limits and new approach in improving seed potato production in ...

limits and new approach in improving seed potato production in ... limits and new approach in improving seed potato production in ...


National Institute of Research andDevelopment for Potato and Sugar BeetBrasov, RomaniaNew challenges in improving Romanianseed potato productionSorin Chiru, Gheorghe Olteanu, Nicoleta Chiru, Diana KarácsonyiBrasov 24-25 Novembre, 2010

National Institute of Research <strong>and</strong>Development for Potato <strong>and</strong> Sugar BeetBrasov, RomaniaNew challenges <strong>in</strong> improv<strong>in</strong>g Romanian<strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong>Sor<strong>in</strong> Chiru, Gheorghe Olteanu, Nicoleta Chiru, Diana KarácsonyiBrasov 24-25 Novembre, 2010

Content1. General considerations2. Current situation on <strong>potato</strong> <strong>seed</strong> <strong>in</strong> Romania until 19893. Analysis of <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> organization4. Proposed strategic plan for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong>

1. Generalconsiderations

• Romania has jo<strong>in</strong>ed the EU <strong>in</strong> 2007• Accession to EU / important factor for arapid reform• Money implications for rural economy <strong>and</strong>agriculture

Cultivated surface: 8 million hectares• Cereals: 62%• Oleag<strong>in</strong>ous plants: 15%• Potato: 3,2%• Potato – strategic food – component offood security system

Area (X1000 Ha)Total yield (MT)The rank of Romania <strong>in</strong> Europe600,0500,0400,0300,0200,0100,00,012,010,08,06,04,02,00,0Area (x1000 ha)Total yield MT)The rank of Romania <strong>in</strong> Europe by the <strong>potato</strong> area <strong>and</strong> total yield(Statistical Yearbook of Romania <strong>and</strong> FAO Database, 2008)

Potato area <strong>in</strong> Romania between1950-20103503002502573042913132562712462001501005001950 - 60 1960 - 70 1970 - 80 1980 - 90 1990 - 00 2000 - 10 2010Source: (FAO Database 2008, MADR 2010)

Evolution of <strong>potato</strong> area, average <strong>and</strong> total yieldIn Romania <strong>in</strong> the last 10 years (2000-2010, MADR, INS)YearArea Average Yield Total Yield(Ha X 1000) (T/Ha)(MT)2000 282.7 12.3 3469.82001 276.7 14.4 3997.12002 283.2 14.3 4077.62003 281.8 14.0 3947.12004 254.0 16.6 4230.22005 285.3 13.1 3738.52006 283.1 14.2 4015.92007 272.5 13.6 3712.42008 268.0 13.7 3671.62009 254.5 15.8 4010.92010 246.2 - -

2. Currentsituation on<strong>potato</strong> <strong>seed</strong> <strong>in</strong>Romania until1989

Ma<strong>in</strong> varieties (native <strong>and</strong> foreign) <strong>in</strong>period 1978-2010• 1978-1985 Romanian (40% of total <strong>potato</strong> area):– Semenic– Super– Col<strong>in</strong>a– Suceviţa• 1985-2004 Duch (78%):– Ostara– Desiree– Sante• Most important varieties (from National System)– 2004-2010• Romanian: Redsec, Roclas, Christian, Magic, Tentant• Duch: Kondor, Riviera, Impala, Tresor, Arrow, Carrera,Sante, Romano• German: Bellarosa, Laura, Red Fantasy, Jelly

Varieties of national system for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong><strong>production</strong> (NFP, 2010)Orig<strong>in</strong>s No. Surface % (878 ha)Romanian 8 7.5EU 57 92Canada 2 0.5Total varieties: 67

Evolution of <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> area <strong>in</strong> Romania(1971-2010)20000184781800016000140001200010000800060006016441540002686200089601971 - 80 1981 - 90 1991 - 00 2001 - 10 2010

Breed<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong>• Biological resources (variety, <strong>seed</strong>) contribute > 60% to<strong>potato</strong> yield• Objectives of Romanian <strong>potato</strong> breed<strong>in</strong>g– Variety for fresh consumption– Variety for process<strong>in</strong>g• High yield capacity• Resistance/tolerance:– late blight– viruses– wart disease– nematodes• More tolerant to abiotic conditions

3. Analysis of<strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong>organization

System of <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong> <strong>in</strong> Romania(until 1990)BSE: base super eliteSE: super eliteE: eliteB: base

Specialized areas for <strong>potato</strong> crop <strong>in</strong> Romania

General considerations-The objectives of the modern agriculture is thecont<strong>in</strong>uously improvement of the <strong>production</strong>process- The quality of <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> is one of the ma<strong>in</strong>ways to achieve a high <strong>and</strong> qualitative<strong>production</strong>

