Excel Based Finite Difference Modeling of Ground Water Flow

Excel Based Finite Difference Modeling of Ground Water Flow

Excel Based Finite Difference Modeling of Ground Water Flow

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Fig. 5.Example <strong>of</strong> a larger groundwater flow model with contour map from Surfer.ReferencesAnderson, M.P., Woessner, W.W., 1992. Applied<strong>Ground</strong>water <strong>Modeling</strong>, Academic Press, USA, 20-21.Chiang, W.H., Kinzelbach.W., 1998. (PMPATH 98).An advective transport model for ProcessingModflow and Modflow.El-Sheimy, N., Valeo, C. Habib, A., 2005. DigitalTerrain <strong>Modeling</strong>, Acquisition, Manipulation andApplications, Artech House Inc., 22-24.McDonald, M. G., Harbaugh, A, W., 1988. Amodular three-dimensional finite differenceground water flow model. <strong>Modeling</strong> Techniques,Book 6, USGS open-file report, 83-875.Neuman, S. P, 1973. Calibration <strong>of</strong> distributed parametersgroundwater flow models viewed as a multipleobjectivedecision process under uncertainty. <strong>Water</strong>Resources Research 9(4), 1006 – 1021.Prickett, T.A., 1975. <strong>Modeling</strong> Techniques forgroundwater evaluation. In advance inHydroscience. New York, Academic Press, 1-113.Wang, H.F., Anderson, M.P., 1982, Introduction togroundwater modeling – finite difference and finiteelement methods. W.H. Freeman and Company, 2-3.53

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