined with units for the productionof chilled or hot water, complete with the indispensable water<strong>and</strong> electrical parts for correct operation of the system. They have beendesigned for connection <strong>to</strong> our medium power units <strong>and</strong> come with steeltanks with a capacity of 2 x 300 <strong>and</strong> 2 x 500 litres.The range of capacity <strong>and</strong> head of the pumps makes these units suited <strong>to</strong>many types of systems.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OOutdoor inst.Refrig. Wateravailable configurationsGP7(1)S(2)60(3)2(4)1(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard(2) PUMP TYPE:4CE 60, 61, 62, 63(3) No. PUMPS:41 Single pump42 Double pump(4) STORAGE TANK CAPACITY:41 600 litres42 1000 litres144

accessories4 600-litre tank capacity4 1000-litre tank capacity4 12 kW additional electric heaters4 8 kW additional electric heaters4 Water side protection differential pressure switchKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataGP72-pole electric pumpRated outputRated absorbed currentExpansion tankCapacityMaximum pressureSt<strong>and</strong>ard pressureS<strong>to</strong>rage tank capacitySafety valve calibrationPower supply60 61 62 63kW 1,50 2,20 3,00 4,00A 3,60 4,90 6,50 8,50L 24 (600L) 32 (1000L)kPa 800kPa 150L 600 1000kPa 600V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICdimensions <strong>and</strong> functional clearancesspacesB1 B B2A1C1CA A2Sizes60 61 62 63Length (A)Width (B)mmmm1355911Height (C) mm1505 x (600L) 2225 x (1000L)4(A1)(A2)(B1)(B2)(C1)mmmmmmmmmm600600300600500Weight in oper. kg1355 1360 1390 1395The above data refer <strong>to</strong> pumping units with 2 operating pumps <strong>and</strong> 1000 l s<strong>to</strong>rage tank.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.145

GPM 60÷99Pumping unitWith s<strong>to</strong>rage tankIndoor/outdoor installationCapacity from 1,5 <strong>to</strong> 11 kWHYDRONICThe GPM pumping units are modular <strong>and</strong> designed for connection <strong>to</strong> units forthe production of chilled or hot water.They come complete with all the indispensable electrical <strong>and</strong> water componentsfor correct operation of the system.They have been designed for connection <strong>to</strong> our high power units <strong>and</strong> maybe supplied either separately or integrated in<strong>to</strong> the structure of the chillers withsemi-hermetic compressors.The range of capacity <strong>and</strong> head of the pumps makes these units suited <strong>to</strong>many types of systems, also thanks <strong>to</strong> the possibility of having a primary orprimary/secondary circuit.The GPM units are fac<strong>to</strong>ry assembled <strong>and</strong> tested <strong>and</strong> are ready for operationas soon as they are connected <strong>to</strong> the electricity <strong>and</strong> water supplies.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OIndoor inst. Outdoor inst. Refrig. Wateravailable configurationsGPM(1)S(2)60(3)2(4)A(5)1(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4P Primary/secondary(2) PUMP TYPE(3) No. PUMPS:41 Single pump42 Double pump(4) SET-UP:4A Packaged (separate)4M Packaged with unit(5) Packaged with unit:41 1200 litres42 2400 litres146

accessories4 Water side differential pressure switch4 Silenced 4-pole pumps4 2 kW anti-ice electric heater with safety thermostat■ 4 Shut-off valves for connection <strong>to</strong> the system (P version only)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataGPMNo polesElectric pumpRated outputRated absorbed currentExpansion tankCapacityMaximum pressureSt<strong>and</strong>ard pressureS<strong>to</strong>rage tank capacitySafety valve calibrationPower supply60 61 62 63 68 69 70 71 78 79 80- 2kW 1,5 2,2 3,0 4,0 2,2 3,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 7,5 11,0A 3,6 4,9 6,5 8,5 4,9 6,5 8,5 11,5 11,5 15,5 22,0L 74kPa 800kPa 150L1200 (2400 optional)kPa 600V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICGPMNo polesElectric pumpRated outputRated absorbed currentExpansion tankCapacityMaximum pressureSt<strong>and</strong>ard pressureS<strong>to</strong>rage tank capacitySafety valve calibrationPower supply83 85 87 90 91 92 93 94 98 99- 4kW 0,8 1,5 2,2 1,1 1,5 2,2 4,0 5,5 5,5 7,5A 2,1 3,6 5,2 2,8 3,6 5,2 8,7 12,4 12,4 15,8L 74kPa 800kPa 150L1200 (2400 optional)kPa 600V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCGPM60 61 62 63 68 69 70 71 78 79 80Length (A)1200L Width (B)2400L Width (B)Height (C)mmmmmmmm20401260252021134(A1)(A2)(B1)(B2)mmmmmmmm7007007007001200L Weight in oper. kg 1902 1906 1915 1924 1926 1922 1932 1960 1976 1978 20242400L Weight in oper. kg 3804 3812 3830 3848 3852 3844 3864 3920 3952 3956 4048CAUTION!A1 A A2B1B B2For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.GPM83 85 87 90 91 92 93 94 98 99Length (A)1200L Width (B)2400L Width (B)Height (C)mmmmmmmm20401260252021134(A1)(A2)(B1)(B2)mmmmmmmm7007007007001200L Weight in oper. kg 1929 1945 1964 1954 1954 1983 2048 2060 2068 20702400L Weight in oper. kg 3858 3890 3928 3908 3908 3966 4096 4120 4136 4140The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.147

AQ 14÷803Air-conditioning unitFor treatment of the airParts <strong>and</strong> arrangement of parts: configurableIndoor <strong>and</strong> outdoor installationAir flow rate from 401 <strong>to</strong> 22313 l/sThe AQ air-h<strong>and</strong>ling units feature:HYDRONIC4modularity, with a choice of 63 sizes (27 basic) <strong>to</strong> satisfy all dimensionalrequirements in terms of work site <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling;4aluminium alloy frame with exclusive design;4intermediate sections in reinforced plastic;4screw covering profiles in plastic;4absolute thermal break already in the basic version;450 mm (or 25 mm) thick panels with thermal/acoustic insulation (injectedpolyurethane or mineral wool). Various materials are available for thepanels: metal sheets that are prepainted, galvanised, in peraluman, stainlesssteel;4absolutely smooth internal surfaces <strong>to</strong> reduce build-up of dust <strong>and</strong> makecleaning <strong>and</strong> disinfection easier;4high <strong>and</strong> very high efficiency synthetic corrugated, au<strong>to</strong>matic, electrostatic<strong>and</strong> charcoal filters;4static <strong>and</strong> rotary heat regenera<strong>to</strong>rs;4heat exchanger coils using water, gas, steam or electricity;4humidifying systems in droplet-separa<strong>to</strong>r, compressed water, steam <strong>and</strong> airwasher versions;4insulated <strong>and</strong> fully draining condensate collection trays in aluminium orstainless steel;4quality fans in forward <strong>and</strong> backward-bladed, airfoil-vane <strong>and</strong> plugversions;4muffled sections <strong>and</strong> silencers.Dedicated units for use in hospitals, food <strong>and</strong> electronic industries, clean,rooms, etc.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OFCHeating-Cooling Indoor inst. Outdoor inst. Refrig. Water Free-Coolingavailable configurations(1)AQ 154(1) NOMINAL AIR FLOW RATE /100:Example: 154 indicates 15400 m 3 /h at a face velocity over theexchangers of 2,5 m/sThanks <strong>to</strong> the selection software that can be used from the Internet, thetechnical <strong>and</strong> economic configuration of the air-conditioning units is possiblein the two versions:4 Basic (preconfigured or with free configuration <strong>to</strong> design).4 Compact (preconfigured or with free configuration <strong>to</strong> design) completewith:- mo<strong>to</strong>r-driven damper actua<strong>to</strong>rs- three-way valve unit with heat exchanger coil actua<strong>to</strong>r- sensors for measuring temperature - humidity - pressure- switchboard with electronic control for all selected functions <strong>and</strong> forpower, safety <strong>and</strong> warning control (remote version also possible),interfaceable with supervisor systems, all fully wired <strong>and</strong> tested in thefac<strong>to</strong>ry.148

accessories4 Weather-resistant roof <strong>and</strong> technical space for protecting thecontrols4 Downdraught cowl on fresh air intake <strong>and</strong> exhaust air discharge4 Drive casing4 Lights <strong>and</strong> inspection window4 EmergKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.4 Inverter on fan mo<strong>to</strong>rstechnical dataSizes14 21 29 38 49 62 754 Cooling capacity (1) kW 15,1 22,1 30,8 40,1 51,6 64,5 78,9Total inputkW (*)4 Heating capacity (2) kW 27,3 39,9 55,6 72,2 93,0 116 142Air flow rate (3) l/s 401 587 817 1062 1368 1710 2093Sound pressure leveldB(A) (*)Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Sizes88 105 117 136 154 175 1944 Cooling capacity (1) kW 92,1 111 123 142 161 183 204Total inputkW (*)4 Heating capacity (2) kW 166 199 221 256 291 331 367Air flow rate (3) l/s 2441 2929 3255 3765 4278 4864 5401Sound pressure leveldB(A) (*)Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50HYDRONICSizes218 244 270 286 315 366 4294 Cooling capacity (1) kW 229 255 283 300 330 384 449Total inputkW (*)4 Heating capacity (2) kW 412 460 510 540 596 699 810Air flow rate (3) l/s 6064 6764 7504 7944 8760 10174 11909Sound pressure leveldB(A) (*)Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Sizes491 554 616 678 741 8034 Cooling capacity (1) kW 515 580 645 711 776 842Total inputkW (*)4 Heating capacity (2) kW 928 1046 1164 1281 1399 1517Air flow rate (3) l/s 13643 15376 17111 18844 20579 22313Sound pressure leveldB(A) (*)Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Air entering 32°C, 50 % R.H.; Water 7/12°C; At nominal flow rate with 8-row coil(2) Air entering -5°C; Water 80/70°C ; At nominal flow rate with 4-row coil(3) With face velocity over coils of 2,5 m/s(*) Depending on the configuration, required capacity <strong>and</strong> head pressure <strong>and</strong> the fan.Only the basic sizes are given. Data for the other 36 sizes are given in the Technical Bulletin.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesSizes14 21 29 38 49 62 75 88 105 117Length (A)mm(*)Width (B)mm 720 720 890 890 1060 1060 1230 1400 1400 1400Height (C)mm 700 870 870 1040 1040 1210 1210 1210 1380 1550Servicing space (B1)4for inspection mm 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800coil removal mm 720 720 890 890 1060 1060 1230 1400 1400 1400Weight in oper. kg(**)B B1ACSizes136 154 175 194 218 244 270 286 315 366Length (A)mm(*)Width (B)mm 1570 1570 1740 1740 1910 1910 2080 2080 2250 2420Height (C)mm 1550 1720 1720 1890 1890 2080 2080 2230 2230 2400Servicing space (B1)4for inspection mm 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800coil removal mm 1570 1570 1740 1740 1910 1910 2080 2080 2250 2420Weight in oper. kg(**)Sizes429 491 554 616 678 741 803Length (A)mm(*)Width (B)mm 2760 3100 3440 3780 4120 4460 4800Height (C)mm 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400Servicing space (B1)4for inspection mm 800 800 800 800 800 800 800coil removal mm 2760 3100 3440 3780 4120 4460 4800Weight in oper. kg(**)CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.(*) Length A depends on the specific configuration.(**) Operating weight depends on the specific configuration.The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.149

Clivet P-MATIC for HydronicSupervision System specialised in the management of hydronic climatecontrol systems with Clivet chillers <strong>and</strong> heat pumpsHYDRONIC4 Flexible <strong>and</strong> guaranteed comfort in all conditions4 Easy <strong>to</strong> use4 Increased system reliability4 Prompt corrective <strong>and</strong> emergency actions4 Energy optimisation4 Increased system life cycle150

Our Supervision SystemClivet P-MATIC for Hydronic is the Clivet-designed supervision system for moni<strong>to</strong>ring its units <strong>and</strong> theplumbing system that serves the climate control system. The system is enabled <strong>to</strong> control the followingsystem types:4Hydronic (two <strong>and</strong> four-pipe) with fan coil units <strong>and</strong> primary air4Hydronic with fan coil units without primary air4Hydronic with radiant panelsThe ApplicationClivet P-MATIC for Hydronic is the essential <strong>to</strong>ol for supervising: office buildings, hotels, large supermarkets<strong>and</strong> shopping centres.The system is comprised of hardware <strong>and</strong> software modules enabled <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r, control <strong>and</strong> supervise theSPINchiller <strong>and</strong> ZEPHIR 2 units <strong>and</strong> the ELFORoom terminal units. It also manages other equipment, such aselectric pumps <strong>and</strong> extrac<strong>to</strong>rs.Clivet P-MATIC for Hydronic has been designed <strong>to</strong> maximise energy efficiency, flexibility of use <strong>and</strong> thereliability of the hydronic systems. In fact, it makes it possible <strong>to</strong>:4Schedule the daily <strong>and</strong> weekly operation of each unit <strong>and</strong> the other components in the system4Au<strong>to</strong>matically modify the setpoints, unit by unit, on the basis of the outdoor temperature4Control the units so as <strong>to</strong> restrict energy consumption by managing <strong>to</strong>tal load peaksHYDRONICComponent ControlClivet P-MATIC for Hydronic enables the fully au<strong>to</strong>nomous operation of every single component in thesystem, even in the lack of a connection <strong>to</strong> the supervision PC.The software has user-friendly 3D graphics <strong>and</strong> enables the immediate identification of the rooms <strong>and</strong> unitsin question. The system receives <strong>and</strong> transmits data on:4Daily, weekly <strong>and</strong> seasonal on/off times for groups or individual units4Unit events such as switching on, switching off, reports, alarms, etc.4Water temperature <strong>and</strong> controls linked <strong>to</strong> the system4The system is also able <strong>to</strong> provide a clear reading of all the variables <strong>and</strong> the configuration parametersfor every device. User access <strong>to</strong> this functional level is password-controlled.The SupplyClivet P-MATIC for Hydronic is entirely developed <strong>and</strong> manufactured by Clivet <strong>and</strong> undergoes individualtesting before delivery. The supply typically comprises:4Supervision workstation, complete with professional Personal Computer with high frequencyIntel processor, high resolution TFT moni<strong>to</strong>r, DeskJet A4 printer, conver<strong>to</strong>r box for RS485 serialcommunication <strong>and</strong> ADSL or modem remote control system.4Control panel, with built-in microprocessors <strong>and</strong> power auxiliaries4Area concentra<strong>to</strong>rs with RS485 serial port <strong>and</strong> Ethernet4Control <strong>and</strong> supervision software4System control elements, such as temperature <strong>and</strong> water flow probes4 Navigation menu cus<strong>to</strong>misation comprising graphic representations of the building in 3D <strong>and</strong> byindividual floor.Each system also comes with the Clivet check-up, training <strong>and</strong> start-up.151

PACKAGED SystemPACKAGED SystemPackaged airconditioning for retail,service <strong>and</strong>high attendanceapplicationsPACKAGED System is the quickest <strong>and</strong> most competitive solution forclimate control in large buildings.The cooling or thermal energy needed for climate control is producedlocally – only when required – <strong>and</strong> sent <strong>to</strong> the serviced areas via asuitable air distribution <strong>and</strong> diffusion system, consisting of ducts <strong>and</strong>diffusion terminals (outlets, anemostats, nozzles, etc.).These packaged units are highly efficient because they do not useintermediate fluids. They offer a very high performance thanks <strong>to</strong>systems such as active thermodynamic recovery.152

System componentsseries size from <strong>to</strong> name pageCPAN-XHE 45 160 ZEPHIR 2 New 154CKT-XHE / CKN-XHE 41 151 SMARTPACK New 156CSRT-XHE / CSRN-XHE 82 302 ClivetPACK 158CSRT-XHE / CSRN-XHE 362 904 ClivetPACK 160CSNX-XHE 82 402 ClivetPACK 162CSRT-XHE-FFA / CSRN-XHE-FFA 204 244 ClivetPACK FFA New 164CAS-X / CASR-X 25 222 - New 166CE-X 25 201 - New 168CAVN 51 242 - 170CAHN 41 121 - 172CLIVET MASTER SYSTEM - 174P-Matic for Packaged - 176P-Matic for Multiplex - 178153

CPAN-XHE 45÷160Make-up unit, full fresh airWith return/exhaust <strong>and</strong> thermodynamic heat recovery4Heat pumpIndoor <strong>and</strong> outdoor installationAir flow rate from 1250 <strong>to</strong> 4444 l/s(from 4500 <strong>to</strong> 16000 m 3 /h)NEWZEPHIR 2 is the innovative all fresh air conditioning monobloc heat pump thatexecutes the recovery of air with a high efficiency, thanks <strong>to</strong> the integratedenergy recovery of the active thermodynamic type <strong>and</strong> the exclusiveconstruction <strong>and</strong> functional features.It is a high-performance cooling <strong>and</strong> heating energy genera<strong>to</strong>r that uses theexpelled energy as a source <strong>and</strong> does not have the high load losses of atraditional static recoverer. It is able <strong>to</strong> compensate the fresh air load <strong>and</strong>even contribute <strong>to</strong> the air-conditioning of the served area during most part ofits operation.The reduced consumption at partial load of the refrigeration circuit, theelectronic expansion valve, the electronic control plug-fans <strong>and</strong> the wide rangeof accessories allow <strong>to</strong> highlight the entire system in the different situations ofuse.Zephir 2 is available in two different configurations:ZEPHIR 2 CAF4 ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERYIt is able <strong>to</strong> do away with a good part of the air renewal load, even inthe most dem<strong>and</strong>ing operating conditions, entrusting the remaining part <strong>to</strong>the built-in climate control system.During the remaining operating period, it is able <strong>to</strong> generate, at levels ofhigh efficiency, further capacity <strong>to</strong> be introduced in<strong>to</strong> the ambient.PACKAGED4 ZEPHIR 2 ENERGYThis is the version with the biggest capacity, able <strong>to</strong> cancel out the airrenewal load for good part of the year. During the remaining operatingperiod, the biggest available capacity leads <strong>to</strong> a further reduction in theintervention of the built-in climate control system.The ENERGY version therefore increases the advantages of the RECOVERYversion.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCCCEEVActive ThermodynamicHeat RecoveryHeating-Cooling Air cooled Roof Top Refrig. R-410AHerm. Scroll Free-Cooling Direct Coupled Fan Electronic ExpansionValveConstant Air Flowavailable configurationsCPAN-XHE(1)ZE(2)45(3)M(4)150(5)E(6)100(1) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4ZE "Zephir 2 Energy" fresh air unit with air treatment <strong>and</strong> supplydirectly <strong>to</strong> room4ZR "Zephir 2 Recovery" fresh air unit with pre-treatment of fresh<strong>and</strong> supply air <strong>to</strong> the local air conditioning units(2) NOMINAL AIR FLOW RATE /1004 Example: 45 indicates 4500 m 3 /h air flow rate(4) HEAD PRESSURE IN SUPPLY(5) EXTRACTION4E Extraction(6) HEAD PRESSURE IN EXTRACTION(3) SUPPLY4M Air supply154

accessories4 Temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity control4 Enthalpy Free-Cooling4 EXTRAPOWER (with water exchanger in addition)4 Modulating three.way valve4 Pre-heating electric heaters■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Configuration for external low temperature4 Configuration for high external temperature4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 High efficiency air filter F74 Electronic filters■ 4 S<strong>and</strong> trap louvre4 Dirty filters differential pressure switch in delivery4 Dirty filters differential pressure switch in expulsion4 Dirty filters differential pressure switch in delivery <strong>and</strong> in expulsion4 Immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Droplet-separa<strong>to</strong>r humidifier with once-through water4 Air quality sensor for CO2 control4 Air quality sensor for CO2 <strong>and</strong> VOC p.p.m. control■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control■ 4 Electronic wall-mounting room thermostat4 RS485 remote communication serial port, MODBUS pro<strong>to</strong>col4Serial communication module LONWORKS4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Au<strong>to</strong>matic control of constant air flow for in delivery <strong>and</strong> expulsionKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 32,0 36,4 44,1 51,5 61,5 73,9 89,7 106Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 21,0 24,4 29,0 34,4 41,8 44,7 60,8 72,3Compressor input (1) kW 8,90 10,5 12,6 14,0 16,9 18,6 22,3 23,8EER (1) - 3,60 3,47 3,50 3,68 3,64 3,97 4,02 4,464 kW 35,4 40,6 50,4 58,2 70,5 82,5 98,8 113Heating capacity (2)Compressor input (2)COP (2)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsSound pressure level (3)kW 6,70 7,80 9,20 10,9 12,2 14,3 16,5 18,2- 5,28 5,21 5,48 5,34 5,78 5,77 5,99 6,19- 2 SCROLLdB(A) 59 61 64 66 68 70 77 81ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 20,8 24,4 32,9 37,8 48,0 55,5 65,7 77,1Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 15,1 17,3 22,6 25,6 32,9 38,0 44,5 52,3Compressor input (1) kW 4,30 5,40 8,50 9,80 11,3 13,1 14,9 17,6EER (1) - 4,84 4,52 3,87 3,86 4,25 4,24 4,41 4,384 Heating capacity (2) kW 22,1 26,4 37,0 42,6 52,3 61,5 72,4 84,6Compressor input (2)COP (2)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsSound pressure level (3)Power supplySupplyAir flow rateAir flow rateMax. working static pressure (4)Number <strong>and</strong> type of fansDischargeAir flow rateAir flow rateMax. working static pressure (4)Number <strong>and</strong> type of fansData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Coil inlet air temperature in discharge 27°C D.B. - 19°C W.B.; fresh air temperature 35°C D.B. - 24°C W.B.;the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) Coil inlet air temperature in discharge 20°C D.B. - 13,7°C W.B.; fresh air temperature 7°C D.B. - 6,1°C W.B.;the COP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1 mfrom the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.kW 3,70 4,40 6,80 7,90 9,30 11,0 12,8 15,2- 5,97 6,00 5,44 5,39 5,62 5,59 5,66 5,57- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLLdB(A) 58 60 63 65 67 69 76 80V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50l/s 1250 1444 1667 1944 2500 3056 3611 4444m 3 /h 4500 5200 6000 7000 9000 11000 13000 16000Pa 400 670 650 610 580 480 670 490- 1 RAD 2 RADl/s 1189 1372 1583 1847 2375 2902 3430 4222m 3 /h 4280 4940 5700 6650 8550 10450 12350 15200Pa 380 300 610 600 580 390 350 490- 1 RAD 2 RAD(4) For st<strong>and</strong>ard unit inclusive of discharge air G4 filters. Some accessories may reduce the actual useful staticpressure. For example, added sections of pocket filters F7, hot water coil, post-heating coil, etc.(5) RAD = radial-blade fanN.B. For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.PACKAGEDdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesACB B2Sizes45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160Length (A) mm 2917 2917 2917 2917 2917 2917 2917 2917Width (B) mm 1891 1891 1891 1891 2291 2291 2291 2291Height (C) mm 884 884 1234 1234 1234 1234 1634 16344(B1)mm 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200(B2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1700 1700 1700 1700Weight in oper. kg 735 750 885 900 929 1009 1229 1279The above data refer <strong>to</strong> Zephir 2 Energy units.For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.B1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.155