Current situation of <strong>potato</strong> <strong>seed</strong> zon<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Romania until 1989Start<strong>in</strong>g from centralized zon<strong>in</strong>g system for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong>es, <strong>in</strong> Romania, until1989 operated a system of <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong> <strong>and</strong> multiplication based onorganization of closed areas, ma<strong>in</strong>ly <strong>in</strong> seven counties: Bacau, Botosani, Brasov,Covasna, Harghita, Neamt <strong>and</strong> Suceava

Organiz<strong>in</strong>g Pr<strong>in</strong>ciples Closed area for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> must be <strong>in</strong>to 1st re<strong>new</strong>al area It has to be separated by natural obstacles <strong>and</strong> protection l<strong>in</strong>esthat ensure an efficient isolation from consumption<strong>potato</strong> crops On meteorological conditions that would limit the development<strong>and</strong> spread of v diseases transmitt<strong>in</strong>g aphids The closed area has to cover a relatively large zone that wouldallow the annual <strong>potato</strong> cultivation on at least 1.500 ha All areas <strong>in</strong>side the closed zone have to be planted only with<strong>seed</strong><strong>in</strong>g material from superior biological categories On areas planted with <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>in</strong>side the zone, the wholecomplex of phytosanitary measures for prevention ofviruses diseases spread has to be applied

Re<strong>new</strong>al area for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>in</strong> RomaniaLegend3 year re<strong>new</strong>al area2 year re<strong>new</strong>al area1 year re<strong>new</strong>al area

Physical Map of Romania

Climatic Map of Romania

Closed area RASNOV, Brasov CountyLocalization: Western area of BârsaDepressionAltitude: 600mIsolation: 1. Natural (Postăvarul Mounta<strong>in</strong>massive, Bucegi Mounta<strong>in</strong>s, Piatra Craiuluimassive, Persani Mounta<strong>in</strong>); 2. Protectionisolation l<strong>in</strong>e NorthParticipation: INCDCSZ, Codlea,Cristian, Ghimbav, Râsnov, Stup<strong>in</strong>i,Vulcan, ZărnestiSoil Condition: “brancioguri”, alluvialClime condition: MAA Pp=725.6 mm,MAA Temp=7.8o C

Closed area HARMAN, Brasov CountyLocalization: Eastern area of BârsaDepressionAltitude: 560mIsolation: 1. Natural (Piatra Mare massive,Ciucas Peak, Olt River);2. Protection l<strong>in</strong>e Isolation NorthParticipation: Hărman, Prejmer, Sâmpetru,Săcele,Purcăreni, Teliu, Tărlungeni, Budila,Feldioara, HălchiuSoil Condition: “brancioguri”, alluvialClime condition: MAA Pp=610.0 mm, MAATemp=7.5o C

Closed area RASNOVClosed area Harman

SWOT analysis of Romanian<strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong>Strengths- good tradition on <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong>, favorableconditions for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong>;- available micro areas for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>production</strong>;- big number of adequate <strong>potato</strong> varieties;- <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>in</strong>dustry dem<strong>and</strong>s;- <strong>potato</strong> is still a staple food for Romania.Opportunities- <strong>new</strong> releases varieties;- dem<strong>and</strong> of <strong>potato</strong>es for eastern countries;- Romania still has more than 200,000 ha of<strong>potato</strong> crop.Weaknesses- low price for <strong>seed</strong> on domestic market;- small sized <strong>potato</strong> farms;- relative high <strong>production</strong> costs;- few up to date farms.Threats- economical crises;- the governmental subsidies for <strong>seed</strong><strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong> were cut;- high pressure from other EU countries;- global climate change;- lack of guaranteed m<strong>in</strong>imum prices.

4. Proposedstrategic planfor <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong>

Proposed strategic plan for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> microzonigTak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to consideration the <strong>new</strong> situation for the <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong><strong>production</strong> system <strong>in</strong> Romania, the follow<strong>in</strong>g pr<strong>in</strong>ciples for organiz<strong>in</strong>gthe micro zones were stated: Micro zones for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> must be <strong>in</strong>to 1sd re<strong>new</strong>al area Micro zones will avoid areas were quarant<strong>in</strong>e diseases <strong>and</strong> pests werereported It has to be separated by natural obstacles <strong>and</strong> protection l<strong>in</strong>es that ensurean efficient isolation from consumption <strong>potato</strong> crops Micro zones will be set <strong>in</strong> proper climatic <strong>and</strong> soil conditions for thestimulation of <strong>production</strong> <strong>and</strong> the limitation of development <strong>and</strong>spread of viruses diseases transmitt<strong>in</strong>g aphids All areas <strong>in</strong>side the closed zone have to be planted only with <strong>seed</strong><strong>in</strong>gmaterial from superior biological categories Proper monitor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> management of the micro zone crops accord<strong>in</strong>g tohe best agricultural practices (BAP) <strong>and</strong> precision agriculturepr<strong>in</strong>ciples

