Pyrotechnics sector brochure - Chemring Group PLC

Pyrotechnics sector brochure - Chemring Group PLC Pyrotechnics sector brochure - Chemring Group PLC
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High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsPyrotechnics & Munitions:PyrotechnicsHigh quality pyrotechnics formilitary and security applications1 PyrotechnicsDelivering global Munitions | Pyrotechnics Delivering global protection

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applications<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions:<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong>High quality pyrotechnics formilitary and security applications1 <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong>Delivering global Munitions | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> Delivering global protection

<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong>High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applications<strong>Chemring</strong> is a leading developer and manufacturerof high quality military pyrotechnics that meet thedemanding requirements of defence and internalsecurity operators all over the world withan extensive range of products.Signalling – smokes, flares and IR markers PAGE 3Screening and Obscuring PAGE 4Illumination PAGE 5Training and Simulation PAGE 6 & 7Law Enforcement and Crowd Control PAGE 8Pyrotechnic Rounds and Payloads PAGE 9Innovation PAGE 10Capabilities PAGE 112Cover: US troops deploy <strong>Chemring</strong> smokes in Iraq.Above: Panzer Schuss battle tank uses <strong>Chemring</strong>’s trainingand simulation launcher.<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong>& Munitions | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> Delivering global protection

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsSignalling – smokes, flares and IR markers<strong>Chemring</strong> provides a comprehensive suite of pyrotechnic stores that can beused for signalling in operation/theatre or training scenarios.Product:• Signal Cartridges – provide a bright signal for ground and sea operations.• Miniflare – compact launching system for a range of effects including:pinpoint location, aircraft warn-off signals, personal survival and asa less lethal warning device.• Hand-fired Rocket – provides high intensity signalling at a greaterheight and range than a miniflare.• Coloured Smoke Grenades – for use in military training andoperations ground-to-air and ground-to-ground signalling; markingof landing and drop zones; wind speed and direction indicators;search and rescue markers.• MK 140, MK 141 Marine Smoke and Illumination Signal – intendedfor either day or night sighting by aircraft. The signal is a one-handheld operational device intended for rescue use.• Parachutist Smoke Signal – used primarily for the enhancement ofparachuting displays, but can be used in any situation where a largevolume of coloured smoke is required.• Marine Location Markers – designed for day or night use in anycondition calling for long-burning smoke and flame reference-pointmarking on the ocean’s surface.• Practice Bomb Marker – Provides an indication of where the trainingbomb impacts so that pilot and ground observer can identify impactday and night.Coloured smoke grenade marks landing zone.©UK MOD Crown Copyright 2011Red Devils display team.Marine location marker in action.Mini<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions 3

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsScreening and ObscuringFor rapid and highly effective concealment of troops and equipment in thevisual, infrared (IR) and laser wavelengths during training and operations.Products:• Hand Thrown Smoke Grenades, with an output in visual and/or IR,for use in various military training or operational exercises such as:rapid concealment of troops; removal of target opportunities; coverfor the redeployment of friendly forces. The new compact smokegrenade is smaller, lighter and easier to grip.• Vehicle Launched Grenades, with either visual and/or IRoutput are designed to be fired from Main Battle Tanks (MBT),Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFV) or any vehicle fitted withsuitable launchers. They are manufactured in 66, 76 and 81mmconfigurations and will provide a rapid concealment for theplatform in order to confuse enemy fire or make a concealedtactical manoeuvre.Compact Smoke Grenade.Vehicle discharge screening grenade.Vehicle launched grenade.Training with smoke grenades.4 <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> Delivering global protection

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsIllumination<strong>Chemring</strong> supplies highly effective visible, white light and IR illumination via a widerange of delivery mechanisms including MERS (Multiple Effect Rocket Systems) HandFired Military Rockets; 40mm Grenades; Trip Flare and Mini Flare, which can be utilisedin enhanced illumination situational awareness, identification and perimeter defence,and search and rescue applications.Products:• Tripflares – enable combat troops in forward areas to: illuminateinfiltrating enemy forces; protect camps, bridges, frontiers and depotstores; illuminate prohibited areas and ambush positions; and provideForward Edge of Battle Areas (FEBA) security. This item can also beused as a signal as part of a multi-tiered non-lethal defence system.• Ground Flare Indicating – for general ground-to-air signalling;marking of runways or helicopter landing areas and drop zoneindicator for parachutists.• Rocket Hand-fired Para Illumination – for use in any situationwhere illumination is required. The rocket can be fired at varyingelevations depending on user requirements and is suitable for:identification and engagement, and internal security andcounter‐insurgency operations.• Coloured Illumination Rounds – red, green and yellowillumination rounds in a ground illumination configuration ora parachute configuration – used for overhead illumination orground target marking.• Solar Flare – 40mm illumination round – provides a minimum of70,000 candelas with a burn time of 30 seconds used for overheadillumination or ground target marking.• Oracle – 40mm IR illumination round – provides IR illumination.The Oracle round provides the warfighter or police with IRillumination capabilities without compromising their position.• Air Launched Illumination – deployed by air assets in both IRand white light to provide ground illumination for low level airand ground operations.Night illumination device in<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions 5