CKT-XHE CKN-XHE 41÷151Packaged air-conditioning unit4CKT:-XHE cooling only4CKN-XHE: heat pumpAir cooledRoof TopCapacity from 12,9 <strong>to</strong> 53,4 kWSMARTPACKNEWSMARTPACK is the innovative range of high efficiency au<strong>to</strong>nomousair conditioners for air treatment, purification <strong>and</strong> renewal in small <strong>and</strong>medium environments such as shops, bars, small restaurants, service stations,showrooms, outlet villages, technical rooms <strong>and</strong> production areas.Compact design: the technical solutions adopted make the unit extremelycompact <strong>and</strong> easy <strong>to</strong> integrate in a range of different architectural contexts.Low running costs: the very high efficiency of the innovative coolingcircuit, optimised for operation at partial loads, the free-cooling, the st<strong>and</strong>ardenergy recovery on units with exhaust air, the electronic low pressure dropfilters <strong>and</strong> the intelligent ventilation air management make a drastic reductionin energy consumption <strong>and</strong>, as a result, in running costs.Versatile use: the technology already successfully adopted in the rangeof larger units <strong>and</strong> the extensive number of available versions <strong>and</strong> optionsmake this unit extremely flexible <strong>and</strong> suitable for all situations. SMARTpack isavailable in two different versions:PACKAGEDTHTUNE comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control keypadMain functions:4 temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity measurement through built-in probes4 unit on/off4 unit main information4 ventilation-only setting4 daily/weekly programming4 temperature set-point modification4 humidity set-point modification4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winter selection4CONSTANT CAPACITY UNITAmbient comfort is achieved by switching the compressor on or off insequence. The thermal inertia of the served environment contributes <strong>to</strong>maintaining the desired conditions.4VARIABLE CAPACITY UNITIt makes it possible <strong>to</strong> supply only the capacity effectively requested thanks<strong>to</strong> the Digital ScrollTM compressor technology (in the smaller models) or bymeans of large compressors operating on the same cooling circuit (in thelarger models). The introduced air conditions vary continuously, for maximumuser comfort.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCCCEEVCAFCooling only(CKT-XHE)Heating-Cooling(CKN-XHE)Air cooled Roof Top Refrig. R-410AHerm. Scroll Ice protectionsystemFree-CoolingActive ThermodynamicHeat RecoveryDirect Coupled FanElectronic ExpansionValveCostant air flowavailable configurationsCKN-XHE(1)C(2)101 SHC(1) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4A Return ductable intake4B Fresh air mixing, recirculation/intake plenum4C With intake/exhaust fan, mixing/recirculation plenum<strong>and</strong> fresh air return. Inclusive of free-cooling adjustment(2) VERSION:4SHC Unit with constant capacity4CHC Unit with variable capacity156

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/copper4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Water heater coil4 3-way modulating valve4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Copper/copper hot gas post-heating coil4 Electric heaters4 Air quality control (CO2 <strong>and</strong> CO2+VOC) in relation <strong>to</strong> crowding4 Antifreeze protection electrical panel4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 Extra section of very high efficiency electronic filters H104 Enthalpy Free-Cooling4Device for operation with low external air temperature with variablefan speed4 Immerse electrode steam humidifier4 RS485 remote communication serial port, Modbus pro<strong>to</strong>col4 Serial communication module LonWorks4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Self-regulating constant flow control device4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Finned coil protection grilles■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4Ambient temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity control with on-board probesKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes41 51 61 71 91 101 131 151CKT-XHESHC 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 12,9 15,6 21,2 23,7 30,4 34,3 46,5 53,4SHC Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 10,4 12,0 16,9 17,5 23,7 27,4 35,2 41,9SHC Compressor input (1) kW 2,70 3,88 4,78 5,77 6,80 8,26 9,85 11,7SHC EER (1) - 4,79 4,02 4,44 4,10 4,47 4,16 4,72 4,58CHC 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 12,9 15,6 21,2 23,7 32,4 36,8 48,5 55,4CHC Sensible cooling capacity (1)CHC Compressor input (1)CHC EER (1)CKN-XHEkW 10,4 12,0 16,9 17,5 24,3 28,3 36,0 41,9kW 2,70 3,88 4,78 5,77 8,50 10,0 11,1 13,0- 4,79 4,02 4,44 4,10 3,81 3,67 4,36 4,26SHC 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 12,7 15,5 21,4 24,0 30,3 34,2 45,6 52,3SHC Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 10,4 12,0 16,7 18,2 23,8 26,5 35,6 41,4SHC Compressor input (1) kW 2,80 4,00 4,70 5,60 6,80 8,30 10,0 11,9SHC EER (1) - 4,57 3,90 4,58 4,31 4,42 4,13 4,56 4,38SHC 4 Heating capacity (2) kW 12,2 15,3 20,9 23,5 29,9 34,3 44,1 51,2SHC Compressor input (2) kW 2,00 2,80 3,60 4,10 5,20 6,00 7,50 8,90SHC COP (2) - 6,12 5,53 5,80 5,71 5,80 5,69 5,90 5,73CHC 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 12,7 15,5 21,4 24,0 32,3 36,7 47,6 54,3CHC Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 10,4 12,0 16,7 18,2 24,4 27,4 36,4 41,4CHC Compressor input (1) kW 2,80 4,00 4,70 5,60 8,50 10,1 11,3 13,3CHC EER (1) - 4,57 3,90 4,58 4,31 3,81 3,62 4,20 4,08CHC 4 Heating capacity (2) kW 12,2 15,3 20,9 23,5 33,2 38,0 47,2 54,7CHC Compressor input (2)CHC COP (2)Supply air flow rateMax. working static pressure for supply (3)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (4)Number <strong>and</strong> type of return fans (4)Sound pressure level (5)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air exchanger inlet air 27°C D.B. / 19,5°C W.B.; external air temperature 35°C; operation with30% of fresh air; EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) Ambient air exchanger inlet air 20°C; fresh air 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B; operation with 30% of fresh air; COPrefers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) Net pressure available <strong>to</strong> overcome outlet <strong>and</strong> inlet pressure drops. The useful static pressure for overcomingoutlet <strong>and</strong> inlet pressure drops does not account for accessories that cause pressure drops on the air side (i.e..kW 2,00 2,80 3,60 4,10 6,40 7,60 8,40 10,0- 6,12 5,53 5,80 5,71 5,18 5,01 5,64 5,46l/s 611 750 944 1139 1444 1778 2222 2667Pa 600 500 460 380 750 660 520 480- 1 SCROLL- 1 RAD- 1 RADdB(A) 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 67V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50additional electronic filter sections, hot water coil, post-heating coil, etc.)(4) RAD = radial-blade fan(5) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.PACKAGEDdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1Bleave freeCA A1Sizes41 51 61 71 91 101 131 151Length (A) mm 1990 1990 2320 2320 2320 2320 2680 2680Width (B) mm 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1710 1710Height (C) mm 1005 1005 1305 1305 1605 1605 1605 16054(A1)mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(B1) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(B2) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Weight in oper. kg 259 259 422 422 540 540 773 773The above data refer <strong>to</strong> units in constructional configuration C.For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.B2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.157

CSRT-XHE CSRN-XHE 82÷302Packaged air-conditioning unit4CSRT-XHE: cooling only4CSRN-XHE: heat pumpAir cooledRoof TopCapacity from 33,1 <strong>to</strong> 103 kWCLIVETPACKThe au<strong>to</strong>nomous air-conditioners of the CSRT-XHE / CSRN-XHE series areRoof-<strong>to</strong>p type units developed by Clivet using the most recent <strong>and</strong> advancedtechnologies available on the market dedicated <strong>to</strong> the treatment of air. Destined<strong>to</strong> the air-conditioning of small <strong>and</strong> medium surface environments with mediumcrowding such as supermarkets, shops, offices <strong>and</strong> small production areas.4 Versatility of use: the wide range of versions, options <strong>and</strong> accessoriesallow unique integration <strong>and</strong> flexibility of choice, regardless of theintended use <strong>and</strong> the external climate.4 Easy <strong>to</strong> position <strong>and</strong> install: the units are exceptionally compact,perfect for positioning on particularly crowded roofs. The units, pretestedin the fac<strong>to</strong>ry, feature immediate start-up thanks <strong>to</strong> the packagedapproach, which includes everything the systems needs. It only requires <strong>to</strong>be connected <strong>to</strong> the electrical mains <strong>and</strong> the air system.PACKAGED4 Reduced management costs: thanks <strong>to</strong> the high efficiency of theinnovative refrigeration circuit optimized for the functioning at partial load,of free-cooling, of the st<strong>and</strong>ard heat recoverer on all models featuring airexhaust, of optional electrostatic air filters, of the au<strong>to</strong>matic control <strong>and</strong>adjustment of all air flows drastically reduce the energy consumption <strong>and</strong>therefore the management costs.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIR R-410A FCCCECOBREEZEEEVCooling only(CSRT-XHE)Heating-Cooling(CSRN-XHE)Air cooled Roof Top Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Ice protectionsystemFree-CoolingThermodynamicHeat RecoveryDirect Coupled FanECOBreezeElectronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsCSRT-XHE(1)C162(1) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4B Fresh air mixing, recirculation/intake plenum4C Radial expulsion fan, mixing chamber /re-circulation /external air intake with free-cooling adjustment.158

accessories4 Copper/copper condenser coil4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Copper/copper hot gas post-heating coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 3-way modulating valve4 Droplet-separa<strong>to</strong>r humidifier with once-through water4 Immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Extra section of class F7 rigid bag filters4 Extra section of very high efficiency electronic filters H104 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreeze4 Device for operation at low outside temperatures with variable fanspeedKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.4 Au<strong>to</strong>matic constant flow control device■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Modulating natural gas or LPG heating module with condensation4 Serial communication module RS485 (LonWorks)4 Serial communication module RS485 (MODBUS)4 Additional electric heaters4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Enthalpy control (humidification, dehumidification, post-heating)4 Air quality control (CO2 <strong>and</strong> CO2+VOC) in relation <strong>to</strong> crowding4 Enthalpy Free-Cooling■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Modulating fresh air outlet damper4 Mo<strong>to</strong>rized ON/OFF fresh air outlet damper4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Constant supply air flow-ratetechnical dataSizes82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302CSRT-XHE4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 33,1 37,2 46,0 52,6 65,0 74,0 93,6 103Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 23,4 26,6 34,3 37,8 46,1 54,0 66,7 73,7Compressor input (1) kW 8,00 9,60 11,8 13,5 15,0 18,5 20,2 23,5EER (1) - 4,13 3,89 3,91 3,91 4,35 4,00 4,64 4,38CSRN-XHE4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 32,5 37 46,4 53,3 64,8 73,7 91,8 101Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 23,3 26,5 33,8 39,4 46,3 52,2 67,5 72,8Compressor input (1) kW 8,30 9,90 11,6 13,1 15,0 18,6 20,5 24,0EER (1) - 3,92 3,74 4,00 4,07 4,32 3,96 4,48 4,204 Heating capacity (2) kW 32,6 37,3 45,3 53,1 63,9 72,9 90,0 98,7Compressor input (2)COP (2)Supply air flow rateNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Number <strong>and</strong> type of return fans (3)Max. working static pressure for supply (4)Sound pressure level (5)Power supplykW 6,70 7,90 8,50 10,4 12,1 14,1 16,3 18,3- 4,87 4,72 5,33 5,11 5,28 5,17 5,52 5,39l/s 1500 1700 2220 2500 3060 3610 4440 5000- 2 SCROLL- 1 RAD 2 RAD- 1 RADPa 280 600 450 520 450 370 460 510dB(A) 62 62 63 65 67 67 68 69V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50PACKAGEDData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:None of the cooling capacities take account of the heat dissipated by the mo<strong>to</strong>rs of the centrifugal fans; for units inconstructional configuration "C" <strong>and</strong> operation with 30% of external <strong>and</strong> expelled air(1) Ambient air exchanger inlet air 27°C D.B./ 19,5°C W.B.; external air temperature 35°C; operation with 30%of fresh air; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only.(2) Ambient air exchanger inlet air 20°C; fresh air 7°C D.B./ 6.1°C W.B.; operation with 30% of fresh air; theCOP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only.(3) RAD = radial-blade fan4) Net outside static pressure <strong>to</strong> win the outlet <strong>and</strong> intake onboard pressure drops. Working static pressure doesnot consider accessories that cause air-side pressure drops (for exemple: additional sections of bag filters F7,hot water coil, re-heating coil, noise attenua<strong>to</strong>rs...).(5) Sound levels refer units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1 m fromthe external surface of the unit in open field conditions. Working head 50 Padimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeA A2B1CB B2Sizes82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302Length (A) mm 3155 3155 3320 3320 3320 3320 3570 3570Width (B) mm 1915 1915 1915 1915 2300 2300 2300 2300Height (C) mm 1700 1700 2110 2110 2130 2130 2260 22604 (A2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B1) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500CSRT-XHEWeight in oper. kg 945 985 1135 1185 1380 1430 1625 1675CSRN-XHEWeight in oper. kg 1030 1070 1160 1210 1415 1465 1655 1705The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units in constructional configuration C.N.B. For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.159

CSRT-XHE CSRN-XHE 362÷904Packaged air-conditioning unit4CSRT-XHE: cooling onlyCSRN-XHE: heat pumpAir cooledRoof TopCapacity from 121 <strong>to</strong> 307 kW4 CLIVETPACKThe packaged air-conditioners in the CSRT-XHE/CSRN-XHE seriesare outdoor units available with various capacities <strong>and</strong> a vast range ofaccessories, including an exclusive system for the active thermodynamicrecovery of the energy of the discharged air. They are also equipped withFree-Cooling (version C), electronic expansion valve, control logic, <strong>and</strong>evolved adjustment for the maximum ambient comfort. They are designed forair-conditioning large spaces.Designed <strong>to</strong> reduce work on site <strong>to</strong> a minimum, these units have been createdwith the aim of always working with <strong>to</strong>pmost energy saving through anextremely intelligent <strong>and</strong> advanced energy control. The energy is suppliedsolely when <strong>and</strong> where it is needed.They are extremely versatile units <strong>and</strong> the airflow may be adjusted <strong>to</strong> threelevels: st<strong>and</strong>ard, high <strong>and</strong> reduced. The unit may be adapted <strong>to</strong> all kinds ofrequirements thanks <strong>to</strong> many different possibilities of installation. There are twomain constructional configurations:PACKAGED4 B Return with mixing plenum/fresh air intake;4 C With intake/discharge fan, mixing/recirculation plenum <strong>and</strong> fresh airreturn;functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCECOBREEZEEEVCooling only(CSRT-XHE)Heating-Cooling(CSRN-XHE)Air cooled Roof Top Refrig. R-410A Herm. ScrollIce protectionsystemFree-CoolingThermodynamicHeat RecoveryECOBreezeElectronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsCSRT-XHE(1)C(2)452 M(3)200(4)R(5)100(6)SM(7)SR(1) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4B Fresh air mixing, recirculation/intake plenum availablewith Free-Cooling control4C With intake/discharge fan, mixing/recirculation plenum<strong>and</strong> fresh air return available with Free-Cooling control(2) SUPPLY:4M Supply(3) HEAD PRESSURE IN SUPPLY(6) SUPPLY AIR FLOW RATE:4SM St<strong>and</strong>ard air flow rate4RM Reduced air flow rate4HM High air flow rate(7) RETURN AIR FLOW RATE:4SR St<strong>and</strong>ard air flow rate4RR Reduced air flow rate4HR High air flow rate(4) RETURN:4R Return(5) HEAD PRESSURE IN RETURN160

accessories4 Copper/copper condenser coil4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Copper/copper hot gas post-heating coil4 3-way modulating valve4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreeze4 Additional electric heaters4 Modulating natural gas or LPG heating module with condensation4 Thermal Free-Cooling4 Enthalpy Free-Cooling4 Enthalpy control (humidification, dehumidification, post-heating)4 High efficiency air filter F74 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Extra section of very high efficiency electronic filters H104 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Uprated electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>rs for static pressure values higher thanst<strong>and</strong>ard4 Air quality sensor for CO2 control4 Air quality sensor for CO2 <strong>and</strong> VOC control4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Serial communication module RS485 (LonWorks)4 Serial communication module RS485 (MODBUS)4 Droplet-separa<strong>to</strong>r humidifier with once-through water4Immersed electrode steam humidifier with electronic controllerfeaturing proportional control fitted with humidity probe on the airreturn4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Application with fabric ducts4 Modulating fresh air outlet damper4 On/off mo<strong>to</strong>rized fresh air outlet damper4 Device for fan inrush current reductionKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes362 402 452 464 524 604 704 804 904CSRT-XHE4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 121 132 144 156 174 206 229 283 307Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 87,1 94,1 102 115 126 149 164 202 224Compressor input (1) kW 26,8 31,4 36,1 35,6 43,4 47,0 56,7 59,9 68,8EER (1) - 4,51 4,20 3,99 4,38 4,01 4,38 4,04 4,72 4,46CSRN-XHE4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 119 130 140 159 177 205 228 275 301Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 84,7 93,0 97,7 116 128 151 165 204 220Compressor input (1) kW 27,2 31,6 36,4 34,8 42,3 47,5 57,1 60,4 69,5EER (1) - 4,38 4,11 3,85 4,57 4,18 4,32 3,99 4,55 4,334 Heating capacity (2) kW 116 130 142 155 174 200 225 276 302Compressor input (2)COP (2)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Max. working static pressure for supply (4)Supply air flow rateNumber <strong>and</strong> type of return fans (3)Max. working static pressure for return (4)Return air flow rateSound pressure level (5)Power supplykW 21,8 25,4 28,7 28,3 33,8 37,2 43,9 49,2 55,5- 5,32 5,12 4,95 5,48 5,15 5,38 5,13 5,61 5,44- 2 SCROLL 4 SCROLL- 1 CFGPa 300 210 210 240 210 330 300 330 270l/s 5555 6111 6666 8055 9028 10000 11111 12500 13889- 1 CFGPa 210 120 120 150 180 240 120 120 210l/s 4444 4888 5333 6444 7223 8000 8889 10000 11111dB(A) 71 72 72 73 74 74 75 77 77V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50PACKAGEDData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:None of the cooling capacities take account of the heat dissipated by the mo<strong>to</strong>rs of the centrifugal fans; for units inconstructional configuration "C" <strong>and</strong> operation with 30% of external <strong>and</strong> expelled air(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; external air temperature 35°C; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only.(2) Ambient air 20°C D.B. Fresh air 7°C D.B./6°C W.B.; the COP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only.(3) CFG = centrifugal fans(4) With st<strong>and</strong>ard electric mo<strong>to</strong>rs(5) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions. Working static pressure 50 Pa.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeB1 B B2CA A2362÷452leave freeleave freeB B1CA1CA A2464÷704Sizes362 402 452 464 524 604 704 804 904Length (A) mm 4810 4810 4810 5890 5890 5890 5890 8030 8030Width (B) mm 2180 2180 2180 2185 2185 2185 2185 2185 2185Height (C) mm 2250 2250 2250 2272 2272 2272 2272 2250 22504 (A1) mm - - - 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200(A2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B1) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B2) mm 1500 1500 1500 - - - - - -CSRT-XHEWeight in oper. kg 2334 2345 2415 2908 2988 3229 3299 4680 4772CSRN-XHEWeight in oper. kg 2399 2419 2480 3013 3093 3353 3423 4835 4930A A2Data referred <strong>to</strong> units with constructional configuration C. - For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.B B1A1804÷904CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.161

