SCSI Primary Commands - 2.pdf

SCSI Primary Commands - 2.pdf

SCSI Primary Commands - 2.pdf

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T10/1236-D Revision 20 18 July 20018.3.8 Informational exceptions control pageThe informational exceptions control page (see table 161) defines the methods used by the target to control thereporting and the operations of specific informational exception conditions. This page shall only apply to informationalexceptions that report an additional sense code of FAILURE PREDICTION THRESHOLD EXCEEDED orWARNING to the application client.Informational exception conditions occur as the result of vendor specific events within a target. An informationalexception condition may occur asynchronous to any commands issued by an application client.Table 161 — Informational exceptions control pageBitByte7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 PS Reserved PAGE CODE (1Ch)1 PAGE LENGTH (0Ah)2 PERF Reserved EBF EWASC DEXCPT TEST Reserved LOGERR3 Reserved MRIE4 (MSB)INTERVAL TIMER7 (LSB)8 (MSB)REPORT COUNT11 (LSB)The log errors bit (LOGERR) of zero indicates that the logging of informational exception conditions by a deviceserver is vendor specific. A LOGERR bit of one indicates the device server shall log informational exception conditions.A TEST bit of one shall create a test device failure at the next interval time, as specified by the INTERVAL TIMER field,if the DEXCPT bit is set to zero. When the TEST bit is one, the MRIE and REPORT COUNT fields shall apply as if theTEST bit were zero. The test device failure shall be reported with an additional sense code of FAILUREPREDICTION THRESHOLD EXCEEDED (FALSE). If both the TEST and the DEXCPT bits are one, the deviceserver shall terminate the MODE SELECT command with CHECK CONDITION status. The sense key shall be setto ILLEGAL REQUEST with the additional sense code set to INVALID FIELD IN PARAMETER LIST. A TEST bit ofzero shall instruct the device server not to generate any test device failure notifications.A disable exception control (DEXCPT) bit of zero indicates the failure prediction threshold exceeded reporting shallbe enabled. The method for reporting the failure prediction threshold exceeded when the DEXCPT bit is set to zerois determined from the MRIE field. A DEXCPT bit of one indicates the target shall disable reporting of the failureprediction threshold exceeded. The MRIE field is ignored when DEXCPT is set to one and EWASC is set to zero.An enable warning (EWASC) bit of zero indicates the target shall disable reporting of the warning. The MRIE field isignored when DEXCPT is set to one and EWASC is set to zero. An EWASC bit of one indicates warning reportingshall be enabled. The method for reporting the warning when the EWASC bit is set to one is determined from theMRIE field.If background functions are supported, an Enable Background Function (EBF) bit of one indicates the target shallenable background functions. An EBF bit of zero indicates the target shall disable the functions.202 dpANS <strong>SCSI</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Commands</strong> - 2 (SPC-2)

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