Proposed strategic plan for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> microzonigSpecific area with data characterizationattachedMicrozones for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> must be <strong>in</strong>to 1stre<strong>new</strong>al areaYesNoYesNoNoNoIs <strong>in</strong> 1st re<strong>new</strong>alarea?YesIs quarant<strong>in</strong>ediseases area?NoIs area separated bynatural obstacles?YesHas the area properclimatic condition?YesHas the area propersoil conditions?Microzones will avoid areas were quarant<strong>in</strong>ediseases <strong>and</strong> pests were reported: BACTERIALdiseases (R<strong>in</strong>g rot (Clavibacter sp.), Bacterial wilt/brown rot(Pseudomonas sp.)); FUNGAL diseases(Wart (Synchytrium sp.); NEMATODES (Potato cyst(Globodera sp.))It has to be separated by natural obstacles <strong>and</strong>protection l<strong>in</strong>es that ensure an efficient isolation fromconsumption <strong>potato</strong> cropsMicrozones will be set <strong>in</strong> proper climatic conditionsfor limitation of development <strong>and</strong> spread of virusesdiseases transmitt<strong>in</strong>g aphids:Mean daily temperature: 18-20 0 C;Mean night temperature: below 19 0 C;Precipitation for 120-150 days: 500-700 mmNoRejectionYesHave the farmersexpertise?YesMicrozones will be set <strong>in</strong> proper soil conditions forthe stimulation of <strong>production</strong>: Textures (s<strong>and</strong>s toclay loams); pH (6.5-7.5); Soil compaction (NO);Crop rotation (at least 4 years);Tillage <strong>and</strong> soil managementProper identified microzone for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong>Logical scheme for identify<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>potato</strong> <strong>seed</strong> microzone

Reorganization of <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong> <strong>in</strong> micro zones based on thecurrent socio-economic realities, the results on scientificresearch <strong>and</strong> specially the most recent <strong>in</strong>vestigation system <strong>and</strong>GIS, GPS, DSS analysis <strong>and</strong> monitor<strong>in</strong>g of soil, waterresources, biological vectors, crop health <strong>and</strong> experience offarmers <strong>in</strong> <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> cultivation The process<strong>in</strong>g of agricultural data was done with ESRI Arc View v. 9.3(ESRI, 2000 a). One of the components of the Arc View used fordata analysis was Spatial Analyst (ESRI, 2000 b) with its ModelBuilder module (ESRI, 2000 c)

‣ Were used geographic <strong>in</strong>formation at Romanian level (scale1:1,000,000), at county level (scale 1:100,000) <strong>and</strong> farmlevel (scale 1:10,000)‣ The examples are made on Brasov county for the adm<strong>in</strong>istrativeorganization (figure 2), soil status (figure 3)Figure 2. Adm<strong>in</strong>istrative mapof Brasov countyFigure 3. Soil map ofBrasov county

‣ Based on the pr<strong>in</strong>ciples presented above were identified two micro zone<strong>in</strong> each former closed areas (Rasnov <strong>and</strong> Harman) from Brasovcounty.‣ In figure 5 are presented the micro zone Brasov-Ghimbav <strong>and</strong> Codlea-Vulcan, from former Rasnov closed area.‣ In figure 6 are presented the microzone Harman <strong>and</strong> Halchiu from formerHarman closed area‣ This micro zone offer best conditions for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong>MZ HalchiuMZ Codlea-VulcanMZ Brasov-GhimbavMZ HarmanFig. 5. Micro zones for <strong>potato</strong> <strong>seed</strong><strong>in</strong> Harman closed areaFig. 6. Micro zones for <strong>potato</strong> <strong>seed</strong><strong>in</strong> Harman closed area

MAKIS Project• Supported by Romanian Government <strong>and</strong>World Bank• New facilities for <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>production</strong>from disease tested tissue culture plantlets• cca. 1,000,000 m<strong>in</strong>itubers/year• Romanian varieties• Total amount 1,500,000 Euro

The diagram of produc<strong>in</strong>g <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong>(present <strong>and</strong> proposed system)YearPRESENT SEED POTATO SYSTEM INROMANIA 2010ROMÂNIAYearPROPOSED SYSTEM 20121. Micropropagation11. MicropropagationINCDCSZ-BV1INCDCSZ-BV22. M<strong>in</strong>itubers <strong>in</strong> glass-house2. F 0 M<strong>in</strong>itubers via33. Clone A2microplantlets <strong>in</strong> glass-house (PB)1.000.00044.Clone B33. F 1 (PB)55.Clone C44. F 2 (PB)676.Clone D7.BSE55. F 3 (B)88.SE66. F 4 (Certified <strong>seed</strong>)BSE: base super elite99. ESE: super elite1010. Classe AE: elitePB: pre-base1111. Classe BB: base

Produc<strong>in</strong>g <strong>seed</strong> <strong>potato</strong> <strong>in</strong> Romania

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