CSNX-XHE 82÷402Packaged air-conditioning unit4Heat pumpAir cooledRoof TopCapacity from 33,3 <strong>to</strong> 138 kWCLIVETPACKThe au<strong>to</strong>nomous air-conditioners of the CSNX-XHE series are Roof-<strong>to</strong>p typeunits developed by Clivet using the most recent <strong>and</strong> advanced technologiesavailable on the market dedicated <strong>to</strong> the treatment of air. Intended for the airconditioningof high attendance areas such as Congress Centers, cinemas,theaters, restaurants, bars, discoteques.4 Versatility of use: the wide range of versions, options <strong>and</strong> accessoriesallow unique integration <strong>and</strong> flexibility of choice, regardless of the intendeduse <strong>and</strong> the external climate.4 Easy <strong>to</strong> position <strong>and</strong> install: the units are exceptionally compact,perfect for positioning on particularly crowded roofs. The units, pre-testedin the fac<strong>to</strong>ry, feature immediate start-up thanks <strong>to</strong> the packaged approach,which includes everything the systems needs. It only requires <strong>to</strong> beconnected <strong>to</strong> the electrical mains <strong>and</strong> the air system.PACKAGED4 Reduced management costs: thanks <strong>to</strong> the high efficiency of theinnovative refrigeration circuit optimized for the functioning at partial load,of free-cooling, of the heat recoverer, of optional electrostatic air filters, ofthe au<strong>to</strong>matic control <strong>and</strong> adjustment of all air flows drastically reduce theenergy consumption <strong>and</strong> therefore the management costs.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AFCCCECOBREEZEEEVHeating-Cooling Air cooled Roof Top Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Ice protectionsystemFree-CoolingThermodynamicHeat RecoveryDirect Coupled Fan ECOBreeze Electronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsCSNX-XHE 262162

accessories4 Copper/copper condenser coil4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 3-way modulating valve4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Copper/copper hot gas post-heating coil4 Additional electric heaters4 Extra section of class F7 rigid bag filters4 Extra section of very high efficiency electronic filters H104 Immersed electrode steam humidifier4 Droplet-separa<strong>to</strong>r humidifier with once-through water4 Air quality sensor for CO2 control4 Air quality sensor for CO2 <strong>and</strong> VOC control■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Return silencers4 Serial communication module RS485 (LonWorks)4 Serial communication module RS485 (MODBUS)4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreeze4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Free-cooling with independent comparison of temperature <strong>and</strong>absolute humidity■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>rKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302 362 4024 Cooling capacity (1) kW 33,3 38,1 47,8 56,2 66,9 79,4 91,4 108 122 138Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 19,1 22,2 27,9 33,9 40,7 47,7 54,7 65,0 72,3 79,3Compressor input (1) kW 8,20 9,80 11,5 13,1 15,1 18,6 21,5 24,0 26,7 31,3EER (1) - 4,06 3,89 4,16 4,29 4,43 4,27 4,25 4,49 4,55 4,394 Heating capacity (2) kW 33,4 38,0 46,6 54,5 64,9 75,8 90,5 102,6 121,1 136Compressor input (2)COP (2)Distribution air flow rateNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Number <strong>and</strong> type of exhaust fans (3)Max. working static pressure (4)Sound pressure level (5)Power supplykW 7,20 8,10 9,00 10,3 12,2 13,9 16,6 17,9 22,1 25,5- 4,64 4,69 5,18 5,29 5,32 5,45 5,45 5,73 5,48 5,34l/s 1000 1200 1500 1890 2170 2680 3250 3900 4200 4580- 2 SCROLL- 1 RAD 2 RAD- 1 RADPa 480 420 690 600 620 480 400 590 540 440dB(A) 63 63 63 65 67 67 68 69 70 70V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50PACKAGEDData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air 27°C D.B./ 19.5 °C W.B.; external air temperature 35°C D.B./ 26°C W.B.; operation with80% external air; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) Ambient air 20°C D.B./ 14 °C W.B.; External air 7°C D.B./ 6,1°C W.B.; operation with 80% externalair; the COP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) RAD = radial-blade fan(4) Net outside static pressure <strong>to</strong> win the outlet <strong>and</strong> intake onboard pressure drops. Working static pressure doesnot consider accessories that cause air-side pressure drops <strong>to</strong> win the outlet <strong>and</strong> intake onboard pressure (forexemple: additional sections of bag filters F7, hot water coil, re-heating coil, noise attenua<strong>to</strong>rs...).(5) Sound levels refer units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1 mfrom the external surface of the unit in open field conditions. Working head 50 Padimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeCSizes82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302 362 402Length (A) mm 3155 3155 3320 3320 3320 3320 3320 3570 3570 3570Width (B) mm 1915 1915 1915 1915 2300 2300 2300 2315 2315 2315Height (C) mm 1700 1700 2110 2110 2130 2130 2130 2260 2260 22604(A2)mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B1) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500Weight in oper. kg 1030 1070 1160 1205 1412 1468 1525 1695 1755 1785The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units. - For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.A A2B1B B2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.163

CSRT-XHE-FFA CSRN-XHE-FFA 204÷244Packaged air-conditioning unit4CSRT-XHE-FFA: cooling only4CSRN-XHE-FFA: heat pumpAir cooledRoof TopCapacity from 69 <strong>to</strong> 81 kWCLIVETPACK FFANEWThe au<strong>to</strong>nomous air-conditioners of the CSRT-XHE-FFA / CSRN-XHE-FFAseries are Roof-<strong>to</strong>p type units developed by Clivet using the most recent <strong>and</strong>advanced technologies available on the market dedicated <strong>to</strong> the treatmen<strong>to</strong>f air. Destined <strong>to</strong> the air-conditioning of all those environments that need fullfresh air-conditioning that feature suction hoods such as kitchens, labora<strong>to</strong>ries,projection rooms, etc..4 Versatility of use: the wide range of versions, options <strong>and</strong> accessoriesallow unique integration <strong>and</strong> flexibility of choice, regardless of the intendeduse. During winter it is able <strong>to</strong> condition with full fresh air just throughelectrical supply up <strong>to</strong> -12°C <strong>and</strong> below such temperature air-conditioningis possible via pre-heating with a hot water or gas module coil.4 Easy <strong>to</strong> position <strong>and</strong> install: the units are exceptionally compact,perfect for positioning on particularly crowded roofs. The units, pretestedin the fac<strong>to</strong>ry, feature immediate start-up thanks <strong>to</strong> the packagedapproach, which includes everything the systems needs. It only requires <strong>to</strong>be connected <strong>to</strong> the electrical mains <strong>and</strong> the air system.PACKAGEDElectronic wall-mounting room thermostatpADMain functions:- unit on/off- manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winter selection- temperature set-point modification- humidity set-point modification- unit main information4 Reduced management costs: thanks <strong>to</strong> the high efficiency of theinnovative refrigeration circuit optimized for the functioning at partial load,of free-cooling, of the st<strong>and</strong>ard heat recoverer on all models featuring airexhaust, of optional electrostatic air filters, of the au<strong>to</strong>matic control <strong>and</strong>adjustment of all air flows drastically reduce the energy consumption <strong>and</strong>therefore the management costs.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AEEVFCCAFCCECOBREEZEHeating-Cooling Air cooled Roof Top Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Electronic Expansion Ice protectionValvesystemFree-Cooling Costant air flow Direct Coupled Fan ECOBreeze Adaptive+available configurationsCSRT-XHE-FFA(1)CCFFA224(1) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4CBFFA Fresh air input only4CCFFA Fresh air inlet / expulsion Including heat recovery ofexpelled air164

accessories4 Copper/copper condenser coil4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 3-way modulating valve4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Copper/copper hot gas post-heating coil4 Additional electric heaters4 Extra section of class F7 rigid bag filters4 Extra section of very high efficiency electronic filters H104 Immersed electrode steam humidifier4 Droplet-separa<strong>to</strong>r humidifier with once-through water4 ADAPTIVE + (capacity modulation)4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Modulating natural gas or LPG heating module with condensation4 Serial communication module LonWorks4 Serial communication module RS485 (MODBUS)4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theECOBreeze4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Free-cooling with independent comparison of temperature <strong>and</strong>absolute humidity■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Installation for low outdoor temperatureKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes204 224 244CSRT-XHE-FFA4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 68,6 74,7 80,7Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 38,2 42,3 46,4Compressor input (1) kW 19,3 21,8 24,4EER (1) - 3,55 3,43 3,31CSRN-XHE-FFA4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 68,9 75,0 81,0Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 40,0 44,1 48,2Compressor input (1) kW 19,3 21,7 24,3EER (1) - 3,57 3,46 3,334 Heating capacity (2) kW 72,5 76,5 84,3Compressor input (2)COP (2)Distribution air flow rateNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Number <strong>and</strong> type of exhaust fans (3)Max. working static pressure (4)Sound pressure level (5)Power supplykW 19,2 19,8 20,5- 3,78 3,86 4,11l/s 1667 1944 2222- 4 SCROLL- 1 RAD- 1 RADPa 770 730 670dB(A) 67 68 69V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50PACKAGEDData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) External air temperature 35°C D.B./ 24°C W.B.; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) External air temperature 7°C D.B./ 6°C W.B.; the COP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) RAD = radial-blade fan(4) Useful static pressure <strong>to</strong> win the supply <strong>and</strong> return onboard pressure drops does not take in<strong>to</strong> accountaccessories that cause air side pressure drop (e.g.: additional F7 bag filters, hot water coils, post-heatingcoils, silencers, etc.).(5) Sound levels refer units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1 mfrom the external surface of the unit in open field conditions. Working head 50 Padimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeCSizes204 224 244Length (A) mm3320 3320 3320Width (B) mm2300 2300 2300Height (C) mm2130 2130 21304(A2)mm1500 1500 1500(B1) mm1500 1500 1500(B2) mm1500 1500 1500Weight in oper. kg1440 1450 1460Data referred <strong>to</strong> units with constructional configuration st<strong>and</strong>ard (CBFF).For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.A A2B1B B2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.165

CAS-X CASR-X 25÷222Packaged air-conditioning unit4Cooling onlyCAS-X: Water cooledCASR-X: CondenserlessVertical indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 9 <strong>to</strong> 77 kWNEWThe au<strong>to</strong>nomous air conditioners in the CAS-X <strong>and</strong> CASR-X range arevertical units for either visible or concealed indoor installation. They aredesigned for air conditioning for shops, commercial spaces, open plan offices,production areas in general, etc.Designed <strong>to</strong> reduce installation operations <strong>to</strong> the minimum, these units have theobjective of operating in maximum energy saving conditions at all times, bymeans of extremely intelligent <strong>and</strong> advanced energy management, supplyingit only when <strong>and</strong> where it is needed.The innovative cooling circuit, the intelligent microprocessor regulation, the newplug-fans with air flow control, the modular inlet <strong>and</strong> outlet mouth positions, thewide range of accessories for controlling air temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity makethis unit particularly versatile <strong>and</strong> suitable for civil <strong>and</strong> industrial applications.CASR-X air conditioners were designed <strong>to</strong> be combined with CE-X rangeremote air condensers.PACKAGEDTHTUNE comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control keypadMain functions:4 temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity measurement through built-in probes4 unit on/off4 unit main information4 ventilation-only setting4 daily/weekly programming4 temperature set-point modification4 humidity set-point modification4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winter selectionfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-410AR-407CEEVCAFCooling onlyWater cooled(CAS-X)Condenserless(CASR-X)Indoor inst. Vertical inst. Refrig. R-410A Refrig. R-407C*(82÷222)(25÷71)Herm. ScrollElectronic ExpansionValveCostant air flow(*) Units with R-410A refrigerant available from second semester 2010available configurationsCAS-X 102(1)RF(2)MF(3)ASX(1) RETURN:4RF Front return4R3 Return from below (only sizes 82÷222)4R4 Rear return(2) SUPPLY:4MF Front supply4M5 Upward supply4MP Rear outlet(3) WATER FITTINGS (only for CAS-X):4ASX Left-h<strong>and</strong> water fittings4ADXWater fittings <strong>to</strong> right166

accessories4 Ambient temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity control with on-board probes4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 RS485 remote communication serial port4 Serial communication module LonWorks4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 3-way modulating valve4 Electric heaters4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Constant supply air flow-rate4 Immerse electrode steam humidifier■ 4 Rubber antivibration mountsCAS-X only:4 Anti-ice electric heater protection on the water side exchanger■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Plumbing assembly for loop with constant flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for loop with variable flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for system with disposable waterCASR-X only:4 Solenoid valve for liquid lineKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes25 31 41 51 61 71 82 102 122 162 182 222CAS-X4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 9,0 12,4 15,9 18,1 21,0 24,3 34,7 39,7 48,7 55,8 66,3 76,6Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 6,6 8,9 11,7 13,1 15,3 17,0 26,5 29,9 37,5 42,3 50,9 56,4Compressor input (1) kW 1,80 2,40 2,95 3,40 4,10 4,60 6,49 7,55 9,28 10,74 12,6 14,7EER (1) - 5,02 5,16 5,39 5,31 5,12 5,27 5,34 5,26 5,25 5,19 5,28 5,21CASR-X4 Cooling capacity (2) kW 8,1 11,1 14,3 16,1 18,7 21,7 33,3 38,2 46,7 54,7 64,3 73,7Sensible cooling capacity (2)Compressor input (2)EER (2)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Supply air flow rateMax. working static pressure for supplySound pressure level (4)Power supplykW 6,4 8,5 11,1 12,7 14,6 16,4 26,1 29,2 36,4 43,2 50,3 55,9kW 1,95 2,52 3,20 3,69 4,37 5,04 7,19 8,37 10,26 11,35 13,56 16,27- 4,15 4,40 4,47 4,37 4,28 4,30 4,63 4,56 4,55 4,82 4,74 4,53- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLL- 1 RAD 2 RADl/s 528 667 833 972 1167 1389 1944 2222 2778 3194 3611 4167Pa 200 180 160 140 220 200 210 190 200 180 190 170dB(A) 55 57 63 64 60 61 62 64 66 67 68 66V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50PACKAGEDData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air 27°C/19°C W.B.; external exchanger water 30/35 °C; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) Ambient air 27°C/19°C W.B.; condensing temperature 45°C; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) RAD = radial-blade fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes25 31 41 51 61 71 82 102 122 162 182 222Length (A) mm 650 650 850 850 1050 1050 1050 1050 1450 1450 1850 1850Width (B) mm 650 650 650 650 650 650 780 780 780 780 780 780Height (C) mm 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 20004(A1)mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(B2) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.B B2A1A A2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.167

CE-X 25÷201Remote condenserAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 9,5 <strong>to</strong> 75,4 kWNEWThe remote air-cooled condensers in the CE-X range are designed for usewith the indoor mo<strong>to</strong>rised evaporating units in the UCP-DX <strong>and</strong> CASR-Xrange.They are available in three soundproofing versions: st<strong>and</strong>ard (ST), lownoise (LN) <strong>and</strong> extra low noise (EN), <strong>to</strong> satisfy even the severest ofrequirements in terms of noise limits.They are fitted with axial-flow fans with open inlet <strong>and</strong> outlet, suitable forinstallation outdoors, with large exchange surfaces <strong>and</strong> fan speed adjustment(optional) <strong>to</strong> optimise the cooling performance of the coupled units.<strong>All</strong> the units comply with Clivet’s high quality st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> undergo severetests during assembly.PACKAGEDfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410ACooling only Air cooled Outdoor inst.Refrig. R-410Aavailable configurationsCE-X 71(1)ST(1) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4LN Silenced4EN Super Silenced168

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/copper4 Condenser coil with double circuit■ 4 Mounts for horizontal condenser coil installation■ 4 Liquid receiver kit■ 4 Low temperature liquid receiver kit4 Low external air temperature pressure-switch device4 Sub-cooling circuit4 General isolating switch■ 4 Packing in wooden caseKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizesST Rated output (1)ST Air flow rateST Sound pressure level (2)Number <strong>and</strong> diameter of fansST Power supply25 31 41 51 61 71 91 101 121 141 161 181 201kW 9,5 11,2 12,2 17,2 20,2 24,8 28,3 34,5 39,1 55,7 58,9 68,7 75,4l/s 1039 961 910 1956 2538 2150 2542 3911 3707 6617 6488 6195 5981dB(A) 56 55 55 58 59 57 59 61 61 71 70 70 70n°/mm 1/450 2/450 3/450 4/450 3/630V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:PRELIMINARY DATA(1) Outdoor air 35°C <strong>and</strong> condensing temperature 50°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.PACKAGEDdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCAA A2Sizes25 31 41 51 61 71 91 101 121 141 161 181 201Length (A) mm 1110 1110 1110 1790 1760 1760 1840 1840 1840 2690 2690 2690 2690Width (B) mm 490 490 490 490 490 490 500 595 595 595 595 595 595Height (C) mm 585 585 585 585 590 590 735 1170 1170 1215 1215 1215 12154(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 550 550 550 550 550 550 700 1100 1100 1200 1200 1200 1200(B2) mm 550 550 550 550 550 550 700 1100 1100 1200 1200 1200 1200Weight in oper. kg 35 40 50 60 75 80 85 110 125 150 155 190 225B1 B B2A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.The above data refer <strong>to</strong> vertical coil version with horizontal airflow.169

CAVN 51÷242Packaged air-conditioning unit4CAVN: heat pumpAir cooledIndoor installationDuctableCapacity from 14,5 <strong>to</strong> 73 kWThe CAVN series of units are all-in-one models, that is, they incorporate allthe necessary components for system operation.Thanks <strong>to</strong> their compactness they may be easily located in very small spaces<strong>and</strong> are indispensable in applications where lack of water is a majorinconvenience.To make transportation <strong>and</strong> installation easier they are also available inseparate sections.A vast range of accessories is available for these units, which are distinguishedby:4immediate operability;4a wide range of working capacities <strong>and</strong> head pressures thanks <strong>to</strong> thecentrifugal fans;4high reliability <strong>and</strong> efficiency thanks <strong>to</strong> the Scroll compressors.PACKAGEDHID-P1 room thermostat for remote wall mounting.Main functions:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winter selection4 temperature setting4 ECO mode (au<strong>to</strong>matic day/night heatregulation).functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CHeating-Cooling Air cooled Indoor inst. Vertical inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrollavailable configurationsCAVN 101(1)MF(2)E(1) SUPPLY:4MF Front supply4M5 Upward supply(2) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4E Packaged4F Split170

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Copper/copper condenser coil4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows■ 4 3-way modulating valve4 Electric heaters4 Soundproofing with acoustically lined panels4 Device for operation with low external air temperature with variablefan speed4 Uprated electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>rs■ 4 Daily <strong>and</strong> weekly programming clock■ 4 Remote air temperature sensor in return duct with 25-metre cable4 Split configuration (separate condensing <strong>and</strong> air-h<strong>and</strong>ling sections)■ 4 Service h<strong>and</strong>set for local control with 1,5-metre cable■ 4 Service h<strong>and</strong>-held keypad for local control with 20-metre cable4 Serial communication module RS4854 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes51 61 71 81 91 101 121 162 182 202 2424 Cooling capacity (1) kW 14,5 17,4 20,0 21,9 26,5 30,5 37,6 43,7 50,3 60,3 73,0Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 10,4 12,3 14,3 16,1 19,1 21,7 26,5 32,6 36,4 43,1 52,7Compressor inputkW 4,24 4,92 5,43 6,33 7,75 8,94 11,2 12,7 15,4 17,8 22,2EER (1)3,4 3,5 3,7 3,5 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,3 3,4 3,34 Heating capacity (2) kW 14,8 17,8 20,1 22,2 27,4 30,5 37,7 43,5 52,6 61,5 74,1Compressor inputCOP (2)Supply air flow rateMax. working static pressure for supplyNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Sound pressure level (4)Power supplykW 4,10 4,76 5,37 5,88 7,43 8,78 10,5 11,6 15,4 17,2 20,23,6 3,7 3,7 3,8 3,7 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,4 3,6 3,7l/s 780 890 1060 1250 1330 1550 1810 2500 2660 3100 3620Pa 120 150 130 120 270 240 240 300 210 150 210- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLL- CFGdB(A) 61 64 67 68 70 65 68 71 73 68 71V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50 +N 400/3/50PACKAGEDData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; air entering external exchanger 35°C; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressorsonly(2) Ambient air 20°C D.B. Fresh air 7°C D.B./6°C W.B.; the COP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) CFG = centrifugal fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes51 61 71 81 91 101 121 162 182 202 242Length (A) mm 830 1030 1030 1080 1080 1330 1330 2010 2010 2510 2510Width (B) mm 720 750 750 750 750 850 850 750 750 850 850Height (C) mm 1820 1820 1820 1970 1970 2120 2120 1970 1970 2120 21204(A1)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(A2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. kg 253 287 295 386 409 469 495 728 767 907 956The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1 A A2B1BB2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.171

