full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) 1163-1172 April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1170as preferred choice for molecular typing. RFLPfingerprints based on 18S rRNA <strong>and</strong> ITSsequence to distinguish C. fenestratum from itsadulterants Arcangelisia flava <strong>and</strong> Fibruareatinctoria in the Thai herbal market (26).DNA information may not be directlycorrelated with the amounts <strong>of</strong> the activeingredients. However, genetic data has its ownadvantages over other methods <strong>of</strong> authentication.Molecular markers are least affected by age,environmental factors <strong>and</strong> physiological conditions<strong>of</strong> the plant samples they are not t<strong>issue</strong> specific<strong>and</strong> thus can be detected at any stage <strong>of</strong>development, with a small amount <strong>of</strong> sample, inany physical form (14). DNA based methods havebeen success<strong>full</strong>y used to even authenticateherbal constituents in commercial herbalpreparations in which the components have beenground, boiled, concentrated, dried <strong>and</strong> blended(10). DNA markers can increase industrialapplication <strong>of</strong> the molecular techniques (27).The DNA markers described in this studywill be useful in quality control <strong>of</strong> herbal raw drugs<strong>and</strong> also in selecting genuine C. fenestratum forresearch. However, DNA markers together withthe chemical fingerprint would improve quality <strong>of</strong>herbal medicines.AcknowledgementFinancial support for this study wasprovided by Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment <strong>and</strong> Forests,Government <strong>of</strong> India as “Centre <strong>of</strong> Excellence”grant. Authors wish to thank Dr. K. Ravikumar,Dr. Jawahar <strong>and</strong> Mr. R. Murugan, for collection<strong>of</strong> authentic plant samples <strong>and</strong> useful discussion.Thanks are due to Pr<strong>of</strong>. K.V. Krishnamurthy forhis suggestions in preparing this manuscript.References1. Tushar K.V., George S., Remashree A.B.<strong>and</strong> Balach<strong>and</strong>ran I. (2008). Cosciniumfenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr.-A review onthis rare, critically endangered <strong>and</strong> highlytradedmedicinal species. J Plant Sci., 3:133-145.2. Walter, K.S <strong>and</strong> Gillett, J.H. (1998). 1997-IUCN Red List <strong>of</strong> Threatened Plants.Cambridge-International Union forConservation <strong>of</strong> Nature (IUCN), WorldConservation Union.3. Anonymous. (2006). The AyurvedicPharmacopoeia <strong>of</strong> India, Part I, Vol V.Government <strong>of</strong> India, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Health <strong>and</strong>Family Welfare, Department <strong>of</strong> IndianSystems <strong>of</strong> Medicine & Homoeopathy, NewDelhi, pp. 60-624. Warrier, P.K., Nambiar, V.P.K. <strong>and</strong>Ramankutty, C.. (1994). Indian MedicinalPlants, a Compendium <strong>of</strong> 500 species.Orient Longman Limited, Madras, pp. 191-193.5. Shirwaikar, A., Rajendran, K. <strong>and</strong> PunithaI.S.R.. (2005). Antidiabetic activity <strong>of</strong>alcoholic stem extract <strong>of</strong> Cosciniumfenestratumin streptozotocin-nicotinamideinduced type 2 diabetic rats. JEthnopharmacol, 97: 369-374.6. Rojsanga P, Gritsanapan W <strong>and</strong> SuntornsukL. (2006). Determination <strong>of</strong> berberinecontent in the stem extracts <strong>of</strong> Cosciniumfenestratumby TLC densitometry. MedPrinc Pract., 15: 373-378.7. Wongbutdee J. (2009). Physiological effects<strong>of</strong> Berberine. Thai Pharm Health Sci J., 4:78 - 838. Ved DK <strong>and</strong> Goraya GS. (2008). Dem<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> supply <strong>of</strong> medicinal plants in India.Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, DehraDun.Balasubramani <strong>and</strong> Venkatasubramanian

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