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsTraining and SimulationTraining of soldiers and battle groups is a critical part of preparation prior tooperational deployment. Soldiers need to develop experience of the battlefieldenvironment and many nations have set up realistic environments to simulatethe difficulties facing operations in urban, indoor or IED-rich conditions.The explosions, smoke, noise and even smell of the battle are all used.<strong>Chemring</strong>’s range of training and simulation products includes launchers andcartridge based simulators which optimise training productivity and rangeutilization, as well as more traditional, free-standing pyrotechnics.IED threat simulation.White Star, Target Hit Cartridge (M35) simulates the effect of a steelon steel hit or a large calibre munitions explosion using Omega 36.Target hit simulation.6 <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> Delivering global protection

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsLauncher Products :• Omega launchers – provide the Force-on-Force, Force-on-Targetand Military Operations Urban Terrain / Reconnaissance Team(MOUT/RT) training arenas with safe, robust audio visual battlefieldeffects signatures using the Omega cartridge. They can be freestanding or vehicle mounted and are available in single, 36 or60 barrel configurations.• Lightweight Gun Signature Simulator (LGSS) – a light-weightlauncher for a range of Battlefield Effects Simulators (BES) whichuses the 36mm Multiple Effect Cartridges to provide a rangeof effects.• Mini Launch Unit (MLU) – functions as an interface and as alaunching device. It is a launching device for micro and macropyro cards for use in confined and indoor environments.• Portable Control Unit (PCU) – offers the capability for wirelesscontrol of up to 20 pyrotechnic simulating devices with integratedreceiver-transmitter combinations (transceivers). Applicationscenarios could be: artillery simulation; force-on-force; force ontarget; urban operations; periodic training simulations.Cartridge Products:• Omega effects cartridges – produce a range of effects includingmain gun fire, shoulder-launched rocket or missile fire, IED simulator,black, yellow, and tan smoke , airburst, smoke and flash hit etc.• Multiple Effect Cartridges (MECS) – used to simulate various effectssuch as an Armoured Fighting Vehicles Main Gun being fired (brightflash and loud report) and to indicate/simulate notes of direct andindirect fire weapons and ammunition.• Micro Pyro Card (MPC) – based on circuit board technology. Theyare of credit-card size, bearing 5–11 pyrotechnic effects. Ignition iselectrical, thus allowing the simulation of single and multiple shots.The micro pyro cards are intended to be used mainly indoors andwhere small safety distances are of importance, and where hazardsfor health from pyrotechnic effects are to be minimised.• Macro Pyro Card (MacPyC) – with 5 effects is based on circuitboard technology. Like micro pyro cards they are designed to closean effects gap between micro pyro cards and MECS type cartridges.Macro pyro cards are intended to be used outdoors and indoors withvarious effects, ranging from flash/bang/smoke to coloured smokes,stars and others.• WESS ManPAD Cartridge – simulates the visible plume of a surfaceto air missile or shoulder-launched rocket. The simulated effecttravels approximately 150 feet and consumes in flight with no debrisfalling to earth.Free-standing Products:• Simulator IED – Kit is used to achieve general training goalsin awareness training, check point and convoy-training,ambush-training and more.• WESS ManPAD Missile – effectively simulates the effects (blast,bright light and smoke trail for about 2 seconds plus strong plume inthe IR-spectrum of light) during the launch-phase of many types ofportable surface-launched ground to air missiles.• Thunderflash – for use as a training device to provide realisticsimulation of battle noise such as a shell, bomb or other missiles.The igniter will cause the safety fuse to burn with an approximate5-8 second delay. On completion of the delay, a pyrotechniccomposition is ignited resulting in a bright flash and a loud report.• Small and Medium Calibre Tracer (SAT/MAT 60) – provides visualindicator of small and medium weapons fire for ground andaviation training.Mini Launch Unit (MLU).WESS ManPAD<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions 7

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsLaw Enforcement and Crowd ControlStores for peace enforcement and internal security such as CS and stungrenades used mainly for warnings and crowd control, or to impede anadversary’s activities without fatal injury.Products:• CS smoke pellets – for use in all situations where a controlledamount of irritant smoke is required, ie. respirator testing orNBC training.• 38mm CS cartridges – for use where it is required to dispensecontrolled amounts of irritant smoke while maintaining a safestand-off distance.• CS smoke grenade – disperses CS in a smoke form which has longbeen recognised as the best way of deploying the agent in largeopen areas.• Rubber bursting CS grenade – deploys multiple small CS payloadsthat cannot be used in retaliatory mode.• Stun grenades – diversionary assault grenade designedfor use in confined spaces by Special Forces during hostagerelease situations.• First Responder – a fire-suppression grenade for first respondersor to facilitate emergency egress in fire situations.Rubber burstingCS smoke grenade.Crowd control.8 <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> Delivering global protection