CAHN 41÷121Packaged air-conditioning unit4CAHN: heat pumpAir cooledBuilt-in horizontal indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 11,8 <strong>to</strong> 37,4 kWThe CAHN series of units are all-in-one models, that is, they incorporate allthe necessary components for system operation.Thanks <strong>to</strong> their compactness they may be easily located in very small spaces<strong>and</strong> are indispensable in applications where lack of water is a majorinconvenience.To make transportation <strong>and</strong> installation easier they are also available inseparate sections.A vast range of accessories is available for these units, which are distinguishedby:4immediate operability;4a wide range of working capacities <strong>and</strong> head pressures thanks <strong>to</strong> thecentrifugal fans;4high reliability <strong>and</strong> efficiency thanks <strong>to</strong> the Scroll compressors.PACKAGEDHID-P1 room thermostat for remote wallmounting. Main functions:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 ECO mode (au<strong>to</strong>matic day/night heatregulation).functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CHeating-Cooling Air cooled Indoor inst. Built-in horizontalinst.Refrig. R-407CHerm. Scrollavailable configurations(1)(2)CAHN 81 S FR(3)S(4)REF(5)E(1) SUPPLY:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4MF Front supply(4) OUTDOOR SECTION RETURN:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4REF Outdoor section front intake(2) RETURN:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4RF Front return(3) OUTDOOR SECTION SUPPLY:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4MEF Outdoor section front return(5) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4E Packaged4F Split172

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Hot water coil with 2 rows■ 4 3-way modulating valve4 Electric heaters4 Uprated electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>rs4 Soundproofing with acoustically lined panels4 Device for operation with low external air temperature with variablefan speed■ 4 Daily <strong>and</strong> weekly programming clock■ 4 Remote air temperature sensor in return duct with 25-metre cable4 Split configuration (separate condensing <strong>and</strong> air-h<strong>and</strong>ling sections)■ 4 Service h<strong>and</strong>set for local control with 1,5-metre cable■ 4 Service h<strong>and</strong>-held keypad for local control with 20-metre cable4 Serial communication module RS4854 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes41 51 61 71 81 91 101 1214 Cooling capacity (1) kW 11,8 14,5 17,2 19,8 21,9 26,5 30,3 37,4Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 8,70 10,5 12,3 14,1 16,2 19,1 21,9 26,6Compressor inputkW 3,34 4,22 5,00 5,52 6,34 7,75 8,90 11,2EER (1) - 3,5 3,4 3,4 3,6 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,34 Heating capacity (2) kW 12,2 14,8 17,7 20,1 22,5 27,4 31,5 38,8Compressor inputCOP (2)Supply air flow rateMax. working static pressure for supplyNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Power supplykW 3,44 4,10 4,75 5,37 5,92 7,43 8,78 10,5- 3,6 3,6 3,7 3,7 3,8 3,7 3,6 3,7l/s 720 780 890 1060 1250 1330 1550 1810Pa 130 110 140 120 270 240 210 210- 1 SCROLL- 1 CFGV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50 +N 400/3/50PACKAGEDData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; air entering external exchanger 35°C; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressorsonly(2) Ambient air 20°C D.B. Fresh air 7°C D.B./6°C W.B.; the COP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) CFG = centrifugal f<strong>and</strong>imensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes41 51 61 71 81 91 101 121Length (A) mm 1450 1450 1650 1650 1650 1650 1900 1900Width (B) mm 1440 1440 1530 1530 1570 1570 1900 1900Height (C) mm 580 580 580 580 630 630 680 6804(A1)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(A2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. kg 291 301 333 339 428 446 535 560B1BA1A A2The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.173

Clivet Master SystemControl device for Packaged systemsPACKAGED4 Controls a maximum of 6 units4 Centralised, built-in control4 Dedicated <strong>to</strong> packaged units4 Easy installation4 User-friendly navigation174

Our Supervision SystemClivet Master System provides simple, user-friendly access <strong>to</strong> all the information on the system <strong>and</strong> climatecontrol unit status through user-friendly graphic pages.Navigation is logical <strong>and</strong> envisages the selection of the function type <strong>to</strong> be displayed (comm<strong>and</strong>s,statuses, alarms, scheduler, etc.), <strong>and</strong> therefore the selection of the individual zone/unit on which you wish<strong>to</strong> operate.The main functions are:4 Hourly unit rotation4 Hourly system operating programming4 Alarm control <strong>and</strong> management differentiated by user type4 System <strong>and</strong> individual unit parameter setting4 Main operating parameter <strong>and</strong> status control <strong>and</strong> display4 Access <strong>to</strong> all adjustment parameters (Clivet parameters)Clivet Master System is comprised of an interface with 5.7” low energy STN <strong>to</strong>uchscreen display. It has acompact, galvanised steel structure <strong>and</strong> can be installed in a st<strong>and</strong>ard flush mounting box.The device is compatible with the control cards in Clivet's high efficiency roof <strong>to</strong>p units, for a maximum ofup <strong>to</strong> 6 units.Technical dataRated supply voltage24Vac 50Hz – 24 VdcCapacity25VAProtection classIP40Display5.7” STN Monochrome <strong>to</strong>uchscreen (resistive)Connectivity1 x RS485 (master) with extractable terminalsThe power supply wiring must meet the requirements envisaged for low voltage wiringPACKAGEDOperating limitsOperating temperature from 5 <strong>to</strong> 45°CS<strong>to</strong>rage temperaturefrom –20 <strong>to</strong> 60°C (max. 48 hours at –20°C; max. 48hours at 60°C) (*)Relative humidityFrom 10 <strong>to</strong> 90% without condensationInstallationThe display must not be exposed <strong>to</strong> direct sunlight or <strong>to</strong>other intense light sources(*) The display should also not be exposed <strong>to</strong> sunlight or a fluorescent light during s<strong>to</strong>rage. In order<strong>to</strong> keep the product in good working order, we recommend a s<strong>to</strong>rage temperature of between 0 <strong>and</strong>35°C at a relative humidity of below 70%DimensionsMain body dimensions (mm) LxHxP 215 x 168 x 65Frame dimensions (mm) LxHxP 223 x 176 x 13Weight (kg) 1,5175

Clivet P-MATIC for PackagedSupervision System specialised in the management of Clivetpackaged climate control systemsPACKAGED4 Flexible <strong>and</strong> guaranteed comfort in all conditions4 Easy <strong>to</strong> use4 Increased system reliability4 Prompt corrective <strong>and</strong> emergency actions4 Energy optimisation4 Increased system life cycle4 Start-up via WEB176

Our Supervision SystemFor over a decade, Clivet has been successfully developing complete climate control systems, comprised ofa range of specialist heat pumps, the installation supervision system able <strong>to</strong> boost efficiency <strong>and</strong> reliability,<strong>and</strong> the numerous user services.Clivet P-MATIC for Packaged is the Clivet-designed supervision system for moni<strong>to</strong>ring its climate controlunits installed in small <strong>and</strong> medium shopping centres, supermarkets, hypermarkets, theatres, museums <strong>and</strong>similar locations.P-MATIC ManagementWhen installed in a climate control installation system, the Clivet P-MATIC for Packaged applicationenables a proper maintenance policy. In fact, it is able <strong>to</strong> guarantee a number of significant advantages,including:4An adequate <strong>and</strong> constant level of service in terms of employee <strong>and</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mer comfort, hygiene <strong>and</strong>safety4The complete peace of mind of the personnel responsible for running the centre, meaning that theycan focus on more important matters4Reduced costs for corrective or emergency actions4Prompt <strong>and</strong> effective corrective <strong>and</strong> emergency actions4No more wasted energy, meaning a consequent reduction in environmental impact4Extended system life cycleClivet P-MATIC for Packaged can be used <strong>to</strong> manage:4Switching the unit on <strong>and</strong> off au<strong>to</strong>matically or manually4The unit operating status4The unit alarms4The temperature setpoints4The relative humidity setpoints4 Operating trend display <strong>and</strong> print-outsPACKAGEDEquipment controlEach piece of equipment can be manually or au<strong>to</strong>matically controlled using the scheduler.The supervision system makes it possible <strong>to</strong> achieve a <strong>to</strong>tally “transparent” picture of each unit’s operation,<strong>to</strong> control the units on an individual basis, either manually or au<strong>to</strong>matically, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> observe the presence ofalarms in real time, as well as <strong>to</strong> carry out rapid fault finding.The software has user-friendly 3D graphics <strong>and</strong> enables the immediate identification of the rooms <strong>and</strong> unitsin question. “Navigation” can take place in two different ways: “physically” by zone <strong>and</strong>/or “logically” byfunction. Information on the system status is requested constantly by the supervision software <strong>and</strong> displayedon animated video pages.The SupplyClivet P-MATIC for Packaged is entirely developed <strong>and</strong> manufactured by Clivet <strong>and</strong> undergoes individualtesting before delivery. The supply typically comprises:4 Supervision workstation, complete with professional Personal Computer with high frequencyIntel processor, high resolution TFT moni<strong>to</strong>r, DeskJet A4 printer, conver<strong>to</strong>r box for RS485 serialcommunication <strong>and</strong> ADSL or modem remote control system.4 Control <strong>and</strong> supervision software4Navigation menu cus<strong>to</strong>misation comprising graphic representations of the building in 3D <strong>and</strong> byindividual floor.Each system also comes with the Clivet check-up, training <strong>and</strong> start-up.177

Clivet P-MATIC for MultiplexSupervision System specialised in the management of climate controlsystems for multiplex cinemas with Clivet heat pumpsPACKAGED4 Flexible <strong>and</strong> guaranteed comfort in all conditions4 Easy <strong>to</strong> use4 Increased system reliability4 Prompt corrective <strong>and</strong> emergency actions4 Energy optimisation4 Increased system life cycle4 Start-up via WEB178

Our Supervision SystemClivet P-MATIC for Multiplex controls the Clivet climate control units, air diffusion in the theatre <strong>and</strong> anybuilt-in control points (air extrac<strong>to</strong>rs, luminous signs, suctions hoods, etc.).Use of Clivet P-MATIC for Multiplex enables proper maintenance activities. In fact, it is able <strong>to</strong> guaranteea number of significant advantages, including:4 An adequate <strong>and</strong> constant level of service in terms of employee <strong>and</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mer comfort, hygiene <strong>and</strong>safety4 The complete peace of mind of the personnel responsible for running the cinema, meaning that theycan focus on more important matters4 Reduced costs for corrective or emergency actions4 Prompt <strong>and</strong> effective intervention in the case of faults or inefficiency4 No more wasted energy, meaning a consequent reduction in environmental impact4 Extended system life cycleP-MATIC ManagementClivet P-MATIC for Multiplex can be used <strong>to</strong> manage:4 Switching the unit on <strong>and</strong> off au<strong>to</strong>matically or manually4 The unit operating status4 The unit alarms4 The temperature setpoints4 The relative humidity setpoints4 Operating trend display <strong>and</strong> print-outs4 Air diffuser control <strong>and</strong> regulation in the theatresEquipment controlPACKAGEDEach piece of equipment can be manually or au<strong>to</strong>matically controlled using the scheduler.Clivet P-MATIC for Multiplex makes it possible <strong>to</strong> achieve a <strong>to</strong>tally “transparent” picture of the systemoperation, <strong>to</strong> control the units on an individual basis, either manually or au<strong>to</strong>matically, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> observe thepresence of alarms in real time, as well as <strong>to</strong> carry out rapid fault finding.The software has user-friendly 3D graphics <strong>and</strong> enables the immediate identification of the rooms <strong>and</strong>units in question.The anemostats can be regulated by the system using different operating logic: in fixed positions or withau<strong>to</strong>matic fin adjustment.The SupplyClivet P-MATIC for Multiplex is entirely developed <strong>and</strong> manufactured by Clivet <strong>and</strong> undergoes individualtesting before delivery. The supply typically comprises:4Supervision workstation, complete with professional Personal Computer with high frequencyIntel processor, high resolution TFT moni<strong>to</strong>r, DeskJet A4 printer, conver<strong>to</strong>r box for RS485 serialcommunication <strong>and</strong> ADSL or modem remote control system.4Control panel, with built-in microprocessors <strong>and</strong> power auxiliaries4Control <strong>and</strong> supervision software4System control elements, such as ambient temperature probes4Navigation menu cus<strong>to</strong>misation comprising graphic representations of the building in 3D <strong>and</strong> byindividual floor.Each system also comes with the Clivet check-up, training <strong>and</strong> start-up.179

WLHP SystemWLHP SystemThe energy transferloop system for thesimultaneous heating<strong>and</strong> air conditioningdem<strong>and</strong>sWLHP System (Water Loop Heat Pump) is the evolved solution forclimate control in large commercial buildings.The cooling or thermal energy needed for climate control is producedlocally in each serviced zone <strong>and</strong> transferred freely between zoneswith different climate requirements, using ‘neutral’ water as theexchange fluid, with a consequent reduction in energy consumption.180

System componentsseries size from <strong>to</strong> name pageEQV-X 3 21 VERSATEMP New 182EVHRoom 3 17 VERSATEMP 184EVHSpace 21 101 VERSATEMP 186CA-HL / CH 21 101 VERSATEMP 188CHV-X 25 222 VERSATEMP New 190CRH-XHE 102 904 ClivetPACK 192CSNX-XHE-H 82 402 ClivetPACK 194P-Matic for WLHP - 196181

EQV-X 3÷21Packaged air-conditioning unit4Heat pumpWater cooledVertical indoor installation either with cabinet or built-inCapacity from 1,89 <strong>to</strong> 4,42 kWVERSATEMPNEWThe EQV-X range water-air heat pumps cool or heat the environmentsau<strong>to</strong>matically, guaranteeing comfort all year long. These units are silent <strong>and</strong>highly energy efficient thanks <strong>to</strong> the R410a refrigerant, the plate exchanger<strong>and</strong> the electronic expansion valve.They are fitted with three-speed double suction fans; their placement upstreamfrom the air heat exchanger guarantees very quiet operation withoutcompromising on performance.The sophisticated design of the underbody for visible applications, means thatthe unit is able <strong>to</strong> blend in elegantly with a wide variety of different settings. Itis easy <strong>to</strong> dismantle in order <strong>to</strong> access the internal components. The unit canbe secured <strong>to</strong> the wall using the specific fixtures provided, or can be supportedby feet by requesting the specific kit.On request, it can also be supplied without the outer shell (for recessedinstallations). In both cases, the air intake can be either at the front or below.The EQV-X units are supplied st<strong>and</strong>ard with a microprocessor for the au<strong>to</strong>maticregulation of operations <strong>and</strong> for managing any alarms. The availableaccessories include the electronic ambient control unit THTUNE on board theunit or for wall installation.THTUNE comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control keypad (optional).Main functions:4 temperature measurement through built-in probes4 unit on/off4 unit main information4 ventilation-only setting4 daily/weekly programming4 temperature set-point modification4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winter selectionfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresWLHPH 2 OR-410AHeating-Cooling Water cooled Indoor inst. Vertical inst.with cabinetBuilt-in verticalinst.Refrig. R-410AHerm. rotaryavailable configurationsEQV-X 3(1)T(2)V(3)R3(4)-(5)W(1) CONTROL:4T Onboard keypad4TR Remote keypadUnit supplied without onboard keypad(2) CABINET:4V Exposed verticalUnit with enamelled housing4VC Built-in verticalUnit without housing for built-in applications(4) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B Low air temperatureCoil anti-ice protection sensor(5) APPLICATION:4W Water loop (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4P Once-through water(3) RETURN:4R3 Return from below (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4RF Front returnThe unit may be supplied with front intake on request182

accessories■ 4 Condensate drain pump■ 4 Air supply duct with flexible joint■ 4 Water side flow control with manual valve■ 4 Feet for floor mounting + grille for exposed units■ 4 Enamelled feet for floor mounting■ 4 Air supply grille with flexible joint (flush mounted version only)4 On-board THTUNE comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control keypad■ 4 Wall mounting THTUNE comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control keypad■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side■ 4 Hoses for connection <strong>to</strong> the water circuit + condensate drain hose4 Free contacts for signal of state - mode - alarm4 Plumbing assembly for loop with constant flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for loop with variable flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for system with disposable water4 Communication serial portKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes3 5 7 9 15 17 214 Cooling capacity (1) kW 1,89 2,22 2,64 3,09 3,62 4,05 4,42Sensible cooling capacity (2) kW 1,39 1,66 2,07 2,43 2,90 3,14 3,49Total input (2) kW 0,48 0,53 0,63 0,73 0,89 1,00 1,09EER3,98 4,17 4,17 4,23 4,06 4,07 4,054 Heating capacity (3) kW 2,28 2,66 3,14 3,63 4,25 4,73 5,25Total input (4)COPNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (5)Fan type (6)Air flow rateMax. working static pressureSound pressure level (min. speed) (7)Sound pressure level (med. speed) (7)Sound pressure level (max. speed) (7)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:kW 0,54 0,57 0,71 0,77 0,91 0,99 1,104,23 4,69 4,44 4,69 4,69 4,76 4,77- 1 ROT- CFGl/s 106 114 181 181 219 219 250Pa 80 80 80 100 100 100 100dB(A) 37 37 38 42 44 47 48dB(A) 40 40 42 44 45 48 49dB(A) 46 46 47 47 48 48 49V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50PRELIMINARY DATA(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; water at exchanger inlet 30°C without fan power(2) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; water at exchanger inlet 30°C(3) Ambient air at 20°C D.B.; water at exchanger inlet 20°C without fan power(4) Ambient air at 20°C D.B.; water at exchanger inlet 20°C(5) ROT = rotary compressor(6) CFG = centrifugal fan(7) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.Data referred <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.WLHPdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCC1*B1 Bleave freeA1 A A2FC1*leave freeSizes3 5 7 9 15 17 21V Length (A) mm 1048 1048 1198 1198 1348 1348 1348V Width (B) mm 230 230 230 230 230 230 230V Height (C) mm 496 496 496 496 496 496 496VC Length (D) mm 930 930 1080 1080 1220 1220 1220VC Width (E) mm 216 216 216 216 216 216 216VC Height (F) mm 485 485 485 485 485 485 4854(A1)mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200(A2) mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(C1*) mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100Weight in oper. kg 72 72 73 74 76 78 80B1EA1 D A2(*) For units with air intake from below onlyCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.183

EVHROOM 3÷17Packaged air-conditioning unit4Heat pumpWater cooledHorizontal indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 1,72 <strong>to</strong> 5,30 kWVERSATEMPEVHRoom water-air heat pumps are low power (1,7 - 5,3 kW) singlecompressor pumps for installation in WLHP loop type or lost water systems inshopping centre outlets, hotels, offices <strong>and</strong> office blocks.These cleverly designed monobloc units are extremely compact <strong>and</strong> efficient,<strong>and</strong> can be installed in next <strong>to</strong> no time, using a vast range of options <strong>and</strong>accessories.A reliable on-board microprocessor unit au<strong>to</strong>matically moni<strong>to</strong>rs alarms <strong>and</strong> c<strong>and</strong>ialogue with remote management systems.Room control HID-T1 for wall-mounted remoteinstallation with functions of:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 manual setting of fan speed4 other useful functions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresWLHPH 2 OR-407CHeating-Cooling Water cooled Indoor inst. Built-in horizontal inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. rotary ELFOControlavailable configurationsEVH-2 5(1)-(2)W(1) LOW TEMPERATURE:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4B Low air temperatureCoil anti-ice protection sensor(2) APPLICATION:4W Water loop (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4P Once-through water system184

accessories■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts■ 4 Condensate drain pump4 Condensate level sensor■ 4 Air return duct■ 4 Air supply <strong>and</strong> return duct■ 4 Air distribution duct with flexible joint■ 4 Water side flow control with manual valve■ 4 HID-N1 group electronic room control■ 4 HID-T1 local electronic room control■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side■ 4 Manual cu<strong>to</strong>ff valve4 Low air temperatureKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.■ 4 Hoses for connection <strong>to</strong> the water circuit + condensate drain hose■ 4 Flow-switch4 Remote ambient air temperature sensor (for microprocessor control)■ 4 Solenoid valve on water side4 Free contacts for signal of state - mode - alarm4 Communication serial port4 Filter-holder frame with lateral <strong>and</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m removaltechnical dataSizes3 5 7 9 11 15 174 Cooling capacity (1) kW 1,72 2,17 2,73 3,25 3,54 4,62 5,30Sensible cooling capacity (2) kW 1,30 1,72 2,17 2,38 2,96 3,67 4,04Total inputkW 0,49 0,57 0,67 0,74 0,95 1,11 1,674 Heating capacity (3) kW 2,00 2,80 3,50 4,00 4,60 5,70 7,10Total input (4) kW 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,10 1,50 1,80Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (5) - 1 ROTFan type (6) - CFGAir flow ratel/s 85 111 144 144 277 277 430Max. working static pressurePa 25 25 20 20 45 45 45Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; water at exchanger inlet 30°C; without fan power(2) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; water at exchanger inlet 30°C(3) Ambient air at 20°C D.B.; water at exchanger inlet 20°C; without fan power(4) Ambient air 20°C; water at exchanger inlet 20°C(5) ROT = rotary compressor(6) CFG = centrifugal fan(7) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.WLHPdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesA1 A A2B1C1CB B2Sizes3 5 7 9 11 15 17Length (A) mm 900 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000Width (B) mm 450 450 450 450 500 500 500Height (C) mm 250 350 350 350 375 375 3754(A1)mm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10(A2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(B1) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(B2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(C1) mm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10Weight in oper. kg 52 50 53 55 60 62 63The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.185

EVHSPACE 21÷101Packaged air-conditioning unit4Heat pumpWater cooledHorizontal indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 8 <strong>to</strong> 31,5 kWVERSATEMPHigh efficiency, low noise, single compressor EVHSpace units are availablein 10 sizes, backed up by a complete range of accessories.They are ideal for air conditioning in shops, shopping centres <strong>and</strong> open spaceoffices, etc. <strong>and</strong> can be installed either in a closed ring (WLHP) configurationor, more commonly, in a lost water configuration.Thanks <strong>to</strong> their compact size <strong>and</strong> easy maintenance, they are the perfectchoice for installation above false ceilings.Air supply is ducted while air return can be either ducted or direct from thesurrounding environment.Because they can function in heating <strong>and</strong> cooling modes, these units ensurereal all-year-round comfort.A microprocessor control system provides important additional control <strong>and</strong>adjustment functions, all of which can be controlled by a room controller orB.M.S. over a serial communication line.Room control HID-P1 for wall-mountedremote installation with functions of:4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winterselection4 temperature setting4 manual setting of fan speed4 other useful functions.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresWLHPH 2 OR-407CHeating-Cooling Water cooled Indoor inst. Built-in horizontal inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrollavailable configurationsEVH- SPACE 51(1)W(2)MMFS(1) APPLICATION:4W Water loop (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4PW Once-through water system(2) ELECTRIC FAN MOTORS4MMFS Outlet electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>r St<strong>and</strong>ard4MMRI Outlet eletcrofan controlled by inverter (only sizes81÷101)186

accessories4 Dirty filters differential pressure switch■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side■ 4 Mo<strong>to</strong>r-operated 2-way ON/OFF valve water side■ 4 Mo<strong>to</strong>r-operated 2-way modulating valve water side■ 4 Manual 2-way valves water side■ 4 Shut-off valve for by-pass water side■ 4 Return air temperature sensor4 Serial communication module <strong>to</strong> supervisor (BMS)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 1014 Cooling capacity (1) kW 8,00 8,50 9,30 13,3 17,2 19,5 21,6 23,5 27,8 31,5Sensible cooling capacity (2) kW 6,40 7,20 7,80 10,1 13,8 14,1 17,4 17,9 22,9 23,7Total inputkW 1,97 2,47 2,77 3,07 4,14 4,84 5,34 6,40 7,90 8,404 Heating capacity (3) kW 8,20 10,1 11,9 14,3 17,0 20,0 22,9 25,3 31,9 37,3Total input (4) kW 2,17 2,67 3,07 3,57 4,34 5,14 5,74 6,70 8,60 9,60Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors (5) - 1 SCROLLFan type (6) - ELVAir flow ratel/s 555 666 750 777 1166 1222 1286 1527 1722 1861Max. working static pressurePa 120 120 100 100 140 140 140 100 100 100Sound pressure leveldB(A) 53 54 54 54 55 54 55 56 56 57Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50+N 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air 26°C D.B./19,5 °C W.B.; water at exchanger inlet 29°C; water at exchanger outlet 35°C(2) Ambient air 20°C; water at exchanger outlet 10°C(3) ELV = electric fan(4) With st<strong>and</strong>ard electric fan at min. fan speed (sizes 21÷71); with st<strong>and</strong>ard electric fan (sizes 81÷101)WLHPdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesC1CA A2Sizes21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101Length (A) mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1375 1375 1375 1730 1730 1730Width (B) mm 710 710 710 710 750 750 750 810 810 810Height (C) mm 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 705 705 7054(A1)mm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10(A2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(C1) mm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10Weight in oper. kg 130 140 155 170 210 217 225 295 302 310The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.B1 B B2A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.187

CH CA-HL 21÷101Packaged air-conditioning unit4CH: heat pumpCA-HL: cooling onlyWater cooledHorizontal indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 8,28 <strong>to</strong> 33,3 kW4 VERSATEMPThe single-compressor CH <strong>and</strong> CA-HL units come in 10 sizes with a completeset of accessories <strong>and</strong> are distinguished by their high efficiency <strong>and</strong> low noise.They are intended for air-conditioning shops, shopping areas in general, openspaceoffices, etc. They are applied in closed loop (WLHP) or, moregenerally, in open loop water systems.They are ceiling-mounted, either exposed or inserted inside a suspendedceiling. Installation is simple also thanks <strong>to</strong> the reduced size <strong>and</strong> maintenanceis easy <strong>to</strong> carry out thanks <strong>to</strong> the full accessibility of all the parts from just oneside. The conditioned air is distributed via ductwork, while the air intake canbe either direct from the room or ducted.The au<strong>to</strong>matic mode of operation ensures comfort throughout the year, whetherheating or cooling, without seasonal switching over. Microprocessor regulationalso allows other important functions of control <strong>and</strong> regulation <strong>to</strong> be carriedout that may all be transferred <strong>to</strong> a remote unit or BMS through a serialcommunication line.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresWLHPHeating-Cooling(CH)Cooling only(CA-HL)H 2 OR-407CWater cooled Indoor inst. Horizontal inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrollavailable configurations(1)CH-2 71 W(1) APPLICATION:4W Water loop4P Once-through waterOnce-through water system188

accessories4 Anti-ice electric heater <strong>to</strong> protect the internal exchanger4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Manual 2-way valves water side4 Mo<strong>to</strong>r-operated 2-way ON/OFF valve water side4 Mo<strong>to</strong>r-operated 2-way modulating valve water side■ 4 Shut-off valve for by-pass water side4 Supply fan uprated electric mo<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Air supply plenum4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 Serial port RS485 for remote communication4 Clean contacts for external signallingCA-HL only:4 Hot water coilKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101CH4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 8,10 9,50 11,3 14,1 16,9 20,4 22,4 26,2 28,6 32,6Sensible cooling capacitykW 5,30 6,10 7,60 9,30 11,0 13,2 14,4 16,9 18,3 20,4Total inputkW 2,07 2,55 2,77 3,55 4,85 5,05 5,8 6,9 7,6 8,14 Heating capacity (2) kW 9,20 10,7 13,1 15,8 19,1 23,0 25,6 30,4 33,5 38,4Total inputkW 2,07 2,65 2,77 3,45 4,45 5,25 6,2 7,1 8 8,9Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLLFan type (3) - CFGAir flow ratel/s 486 583 694 847 1028 1236 1389 1556 1722 1944Max. working static pressurePa 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150Sound pressure level (4) dB(A) 55 57 55 58 61 57 59 56 58 59Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Sizes21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101CA-HL4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 8,28 9,70 12,8 13,9 17,2 20,8 23,7 26,6 29,2 33,3Sensible cooling capacitykW 6,38 7,32 9,69 10,18 13,0 15,2 17,5 20,6 21,7 24,6Total inputkW 2,07 2,55 2,67 3,65 4,95 5,05 5,90 6,90 7,80 8,20Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLLFan type (3) - CFGAir flow ratel/s 568 694 810 970 1200 1450 1625 1800 2000 2250Max. working static pressure (5) Pa 150 (130)150 (120)130 (105) 145 (110) 110 (70) 80 (50) 140 (90) 180 (140) 125 (75) 80 (-)Sound pressure level (4) dB(A) 55 57 55 58 61 57 59 56 58 59Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; water at exchanger inlet 29°C; water at exchanger outlet 35°C(2) Ambient air 20°C; water at exchanger outlet 10°C;(3) CFG = centrifugal fan(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(5) If water coil is installed, please consider the value between bracketsWLHPdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesACB B1Sizes21 25 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101Length (A) mm 1150 1150 1385 1385 1385 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458Width (B) mm 820 820 1002 1002 1002 1164 1164 1375 1375 1375Height (C) mm 520 520 635 635 635 635 635 760 760 7604(B1)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. kg 131 138 199 210 213 249 259 288 293 302The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.189

CHV-X 25÷222Packaged air-conditioning unit4Heat pumpWater cooledVertical indoor installationDuctableCapacity from 9 <strong>to</strong> 77 kWVERSATEMPNEWThe au<strong>to</strong>nomous air conditioners in the CHV-X range are vertical water <strong>to</strong> airheat pumps for either visible or concealed indoor installation.Designed for climate control in shops, commercial areas, open plan offices<strong>and</strong> production areas, they can be combined with closed loop or open loopsystems, thanks <strong>to</strong> the plumbing connection assemblies available.Its high energy efficiency also makes it possible <strong>to</strong> reduce energy consumption<strong>and</strong> running costs.These are highly efficient <strong>and</strong> versatile units thanks <strong>to</strong> solutions such asthe innovative reversible heat pump cooling only circuit, the advancedmicroprocessor regulation, the new plug-fans with au<strong>to</strong>matic air flow controloption, the modular inlet <strong>and</strong> outlet mouth positions <strong>and</strong> the wide range ofaccessories available.THTUNE comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control keypadMain functions:4 temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity measurement through built-in probes4 unit on/off4 unit main information4 ventilation-only setting4 daily/weekly programming4 temperature set-point modification4 humidity set-point modification4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic summer/winter selectionfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresWLHPH 2 OR-410AR-407CEEVCAFHeating-Cooling Water cooled Indoor inst. Vertical inst.Refrig. R-410A(82÷222)Refrig. R-407C*(25÷71)Erm. scrollElectronic ExpansionValveCostant air flow(*) Units with R-410A refrigerant available from second semester 2010available configurations(1)(2)CHV-X 102 RF MF(3)ASX(1) RETURN:4RF Front return4R3 Return from below (only sizes 82÷222)4R4 Rear return(2) SUPPLY:4MF4M54MPFront supplyUpward supplyRear outlet(3) WATER FITTINGS:4ASX Left-h<strong>and</strong> water fittings4ADX Water fittings <strong>to</strong> right190

accessories■4 Anti-ice electric heater protection on the water side exchanger4 Ambient temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity control with on-board probes <strong>and</strong>THTUNE comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control keypad4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Plumbing assembly for loop with constant flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for loop with variable flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for system with disposable water4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 RS485 remote communication serial port4 Serial communication module LonWorks4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 3-way modulating valve4 Electric heaters4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Constant supply air flow-rate4 Immerse electrode steam humidifier■ 4 Rubber antivibration mountsKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes25 31 41 51 61 71 82 102 122 162 182 2224 Cooling capacity (1) kW 9,0 12,4 15,9 18,1 21,0 24,3 34,9 39,9 48,9 57,1 67,2 76,8Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 6,6 8,9 11,7 13,1 15,3 17,0 26,8 29,9 37,3 44,2 51,5 57,1Compressor input (1) kW 1,80 2,40 2,95 3,40 4,10 4,60 6,40 7,46 9,21 10,2 12,2 14,6EER (1) - 5,02 5,16 5,39 5,31 5,12 5,27 5,45 5,35 5,31 5,61 5,50 5,254 kW 10,0 13,8 17,5 19,8 23,1 26,6 39,4 45,4 54,7 64,8 75,4 87,6Heating capacity (2)Compressor input (2)COP (2)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Supply air flow rateMax. working static pressure for supplySound pressure level (4)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air 27°C/19°C W.B.; external exchanger water 30/35 °C; EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) Ambient air 20°C; water at exchanger outlet 12°C; the COP refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(3) RAD = radial-blade fankW 1,90 2,57 3,23 3,71 4,28 4,85 7,29 8,55 9,65 11,6 13,5 16,3- 5,25 5,36 5,43 5,36 5,40 5,48 5,41 5,30 5,67 5,58 5,59 5,39- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLL- 1 RAD 2 RADl/s 528 667 833 972 1167 1389 1944 2222 2778 3194 3611 4167Pa 200 180 160 140 220 200 210 190 200 180 190 170dB(A) 55 57 63 64 60 61 62 64 66 67 68 66V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50(4) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.WLHPdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes25 31 41 51 61 71 82 102 122 162 182 222Length (A) mm 650 650 850 850 1050 1050 1050 1050 1450 1450 1850 1850Width (B) mm 650 650 650 650 650 650 780 780 780 780 780 780Height (C) mm 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 20004(A1)mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(B2) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.B B2A1A A2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.191

CRH-XHE 102÷904Packaged air-conditioning unit4Heat pumpWater cooledRoof TopCapacity from 42,3 <strong>to</strong> 315 kWCLIVETPACKThe CRH-XHE packaged air-conditioning units are installed outside thespaces being served. They come in various capacities <strong>and</strong> with a vast rangeof accessories. They are intended for the air-conditioning of large rooms orareas <strong>and</strong> are applied in closed or open loop water systems.Designed <strong>to</strong> reduce work on site <strong>to</strong> a minimum, these units have been createdfor continuous operation with maximum energy saving through an extremelyintelligent, advanced management of energy, supplying it only when <strong>and</strong>where needed. They are extremely versatile units with three airflow settings:st<strong>and</strong>ard, high <strong>and</strong> reduced.The high efficiency of the innovative refrigeration circuit,optimized for functioning at partial loads, the free-cooling <strong>and</strong> the energyrecovery of expelled air available as an option on the whole range, allow<strong>to</strong> reduce energy consumption <strong>and</strong> therefore the management costs <strong>and</strong> theemission of carbon dioxide.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresWLHPH 2 OR-410AHeating-Cooling Water cooled Roof Top Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Free-Cooling Direct Coupled Fan(102÷302)FCCCEEVElectronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsCRH-XHE(1)C402(2)M(3)200(4)R(5)100(6)SM(7)SR(1) CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION:4B Fresh air mixing/recirculation plenum4C Radial expulsion fan, mixing chamber /re-circulation /external air intake with free-cooling adjustment. (sizes102÷302)With intake/discharge fan, mixing/recirculation plenum<strong>and</strong> fresh air return available with Free-Cooling control(sizes 362÷904)(2) SUPPLY:4M Outflow(6) SUPPLY AIR FLOW RATE:4SM St<strong>and</strong>ard air flow rate4RM Reduced air flow rate4HM High air flow rate(7) RETURN AIR FLOW RATE (sizes 362÷904 only):4SR St<strong>and</strong>ard air flow rate4RR Reduced air flow rate4HR High air flow rate(3) HEAD PRESSURE IN SUPPLY(4) RETURN:4R Return(5) HEAD PRESSURE IN RETURN (sizes 362÷904 only)192

accessories4 Anti-ice electric heater protection on the water side exchanger4 Thermal Free-Cooling4 Enthalpy Free-Cooling4 Enthalpy control (humidification, dehumidification, post-heating)4 High efficiency air filter F74 Extra section of very high efficiency electronic filters H10■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Plumbing assembly for loop with constant flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for loop with variable flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for system with disposable water4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Uprated electric fan mo<strong>to</strong>rs for static pressure values higher thanst<strong>and</strong>ard (only sizes 362÷904)4 Air quality sensor for CO2 control4 Air quality sensor for CO2 <strong>and</strong> VOC control4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Serial communication module RS485 (LonWorks)4 Serial communication module RS485 (MODBUS)4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 Electric heating coil4 3-way modulating valve4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Active energy recovery of expelled air4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Constant supply air flow-rate (only sizes 102÷302)4 Immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Droplet-separa<strong>to</strong>r humidifier with once-through water4 Modulating fresh air outlet damper4 On/off mo<strong>to</strong>rized fresh air outlet damper■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts (only sizes 102÷302)4 Application with fabric ducts4 Rain cover with pre-filter (only sizes 464÷904)4 Device for fan inrush current reduction (sizes 362÷904)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes102 122 182 222 262 302 362 402 452 464 524 604 704 804 9044 Cooling capacity (1) kW 42,3 48,7 66,7 76,2 94,1 104 121 136 147 162 184 211 239 285 315Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 33,2 37,7 49,5 56,2 70,1 78,2 90,1 99,7 109 122 139 158 177 216 236Compressor input (1) kW 7,54 9,20 12,2 14,6 16,7 18,9 22,0 24,8 28,1 28,0 33,2 37,9 43,8 50,0 56,7EER (1) - 5,61 5,30 5,46 5,23 5,64 5,52 5,50 5,48 5,23 5,79 5,54 5,57 5,46 5,70 5,564 Heating capacity (2) kW 44,6 52,3 71,6 83,3 103 115 134 153 168 179 205 232 267 312 344Compressor input (2)COP (2)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Max. working static pressure for supply (4)Distribution air flow rateNumber <strong>and</strong> type of return fans (3)Max. working static pressure for return (4)Return air flow rateSound pressure level (5)Power supplykW 7,63 9,38 13,5 16,0 18,4 20,9 24,1 28,2 32,0 31,3 37,6 41,1 49,2 53,1 59,9- 5,85 5,58 5,32 5,21 5,60 5,50 5,56 5,43 5,25 5,72 5,45 5,64 5,43 5,88 5,74- 2 SCROLL 4 SCROLL- 1 RAD 2 RAD 1 CFGPa 450 520 450 370 460 510 300 210 210 300 210 330 300 330 270l/s 2200 2500 3060 3610 4440 5000 5555 6111 6666 8056 9028 10000 11111 12500 13888- - - - - - - 1 CFGPa - - - - - - 210 120 120 150 180 240 120 210 210l/s - - - - - - 4444 4888 5333 6444 7222 8000 8889 10000 11111dB(A) 60 62 64 65 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 73 73 74 75V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; external exchanger water = 29/35°C; operation at full re-circulation;;the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) Ambient air at 20°C D.B.; water at exchanger outlet 10°C; operation at full re-circulation; the COP refers <strong>to</strong>the compressors only(3) CFG = centrifugal fan; RAD = CC Radial-blade fan (Direct Coupled Fan)(4) With electrical mo<strong>to</strong>rs st<strong>and</strong>ard. For the units CRH-XHE 102-302, net pressure available <strong>to</strong> overcome supply<strong>and</strong> return pressure drops(5) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> A version st<strong>and</strong>ard units with full load under nominal test conditions. The soundpressure is measured at 1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions. Working staticpressure 50 Pa. The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units. Constructional configuration BWLHPdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1 B B2CA A1B1 B B2CRH-XHE 102÷302 CRH-XHE 362÷452CA A1SizesLength (A)Width (B)Height (C)mmmmmm102 122 182 222 262 302 362 402 452 464 524 604 704 804 9042750 2750 2750 2750 2750 2750 3970 3970 3970 5416 5416 5416 5416 6602 66021780 1780 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180 2185 2185 2185 2185 2185 21851870 1870 1870 1870 2256 2256 2256 2256 2256 2272 2272 2272 2272 2272 22724(A1)mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(A2) mm - - - - - - - - - 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B1)(B2)Weight in oper.mmmmkg1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 15001500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 15001067 1117 1294 1344 1560 1610 2135 2205 2255 2920 3000 3080 3190 4385 4480The above data refer <strong>to</strong> units in constructional configuration C.N.B. For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.CA2B B1A1 ACRH-XHE 464÷904CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.193