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsPyrotechnic Rounds and Payloads<strong>Chemring</strong> designs and manufactures complete pyrotechnic rounds and tailored payloadswhich can be deployed using a variety of conventional weapon systems, including 40mmgrenade launchers, 81mm and 120mm mortars and 155mm Modular Charge Systems.Our tailored payloads are supplied to a number of munitions prime contractors, across arange of medium and large calibre mortars and artillery. <strong>Chemring</strong> payloads are designedto replace existing payloads with the latest composition, providing less toxic and improvedperformance effects, whilst matching current ballistics to the design of new payloads andthe value for money outsourcing of all pyrotechnic payload production. Our productscover both visible and IR ‘black light’ colour spectrums, to meet a number of operationalrequirements, currently focussed in the following areas.• IR Illumination payloads have been supplied and are being developedusing the latest technology to produce the highest levels of IR outputwith minimal white light. Performance can be matched to customerrequirements and the constraints of payload dimensions.• White Light Illumination payloads have been developed to allowthe customer to match their requirements for performanceagainst payload dimension constraints as well as the deployedcharacteristics of the payload. White light compositions aredesigned to avoid existing toxicity and obsolescence issues.• Spotting/Screening Smoke payloads are designed to directlyreplace current White Phosphorus payloads with <strong>Chemring</strong>’sadvanced Red Phosphorus payloads. These payloads are designedto provide a similar visual smoke performance with additional IRbenefits whilst removing the need to redesign existing ones.81mm IR Illumination Mortar rounds• IR Illumination is valuable in asymmetric combat, when forcesdo not want to signal their presence or intentions, but needthe enhanced visibility which IR Illumination gives with nightvision equipment.• 81mm mortars contain an IR illuminating candle supportedby a parachute. The candle burn time is two minutes and at analtitude of 500m illuminates an area 400m in diameter.Other compatible products include:• 35mm Smoke rifle grenades• 40mm rifle grenades• 60mm Illumination Mortars• 81mm Smoke Mortars• 84mm Recoilless Illumination• 4.2” Illumination Mortars• 120mm Illumination MortarsBritish troops fire an 81mm illumination<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions 9

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsInnovation<strong>Chemring</strong> has developed a range of new innovative pyrotechnic products.• Infrared Marker Device (IMD) is a unique product developedby Alloy Surfaces that uses pyrophoric material that reacts whenexposed to air. This small portable device can be used to signalcovertly to locate friendly ground forces. The IMD is deployed bysimply removing the top and throwing the battery-sized device intothe air or on the ground. As the signature material is released fromits container, it emits an IR energy which can be seen with aircrafttargeting pods in the Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR). Alloy Surfaceshas also developed a Covert Position Marker (CPM) that is in thesame configuration as the IMD, but cannot be detected by NightVision Devices.• Multiple Effects Rocket System (MERS) Minimal signature atinitiation combined with no visible signature throughout flightproviding concealment from detection at launch. The range ofMERS rocket now includes 300m, 400m, 600m and 1000m.• High-altitude Unit Navigated Tactical Imaging Round (HUNTIR)40mm camera parachute round which can be fired from any lowvelocity grenade launcher and, in conjunction with a dedicated videoreceiving unit, provides real-time streaming video and a series of highresolution images of the surrounding battlefield.• Low Toxicity Smoke payloads are currently under developmentand are being designed to replace current smoke payloads witha next generation, non-phosphorus based solution.MERS hand-held illumination rocket.Hand-thrown Infrared Marker Device (IMD).IMD’s IR signature.10 <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> Delivering global protection

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applicationsCapabilities• Red phosphorous laboratory• Pyrotechnic laboratory• Mixing of energetic materials• Pressing of energetic materials• Fluid bed granulation• Drop test rig• Water immersion rig – up to 1.5m of water• Short gun range (80m)• Sound output measurement• Particle size analysis• Moisture analysis• Purity/impurity analysis• Pyrotechnic device breakdown• Electrical initiation system development• Flash device development• Pyrotechnic blending• Black tunnel test facility to test tracers and illuminating payloads• Test capabilities• Assembly machines• Hazards classification• Fully automated production lines• Semi-automated assembly lines• Anaerobic process capability for air-reactive<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> & Munitions

High quality pyrotechnics for military and security applications<strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong><strong>Chemring</strong> House1500 ParkwayWhiteleyFarehamHampshireUnited Kingdom PO15 7AFTel: +44 (0)1489 881880Email: 3 © <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> 2013The information in this document is the property of <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> and may not be copied or communicated to a third party or used for any12purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong>. This information is given in good faith basedupon the latest information available to <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong>; no warranty or representation is given concerning such information, which must not betaken as establishing any contractual or other commitment binding upon <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> or any of its subsidiary or associated companies.<strong>Pyrotechnics</strong>& Munitions | <strong>Pyrotechnics</strong> Delivering global protection

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