CSNX-XHE-H 82÷402Packaged air-conditioning unit4Heat pumpWater cooledRoof TopCapacity from 34,3 <strong>to</strong> 142 kWCLIVETPACKThe au<strong>to</strong>nomous air-conditioners of the CSNX-XHE-H series are Roof-<strong>to</strong>p typeunits developed by Clivet using the most recent <strong>and</strong> advanced technologiesavailable on the market dedicated <strong>to</strong> the treatment of air. Intended for the airconditioningof high attendance areas such as Congress Centers, cinemas,theaters, restaurants, bars, discoteques. They are applied in closed loop ordisposable water systems.4 Versatility of use: the wide range of versions, options <strong>and</strong> accessoriesallow unique integration <strong>and</strong> flexibility of choice, regardless of theintended use <strong>and</strong> the external climate.4 Easy <strong>to</strong> position <strong>and</strong> install: the units are exceptionally compact,perfect for positioning on particularly crowded roofs. The units, pretestedin the fac<strong>to</strong>ry, feature immediate start-up thanks <strong>to</strong> the packagedapproach, which includes everything the systems needs. It only requires <strong>to</strong>be connected <strong>to</strong> the electrical mains <strong>and</strong> the air system.4 Reduced management costs: thanks <strong>to</strong> the high efficiency of theinnovative refrigeration circuit optimized for the functioning at partialload, of free-cooling, of the st<strong>and</strong>ard heat recoverer of expelled air, ofoptional electrostatic air filters, of the au<strong>to</strong>matic control <strong>and</strong> adjustment ofall air flows drastically reduce the energy consumption <strong>and</strong> therefore themanagement costs.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresWLHPH 2 OR-410AHeating-Cooling Water cooled Roof Top Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Free-Cooling ThermodynamicHeat RecoveryFCCCDirect Coupled FanEEVElectronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsCSNX-XHE-H 262194

accessories4 Copper/copper evapora<strong>to</strong>r coil4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 3-way modulating valve4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Extra section of very high efficiency electronic filters H104 Immersed electrode steam humidifier4 Droplet-separa<strong>to</strong>r humidifier with once-through water4 Air quality sensor for CO2 control4 Air quality sensor for CO2 <strong>and</strong> VOC control■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor control4 Return silencers4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Free-cooling with independent comparison of temperature <strong>and</strong>absolute humidity■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Anti-ice electric heater protection on the water side exchanger4 High efficiency air filter F7■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Plumbing assembly for loop with constant flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for loop with variable flow rate4 Plumbing assembly for system with disposable water4 Serial communication module RS485 (LonWorks)4 Serial communication module RS485 (MODBUS)4 Electric heating coil4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>rKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302 362 4024 Cooling capacity (1) kW 34,3 39,2 49,2 57,8 68,9 81,7 94,1 111,0 125,1 142Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 19,9 23,1 29,1 35,3 42,4 49,7 57,0 67,7 75,3 82,6Compressor input (1) kW 6,5 7,8 9,1 10,4 12,0 14,8 17,1 19,1 21,2 24,9EER (1) - 5,26 5,04 5,39 5,56 5,74 5,53 5,51 5,82 5,90 5,694 Heating capacity (2) kW 37,2 42,4 51,9 60,7 72,3 84,5 100,9 114,4 135,0 151,8Compressor input (2)COP (2)Distribution air flow rateNumber <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsNumber <strong>and</strong> type of circulating fans (3)Number <strong>and</strong> type of exhaust fans (3)Max. working static pressure (4)Sound pressure level (5)Power supplykW 7,5 8,4 9,3 10,7 12,6 14,4 17,2 18,6 22,9 26,4- 4,99 5,04 5,57 5,69 5,72 5,86 5,86 6,16 5,89 5,74l/s 1000 1200 1500 1890 2170 2680 3250 3900 4200 4580- 2 SCROLL- 1 RAD 2 RAD- 1 RADPa 480 420 690 600 620 480 400 590 540 440dB(A) 61 61 62 64 64 65 66 67 68 68V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C D.B./ 19.5 °C W.B.; external exchanger water outlet temperature = 29°C/35°C;operation at full re-circulation; the EER refers <strong>to</strong> the compressors only(2) Ambient air at 20°C D.B.; water at exchanger outlet 10°C; operation at full re-circulation; the COP refers <strong>to</strong>the compressors only(3) RAD = radial-blade fan(4) Useful static pressure <strong>to</strong> win the supply <strong>and</strong> return onboard pressure drops does not take in<strong>to</strong> accountaccessories that cause air side pressure drop (e.g.: additional F7 bag filters, hot water coils, post-heatingcoils, silencers, etc.).(5) Sound levels refer units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at 1 mfrom the external surface of the unit in open field conditions. Working head 50 PaWLHPdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeCSizes82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302 362 402Length (A) mm 2750 2750 2750 2750 2750 2750 2750 2750 2750 2750Width (B) mm 1780 1780 1780 1780 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180Height (C) mm 1550 1550 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 2256 2256 22564(A1)mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B1) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500Weight in oper. kg 984 1022 1114 1157 1356 1394 1484 1627 1685 1714The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units. - For all other constructional configurations, see the relevant Technical Bulletin.B1 B B2A A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.195

Clivet P-MATIC for WLHPSupervision System specialised in the <strong>to</strong>tal management of water loopclimate control systems with Clivet heat pumpsWLHP4 Flexible <strong>and</strong> guaranteed comfort in all conditions4 Easy <strong>to</strong> use4 Increased system reliability4 Prompt corrective <strong>and</strong> emergency actions4 Energy optimisation4 Increased system life cycle196

Our Supervision SystemClivet P-MATIC for WLHP is the supervision system that au<strong>to</strong>matically regulates the entire loop system,moni<strong>to</strong>rs Clivet heat pumps <strong>and</strong> brings all the operating information <strong>to</strong>gether in a single place, making itimmediately available <strong>to</strong> service personnel.This entails a reduction in the energy needed <strong>to</strong> manage the system <strong>and</strong> simplifies its running <strong>and</strong>maintenance, increasing its reliability <strong>and</strong> cost effectiveness.AdjustmentsThe loop system is adjusted by the Clivet control panels, fitted with a <strong>to</strong>uchscreen user interface which canbe used <strong>to</strong> control the system even when not connected <strong>to</strong> the main supervision computer. This comprisesthe au<strong>to</strong>matic management of the:4 Water loop cooling system by means of evaporative coolers, dry coolers or geothermal sources,with the relative pumping stations or adjustment valves4 Water loop heating system by means of high efficiency boilers, condensing boilers, heat pumps orgeothermal sources, with the relative pumping stations or adjustment valves4 Any other built-in or energy recovery systems, such as commercial refrigeration system heatrecovery4 Main pumping system, either constant or variable flowThe adjustment logic envisages numerous Clivet fac<strong>to</strong>ry-set operating modes, able <strong>to</strong> reduce consumption<strong>and</strong> maintain the best operating conditions by means of:4 Loop water temperature adjustment on the heat pump return4 Minimum <strong>and</strong> maximum loop water temperature limit controls4 Optimised activation <strong>and</strong> deactivation of available resources4 Loop water flow control4 Antifreeze control for the pipes <strong>and</strong> outdoor equipment4 Prevention of service interruptions caused by simultaneous failures in several units.System ControlThe system is supervised from the main workstation, usually located in a technical room. From here thetechnical personnel can access the entire user-friendly <strong>and</strong> password-protected system <strong>and</strong> its components,navigating 3D graphics cus<strong>to</strong>mised for the specific installation:4 Immediate display of the whole system <strong>and</strong> any deviations from the set conditions4 Detailed view of each serviced area <strong>and</strong> possibility <strong>to</strong> change operating conditions4 Energy exchange calculation4 Au<strong>to</strong>matic or manual heat pump switch on <strong>and</strong> off4 Operating status, wellbeing <strong>and</strong> alarm management4 Access <strong>to</strong> heat pump operating parameters on the basis of the different user profilesWLHPThe SupplyClivet P-MATIC for WLHP is entirely developed <strong>and</strong> manufactured by Clivet <strong>and</strong> undergoes individualtesting before delivery. The supply typically comprises:4 Supervision workstation, complete with professional Personal Computer with high frequencyIntel processor, high resolution TFT moni<strong>to</strong>r, DeskJet A4 printer, conver<strong>to</strong>r box for RS485 serialcommunication <strong>and</strong> ADSL or modem remote control system.4 Control panel(s), with built-in microprocessors <strong>and</strong> power auxiliaries4 Control <strong>and</strong> supervision software4 System control elements, such as temperature <strong>and</strong> water flow probes4 Navigation menu cus<strong>to</strong>misation by means of graphic representations of the building in 3D <strong>and</strong> byindividual floor.Each system also comes with the Clivet check-up, training <strong>and</strong> start-up.197

SPLIT SystemSPLIT SystemSimple <strong>and</strong> flexible directexpansion solutions forthe commercial sec<strong>to</strong>r<strong>and</strong> industrySPLIT System is the au<strong>to</strong>nomous solution for climate control in small<strong>and</strong> medium shops.The cooling or thermal energy needed is produced locally in eachserviced zone, without any sharing taking place with the remainingcommercial units.These systems are very flexible, adapting easily <strong>to</strong> all installationsituations.198

System componentsseries size from <strong>to</strong> name pageMSAN-X 17 71 - 200MSAT / MSAN 81 242 - 202MSAT 292 604 - 204MSAT-SC 65D 180F SPINchiller 206MCA / MCN 91 242 - 208MCH 21 422 - 210MSAN-X + CN-X 17 71 - 212MCA / MCN + CED / CN CED-V/CN-V 91 242 - 214MSAT / MSAN + CED / CN CED-V / CN-V 81 242 - 216199

MSAN-X 17÷71Condensing unit4Heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 7,02 <strong>to</strong> 19 kWThese appliances are the outdoor unit of the SPLIT SYSTEMS. They may becombined with our CN-X series terminal units or connected <strong>to</strong> exchanger coilsof air-h<strong>and</strong>ling units.The use of external ro<strong>to</strong>r fans with a low number of revs, the complete thermal<strong>and</strong> acoustic insulation of the compressor compartment, the variable speedof fans <strong>and</strong> the adoption of the "SCROLL" compressor make the MSAN-X unitparticularly silent. Moreover, the reduced dimensions allow it <strong>to</strong> be installedin small spaces. <strong>All</strong> the units feature the new control <strong>and</strong> microprocessorregulationsystems which optimize the performances <strong>and</strong> include:4 display for the visualization of the state of operation <strong>and</strong> of the alarms4 control over condensation based on the temperature of fresh air (modulatingvariation of the fan speed)4 control over defrosting4 compressor functioning time count4 possibility of connection <strong>to</strong> a supervisorEurovent EnergyEfficiency Classfunctions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AHeating-Cooling Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Ice protectionsystemavailable configurationsSPLIT(1)(2)MSAN-X 17 400TN -(3)CCS(1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE:4400TN 400/3/50+N4230M 230/1/50 (sizes 17÷31)(2) SOFT STARTER:4- Not required (St<strong>and</strong>ard)4SFSTR4N Device for inrush current reduction for 400/3/50+N4SFSTR1 Device for inrush current reduction for 230/1/50(3) CONDENSER COIL:4CCS St<strong>and</strong>ard condenser coil4CCCA Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4CCCA1 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment4CCCC Condenser coil in copper/copper200

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Remote keypad■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS for 1 unit(Master)■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS from 2 <strong>to</strong> 254units (Slave)■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, dehydrating filter, liquid flow gauge,check valve)■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>rKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes17 21 31 41 51 61 714 Cooling capacity (1) kW 7,02 7,53 8,99 11,8 15,0 17,9 19,0Total input (1) kW 1,52 1,63 2,03 2,62 3,75 4,67 5,064 Heating capacity (2) kW 6,54 6,99 8,73 11,7 15,0 17,6 18,7kW 1,38 1,52 1,72 2,36 3,12 3,74 3,98- 1 SCROLLTotal input (2)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsSound pressure level (3)Power supplydB(A) 56 56 57 57 59 59 59V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Saturated suction temperature (SST)= 9.5°C; exchanger air temperature = 35 °C(2) Exchanger air temperature = 7 °C D.B./ 6°C W.B.; Dew point = 40 °C(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleavefreeCleavefreeSizes17 21 31 41 51 61 71Length (A) mm 800 800 800 800 800 800 800Width (B) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300Height (C) mm 1242 1242 1242 1372 1372 1372 13724(A1)mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100(A2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 150 150 150 150 150 150 150SPLITA1 A2A17÷31B B2CThe above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1 A A241÷71B B2CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.201

MSAT MSAN 81÷242Condensing unit4MSAT: cooling only4MSAN: heat pumpAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 22 <strong>to</strong> 72,8 kWThese appliances are the outdoor unit of the SPLIT SYSTEMS. They maybe combined with our CED, CED-V (cooling only) or CN, CN-V (heatpump) series terminal units or connected <strong>to</strong> exchanger coils of air-h<strong>and</strong>lingunits. The use of low-rev external ro<strong>to</strong>r fans, full thermal <strong>and</strong>acoustic insulation of the compressor compartment, variablefan speed <strong>and</strong> SCROLL compressor make the units particularly low noise.Their reduced overall size also allows installation in restricted spaces. <strong>All</strong>units are fitted with the new microprocessor control <strong>and</strong> regulationsystem, which optimises performance.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only(MSAT)Heating-Cooling(MSAN)Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll Ice protectionsystem (MSAN only)available configurationsSPLITMSAT(1)S(2)81 ST(3)T(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard(2) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate202

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Remote keypad4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Copper/copper condenser coil■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS for 1 unit(Master)■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS from 2 <strong>to</strong> 254units (Slave)4 Low external air temperature pressure-switch device■ 4 Coil protection grilles on external air side■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Supply voltage 230/3/50MSAT only:4 Hot gas by pass■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, solenoid valve, dehydrating filter, liquidflow gauge)MSAN only:■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, dehydrating filter, liquid flow gauge,check valve)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataMSAT81 91 101 121 102 122 142 162 182 202 2424 Cooling capacity (1) kW 22,0 26,7 30,9 38,1 29,8 34,1 39,2 44,1 50,3 62,8 72,8kW 6,70 8,20 9,80 12,10 9,80 11,6 13,2 15,3 18,4 21,2 26,1- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLLTotal input (1)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsSound pressure level (3)Power supplydB(A) 60 61 60 61 59 59 60 60 60 61 62V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NMSAN81 91 101 121 102 122 142 162 182 202 2424 Cooling capacity (1) kW 21,8 25,8 30,9 37,6 - - 39,2 44,1 50,3 62,8 72,8Total input (1) kW 6,82 8,60 9,83 12,3 - - 13,4 15,5 18,6 21,5 26,44 Heating capacity (2) kW 22,6 26,7 31,7 38,9 - - 42,0 45,9 54,6 65,2 77,7kW 5,12 6,23 7,40 8,90 - - 9,10 10,5 12,7 14,8 17,8- 1 SCROLL - - 2 SCROLLTotal input (2)Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressorsSound pressure level (3)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:dB(A) 60 61 60 61 - - 60 60 60 61 62V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+N(1) Saturated suction temperature (SST) = 9,5°C (Dew Point); external air temperature 35°C(2) Air at external exchanger inlet = 6,1°C W.B.; condensing temperature = 40°C;(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesC81÷121B1BA1A A2102÷242CSizes81 91 101 121 102 122 142 162 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1373 1373 1573 1573 1530 1530 1563 1563 1563 2098 2098Width (B) mm 557 557 557 557 678 678 1107 1107 1107 1107 1107Height (C) mm 1225 1225 1225 1225 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1570 15704(A1)mm 200 200 200 200 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(A2) mm 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(B1) mm 200 200 200 200 800 800 900 900 900 900 900(B2) mm - - - - 800 900 900 900 900 900 900MSATWeight in oper. kg 164 199 244 254 254 264 344 364 444 534 544MSANWeight in oper. kg 167 202 247 257 - - 347 367 447 537 547SPLITThe above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1 A A2B B2B1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.203

MSAT 292÷604Condensing unit4Cooling onlyAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 90,1 <strong>to</strong> 174 kWThe MSAT air-cooled condensing units have been designed for outdoorinstallation <strong>and</strong> for best energy efficiency in relation <strong>to</strong> reduced size. Thecompressors are of the hermetic Scroll type.They are fitted with an innovative microprocessor control for regulating <strong>and</strong>optimising all unit functions, thereby increasing the energy efficiency.An enamelled, hot-galvanised sheet metal load-bearing frame with prepaintedaluminium outer panelling ensures maximum resistance <strong>to</strong> weathering. Thebase, made from painted galvanised metal sections with holes <strong>to</strong> facilitatelifting <strong>and</strong> earthing the unit, guarantees even weight distribution.<strong>All</strong> the units are fac<strong>to</strong>ry assembled <strong>and</strong> tested <strong>and</strong> ready for operation afterconnection, with consequent substantial reduction in installation costs.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrollavailable configurationsSPLITMSAT-2(1)S(2)564 ST(3)T(4)C(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard4D Partial recoveryCarried out using tube bundle exchargers suited forrecovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> a maximum of25% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(4) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)(2) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard4LN SilencedThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment <strong>and</strong> reducing the fan speedof rotation with an uprated condensing section.204

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Finned coil protection grilles■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, filter, etc)4 Hot gas by pass4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Magne<strong>to</strong>thermal circuit breakers4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 Serial communication module with supervisor (MODBUS)■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes292 323 404 464 524 564 604ST 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 90,1 106 121 137 152 162 174ST Total inputkW 30,4 33,7 39,1 45,4 51,9 56,2 59,9ST Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 72 74 76 77 77 77 77LN 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 85,8 102 117 131 145 155 164LN Total inputkW 30,8 33,8 38,5 45,4 52,4 57,1 62,0LN Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 63 65 67 67 68 68 68Number of refrigerant circuits- 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 2 SCROLL 3 SCROLL 4 SCROLLPower supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Saturated suction temperature (SST) = 9,5°C (Dew Point); external air temperature 35°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1leave freeB B2CA A2Sizes292 323 404 464 524 564 604Length (A) mm 3250 3250 3250 3250 3250 3250 3250Width (B) mm 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095Height (C) mm 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 20304(A1)mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(A2) mm 900 900 900 900 900 900 900(B1) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500(B2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500ST Weight in oper. kg 1225 1336 1486 1511 1534 1577 1612LN Weight in oper. kg 1256 1367 1516 1544 1565 1607 1644The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.SPLITA1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.205

MSAT-SC65D÷180FCondensing unit4Cooling onlyAir cooledOutdoor installationCapacity from 210 <strong>to</strong> 588 kWSPINCHILLERThe SPINchiller series presents a new concept of condensing unit offering:4EFFICIENCY that increases as the heating load decreases, whileguaranteeing maximum requested load when necessary. SPINchiller alwaysensures maximum comfort with very high efficiency <strong>and</strong> consequentlyconsiderable energy savings;4cus<strong>to</strong>misation of the unit with the ECOBreeze accessory, whichenhances the qualities of flexibility <strong>and</strong> energy efficiency;4easy connection <strong>to</strong> the service system plus a simple control system <strong>and</strong>easy maintenance drastically reduce work requiring specialised personnelwith consequent reduction in installation costs;4cus<strong>to</strong>misation of the unit, also for special requirements both in the civil <strong>and</strong>technological air-conditioning sphere, thanks <strong>to</strong> the many available optionalaccessories.The innovative <strong>and</strong> hi-tech features of SPINchiller give this series a much higherquality than can generally be found on the market <strong>to</strong>day.MSAT-SC is a condensing unit series for use <strong>to</strong>gether with a remoteevaporating section.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CECOBREEZECooling only Air cooled Outdoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scroll ECOBreezeavailable configurationsMSAT-SC(1)D65D(2)EN(3)T(4)CSPLIT(1) ENERGY RECOVERY:4- Not required4D Partial recoveryCarried out using braze-welded plate-type exchangerssuited for recovering the desuperheating heat up <strong>to</strong> amaximum of 20% of the <strong>to</strong>tal unit heat.(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate (St<strong>and</strong>ard)(4) EXCHANGER APPROVALS:4CE PED (European test)4C Clivet (In-house test)(2) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4SC Compressor soundproofingThis set-up is obtained by inserting the compressors in asoundproofed compartment.4EN Super SilencedThis set-up is obtained by soundproofing the compressorcompartment even more <strong>and</strong> reducing the fan speed ofrotation with an uprated condensing section.206

accessories4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with acrylic coating4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium with Fin Guard (Silver)treatment■ 4 Spring antivibration mounts4 Compressor compartment <strong>and</strong> condenser coil protection grilles4 Hail grilles4 Shut-off valve on compressor supply <strong>and</strong> return■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, filter, etc)4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Device for reducing consumption of the outdoor section fans of theEcoBreeze type4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Shunt capaci<strong>to</strong>rs (power fac<strong>to</strong>r > 0,9)4 CAN/MODBUS serial converter kit4 CAN/LonWorks serial converter kit■ 4 Data logger4 Free contacts for compressor status■ 4 Remote control with remote microprocessor controlKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes65D 70D 75D 80D 90D 100D 110D 120D 135F 150F 165F 180FSC 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 210 226 240 255 278 318 363 386 429 462 518 588SC Total inputkW 64,8 69,5 75,9 82,2 89,5 96,8 112 126 139 156 179 193SC Total EER at 100%- 3,25 3,25 3,17 3,10 3,10 3,29 3,25 3,06 3,10 2,95 2,90 3,04SC Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 76 76 76 76 76 76 78 78 78 78 79 79EN 4 Cooling capacity (1) kW 204 220 231 244 264 300 350 379 406 450 500 551EN Total inputkW 63,7 69,5 77,1 84,0 92,1 103 111 125 141 159 179 199EN Total EER at 100%- 3,20 3,16 2,99 2,90 2,87 2,92 3,15 3,02 2,88 2,82 2,79 2,77EN Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 67 68 68 68 68 68 70 70 71 71 72 72Number of refrigerant circuits- 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 4 SCROLL 6 SCROLLPower supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Saturated suction temperature (SST) = 9,5°C (Dew Point); external air temperature 35°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesleave freeB1CA A2Sizes65D 70D 75D 80D 90D 100D 110D 120D 135F 150F 165F 180FLength (A) mm 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 4250 4250 4250 4250 4250 4250Width (B) mm 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195 2195Height (C) mm 2410 2410 2410 2410 2410 2410 2410 2410 2410 2410 2410 24104(A1)mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(A2) mm 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700(B1) mm 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300(B2) mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500SC Weight in oper. kg 2102 2164 2226 2288 2293 2298 2926 2984 3113 3120 3506 3670EN Weight in oper. kg 2112 2184 2246 2308 2313 2318 2876 3009 3203 3300 3596 3650The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.SPLITB B2A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.207

MCA MCN 91÷242Condensing unit4MCA: cooling only4MCN: heat pumpAir cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 26,6 <strong>to</strong> 77,8 kWThe MCA <strong>and</strong> MCN series of condensing units <strong>and</strong> heat pumps offers thepossibility of making systems in two sections connected <strong>to</strong> our CED, CED-V(cooling only) or CN, CN-V (heat pump) units or <strong>to</strong> exchanger coilsof air-h<strong>and</strong>ling units.The units are designed for indoor installation.The use of low-rev centrifugal fans <strong>and</strong> special thermal <strong>and</strong>acoustic insulation of the cabinet have resulted in a high reduction insound levels.The head pressures available with centrifugal fans enable wide ducting for airreturn <strong>and</strong> cooled air discharge <strong>to</strong> be installed.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only(MCA)Heating-Cooling(MCN)Air cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrollavailable configurationsSPLITMCA(1)S(2)91 ST(3)T(1) VERSION:4S St<strong>and</strong>ard(2) ACOUSTIC CONFIGURATION:4ST St<strong>and</strong>ard(3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:4T Temperate climate208

accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Low external air temperature pressure-switch device■ 4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Supply fan uprated electric mo<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Air supply plenumMCA only:■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, solenoid valve, dehydrating filter, liquidflow gauge)MCN only:4 Condensate collecting tray with heating element■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, dehydrating filter, liquid flow gauge,check valve)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.technical dataSizes91 101 121 142 182 202 2424 Cooling capacity (1) kW 26,6 31,9 37,8 40,6 53,2 63,2 77,8Total input (1) kW 9,00 10,3 13,0 13,5 18,0 21,8 26,14 Heating capacity (2) kW 27,2 32,4 38,5 39,4 54,2 63,5 77,8Total input (2) kW 7,00 8,30 9,80 10,4 14,1 17,6 20,7Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLLSound pressure level (3) dB(A) 69 57 58 62 60 61 62Power supplyV/Ph/HzData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Saturated suction temperature (SST) = 9,5°C (Dew Point);Ambient temperature = 35°C;(2) Dew point = 40°C; internal exchanger inlet temperature = 6,1°C W.B.;(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesC91÷182A1CAA2B2 B B1202÷242Sizes91 101 121 142 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1517 1780 1780 2230 2230 2230 2230Width (B) mm 758 846 846 978 978 978 978Height (C) mm 1130 1205 1205 1430 1430 1705 17054(A1)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(B1) (*) mm 70+R 70+R 70+R (**)(B2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. kg 336 385 392 594 635 715 720Notes:(*) R = Return space;(**) Leave free.SPLITB1 B B2A A2The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1CAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.209

MCH 21÷422Condensing unit4Cooling onlyWater cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 8,2 <strong>to</strong> 177 kWThe MCH series of indoor water-cooled condensing units aresuited for SPLIT SYSTEMS, being designed for connection <strong>to</strong> split type airh<strong>and</strong>lingunits.They may be installed in combination with our terminal units in the CED - CEI - CED-Vseries.The units from size 102 <strong>to</strong> size 242 may be connected <strong>to</strong> two indoorunits always from the CED - CEI - CED-V series.The reduced overall size allows their installation in restricted spaces.Every unit is fac<strong>to</strong>ry tested <strong>and</strong> arrives on site ready for use.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-407CCooling only Water cooled Indoor inst. Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrollavailable configurationsSPLITMCH 101210

accessories■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, solenoid valve, dehydrating filter, liquidflow gauge)■ 4 Pressure-controlled valve■ 4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Supply voltage 230/1/50 (sizes 25-31)4 Supply voltage 400/3/50 without neutral (size 21)4 Supply voltage 230/3/50 (sizes 51÷242)Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.MCH 102÷422 only:■ 4 Manifold for unit with double exchangertechnical dataSizes21 25 31 51 71 91 101 1214 Cooling capacity (1) kW 8,20 9,80 11,3 18,3 25,5 31,7 36,8 43,4Total inputkW 1,70 2,00 2,60 3,80 5,00 7,10 7,80 10,1Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLLSound pressure level (2) dB(A) 49 49 49 50 50 59 60 62Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 400/3/50Sizes102 142 182 202 242 292 322 362 4224 Cooling capacity (1) kW 35,7 50,9 63,5 73,6 90,9 109 128 147 177Total inputkW 7,60 10,1 14,2 15,8 20,3 19,9 23,6 27,8 33,9Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 2 SCROLLSound pressure level (2) dB(A) 53 53 62 63 65 66 65 66 66Power supplyV/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Saturated suction temperature (SST) = 9,5°C (Dew Point); external exchanger water = 25/35°C(2) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCSizes21 25 31 51 71 91 101 121Length (A) mm 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402Width (B) mm 487 487 487 602 602 602 602 602Height (C) mm 790 790 790 790 790 915 915 9154(A1)mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(A2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300Weight in oper. kg 46 46 46 47 47 56 57 59SPLITCAUTION!A1 A A2B1B B2For trouble-free operation of the unit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearancesin green.Sizes102 142 182 202 242 292 322 362 422Length (A) mm 802 802 802 802 802 580 580 580 580Width (B) mm 602 602 602 602 602 1062 1062 1062 1062Height (C) mm 790 790 915 915 915 1538 1538 1538 15384(A1)mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(A2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300(B1) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300Weight in oper. kg 155 190 229 236 247 407 442 465 517The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.211

MSAN-X + CN-X 17÷71Split system4Heat pumpAir cooledCapacity from 6,5 <strong>to</strong> 18,8 kWCN-X 17÷71MSAN-X 17÷71Eurovent EnergyEfficiency ClassHID-T2The environmental control HID-T2 makes itpossible <strong>to</strong> interface directly with the adjustmentmodule of the units equipped with Clivet TalkSplit <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> manage one or more units.The ambient thermostat allows the followingfunctions:4 Setting of the desired temperature4 Selection among 3 possible speeds (MIN- MED - MAX) manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic4 On/Off4 Change Summer/Winter au<strong>to</strong>matically ormanually with digital input4 Selection of economic operation4 Setting of unit operation parameters4 Control of fresh air shutter <strong>and</strong> control ofmo<strong>to</strong>rized air supply grid, if present4 Management of diagnostics with specificcode for type of errorCLIVET SPLIT SOLUTIONS MSAN-X + CN-X is the most versatile offeravailable <strong>to</strong>day for this type of two-section system.The MSAN-X unit is the outdoor part of the system combined with the CN-X,direct expansion ductable indoor terminal units.The electronic controls on all the units enable a broader use of the system,allowing integrated control of all devices inserted in the system.CLIVET SPLIT SOLUTIONS a universal system:4suitable for any type of installation4with a wide range of accessories for all configurations4with an extremely sophisticated room control4the indoor units are fitted with high head pressure fans for air distributionvia ductwork.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-410AHeating-Cooling Air cooled Refrig. R-410A Herm. Scroll Ice protectionsystemtechnical dataSPLITSizes17 21 31 41 51 61 714 Cooling capacity (1) kW 6,50 7,00 8,47 11,3 15,0 17,0 18,8EER- 3,44 3,57 3,54 3,64 3,68 3,22 3,214 Heating capacity (2) kW 6,35 6,90 8,47 11,2 15,0 17,2 18,1COP- 3,91 3,91 4,22 3,98 3,99 3,94 3,94Number of refrigerant circuits- 1Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLLMSAN-X4 Total input (1) kW 1,87 1,94 2,32 3,07 4,01 5,27 5,944 Total input (2) kW 1,65 1,79 2,06 2,84 3,81 4,45 4,66Sound pressure level (3)Power supplyCN-XTotal inputAir flow rateMax. working static pressure (4)Sound pressure level (min-med-max) (3)Power supplydB(A) 56 56 57 57 59 59 59V/Ph/Hz400/3/50+NkW 0,43 0,43 0,53 0,53 0,86 1,17 1,17l/s 428 428 676 687 936 822 1109Pa 102 102 125 65 150 110 110dB(A) 47-51-54 47-51-54 47-52-55 48-53-56 48-54-57 49-54-58 49-54-58V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50212Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:Data referred <strong>to</strong> coupling with our terminal unit CN-X 17-71 of the same size <strong>and</strong> in tri-phase versions withcompressors 400/3/50+N(1) Internal exchanger air temperature 27°C D.B./ 19,5°C W.B.; ambient temperature = 35°C. Total input isobtained from the compressor input + fan input.(2) Internal exchanger air temperature 20°C. internal external exchanger air temperature 7°C D.B./6°C W.B.(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(4) Nominal air flow rate, maximum speed, inclusive of air filter.

MSAN-X 17÷71accessories■ 4 Remote keypad■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS for 1 unit (Master)■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMS MODBUS from 2 <strong>to</strong> 254 units (Slave)■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>rKey <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearances17÷31C41÷71A1 A A2B B2CMSAN-X17 21 31 41 51 61 71Length (A) mm 800 800 800 800 800 800 800Width (B) mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300Height (C) mm 1242 1242 1242 1372 1372 1372 13724(A1)mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100(A2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(B2) mm 150 150 150 150 150 150 150The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.A1 A A2B B2CN-X 17÷71accessories■ 4 Hot water coil with 2 rows■ 4 4,5 kW electric heaters■ 4 6 kW electric heaters■ 4 9 kW electric heaters■ 4 12 kW electric heaters■ 4 Mixing <strong>and</strong> recirculation plenum■ 4 Air supply plenum for round ducts■ 4 Remote keypad■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Serial communication module RS485Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCA1 AA2BCN-X17 21 31 41 51 61 71Length (A) mm 1055 1055 1155 1395 1395 1395 1395Width (B) mm 580 580 600 650 650 650 650Height (C) mm 297 297 322 322 372 422 4224(A1)mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.SPLITCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of theunit it is essential <strong>to</strong> maintainthe clearances in green.213

MCA MCN + CED / CED-V CN / CN-V91÷242Split system4MCA + CED, CED-V: cooling only4MCN + CN, CN-V: heat pumpAir cooledCapacity from 24,4 <strong>to</strong> 73,9 kWCED 91÷242CN 91÷242MCA/MCN 91÷242CED-V 91÷242CN-V 91÷242The HID-S1 room control design is user-friendly.Setting operations is simple with the large liquidcrystal display.Functions:4 On/Off4 required temperature setting4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic SUMMER-WINTER setting4 operation in fan mode only setting4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic FAN SPEED setting (3 speeds)4 display of outdoor unit status (active compressor)4 display of alarms4 modulating signal for 0-10V valves or electric heater controlThe MCA + CED + CED-V cooling only or MCN + CN + CN-V withheat pump split system is the most versatile offer available <strong>to</strong>day for this typeof two-section system.The MCA (or MCN) unit is the outdoor part of the system combined with thedirect expansion ductable indoor terminal units for horizontal installation insuspended ceiling CED (or CN) <strong>and</strong> for vertical exposed installation CED-V(or CN-V).The electronic controls on all the units enable a broader use of the system,allowing integrated control of all devices inserted in the system.The two-circuit condensing units may be connected <strong>to</strong> two indoor units.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only(MCA+CED/CED-V)Heating-Cooling(MCN+CN/CN-V)Air cooled Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrolltechnical dataSPLITSizes91 101 121 142 182 202 2424 Cooling capacity (1) kW 24,4 31,2 37,5 38,7 50,4 62,4 73,94 Heating capacity (2) kW 26,5 32,2 38,9 39,9 52,6 62,7 73,5Number of refrigerant circuits- 1 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLLMCA/MCN4 Total inputkW 9,00 10,3 13,0 13,5 18,0 21,8 26,14 Total inputkW 7,00 8,30 9,80 10,4 14,1 17,6 20,7Sound pressure level (3)Power supplyCED/CNTotal inputAir flow rate (4)Max. working static pressure (4)Sound pressure level (3)Power supplyCED-V/CN-VTotal inputAir flow rate (4)Max. working static pressure (4)Sound pressure level (3)Power supplydB(A) 69 57 58 62 60 61 62V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50kW 0,80 1,10 1,10 1,10 2,20 2,20 3,00l/s 1417 1889 1889 2120 2660 3100 3620Pa 240 240 240 300 300 300 300dB(A) 43 47 50 51 52 53 53V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50kW 0,75 1,10 1,50 3,00 4,40 4,40 6,00l/s 1597 1889 2167 2639 3194 3472 3889Pa 140 170 180 140 115 145 180dB(A) 53 56 58 58 60 62 64V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50Data referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27°C/19,5°C W.B.; fresh air 35°C(2) Ambient air 20°C D.B.; fresh air 7°C D.B./6,1°C W.B.(3) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(4) Nominal air flow rate, with st<strong>and</strong>ard electric mo<strong>to</strong>rs, without air filter section (sizes 91÷121).214

MCA/MCN 91÷242accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts4 Low external air temperature pressureswitchdevice■ 4 High <strong>and</strong> low pressure gauges4 Supply fan uprated electric mo<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Air supply plenumMCA only:■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, solenoid valve,dehydrating filter, liquid flow gauge)MCN only:4 Condensate collecting tray with heatingelement■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, dehydratingfilter, liquid flow gauge, check valve)dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesA1AA291÷182CB2 B B1CB1 B B2202÷242A1A A2MCA/MCN91 101 121 142 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1517 1780 1780 2230 2230 2230 2230Width (B) mm 758 846 846 978 978 978 978Height (C) mm 1130 1205 1205 1430 1430 1705 17054(A1)mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(B1) (*) mm 70+R 70+R 70+R (**)(B2) mm 500 500 500 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. kg 336 385 392 594 635 715 720Notes: (*) R =Return space; (**) leave free.The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CED/CN 91÷242accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Hot water coil with 2 rows■ 4 Hot water coil with 3 rows■ 4 4,5 kW electric heaters■ 4 6 kW electric heaters■ 4 9 kW electric heaters■ 4 12 kW electric heaters■ 4 18 kW electric heaters4 24 kW electric heaters■ 4 HID-S1 electronic room control4 Supply fan uprated electric mo<strong>to</strong>r4 Electronic version with control board forHID-S1 thermostats4 Angular air filter section■ 4 Mixing <strong>and</strong> recirculation plenum4 Supply voltage 230/3/504 Supply voltage 400/3/50 without neutralCED only:4 Solenoid valve for liquid linedimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesA191÷121A A2BCB1B142÷242A1CA A2CED/CN91 101 121 142 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1285 1435 1435 2010 2010 2510 2510Width (B) mm 1005 1060 1060 750 750 850 850Height (C) mm 585 685 685 630 630 680 6804(A1)mm 200 200 200 500 500 500 500(A2) mm 400 400 400 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. kg 138 150 158 210 218 280 292The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CED-V/CN-V 91÷242accessories4 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 4,5 kW electric heaters4 6 kW electric heaters4 9 kW electric heaters4 12 kW electric heaters4 18 kW electric heaters4 24 kW electric heaters■ 4 HID-S1 electronic room control4 Supply fan uprated electric mo<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Front air supply plenum■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides4 Supply voltage 230/1/504 Supply voltage 230/3/504 Supply voltage 400/3/50 withoutneutralCED-V only:4 Solenoid valve for liquid linedimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB B2A1CA A2CED-V/CN-V 91 101 121 142 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1050 1250 1250 1870 1870 2070 2070Width (B) mm 670 670 670 670 670 670 670Height (C) mm 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 20004(A1)mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(B1) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Weight in oper. kg 185 210 215 250 260 290 295The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.SPLITCAUTION!For trouble-free operation of the unit it isessential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearances ingreen.Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.215

MSAT MSAN + CED / CED-V CN / CN-V81÷242Split system4MSAT + CED, CED-V: cooling only4MSAN + CN, CN-V: heat pumpAir cooledCapacity from 21,3 <strong>to</strong> 73,9 kWCED 81÷242CN 81÷242MSAT/MSANCED-V 91÷242CN-V 91÷242The HID-S1 room control design is user-friendly.Setting operations is simple with the large liquidcrystal display.Functions:4 On/Off4 required temperature setting4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic SUMMER-WINTER setting4 operation in fan mode only setting4 manual or au<strong>to</strong>matic FAN SPEED setting (3 speeds)4 display of outdoor unit status (active compressor)4 display of alarms4 modulating signal for 0-10V valves or electric heater controlThe MSAT + CED + CED-V cooling only or MSAN + CN + CN-V withheat pump split system is the most versatile offer available <strong>to</strong>day for this typeof two-section system.The MSAT (or MSAN) unit is the outdoor part of the system combined withthe direct expansion ductable indoor terminal units for horizontalinstallation in suspended ceiling CED (or CN) <strong>and</strong> for vertical exposedinstallation CED-V (or CN-V).The electronic controls on all the units enable a broader use of the system,allowing integrated control of all devices inserted in the system.The two-circuit condensing units may be connected <strong>to</strong> two indoorunits.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresAIRR-407CCooling only Heating-Cooling Air cooled Refrig. R-407C Herm. Scrolltechnical dataSPLITSizes81 91 101 121 142 162 182 202 2424 Cooling capacity (1) kW 21,3 24,4 31,2 37,5 38,7 43,4 50,4 62,4 73,94 Heating capacity (2) kW 22,4 26,5 32,2 38,9 39,9 44,7 52,6 62,7 73,5Number of refrigerant circuits- 1 2Number <strong>and</strong> type of compressors- 1 SCROLL 2 SCROLLMSAT/MSAN4 Total input (3) kW 6,70 8,20 9,80 12,1 13,2 15,3 18,4 21,2 26,14 Total input (4) kW 5,12 6,23 7,40 8,90 9,10 10,5 12,7 14,8 17,8Sound pressure level (5)Power supplyCED/CNTotal inputAir flow rate (6)Max. working static pressure (6)Sound pressure level (5)Power supplyCED-V/CN-VTotal inputAir flow rate (6)Max. working static pressure (6)Sound pressure level (5)Power supplyData referred <strong>to</strong> the following conditions:(1) Ambient air at 27/19,5°C W.B.; fresh air 35°C.(2) Ambient air 7°C D.B./6°C W.B.; fresh air 20°C(3) Saturated suction temperature (SST) = 9,5°C (Dew Point); external air temperature 35°C(4) Air at external exchanger inlet = 6,1°C W.B.; condensing temperature = 40°C;dB(A) 60 61 60 61 60 60 60 61 62V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50 +NkW 0,80 0,80 1,10 1,10 1,10 2,20 2,20 2,20 3,00l/s 1417 1417 1889 1889 2120 2500 2660 3100 3620Pa 240 240 240 240 300 300 300 300 300dB(A) 42 43 47 50 51 56 52 53 53V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50kW - 0,75 1,10 1,50 3,00 - 4,40 4,40 6,00l/s - 1597 1889 2167 2639 - 3194 3472 3889Pa - 140 170 180 140 - 115 145 180dB(A) - 53 56 58 58 - 60 62 64V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50 - 400/3/50(5) Sound levels refer <strong>to</strong> units with full load under nominal test conditions. The sound pressure is measured at1 m from the external surface of the unit in open field conditions.(6) Nominal air flow rate, with st<strong>and</strong>ard electric mo<strong>to</strong>rs, without air filter section.216

MSAT/MSAN 81÷242accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Remote keypad4 Condenser coil in copper/aluminium withacrylic coating4 Copper/copper condenser coil■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMSMODBUS for 1 unit (Master)■ 4 Serial communication module PC/BMSMODBUS from 2 <strong>to</strong> 254 units (Slave)4 Low external air temperature pressure-switchdevice■ 4 Coil protection grilles on external air side■ 4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r4 Supply voltage 230/3/50MSAT only:4 Hot gas by pass■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, solenoid valve,dehydrating filter, liquid flow gauge)MSAN only:■ 4 Connection set (thermostat, dehydrating filter,liquid flow gauge, check valve)dimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesB1BCA1 A A2102÷242A1 A A281÷121B1CB B2MSAT/MSAN 81 91 101 121 142 162 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1373 1373 1573 1573 1563 1563 1563 2098 2098Width (B) mm 557 557 557 557 1107 1107 1107 1107 1107Height (C) mm 1225 1225 1225 1225 1570 1570 1570 1570 15704(A1)mm 200 200 200 200 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(A2) mm 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000(B1) mm 200 200 200 200 900 900 900 900 900(B2) mm - - - - 900 900 900 900 900MSATWeight in oper. kg 164 199 244 254 344 364 444 534 544MSANWeight in oper. kg 167 202 247 257 347 367 447 537 547The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.CED/CN 81÷242accessories■ 4 Rubber antivibration mounts■ 4 Hot water coil with 2 rows■ 4 Hot water coil with 3 rows■ 4 4,5 kW electric heaters■ 4 6 kW electric heaters■ 4 9 kW electric heaters■ 4 12 kW electric heaters■ 4 18 kW electric heaters4 24 kW electric heaters■ 4 HID-S1 electronic room controldimensions <strong>and</strong> clearances4 Supply fan uprated electric mo<strong>to</strong>r4 Electronic version with control board for HID-S1thermostats (sizes 81÷242)4 Angular air filter section (sizes 81÷242)■ 4 Mixing <strong>and</strong> recirculation plenum (sizes 81÷121)4 Supply voltage 230/3/504 Supply voltage 400/3/50 without neutralCED only:4 Solenoid valve for liquid lineCA1A A2BB1BA1CA A291÷121 142÷242CED/CN81 91 101 121 142 162 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1285 1285 1435 1435 2010 2010 2010 2510 2510Width (B) mm 1005 1005 1090 1090 750 750 750 850 850Height (C) mm 585 585 685 685 630 630 630 680 6804(A1)mm 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500(A2) mm 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 500Weight in oper. kg 138 138 150 158 210 210 218 280 292The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.accessoriesCED-V/CN-V 91÷2424 Hot water coil with 2 rows4 4,5 kW electric heaters4 6 kW electric heaters4 9 kW electric heaters4 12 kW electric heaters4 18 kW electric heaters4 24 kW electric heaters■ 4 HID-S1 electronic room control4 Supply fan uprated electric mo<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Front air supply plenum■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides4 Supply voltage 230/1/504 Supply voltage 230/3/504 Supply voltage 400/3/50 without neutralCED-V only:4 Solenoid valve for liquid lineSPLITdimensions <strong>and</strong> clearancesCAUTION!B B2A1CA A2For trouble-free operation of the unit it isessential <strong>to</strong> maintain the clearances ingreen.CED-V/CN-V 91 101 121 142 182 202 242Length (A) mm 1050 1250 1250 1870 1870 2070 2070Width (B) mm 670 670 670 670 670 670 670Height (C) mm 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 20004(A1)mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(A2) mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400(B1) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Weight in oper. kg 185 210 215 250 260 290 295The above data refer <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard units.Key <strong>to</strong> symbols:■ Accessories supplied separately.217

CLOSE CONTROL SystemCLOSE CONTROL SystemPrecise temperature<strong>and</strong> humidity controlsolutions in technologicalapplicationsCLOSE CONTROL System is comprised of a series of close airconditioning control units designed for au<strong>to</strong>matic temperature <strong>and</strong>humidity control, as well as filtration for technological <strong>and</strong> industrialenvironments, data processing centres <strong>and</strong> wherever close control incontrol <strong>and</strong> processing rooms is required.Because of their flexibility <strong>and</strong> footprint, which is usually very small,they are also highly suited <strong>to</strong> many commercial sec<strong>to</strong>r applications.218

System componentsseries size from <strong>to</strong> name pageUCP-DX 71 302 New 220UCP-CW 81 322 New 222UCP-WC 71 302 New 224219

UCP-DX 71÷302Close control air-conditioning unitDirect expansionCondenserlessIndoor installationCapacity from 22,4 <strong>to</strong> 92,5 kWNEWThe UCP-DX air-cooled direct expansion air conditioners are precisionunits (Close Control) with a high sensible capacity. They are designed forindoor installation, for au<strong>to</strong>matic temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity control <strong>and</strong> airfiltration in industrial, commercial <strong>and</strong> medical technological environments.Available in twelve different models which can be combined with the remotecondensers from the CE-X range, they can be cus<strong>to</strong>mised thanks <strong>to</strong> a widerange of options <strong>and</strong> accessories. The UCP-DX units are characterised by asingle- or dual-cooling compressor with internal heat exchanger with a largesurface area, <strong>and</strong> are therefore ideal for use in data processing centres,telecommunications rooms, <strong>and</strong> control <strong>and</strong> processing rooms, with either adownward or upward air outlet, with the inlet respectively at either the <strong>to</strong>por bot<strong>to</strong>m or front of the unit. Their meticulous design <strong>and</strong> production, strongpainted structure <strong>and</strong> the use of tested components offer guaranteed reliability,durability <strong>and</strong> ease of maintenance.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresR-410ACCEEVCooling onlyCondenserlessIndoor inst.Vertical inst.Refrig. R-410AHerm. ScrollDirect Coupled FanElectronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsUCP-DX 142(1)M3(1) SUPPLY:4M3 Downward supply4M5 Upward supplyCLOSE CONTROL220

accessories4 Condensate drain pump4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Hot water post-heating coil■ 4Mo<strong>to</strong>rised air outlet shutter4 Flood detec<strong>to</strong>r4 9 kW electric heaters double stage4 18 kW electric heaters double stage4 High efficiency air filter F54 Hot gas by pass44 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 5 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 5 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 8 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 8 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 13 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 13 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Soundproofing with acoustically lined panels■ 4 Front air intake plenum4 Humidity sensor4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 Outlet air temperature probe■ 4 Height-adjustable supporting frame with duct 300

UCP-CW 81÷322Close control air-conditioning unitDirect expansionWith chilled waterIndoor installationCapacity from 30,6 <strong>to</strong> 114 kWNEWThe UCP-CW chilled water air conditioners are precision units (Close Control)with a high sensible capacity.They are designed for indoor installation, for au<strong>to</strong>matic temperature <strong>and</strong>humidity control <strong>and</strong> air filtration in industrial, commercial <strong>and</strong> medicaltechnological environments. Available in ten different models with threedifferent air flows each, they can be cus<strong>to</strong>mised thanks <strong>to</strong> a wide range ofoptions <strong>and</strong> accessories.The UCP-CW units are characterised by a conditioning coil with a largesurface area, <strong>and</strong> are therefore ideal for use in data processing centres,telecommunications rooms, <strong>and</strong> control <strong>and</strong> processing rooms, where theypermit a downward or upward air outlet, with the inlet respectively at eitherthe <strong>to</strong>p or bot<strong>to</strong>m of the unit.Their meticulous design <strong>and</strong> production, strong painted structure <strong>and</strong> theuse of tested components offer guaranteed reliability, durability <strong>and</strong> ease ofmaintenance.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2OCCCooling onlyIndoor inst.Vertical inst.Refrig. WaterDirect Coupled Fanavailable configurations(1)UCP-CW 142 M3(1) SUPPLY:4M3 Downward supply4M5 Upward supplyCLOSE CONTROL222

accessories4 Condensate drain pump4 Hot water post-heating coil4 St<strong>and</strong>ard electronic version■ 4Mo<strong>to</strong>rised air outlet shutter4 Flood detec<strong>to</strong>r4 9 kW electric heaters double stage4 18 kW electric heaters double stage4 St<strong>and</strong>ard air filter4 High efficiency air filter F544 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 5 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 5 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 8 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 8 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 13 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 13 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Steel mesh filter on water side4 Soundproofing with acoustically lined panels■ 4 Front air intake plenum4 Humidity sensor■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 Outlet air temperature probe■ 4 Height-adjustable supporting frame with duct 300

UCP-WC 71÷302Close control air-conditioning unitDirect expansionWater cooledIndoor installationCapacity from 23,9 <strong>to</strong> 98,6 kWNEWThe UCP-WC water-cooled direct expansion air conditioners are precisionunits (Close Control) with a high sensible capacity. They are designed forindoor installation, for au<strong>to</strong>matic temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity control <strong>and</strong> airfiltration in industrial, commercial <strong>and</strong> medical technological environments.Available in twelve different models, they can be cus<strong>to</strong>mised thanks <strong>to</strong> a widerange of options <strong>and</strong> accessories. The UCP-WC units are characterised by asingle- or dual-cooling compressor with internal heat exchanger with a largesurface area, <strong>and</strong> are therefore ideal for use in data processing centres,telecommunications rooms, <strong>and</strong> control <strong>and</strong> processing rooms, where theypermit either a downward or upward air outlet, with the inlet respectivelyat either the <strong>to</strong>p or bot<strong>to</strong>m or front of the unit. Their meticulous design <strong>and</strong>production, strong painted structure <strong>and</strong> the use of tested components offerguaranteed reliability, durability <strong>and</strong> ease of maintenance.functions <strong>and</strong> featuresH 2 OR-410ACCEEVCooling onlyWater cooledIndoor inst.Vertical inst.Refrig. R-410AHerm. ScrollDirect Coupled FanElectronic ExpansionValveavailable configurationsUCP-WC 142(1)M3(1) SUPPLY:4M3 Downward supply4M5 Upward supplyCLOSE CONTROL224

accessories4 Condensate drain pump4 Hot gas post-heating coil4 Hot water post-heating coil■ 4Mo<strong>to</strong>rised air outlet shutter4 Flood detec<strong>to</strong>r4 9 kW electric heaters double stage4 18 kW electric heaters double stage4 High efficiency air filter F54 Hot gas by pass44 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 5 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 5 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 8 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 8 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 13 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Washable 13 kg/h immerse electrode steam humidifier4 Soundproofing with acoustically lined panels■ 4 Front air intake plenum4 Humidity sensor4 Phase moni<strong>to</strong>r■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides■ 4 Plenum for air supply on three sides4 Air side dirty filters differential pressure switch4 Outlet air temperature probe■ 4 Height-adjustable supporting frame with duct 300

SYMBOLSOperationCooling onlyHeating-CoolingHeating onlyCondensationAIRH 2 OAir cooledWater cooledCondenserlessInstallationIndoor inst.Outdoor inst.Roof TopVertical inst. Vertical inst. with Built-in vertical inst. Horizontal inst. Horizontal inst. withcabinetcabinetBuilt-in horizontal inst.RefrigerantR-407CR-134aR-410AH 2ORefrig. R-407CRefrig. R-134aRefrig. R-410ARefrig. waterCompressorHerm. ScrollHerm. rotaryHerm. reciprocatingSingle-screw semi.Twin-screw semi.ElectronicsELFOControlPlusFCHYDROPACKECOBREEZECCEEVCAFWater circuit reversal Ice protection Free-Cooling Thermodynamic Active ThermodynamicsystemHeat Recovery Heat RecoveryHydroPackECOBreezeVary Flow Direct Coupled Fan Electronic ExpansionValveFull InverterDCConstant Air FlowAdaptive+226


INDEXrange size from <strong>to</strong> br<strong>and</strong> name group page range size from <strong>to</strong> br<strong>and</strong> name group pageAQ 14 803 - HYDRONIC System 148 MCN 91 242 - SPLIT System 208, 214CA-HL 21 101 - WLHP System 188 MDE 2.160 2.600 - HYDRONIC System 136CAHN 41 121 - PACKAGED System 172 ME 17 422 - HYDRONIC System 130CASR-X 25 222 - PACKAGED System 166 MSAN 81 242 - SPLIT System 202, 216CAS-X 25 222 - PACKAGED System 166 MSAN-X 17 71 - SPLIT System 200, 212CAVN 51 242 - PACKAGED System 170 MSAT 81 242 - SPLIT System 202, 216CE 25 602 - HYDRONIC System 132 MSAT 292 604 - SPLIT System 204CED 81 242 - SPLIT System 214, 216 MSAT-SC 65D 180F SPINchiller SPLIT System 206CED-V 81 242 - SPLIT System 214, 216 MSER-XEE 61 - GAIA Aria ELFOSystem 23CEM 75C 2.440 - HYDRONIC System 138 MSE-SC 65D 180F SPINchiller HYDRONIC System 134CE-X 25 201 - PACKAGED System 168 P-Matic for Hydronic - - - HYDRONIC System 150CH 21 101 - WLHP System 188 P-Matic for Multiplex - - - PACKAGED System 178CHV-X 25 222 - WLHP System 190 P-Matic for Packaged - - - PACKAGED System 176CKN-XHE 41 151 SMARTPACK PACKAGED System 156 P-Matic for WLHP - - - WLHP System 196CKT-XHE 41 151 SMARTPACK PACKAGED System 156 REM 75C 2.440 - HYDRONIC System 128CLIVET MASTER SYSTEM - - - PACKAGED System 174 UCP-CW 81 322 CLOSE CONTROL System 222CN 81 242 - SPLIT System 214, 216 UCP-DX 71 302 CLOSE CONTROL System 220CN-V 81 242 - SPLIT System 214, 216 UCP-WC 71 302 CLOSE CONTROL System 224CN-X 17 71 - SPLIT System 212 WBAN 41 81 ELFOEnergy Vulcan ELFOSystem 35CPAN-U 17 51 ELFOFresh Large LightCOM System 106 WBAN 82 302 ELFOEnergy Vulcan Medium ELFOSystem 47CPAN-U 200 650 ELFOFresh 2 ELFOSystem 59 WDATA 2.160 2.600 - HYDRONIC System 114CPAN-XHE 45 160 ZEPHIR 2 PACKAGED System 154 WDATB 2.160 2.600 - HYDRONIC System 116CRH-XHE 102 904 - WLHP System 192 WDAT-HT 2.180 2.600 - HYDRONIC System 118CSNX-XHE 82 402 ClivetPACK PACKAGED System 162 WDH 2.160 2.600 - HYDRONIC System 126CSNX-XHE-H 82 402 ClivetPACK WLHP System 194 WRA 101 242 - LightCOM System 84CSRN-XHE 82 302 ClivetPACK PACKAGED System 158 WRA 292 604 - LightCOM System 86CSRN-XHE 362 904 ClivetPACK PACKAGED System 160 WRH 102 422 - LightCOM System 88CSRN-XHE-FFA 204 244 ClivetPACK FFA PACKAGED System 164 WRHN 102 422 - LightCOM System 88CSRT-XHE 82 302 ClivetPACK PACKAGED System 158 WRN 101 242 - LightCOM System 84CSRT-XHE 362 904 ClivetPACK PACKAGED System 160 WRN 292 604 - LightCOM System 86CSRT-XHE-FFA 204 244 ClivetPACK FFA PACKAGED System 164 WSA-EE 17 91 ELFOEnergy Small LightCOM System 82ELFOControl HOME - - - ELFOSystem 71 WSAN 82 242 - LightCOM System 80ELFODuct CF 25 242 ELFODuct LightCOM System 102 WSAN-EE 17 151 ELFOEnergy Compact ELFOSystem 43ELFODuct CFD 7 41 ELFODuct LightCOM System 98 WSAN-XEE 82 302 ELFOEnergy Medium LightCOM System 76ELFODuct CFI 25 71 ELFODuct LightCOM System 100 WSAN-XEE 352 802 ELFOEnergy Large 2 LightCOM System 78ELFODuct CF-V 31 242 ELFODuct LightCOM System 104 WSAN-XPR 21 51 ELFOEnergy Extended ELFOSystem 39ELFORoom IN 5 15 ELFORoom ELFOSystem 68 WSAN-XSC 65D 180F SPINchiller HYDRONIC System 110ELFORoom OUT 5 15 ELFORoom ELFOSystem 63 WSAR-HT-E 31 81 ELFOEnergy Horus+ ELFOSystem 31ELFORoom UP 5 11 ELFORoom ELFOSystem 66 WSAR-MT-E 21 81 ELFOEnergy Horus ELFOSystem 27ELFOSpace BOX2 7 41 ELFOSpace LightCOM System 94 WSA-SC 65D 100D SPINchiller HYDRONIC System 120ELFOSpace IN-H 3 31 ELFOSpace LightCOM System 92 WSAT 82 242 - LightCOM System 80ELFOSpace IN-V 3 31 ELFOSpace LightCOM System 92 WSAT-EE 17 151 ELFOEnergy Compact ELFOSystem 43ELFOSpace OUT-H 3 31 ELFOSpace LightCOM System 90 WSAT-XEE 82 302 ELFOEnergy Medium LightCOM System 76ELFOSpace OUT-V 3 31 ELFOSpace LightCOM System 90 WSAT-XEE 352 802 ELFOEnergy Large 2 LightCOM System 78ELFOSpace WALL 3 17 ELFOSpace LightCOM System 96 WSAT-XSC 65D 180F SPINchiller HYDRONIC System 110EQV-X 3 21 - WLHP System 182 WSAT-XSC 200H 360L SPINchiller HYDRONIC System 112EVHRoom 3 17 - WLHP System 184 WSH-EE 17 121 ELFOEnergy Ground ELFOSystem 55EVHSpace 21 101 - WLHP System 186 WSHF-XSC 65D 180F SPINSAVER HYDRONIC System 122GP1 00 12 - HYDRONIC System 142 WSHN-EE 17 121 ELFOEnergy Ground ELFOSystem 55GP2 00 12 - HYDRONIC System 142 WSHR-XEE 61 - GAIA Acqua ELFOSystem 51GP7 60 63 - HYDRONIC System 144 WSH-XSC 65D 180F SPINchiller HYDRONIC System 124GPA M0 M9 - HYDRONIC System 140 WSN-EE 17 91 ELFOEnergy Small LightCOM System 82GPM 60 99 - HYDRONIC System 146MCA 91 242 - SPLIT System 208, 214MCH 21 422 - SPLIT System 210228Data contained in this catalogue are not binding <strong>and</strong> may be changed by the Manufacturer without notice.No part of this publication may be reproduced.

DG10B001GB-00CLIVET SPAVia Camp Lonc 25, Z.I. Villapaiera - 32032 Feltre (BL) - ItalyTel. + 39 0439 3131 - Fax + 39 0439 313300 - info@clivet.itCLIVET UK LTD4 Kingdom Close, Segensworth East - Fareham, Hampshire - PO15 5TJ - United KingdomTel. + 44 (0) 1489 572238 - Fax + 44 (0) 1489 573033 - info@clivet-uk.co.ukCLIVET SASZAC des Godets 1, Impasse de la Noisette, Hall A6 - 91370 Verrières le Buisson - FranceTel. + 33 (0)1 69202575 - Fax + 33 (0)1 69206076 -info.fr@clivet.comCLIVET ESPAÑA S.A.Parque Empresarial Villapark, Avda. Quitapesares 50 - 28670, Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid - EspañaTel. + 34 91 6658280 - Fax + 34 91 6657806 - info@clivet.esCLIVET GmbHHummelsbütteler Steindamm 84, 22851 Norderstedt - GermanyTel. + 49 (0) 40 32 59 57-0 - Fax + 49 (0) 40 32 59 57-194 - info.de@clivet.comCLIVET NEDERLAND B.V.Siliciumweg 20a, 3812 SX Amersfoort - Netherl<strong>and</strong>sTel. + 31 (0) 33 7503420 - Fax + 31 (0) 33 7503424 - info@clivet.nlCLIVET RUSSIAElektrozavodskaya st. 24, office 509 - 107023, Moscow, RussiaTel. + 74956462009 - Fax + 74956462009 - info.ru@clivet.comCLIVET MIDEAST FZCRep Office: PO Box 28178 - Suite 24, Al Abbas Building 1-B - Khalid Bin Waleed Street - Bur Dubai - Dubai, UAETel. + 97 14 3518501 - Fax + 97 14 3518502 - info@clivetme.comCLIVET TF AIR SYSTEMS (P)LTD.Plot No.222-224 <strong>and</strong> 229-232 - Kiadb Indl Area III PHSE MALUR - 563103 KOLAR DIST - Malur - IndiaTel. + 91 8151232683/5 - Fax + 91 8151232684 - info@clivettfa.comw w w. c l i v e t . c o m

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